It's a question, I'm often asking to myself when I see decks, or envision to post decks or variants.
What exactly defines a deck, different enough from others to desserve being posted, and to be called a deck rather than a variant ?
The first definition, an exact list of card, would mean any combination of cards would desserve to be posted as a different deck, even if the idea they use are the same than in thousands of other decks.
The second would mean, an awful lot of decks actually being posted, shouldn't, as they are just variants based on the same synergy (ie : vultures and death effects), with the proportion or number of key cards changing, and different secondary ones. The problem with this approach is say most speedbows are based on the synergy between supernovae and low cost cards, most immo rushes based on the synergy between 0 cost creatures and cremation, etc... so shouldn't desserve to be considered different decks.
The third say decks using the same concept are different enough if they use different elements. For example, my different variants of rushed stale (see in rainbow forum), each using a different mark, and cards of this color, would be considered different decks even if they all use the same synergy between bone wall and immolation ; and speedbows would be considered different decks if they use different colors of creatures.
The second and third answer, also mean that deck should have a concept and exploit a synergy to be worth this name, eliminating purely adaptative decks (ie : a deck just being an addition of efficient cards, with no particular synergy between them ; like many rainbows I see in PvP1, carrying a little of everything to adapt to the opponent more than having their own particular strategy).
So the fourth answer remove the need of a "concept" or "exploited synergy" from deck definition. And define the deck by its goal say "deck to win in pvp1" or "deck to beat half blood" ; then considering no particular synergy has to be used, I included in the answer that this list of cards / their proportions haven't to be precise, changing 1/4 not really changing the deck enough for it to desserve another name.
Option 5, define a deck as a list of key cards and their proportion (with the author saying which are the key cards, then eventually giving variants for how to fill the remaining space). But if the proportion of those key cards change (say if you take just 2 fractal / 30 cards in a deck defined as a fractal deck and supposed to have 4/30), it's no longer a variant but a different deck.
Last answer is a more restrictive variant of answer 2 or 3. Even if the same mechanic synergy is exploited a deck is considered different enough if it uses different cards for this synergy (for example an immo deck using sparks is considered different than the same kind of deck immolating photons ; a deck based on freeze/shocwave combo is different if it uses squids instead than freeze spells, etc...).