Phase 1 - Proving Your Worthiness - COMPLETED!Phase 1 has endedThis phase is different in each Trial. It usually has something to do with helping out the community, but it can also be something where you show your skills as an Elements player. Both the Master an a Challenger can skip this phase (and not get points) if he or she so chooses.Below are three different options. Each participant has to choose and complete
two of these options.
Elements the Game
Fighting False Gods1. Design a
unique anti-False God deck and post it on the forums.
at least 33% percent of cards have to be from your element. For example if you are participating in the Trial of Fire and use a 30 card deck, 10 cards have to be from Fire (Pillars are included).
- any number of cards
- any mark
2. Go fight False Gods with your new deck and take a screenshot of you beating
12 different False Gods. Trainer can be used but the use of "More Power" button is prohibited. You have to use the
same exact deck every time.
3. Post both your deck (or a link to it) and the screenshots on the "Phase 1" topic of your element.
Elements Forums
Card Idea Series1. Design
6 new card ideas.
- each card belongs to your element
- cards have some kind of synergy between them. Each card must have synergy with at least one of the other 5 cards.
2. Post all 6 card ideas in the "Card Ideas and Art" section.
3. Start a
card series topic for the cards where you explain the idea behind the series and talk about the synergy between the cards. Finally include a deck (in text form) that uses those 6 cards (as well as current cards if needed).
4. Post a link to your card series page on the "Phase 1" topic of your element.
Elements Wiki
Featured ArticleIf you go visit the new wiki, you will see that there is an animated "Featured Articles" showcase on the front page. Goal is to get high quality Featured Articles that we can advertise on the front page. Trial contestants now have a chance to proove their worthiness by writing an awesome featured article. Best articles will be promoted to "Featured Article" status.
1. Write an article of
at least 1500 words (use to count the words). You can write about anything as long as it is Elements related. Browse the forums for article ideas. Your article also has to contain at least one image so that we can put it on the front page.
2. Post your article on the wiki (requires registering). If you have problems with that, ask Scaredgirl (or one of the Wiki Editors) for help.
3. Post a link to your article on the "Phase 1" topic of your element.
After you have successfully completed 2 of the options above, you will receive the full 10 points. If you complete only one option, you get 4 points.
Remember that how well you do during Phase 1 will most likely affect your score during Phase 2 (the vote).
If you have any questions, please post them here.
Good luck everyone.
P.s. these rules are still subject to change.