So, new seasons are starting. What are you guys planning to keep up with if any.
Definitely following: SAO and Yuru Yuri s2. Probably following: Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai (I usually don't like this genre, but I found the fanservice made much sense here than in 99% of other series so I'm not really minding it) and Tari Tari (not really impressed but the plot, but the art...
). Everything else is either "not very impressive but I'll try to see a couple of episodes more" or "still to be checked".
My favourites anime have come to an end.....i'm anime hunting. Thanks for some suggestions. But it's better for me to provide info on the types that i like : action, funny, romance.
Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekina is quite similar to Highschool DxD imho (maybe a little more of plot and less boobs), but it's loaded with fanservice so I don't know how you could feel about it. About action, funny, romance everything I'm aware of so far:
Campione (more action oriented, the story is not gonna win any award but I liked the characters and the Italian sentences - I'm Italian - are so bad that are hilarious; if you just need a shounen to shut down your brain and watch some action/romance without much fanservice, I'd pick this one, if you prefer fanservice I'd pick Dakara etc., if you don't mind either, I'd pick both

la Storia dell'Arcana Famiglia (more funny oriented, decent episode 1, bad episode 2 basically already a filler, still funny Italian, lol, I'm giving it a last chance with episode 3 before dropping it),
Oda Nobuna no Yabou (it's the nth series set in Sengoku period where famous daimyo were girls, it's probably the best of all of them which says basically nothing; don't expect a masterpiece but some scenes are funny
Binbougami ga!(it's just the kind of nonsensical action/comedy that tries too hard to be funny and fails miserably, I think it's terrible but maybe it's your kind of humor).
Still have to check some of other stuff, too bad I'm overloaded with work.
Just to know, what were your favorite animes that ended? So that I can have a vague idea on what could fit your likings.