Korugar, I think you're a FG/vulture. Clearly a voting ability was used in the most recent lynch. One that was probably used by a FG, since not a single civ knew the role of either of these two players. And if that FG was a vulture, it was either Jay, Korugar, or jippy.
Jaymanfu - 7 (Shantu, ddevans96, Nepycros, patchx94, QuantumT, RootRanger, TheForbiddenOracle)
Wardead - 3 (Jaymanfu, Korugar, jippy99)
And now I find it odd how you are voting for majofa, even though he is almost surely going to receive fewer votes than Jaymanfu. What is the one role that could allow that vote to be successful? A vulture.
Korugar, if Jaymanfu is a FG, you are a FG/Vulture.
And I shall have someone take that ability away from you this round. So you might as well just vote for Jay.