Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Other Topics => Forum Games => Off-Topic Discussions => Forum Game Archive => Topic started by: RavingRabbid on May 21, 2011, 01:53:45 pm

Title: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 21, 2011, 01:53:45 pm
Host: RavingRabbid

Elements Mafia 20

Yes, That Mafia with that load of people.

This is a land of Elementals, beings that can command the elements themselves. Within this land (and sea,and air, and time, blah blah blah), there was a village. Only sixteen people lived in this village, but the False Gods deemed them a threat. As a test, they decided to send three false gods, within the bodies of villagers, to the little community. Thankfully, a savior known only as Zanzarino limited their power long ago. The villagers decided they would kill one person per day until the false gods were found. Meanwhile, the gods decided to kill one person per night until all were dead.

That's right. It's mafia.

Lord Sho tells us:

Mafia is a game. It is played in real life, and from that, we have derived an internet-friendly version that is playable here on the forums. That's right, here's the game you all know and hate. Except now the rules have been changed, so you can hate it even more!

The Rules:

Objectives: There are two sides: the false gods (FG's) and the innocents. The innocents win by lynching the FG's and the FG's win by killing the innocents.

Process: This game consists of rounds. Each round lasts two days. There are two parts to a round: the day phase and the night phase. The day phase lasts the entirety of the round in the online version. The night phase is instant and consists of the host declaring who was lynched and who was killed, along with any other events that need mentioning. During the day phase, players vote on who will be lynched that round. There will always be someone chosen for lynching. Ties will be broken by a random number generator. Also, if a player has a special ability that requires them to PM the host in order to use it, they do this during the day phase (seeing as the night phase is instant and all).

PMing: Players are free to PM whoever they want. However, quoting another player's PM is not allowed (unless you are sending it to the host), nor can you ask another player about what the host PMed them (you can ask them what their identity is, but nothing about the PM sent to them). Also, when you are killed in the game, you may no longer PM or post in the thread. The only exception to this is the ghost's ability, which will be described shortly.

Mod-Killing: Any player in violation of the rules will be mod-killed. Also, any player inactive for two rounds in a row will be mod-killed.

Players: These players each have a primary role and a secondary role. Both roles are only known to you at the start of the game (except for the FG's, who know each other's primary roles).


Primary Roles: The game has four primary roles: Civilians (x), False Gods (x (number of people signed up divided by 5 rounded down)), a Seer, and a Doctor.

Civilian: The ordinary person. This primary role brings no special ability or benefit. You simply get to vote.

False God: The "evil" person. These players begin the game knowing each other so that they can communicate through PM's. Each round, they agree upon who to target and PM this information to the host. Their target will be killed during that round's night phase (unless somehow saved). PM's should have a primary and a backup target, in case the primary target is lynched. The FGs may not oust eachother under any circumstances. If an FG is found to be doing this, they should be reported to either myself,or the host, and they well be banned from the game, and the following game of Mafia.

Oracle: The "seer." This player may discover the identity of a player every other round. The seer PM's the name of the target player to the host and the host will reveal the information to the seer. The information includes both the primary and secondary roles.

Guardian Angel: The "doctor." This player may select a person every other round. If the target player is targeted by the FG's that same round, that player is not killed. The doctor should PM the target's name to the host. It is also asked that you include a backup target in case your primary target is lynched.

Secondary Roles: The game has fifteen secondary roles. These are randomly distributed between each player at the start of the game.

Purple Nymph: Chooses a player each round. That player's voting power is inverted. This ability is used by PMing the host the name of the target player. Not permanent.

Gambler - Chooses two players every other round. One player‘s role is revealed to the other (it‘s random). The gambler does not get this information. This ability MUST be used when available. This ability is used by PMing the host the names of the two target players.

Chimera - You get a different secondary ability between {Gambler, Purple Nymph, Priest, Con Artist, Wyrm, Mind Flayer, Crusader} each round. This will be PM'd you by the host. If you get crusader and you use it, you will give Chimera to the other player.

Priest - May choose a player every other day. If the targeted player is ever targeted by the FG's, the one that used the priest ability on that player knows. This ability is used by PMing the host the name of the target player.

Con Artist - May switch one player’s vote every other round. This ability is used by PMing the host the name of the target player.

Wyrm - Target player's vote counts twice. Not permanent. This ability is activated by sending a PM to the host.

The "Witness" - May save one person from being lynched during the game. Your role is revealed when you do this. You can’t use this power on yourself. This ability is used by PMing the host the name of the target player. You may include more than one player's name.

Mind Flayer - Negates one player’s ability every other turn. This ability is used by PMing the host the name of the target player.

