11/24 now
i cant believe some are still not taken, Fire Queen and Chaos Lord comes to mind
one thing you need to remind yourself is that you will be playing with FG deck vs other FG decks
All ??? are aether pendulums. This is relatively close. I used six instead of eight of the deja vus, blessings, and RoLs. Then I replaced the aether towers with pendulums and added a couple for good measure. It still feels short quanta in all three elements.
Feel free to alter it however you'd like. User beware: I tested it against AI5 and it's awful.
i understand you want to keep to the 'feel' of Paradox but i think we need to include some
pendulums instead of
pendulums to give it a fair chance
But Paradox source of quanta IS RoL!" you say...i know that
as is it right now, you have 6 aether cards to make use of all that aether pendulum but only 6 fragile RoLs to fuel 13
cards (not counting RoLs for obvious reason) which imo is quite a waste
it is as if you're giving a free bye to whoever facing the poor sap who uses Paradox
my suggestion is switching some of those aether pendulum for light pendulum instead (4~6?)
yeah, it wont be the same as Paradox because now you cant deny his
with just CCs but at least it will give whoever using it a fair chance to actually play the deck