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Re: Weekly Tournament - March 16th - Breaking Up - Upgraded https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=47662.msg1051762#msg1051762
« Reply #60 on: March 17, 2013, 06:59:17 pm »
the tournament had tons of restrictions.

- only a few allowed creatures (I think all of the participians got that)
- no pendulums
- no pump spells like drain life
- then the mark thingy.

Trust me, it was easy to miss one of these.
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Re: Weekly Tournament - March 16th - Breaking Up - Upgraded https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=47662.msg1051763#msg1051763
« Reply #61 on: March 17, 2013, 07:01:08 pm »
Sorry, but if you spend 5 minutes on deckbuilding, it should be impossible to miss anything there.

Besides, even if it was hard, an illegal deck is an illegal deck. I also had to laugh when one arguement was that the deck "wasn't THAT illegal".

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Re: Weekly Tournament - March 16th - Breaking Up - Upgraded https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=47662.msg1051778#msg1051778
« Reply #62 on: March 17, 2013, 08:05:43 pm »
the tournament had tons of restrictions.

- only a few allowed creatures (I think all of the participians got that)
- no pendulums
- no pump spells like drain life
- then the mark thingy.

Trust me, it was easy to miss one of these.

Every tournament has limited cards, therefore they're barely considered a "Limitation" or a "Rule" IMO.

Few Allowed Creatures : It's in a picture.. hard to miss.
No pendulums -- Pretty easy. Just don't click the pendulums. It's a simple rule, really.
- No pump spells like drain life --> We have a picture with Banned non-creature cards.
- Then the mark thingy --> Use an element in your deck. You can't use that as your mark. Not hard to get this one across either.

The rules are actually pretty simple when compared to most of the rules we see around tournaments.

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Re: Weekly Tournament - March 16th - Breaking Up - Upgraded https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=47662.msg1051784#msg1051784
« Reply #63 on: March 17, 2013, 08:27:10 pm »
In case you were wondering, I built a legal deck like a week in advance. It was the same deck but had a fire mark and 2 explosions in it.

I didn't paste the deck code anywhere because I didn't think I was going to play in a tourney that started at 4am.

I was afk in the chatroom till 4:05ish. Speedbuilt a deck that I've been using for two years (including pendulums and aether mark). I remembered I had put explosions in it originally, but I figured I would just side that in game 2 if I really needed them (forgot about the rule)
First round avenger plays QT and SN and then forfeits 2nd game because he didn't have any other deck prepared.

Round 2 I play mrpaper, play a pendulum and get DQ'd first game. Since I had an aether mark I didn't think it should be an issue and didn't think about it when I was deckbuilding (didn't have 14 aether towers)

Upgraded 6 aether towers and removed all the pends. Beat mrpaper next two games

Played kuro and beat him 2-0

Played Ascabi and beat him 2-0

If at any point someone had pointed out that I couldn't use an aether mark I would have changed decks (put in the fire mark and explosions), I just didn't remember that rule between 4-6am.

It's a little slower without aether mark, but not that much slower and the explosions aren't useless. It's not like I wouldn't have won any of my games. While it might have affected things, I beat ascabi 60 hp first game and EM'd him 2nd game so it's not like it was a 1 turn game. against mrpaper i significantly outrushed him and kuro used a firestall and something else where the 2 explosions would have helped against his fire shield and sancs.

Yes I fked up, but it wasn't intentional and like ascabi himself who played an illegal deck earlier as well, I would have corrected the issue.

I'm sorry it happened and if anyone really feels like I cheated them in this tourney, I'm sorry. Really wasn't my intention.

Also know that I really like forum icons (even though I have a small collection myself) and that not earning one is a bigger punishment than you guys think. I'm not really in it for the marks although they're a nice bonus.

