To those who have no idea what WoE is, start by reading this:,17354.0.htmlAfter 9 rounds of WoE alpha, we've had a "small" break. During those 9 rounds, we gathered valuable information, and now after things have been tweaked a bit, it's time to relaunch WoE alpha!
We will start completely from scratch. This means we will test both the event registering system and the event itself.
We need a total of 26 testers. All previous alpha testers can continue if they so choose, but please post on this topic and sign up again. This way we will know who is still with us and who is not.
Requirements:- Full Member or above
If you are interested, please post on this topic. Thanks.
IMPORTANT: When you sign up for WoE alpha, you have to understand that the goal of alpha is designed just to test the game mechanics and the updating process. Alpha will have tons of stuff missing. This means that you will most likely not have too much fun playing in alpha. However you will help us to make the event fun by helping out with the testing.
Being in alpha also gives you a free pass to beta that will start right after alpha.
If you have any questions, just let me know.
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