Crusader - Endows the target player's secondary ability. Target player's secondary ability becomes Endow. This ability is used by PMing the host the name of the target player.

Fallen Elf - Randomly reassigns a person’s secondary ability. This ability is used by PMing the host the name of the target player. This ability may be used every round.

Immortal - Automatically saved from death once per game.

Vulture - Vote power starts at 0 and increases by a half each time a person dies.

Armagio - Can sacrifice self to save another person from death. Does target a player, you simply say if you want to save the lynched person or the mafia hit person. If the targeted player was also targeted by the doctor, the armagio still becomes the intended target and dies. If the doctor targeted the armagio instead, the armagio is saved, as well as the person the FG's targeted. However, this ability can not be turned off. You can change your target.

Shrieker - Can burrow, halving his vote power. When burrowed, it can't be targeted by secondary abilities. This ability is used by PMing the host. Can see the identity of other burrowed players.

Virus - Can sacrifice self, killing target player. This ability is activated by sending a PM to the host.

Remember, secondary roles have nothing to do with primary roles.

Some secondary activated skills notes: This does not apply to primary roles. You may only use one activated skill per round. If you use your activated skill and your skill is changed later during that round into another skill that requires activation, you may not activate that skill until the next round. If your activated skill is changed before you used it, you may use the new one that round. If your activated ability was used in the previous round and you can only use it every other round and your ability is changed, you can use the new ability this round (even if it happens to be the same ability). If you used the priest's ability in a previous round, you still get the information that you would get even if your ability is changed. If you used the armagio's ability and your ability is changed, you still have the "gravity pull" status, because it can not be turned off. By saying "no lynch" you cast a vote for yourself, and it will be treated as two.So vote or die.
Hopefully I covered everything...

That should be everything you need to know in order to play the game.

I brought up some new roles, check them. In case, I'll change them.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 21, 2011, 01:58:24 pm
no time left
I will also post a player/role list here.

gavswordjaymanfuTheForbiddenOracleOnizukaShiningSwordGenuinous918273NepycrosLegitpatchx94QuantumTRootRangerAn alienNilsieboytdog0001WardeadKorugarjippy99Demagog1world24Seraphddevans96TStarDrunkDestroyerEvariaVinvick3714[/list]

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on May 21, 2011, 02:02:13 pm
Sign me up! :)

Is Purple Nymph's inversion permanent?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: majofa on May 21, 2011, 02:03:22 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 21, 2011, 02:04:25 pm
Quote from: Shantu link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg361665#msg361665 date=1305986533
Sign me up! :)

Is Purple Nymph's inversion permanent?
Neither Wyrm or Nymph are permanent. But both of them stack during a turn.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: gavsword on May 21, 2011, 02:07:33 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Jaymanfu on May 21, 2011, 02:07:42 pm
yay me
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TheIdioticIdiot on May 21, 2011, 02:10:51 pm
sadly, I won't be, like I said, I made up my mind about leaving the community

however, good luck to all of you, and thanks for the good memories you left me with in mafia :D
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TheForbiddenOracle on May 21, 2011, 02:12:06 pm
Quote from: TheIdioticIdiot link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg361672#msg361672 date=1305987051
sadly, I won't be, like I said, I made up my mind about leaving the community

however, good luck to all of you, and thanks for the good memories you left me with in mafia :D
 :( :'(.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on May 21, 2011, 02:30:58 pm
So many new skills(and they are nice too).

I'm in.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Onizuka on May 21, 2011, 02:36:12 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on May 21, 2011, 02:45:33 pm
I'm in!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 918273645 on May 21, 2011, 03:40:17 pm
I'm in.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Nepycros on May 21, 2011, 03:42:25 pm
In on this catch. I'm glad to see Crusader is evolving!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on May 21, 2011, 03:47:05 pm
Quote from: Nepycros link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg361717#msg361717 date=1305992545
In on this catch. I'm glad to see Crusader is evolving!
Crusader was quite useful in it's previous version. But this one will not create a mess at least :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 21, 2011, 03:47:52 pm

Tradesman -> Crusader
Liar -> Purple Nymph
Vigilante -> Wyrm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Legit on May 21, 2011, 04:18:04 pm
I'm in.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Pineapple on May 21, 2011, 04:26:36 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: QuantumT on May 21, 2011, 04:26:43 pm
I'm in.

The armagio ability needs to be changed to target a specific player. Otherwise it allows the civies to basically confirm someone on the first day.

Also, no Village Idiot/Angelic Prophet?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on May 21, 2011, 04:37:22 pm
I'm in.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 21, 2011, 05:18:17 pm
Quote from: QuantumT link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg361731#msg361731 date=1305995203
I'm in.