It's in the past. There's a tournament every week so lets all move on.
My default opinion of a new card is OP. Your job as a card creator will have to be to convince me otherwise.
Happy to help with questions regarding upped PvP
Thanks for voting Blarp as your Favorite PvP Deck of 2012!
Blarp (the deck), bane of Championship League

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Re: Weekly Tournament - March 16th - Breaking Up - Upgraded https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=47662.msg1051801#msg1051801
« Reply #64 on: March 17, 2013, 08:45:19 pm »
In case you were wondering, I built a legal deck like a week in advance. It was the same deck but had a fire mark and 2 explosions in it.

I didn't paste the deck code anywhere because I didn't think I was going to play in a tourney that started at 4am.

I was afk in the chatroom till 4:05ish. Speedbuilt a deck that I've been using for two years (including pendulums and aether mark). I remembered I had put explosions in it originally, but I figured I would just side that in game 2 if I really needed them (forgot about the rule)
First round avenger plays QT and SN and then forfeits 2nd game because he didn't have any other deck prepared.

Round 2 I play mrpaper, play a pendulum and get DQ'd first game. Since I had an aether mark I didn't think it should be an issue and didn't think about it when I was deckbuilding (didn't have 14 aether towers)

Upgraded 6 aether towers and removed all the pends. Beat mrpaper next two games

Played kuro and beat him 2-0

Played Ascabi and beat him 2-0

If at any point someone had pointed out that I couldn't use an aether mark I would have changed decks (put in the fire mark and explosions), I just didn't remember that rule between 4-6am.

It's a little slower without aether mark, but not that much slower and the explosions aren't useless. It's not like I wouldn't have won any of my games. While it might have affected things, I beat ascabi 60 hp first game and EM'd him 2nd game so it's not like it was a 1 turn game. against mrpaper i significantly outrushed him and kuro used a firestall and something else where the 2 explosions would have helped against his fire shield and sancs.

Yes I fked up, but it wasn't intentional and like ascabi himself who played an illegal deck earlier as well, I would have corrected the issue.

I'm sorry it happened and if anyone really feels like I cheated them in this tourney, I'm sorry. Really wasn't my intention.

Also know that I really like forum icons (even though I have a small collection myself) and that not earning one is a bigger punishment than you guys think. I'm not really in it for the marks although they're a nice bonus.

It's in the past. There's a tournament every week so lets all move on.

It's not 'in the past' until there is an appropriate reaction from the TOs that isn't give the person who was alerted their deck was illegal, then proceeds to get a mark for it that at the minimum involves a rule change which there hasn't been noted in the official rules.

The fact that this issue is trying to be pushed aside along with your previous actions involving leagues doesn't entirely make me sure this was an accident after the deck modification.

There hasn't been a forum TO response either, to boot. None of this bodes well for the future integrity of tournaments.
You're just as selfish as I am. You're just not as good at it yet.


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Re: Weekly Tournament - March 16th - Breaking Up - Upgraded https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=47662.msg1051804#msg1051804
« Reply #65 on: March 17, 2013, 08:47:24 pm »
Pardon, but it is not in the past; it is in the very present and it is going to be in the future too if we don't deal with it. With all respect, the "if" clause doesn't mean anything. With the same thinking, if I was luckier and if I was not RNG-ruined, I would have won 90% of my tournies, let's give me their respective code awards then! The fact you could "possibly" win with the legal version means nothing; why didn't you used the legal version in the first place since it was effective enough to beat your opponents?
Seriously, the most dissapointing fact in NOT that you cheated, dear Blarp. It is the fact you are still making excuses instead of learning from your mistake. -1 rep from me... :(
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Re: Weekly Tournament - March 16th - Breaking Up - Upgraded https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=47662.msg1051815#msg1051815
« Reply #66 on: March 17, 2013, 09:19:36 pm »
Pardon, but it is not in the past; it is in the very present and it is going to be in the future too if we don't deal with it. With all respect, the "if" clause doesn't mean anything. With the same thinking, if I was luckier and if I was not RNG-ruined, I would have won 90% of my tournies, let's give me their respective code awards then! The fact you could "possibly" win with the legal version means nothing; why didn't you used the legal version in the first place since it was effective enough to beat your opponents?
Seriously, the most dissapointing fact in NOT that you cheated, dear Blarp. It is the fact you are still making excuses instead of learning from your mistake. -1 rep from me... :(

What's with all the hate? I told my side of my story out of goodwill not out of some desire for excuses.

