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Messages - Feynman (5)

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Trying to understand this game
« on: November 23, 2010, 09:15:13 pm »
Thanks again guys, i didn't lose against Level 3 with the shrieker rush yet, it's a great deck.


General Discussion / Re: Trying to understand this game
« on: November 23, 2010, 05:36:43 pm »
Shrieker Rush I'd recommend would cost 866 electrum.

It's good for Ai# and Top50, though the Mummy rush is nice and fun to ;)

Code: [Select]
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Wow, thanks a lot, i'm gonna work on that! The one i found had all sorts of elite cards in it... =P

General Discussion / Re: Trying to understand this game
« on: November 23, 2010, 05:23:36 pm »
Thanks a lot guys...

I'm gonna try the Mummy Rush, because it's insanelly cheap, and i won't have to sell anything, or reset my acount to buy it, just grind 150 more electrons.

I don't know the cost of the shrieker rush, or the cost for Vreely's No Upgrade Fire Rush T50 Killer (because it was missing on the topic), but based on the other decks, i think they won't be so cheap...

General Discussion / Trying to understand this game
« on: November 23, 2010, 04:30:25 pm »
Hi, i'm new here!

I'm really loving this game, and i think i'm doing good... I'm using the mono Aether to fight the Level 5 elementals, but i'm not winning any cards, and seems like it'll take forever to get enough money to upgrade a card... i'm earning about 30 moneys each win, so if i win every single game, it'll take me 50 wins to upgrade one single card. It seems like i need 6 upgraded cards (and a new deck) to start playing the false gods, acording to another post i read

The problem is, i lose a lot, so it'll take even more wins to get money and upgrade. I lose to momentum decks, and the ones that destroy my shields, and i just lost to a double empathic bond that just healed way more than i could damage, so i ran out of shields, and ocasionally i lose just because of a bad starting hand.

The question i have now is: are the card rolls "crappy" like that or am i just unlucky?

Thanks in advance

PS: apologies for any kind bad english writing, i'm brazilian, and sometimes i just don't know any more words

General Discussion / Re: Just one of those days I guess.
« on: November 23, 2010, 04:01:09 pm »
Well, i don't know what are the false gods yet, but today, the oracle gave me a pet emerald dragon... It was nice...

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