The armagio ability needs to be changed to target a specific player. Otherwise it allows the civies to basically confirm someone on the first day.

Also, no Village Idiot/Angelic Prophet?
The Armagio one is a good idea.

I removed Village Idiot because it's just boring, and I removed the angelic propeth because it's very timezone sensitive.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RagingAlien on May 21, 2011, 05:33:00 pm
Signing up! Finally i get in a Mafia. :))
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: nilsieboy on May 21, 2011, 06:58:27 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: tdog0001 on May 21, 2011, 07:01:46 pm
I'll sign up.

Hopefully I can be more active in this one than last one, since there will (hopefully) be less erratic timings.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Wardead on May 21, 2011, 07:12:11 pm
I'm in.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on May 21, 2011, 07:27:45 pm
Signing up!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: jippy99 on May 21, 2011, 07:55:10 pm
Woohoo! New mafia! I want in.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Demagog on May 21, 2011, 08:46:17 pm
In. Also, you should change armagio back to a single target ability. It's extremely OP if you let an armagio save everyone the mafia could target.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 21, 2011, 09:58:15 pm
Ok. Changed Armagio to single, but with switchable targetting.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 1world24 on May 21, 2011, 10:35:36 pm
Im in
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Seraph on May 21, 2011, 11:31:09 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on May 22, 2011, 12:35:15 am
In. Hope I'm not too late :)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TStar on May 22, 2011, 03:18:10 am
I'm in.  I need to get a better Mafia experience. :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: DrunkDestroyer on May 22, 2011, 04:31:37 am
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 22, 2011, 03:09:48 pm
And we've already hit 5 Fgs.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Seraph on May 22, 2011, 08:56:41 pm
Can you buff wyrm
right now, wyrm gives +1 vote once
whereas con artist gives +2 votes every other turn (assuming the race is between 2 people)
and purple nymph gives +2 votes every turn (assuming the race is again between 2 people)

maybe purple nymph needs a nerf too.
Right now the problem is the activation time
Purple nymph is OP everyturn, and wyrm is UP if only once
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 918273645 on May 23, 2011, 01:54:27 am
Thought up some more of the suckers. Use 'em if you want.

Aether Nymph: One target player is immune to abilities for one turn. Target player is chosen via PM to the host.

Holy Cow: New term for Village idiot. (it's useless)

Iridium Warden: Negate target player's and your vote. Target player is chosen via PM to the host.

Eternity: The target player's vote goes toward their most previous choice. Target player is chosen via PM to the host.

Elite Charger: This player's vote cannot be affected by other roles.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Seraph on May 23, 2011, 02:00:21 am
Eternity doesn't make sense to me.
Also, why is the charger elite? why not just sapphire charger.
It sounds better
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Nepycros on May 23, 2011, 02:03:13 am
Iridium Warden is just like Liar (therefore, it can be renamed to that)
Eternity doesn't work if they voted for a lynched person. :P
No Village Idiot this round.
Aether Nymph is just a weak Shrieker that targets other players.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 918273645 on May 23, 2011, 02:14:56 am
Quote from: Nepycros link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg362642#msg362642 date=1306116193
Iridium Warden is just like Liar (therefore, it can be renamed to that)
Eternity doesn't work if they voted for a lynched person. :P
No Village Idiot this round.
Aether Nymph is just a weak Shrieker that targets other players.
Iridium Warden can be used on more than one player.
I guess then Eternity wouldn't work.
Ahem, that is why I said "Use 'em if you want."
You refrain from loosing the ability to vote.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 23, 2011, 01:09:58 pm
Wyrms stay this way. And so do Purple Nymphs.

(Reasoning: Wyrms can stack.)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Jaymanfu on May 24, 2011, 05:50:36 pm
I had a dream about mafia, I can't wait for it to start lol
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 24, 2011, 07:34:51 pm
Also, oh the big fun.

A mafia led by an italian.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on May 24, 2011, 07:39:06 pm
Quote from: RavingRabbid link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg363541#msg363541 date=1306265691
Also, oh the big fun.

A mafia led by an italian.
Oh no... :D everyone loses :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 24, 2011, 07:59:24 pm
18 hours left, I can't wait.

Also, as now, I'm not giving shrieker around to make space for more interesting roles.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Vinvick3714 on May 25, 2011, 01:33:07 am
Oooh! I want in!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: EvaRia on May 25, 2011, 01:44:32 am
I want in :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: QuantumT on May 25, 2011, 05:46:40 am
Ok, so before the game starts, I'd just like to request that people refrain from metagaming. It just takes away from the game in general when people do it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TStar on May 25, 2011, 09:11:17 am
What exactly is metagaming?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 25, 2011, 01:00:23 pm
I know, mafia should start in an hour.