This is the second time you've implied I'm a cheater ART.

My default opinion of a new card is OP. Your job as a card creator will have to be to convince me otherwise.
Happy to help with questions regarding upped PvP
Thanks for voting Blarp as your Favorite PvP Deck of 2012!
Blarp (the deck), bane of Championship League

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Re: Weekly Tournament - March 16th - Breaking Up - Upgraded https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=47662.msg1051836#msg1051836
« Reply #67 on: March 17, 2013, 11:19:03 pm »
This is one of the things I dislike most about weekly tourneys... there isn't any real good way to check for deck legality before the match starts.
I know it's fun to have all these crazy rules and it makes play a lot more interesting but it can cause mistakes in deck making, and it can be exploited.
I am not pointing fingers or accusing anyone of wrong-doing, it just doesn't look good for someone to be rewarded with a Mark code when their deck did not meet the requirements of the tourney.
Not really sure how to combat this issue tho... maybe decks should be submitted in a manner similar to war for legality...
Back in trials Laxa had an illegal deck and had won Master of Gravity... after revelation he gave back that title and earned a whole lot of respect from me, and I would guess, many others as well.
I know it's just a game and we should have fun with it but there is something to be said on how one conducts themselves while they are in this community.

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Re: Weekly Tournament - March 16th - Breaking Up - Upgraded https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=47662.msg1052005#msg1052005
« Reply #68 on: March 18, 2013, 07:42:58 am »
I find using an illegal deck since round one a major problem. Anyone who uses an illegal deck, whether they'd win or not the match with the legal one, should lose the match. And as you have been using it since the first/second round, you lost right there.

That's, of course, my opinion that you shouldn't receive your code. It's an illegal deck all over the tournament, and people who used a legal deck (or not?) get a third and fourth award?

I, for one, am of the voting that you shouldn't have received second place or any code. But I guess that happened, right?

What didn't happen is that using an illegal deck all tournament long is a major disruption of the tournament when it's discovered, and it is quite the failure to read the rules in the thread. I would assume a one-week tournament ban would be issued out of this, according to Tournament Rules...

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Re: Weekly Tournament - March 16th - Breaking Up - Upgraded https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=47662.msg1052736#msg1052736
« Reply #69 on: March 20, 2013, 11:55:42 pm »
Due to the lack of guidance in the rules, I had to make a decision that is based on general PvP rules, which might not give the best outcome that everyone would like to see.

To ensure the scenario won't happen again, new rules have been enforced. Please make sure you are familiar with that if you plan to join tournaments in the future.

Meanwhile, please consider yourself being super lucky, blarp.
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Re: Weekly Tournament - March 16th - Breaking Up - Upgraded https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=47662.msg1052863#msg1052863
« Reply #70 on: March 21, 2013, 07:12:14 am »
What's with all the hate? I told my side of my story out of goodwill not out of some desire for excuses.

This is the second time you've implied I'm a cheater ART.

I am not implying you're a cheater and I never implied you have cheated in the past. This has not to do with cheating; obviously, this tourny had many rules which were difficult to follow completely, but even so we have to follow them. My "hate" has to do with the attitude of yours (my opponents were experienced players who didn't notice that my deck was illegal, so it is also their fault, and I would have won aynway even with the legal version of my deck), which shows you are not truly sorry about all that has happened. Once again, you decide to "attack" another person (this time, this person is me) instead of denying your price and 2nd place as a tru ETG player would do. Period. And take another -1 from me for another one immature and selfish respond. >:(
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Re: Weekly Tournament - March 16th - Breaking Up - Upgraded https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=47662.msg1052884#msg1052884
« Reply #71 on: March 21, 2013, 10:53:16 am »
[...]instead of denying your price and 2nd place as a tru[e] ETG player would do. [...]


