Hi, i'm new here!
I'm really loving this game, and i think i'm doing good... I'm using the mono Aether to fight the Level 5 elementals, but i'm not winning any cards, and seems like it'll take forever to get enough money to upgrade a card... i'm earning about 30 moneys each win, so if i win every single game, it'll take me 50 wins to upgrade one single card. It seems like i need 6 upgraded cards (and a new deck) to start playing the false gods, acording to another post i read
The problem is, i lose a lot, so it'll take even more wins to get money and upgrade. I lose to momentum decks, and the ones that destroy my shields, and i just lost to a double empathic bond that just healed way more than i could damage, so i ran out of shields, and ocasionally i lose just because of a bad starting hand.
The question i have now is: are the card rolls "crappy" like that or am i just unlucky?
Thanks in advance
PS: apologies for any kind bad english writing, i'm brazilian, and sometimes i just don't know any more words