Due to homeworks, it will be delayed by 2/3 hours, sorry.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 25, 2011, 02:52:48 pm
Sending out roles.

In a random order.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: gavsword on May 25, 2011, 03:25:46 pm
How many mafia?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 25, 2011, 03:27:35 pm
Ok, the game starts.

I will post a decent story after the end of round 1, on Friday 13:00 GMT.

The roles are:

Con Artist
Con Artist
Fallen Elf
Fallen Elf
Mind Flayer
Mind Flayer
Purple Nymph
Purple Nymph

No, those aren't in order. Now go and win.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Pineapple on May 25, 2011, 03:49:57 pm
First to post always dies?
I'll take my chances.

Gavsword - 1 (patchx94)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RagingAlien on May 25, 2011, 05:11:26 pm
Gavsword - 1 (patchx94)
ShiningSword - 1 (an alien)

Hehe, my first Mafia game. hope i don't mess things up...

And please, no "kill the alien!" hatevoting. :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on May 25, 2011, 05:13:10 pm
Kill the alien! ;)

Just kidding...

Gavsword - 1 (patchx94)
ShiningSword - 1 (an alien)
patchx94 - 1 (Korugar)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: nilsieboy on May 25, 2011, 05:33:32 pm
Gavsword - 1 (patchx94)
ShiningSword - 1 (an alien)
patchx94 - 1 (Korugar)
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
cupcake > alien.
(or call it rng :'()
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: gavsword on May 25, 2011, 05:51:10 pm
Eenie meanine minie moe strikes again!
Gavsword - 1 (patchx94)
ShiningSword - 1 (an alien)
patchx94 - 1 (Korugar)
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
vinvick - 1(Gavsword)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on May 25, 2011, 05:56:28 pm
Gavsword - 1 (patchx94)
ShiningSword - 1 (an alien)
patchx94 - 1 (Korugar)
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
vinvick - 1(Gavsword)
tdog0001 - 1(shiningsword)
RNG said so, and i dont have a better idea anyway.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RagingAlien on May 25, 2011, 06:01:19 pm
i guess RNG will end up deciding out the tie, or something. XD
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on May 25, 2011, 06:17:22 pm
Gavsword - 1 (patchx94)
ShiningSword - 1 (an alien)
patchx94 - 2 (Korugar, ddevans96)
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
vinvick - 1 (Gavsword)
tdog0001 - 1(shiningsword)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on May 25, 2011, 06:47:14 pm
Gavsword - 1 (patchx94)
ShiningSword - 1 (an alien)
patchx94 - 1 (ddevans96)
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
vinvick - 1 (Gavsword)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)

I don't want any bandwagons blamed on me....
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on May 25, 2011, 06:52:43 pm
Gavsword - 1 (patchx94)
ShiningSword - 1 (an alien)
patchx94 - 1 (ddevans96)
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
vinvick - 1 (Gavsword)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)
QuantumT - 1 (RootRanger)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: jippy99 on May 25, 2011, 06:53:59 pm
Gavsword - 1 (patchx94)
ShiningSword - 1 (an alien)
patchx94 - 1 (ddevans96)
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
vinvick - 1 (Gavsword)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)
QuantumT - 1 (RootRanger)
Shantu - 1 (jippy99)
I took the first person on the signups.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RagingAlien on May 25, 2011, 07:10:37 pm
oh gods, if it keeps like this we'll have a problem. XD
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on May 25, 2011, 07:11:05 pm
Gavsword - 1 (patchx94)
ShiningSword - 1 (an alien)
patchx94 - 1 (ddevans96)
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
vinvick - 1 (Gavsword)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)
QuantumT - 1 (RootRanger)
Shantu - 1 (jippy99)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)

The Usurper shall die!

Oops, wrong game. Still, his sins as the Usurper shall not go unpunished.

Edit: forgot to add the previous votes.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on May 25, 2011, 07:13:37 pm
So you change your vote to me?

I simply voted for the first one to vote in the game. I refuse to use RNG in a mafia if I can avoid it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: jippy99 on May 25, 2011, 07:16:56 pm
Quote from: an alien link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg364169#msg364169 date=1306350637
oh gods, if it keeps like this we'll have a problem. XD
Just the first round is like this, cause the FGs havent killed anyone and gambler/seer hasnt found anyone out.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on May 25, 2011, 07:24:38 pm
Quote from: ddevans96 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg364176#msg364176 date=1306350817
So you change your vote to me?

I simply voted for the first one to vote in the game. I refuse to use RNG in a mafia if I can avoid it.
Oh, I just vote at random the first round. That's all.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TStar on May 25, 2011, 07:30:06 pm
Gavsword - 1 (patchx94)
ShiningSword - 1 (an alien)
patchx94 - 1 (ddevans96)
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
vinvick - 1 (Gavsword)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)
QuantumT - 1 (RootRanger)
Shantu - 1 (jippy99)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)
1world24 - 1 (TStar)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: jippy99 on May 25, 2011, 07:31:31 pm
Gavsword - 1 (patchx94)
ShiningSword - 1 (an alien)
patchx94 - 1 (ddevans96)
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
vinvick - 1 (Gavsword)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)
QuantumT - 1 (RootRanger)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)
1world24 - 2 (TStar, jippy99)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 1world24 on May 25, 2011, 07:32:19 pm
Gavsword - 1 (patchx94)
ShiningSword - 1 (an alien)
patchx94 - 1 (ddevans96)
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
vinvick - 1 (Gavsword)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)
QuantumT - 1 (RootRanger)
Shantu - 1 (jippy99)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)
1world24 - 2 (TStar,jippy99)
TStar - 1 (1world24)

Big rng run for this round.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 25, 2011, 07:40:22 pm
You're gonna give me an headache.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TheForbiddenOracle on May 25, 2011, 07:41:59 pm
Gavsword - 1 (patchx94)
ShiningSword - 1 (an alien)
patchx94 - 1 (ddevans96)
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
vinvick - 1 (Gavsword)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)
QuantumT - 1 (RootRanger)
Shantu - 1 (jippy99)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)
1world24 - 3 (TStar,jippy99,TheForbiddenOracle)
TStar - 1 (1world24)

First round of Mafias always go Eenie Meanie Minie Moe
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: gavsword on May 25, 2011, 07:42:32 pm
Gavsword - 1 (patchx94)
ShiningSword - 1 (an alien)
patchx94 - 1 (ddevans96)
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)
QuantumT - 1 (RootRanger)
Shantu - 1 (jippy99)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)
1world24 - 4 (TStar, jippy99,TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword)
TStar - 1 (1world24)

FOR SOMETHING THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN (*cough* last mafia *cough*)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 25, 2011, 07:44:38 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on May 25, 2011, 07:45:05 pm
Gavsword - 1 (patchx94)
ShiningSword - 1 (an alien)
patchx94 - 1 (ddevans96)
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)
Shantu - 1 (jippy99)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)
1world24 - 5 (TStar, jippy99,TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger)
TStar - 1 (1world24)

Works for me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on May 25, 2011, 07:46:05 pm
Gavsword - 1 (patchx94)
ShiningSword - 1 (an alien)
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)
Shantu - 1 (jippy99)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)
1world24 - 6 (TStar, jippy99,TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96)
TStar - 1 (1world24)

Why the hell not?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: jippy99 on May 25, 2011, 07:48:18 pm
You all need to change my vote on Shantu.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Pineapple on May 25, 2011, 07:50:16 pm
ShiningSword - 1 (an alien)
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)
1world24 - 7 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94)
TStar - 1 (1world24)

Okay, but we're not gonna bandwagon the stupid civy who failed next mafia, right? (This is assuming we don't bandwagon RR, cuz he's totally responsible. I think.)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: majofa on May 25, 2011, 07:50:49 pm
ShiningSword - 1 (an alien)
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)
1world24 - 8 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa)
TStar - 1 (1world24)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RagingAlien on May 25, 2011, 08:02:12 pm
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)
1world24 - 9 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, an alien)
TStar - 1 (1world24)

i think someone just became Infamous. o_O
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Jaymanfu on May 25, 2011, 08:07:08 pm
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)
1world24 - 10 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, an alien, Jaymanfu)
TStar - 1 (1world24)

Might as well!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: QuantumT on May 25, 2011, 08:08:24 pm
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)
1world24 - 10 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, an alien, QuantumT)
TStar - 1 (1world24)

I guess it works for me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 918273645 on May 25, 2011, 08:09:05 pm
If 1world24 is an Angel or Oracle, I don't want it to be my fault.

an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)
1world24 - 11 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, an alien, Jaymanfu, QuantumT)
TStar - 1 (1world24)
918273645 - 1 (918273645)

dammit, a new reply 2 times!  :))

PS: if we get more than half the votes on a single person, may we end the round early?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Wardead on May 25, 2011, 08:09:46 pm
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)
1world24 - 11 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, an alien, QuantumT, Wardead)
TStar - 1 (1world24)
918273645 - 1 (918273645)

Well, last mafia was bad
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on May 25, 2011, 08:12:42 pm
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)
1world24 - 11 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, an alien, QuantumT, Wardead)
TStar - 1 (1world24)
918273645 - 2 (918273645)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on May 25, 2011, 08:13:55 pm
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)
1world24 - 12 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, an alien, QuantumT, Wardead, Korugar)
TStar - 1 (1world24)
918273645 - 2 (918273645)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 25, 2011, 08:16:01 pm
If vote modifiers make 1world24 survive, I'll laugh.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 918273645 on May 25, 2011, 08:16:55 pm
Quote from: RootRanger link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg364264#msg364264 date=1306354362
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)
1world24 - 11 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, an alien, QuantumT, Wardead)
TStar - 1 (1world24)
918273645 - 2 (918273645)

Uh, what?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on May 25, 2011, 08:17:48 pm
Quote from: 918273645 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg364270#msg364270 date=1306354615
Quote from: RootRanger link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg364264#msg364264 date=1306354362
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)
1world24 - 11 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, an alien, QuantumT, Wardead)
TStar - 1 (1world24)
918273645 - 2 (918273645)

Uh, what?
Voting for yourself counts as two votes. Stupid but yeah.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 918273645 on May 25, 2011, 08:18:12 pm
Quote from: ddevans96 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg364271#msg364271 date=1306354668
Quote from: 918273645 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg364270#msg364270 date=1306354615
Quote from: RootRanger link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg364264#msg364264 date=1306354362
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
ddevans96 - 1 (Korugar)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)
1world24 - 11 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, an alien, QuantumT, Wardead)
TStar - 1 (1world24)
918273645 - 2 (918273645)

Uh, what?
Voting for yourself counts as two votes. Stupid but yeah.
Oh, lol. Didn't see that.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RagingAlien on May 25, 2011, 08:36:14 pm
is Wardead a vulture or something? or did he just forget to make votes 12 when he posted? hmm...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Nepycros on May 25, 2011, 08:45:14 pm
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)
1world24 - 13 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, an alien, QuantumT, Wardead, Korugar, Nepycros)
TStar - 1 (1world24)
918273645 - 2 (918273645)

Good lord! I'm gone for 6 hours, and 3 pages happen! There's not a chance in hell I'm reading all that. >.>
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Onizuka on May 25, 2011, 08:48:14 pm
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
Seraph - 1 (Shantu)
1world24 - 14 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, an alien, QuantumT, Wardead, Korugar, Nepycros, Onizuka)
TStar - 1 (1world24)
918273645 - 2 (918273645)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 1world24 on May 25, 2011, 08:52:54 pm
lynching a civ/mind flayer. Just sayin
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on May 25, 2011, 08:53:29 pm
[22:51:59] jippy99: lol, whats the most votes on a single person in mafia?
[22:52:04] jippy99: i think we might break it
[22:53:10] Shantu: Gotta help with that, Jippy

an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
1world24 - 15 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, an alien, QuantumT, Wardead, Korugar, Nepycros, Onizuka, Shantu)
TStar - 1 (1world24)
918273645 - 2 (918273645)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on May 25, 2011, 08:57:12 pm

an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
1world24 - 16 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, an alien, QuantumT, Wardead, Korugar, Nepycros, Onizuka, Shantu, Genuinous)
TStar - 1 (1world24)
918273645 - 2 (918273645)

Haven't got a better lead..
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Vinvick3714 on May 25, 2011, 09:07:05 pm
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
1world24 - 17 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, an alien, QuantumT, Wardead, Korugar, Nepycros, Onizuka, Shantu, Genuinous, vinvick3714)
TStar - 1 (1world24)
918273645 - 2 (918273645)

Better than RNG voting.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 918273645 on May 25, 2011, 09:12:25 pm
17 is more than half of 28.

I say we end the round now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 1world24 on May 25, 2011, 09:15:12 pm
Quote from: 918273645 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg364319#msg364319 date=1306357945
17 is more than half of 28.

I say we end the round now.
I say no
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on May 25, 2011, 09:17:17 pm
I say it's unlikely that you'll get saved, world. That said, voting isn't the only thing the time limit is for, activating powers is as well.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Jaymanfu on May 25, 2011, 09:17:39 pm
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
tdog0001 - 1 (shiningsword)
1world24 - 18 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, an alien, QuantumT, Wardead, Korugar, Nepycros, Onizuka, Shantu, Genuinous, vinvick3714, Jaymanfu)
TStar - 1 (1world24)
918273645 - 2 (918273645)

Hmm my vote got erased somehow. fixed
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on May 25, 2011, 09:20:15 pm
Quote from: 918273645 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg364319#msg364319 date=1306357945
17 is more than half of 28.

I say we end the round now.
we will have to wait for powers to be activated, the host to reply. Also messing up round endings is not a good idea, see last maffia....
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on May 25, 2011, 09:25:16 pm
I bet he is innocent(i just feel it coming).
However, im not a seer or anything so i cant really get another suspect.
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
1world24 - 19 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, an alien, QuantumT, Wardead, Korugar, Nepycros, Onizuka, Shantu, Genuinous, vinvick3714, Jaymanfu, shiningsword)
TStar - 1 (1world24)
918273645 - 2 (918273645)

I might as well join the masscre... and hope we dont need a mindflayer in late game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Legit on May 25, 2011, 10:18:43 pm
1world is innocent.
Also, let's get this civilian alliance started. I have some info already.

an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
1world24 - 19 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, an alien, QuantumT, Wardead, Korugar, Nepycros, Onizuka, Shantu, Genuinous, vinvick3714, Jaymanfu, shiningsword)
TStar - 1 (1world24)
918273645 - 2 (918273645)
ddevans96 - 1 (Legit)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RagingAlien on May 25, 2011, 10:23:25 pm
meh, whatever. i don't trust you, but for now i'll leave him alone.

an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
1world24 - 18 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, QuantumT, Wardead, Korugar, Nepycros, Onizuka, Shantu, Genuinous, vinvick3714, Jaymanfu, shiningsword)
TStar - 1 (1world24)
918273645 - 3 (918273645, an alien)
ddevans96 - 1 (Legit)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TStar on May 25, 2011, 10:23:45 pm
Not a chance Legit.  After the stuff I pulled last Mafia there is no way I'm joining an alliance until a Seer PM's me.  I'd rather die alone than let myself get duped.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Legit on May 25, 2011, 10:28:19 pm
Don't worry, I'm not going to join/create an alliance with unconfirmed players. I'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Demagog on May 25, 2011, 10:59:12 pm
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
1world24 - 18 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, QuantumT, Wardead, Korugar, Nepycros, Onizuka, Shantu, Genuinous, vinvick3714, Jaymanfu, shiningsword)
TStar - 1 (1world24)
918273645 - 3 (918273645, an alien)
ddevans96 - 1 (Legit)
QuantumT - 1 (Demagog)

I knows it. Also, he seems to be an FG every other game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on May 25, 2011, 11:06:53 pm
Info? If you have 'info' that leads you to vote for me, I'd love to hear it in PM. When someone claims they have 'info' and vote for an innocent, they're trying to trick someone. Instead of relying on this 'info' which I know for a fact is baloney, get more, real info and then you can vote for someone and say you have 'info'.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Seraph on May 25, 2011, 11:07:30 pm
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
1world24 - 18 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, QuantumT, Wardead, Korugar, Nepycros, Onizuka, Shantu, Genuinous, vinvick3714, Jaymanfu, shiningsword)
TStar - 2 (1world24, Seraph)
918273645 - 3 (918273645, an alien)
ddevans96 - 1 (Legit)
QuantumT - 1 (Demagog)

grudge from two tourney losses, and it really doesn't matter much
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 1world24 on May 25, 2011, 11:08:10 pm

an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
1world24 - 18 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, QuantumT, Wardead, Korugar, Nepycros, Onizuka, Shantu, Genuinous, vinvick3714, Jaymanfu, shiningsword)
918273645 - 4 (918273645, an alien,1world24)
ddevans96 - 1 (Legit)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on May 25, 2011, 11:32:28 pm
OK, legit, you say you have info, although im guessing it isnt against devans, but for world.
I would need to hear something concrete before telling you anything.
On the other hand, this ''Revenge for last mafia'' thing isnt very solid, so im getting away from that.
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
1world24 - 17 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, QuantumT, Wardead, Korugar, Nepycros, Onizuka, Shantu, Genuinous, vinvick3714, Jaymanfu)
TStar - 1 ( Seraph)
918273645 - 3 (918273645, an alien, 1world24)
ddevans96 - 1 (Legit)
QuantumT - 1 (Demagog, shiningsword)
Who knows? Maybe he is right(anyone can guess an FG in first round this days).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: jippy99 on May 25, 2011, 11:34:52 pm
Quote from: ShiningSword link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg364455#msg364455 date=1306366348
OK, legit, you say you have info, although im guessing it isnt against devans, but for world.
I would need to hear something concrete before telling you anything.
On the other hand, this ''Revenge for last mafia'' thing isnt very solid, so im getting away from that.
an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
1world24 - 17 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, QuantumT, Wardead, Korugar, Nepycros, Onizuka, Shantu, Genuinous, vinvick3714, Jaymanfu)
TStar - 1 ( Seraph)
918273645 - 3 (918273645, an alien, 1world24)
ddevans96 - 1 (Legit)
QuantumT - 2 (Demagog, shiningsword)
Who knows? Maybe he is right(anyone can guess an FG in first round this days).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Demagog on May 26, 2011, 12:21:24 am
I can definitely guess an FG in round 1. This time is definitely one of those times!

But probably not.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: DrunkDestroyer on May 26, 2011, 01:34:27 am
Seems like a much better way to decide the first vote than RNG.
And I'm pretty sure vendetta has always been a part of Mafia, right Rav?  ;)

an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
1world24 - 18 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, QuantumT, Wardead, Korugar, Nepycros, Onizuka, Shantu, Genuinous, vinvick3714, Jaymanfu, DrunkDestroyer)
TStar - 1 ( Seraph)
918273645 - 3 (918273645, an alien, 1world24)
ddevans96 - 1 (Legit)
QuantumT - 1 (Demagog, shiningsword)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: EvaRia on May 26, 2011, 02:23:50 am
Meh, I'll follow numbers' example.

an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
1world24 - 18 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, QuantumT, Wardead, Korugar, Nepycros, Onizuka, Shantu, Genuinous, vinvick3714, Jaymanfu, DrunkDestroyer)
TStar - 1 ( Seraph)
918273645 - 3 (918273645, an alien, 1world24)
ddevans96 - 1 (Legit)
QuantumT - 1 (Demagog, shiningsword)
EvaRia - 2 (EvaRia)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on May 26, 2011, 02:39:01 am
Quote from: EvaRia link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg364531#msg364531 date=1306376630
Meh, I'll follow numbers' example.

an alien - 1 (nilsieboy)
1world24 - 18 (TStar, jippy99, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, patchx94, majofa, QuantumT, Wardead, Korugar, Nepycros, Onizuka, Shantu, Genuinous, vinvick3714, Jaymanfu, DrunkDestroyer)
TStar - 1 ( Seraph)
918273645 - 4 (918273645, an alien, 1world24)
ddevans96 - 1 (Legit)
QuantumT - 2 (Demagog, shiningsword)
EvaRia - 2 (EvaRia)
Fixed. Self voting is still double... 1 + 1 is 2...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 918273645 on May 26, 2011, 02:51:30 am
One more vote to terminatin' time.

Can we end the round when everybody has voted? Then they've had the chance to do all their bidness.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on May 26, 2011, 02:58:28 am
Quote from: 918273645 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg364542#msg364542 date=1306378290
One more vote to terminatin' time.

Can we end the round when everybody has voted? Then they've had the chance to do all their bidness.
If everyone voted and everyone used their abilities I think we could.... Not sure if it happened...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: coinich on May 26, 2011, 03:08:42 am
Still able to join?  The first post says there's 5 days left.

EDIT:  Ok, thanks!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 918273645 on May 26, 2011, 03:17:45 am
Nope, coin. Sorry.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RagingAlien on May 26, 2011, 03:03:01 pm
don't, please don't mess up the dates.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 918273645 on May 26, 2011, 03:17:02 pm
Quote from: an alien link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg364718#msg364718 date=1306422181
don't, please don't mess up the dates.
If all people vote, it is proof that they are active in the thread, so then they've had the time to activate powers.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 26, 2011, 03:23:16 pm
The round ends when the rounds ends, there is no accelerator. Only a delayer if I'm unable to end the round at the right time.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on May 26, 2011, 03:34:27 pm
Could we have a countdown please? It would help so much..
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 26, 2011, 03:43:12 pm
Quote from: RavingRabbid link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg364226#msg364226 date=1306352678
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 1world24 on May 27, 2011, 01:30:19 am
can witness save me?
if not, tstar and ss are probably mafia
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: gavsword on May 27, 2011, 01:31:41 am
Quote from: 1world24 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg365079#msg365079 date=1306459819
can witness save me?
if not, tstar and ss are probably mafia
That or it's first round, no one knows who to vote for and the last game went quite poorly. First round kills are freebies unless the RNG loves the gambler/seer/random bandwagons or BC is playing.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on May 27, 2011, 02:00:50 am
Quote from: 1world24 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg365079#msg365079 date=1306459819
can witness save me?
if not, tstar and ss are probably mafia
We have no leads whatsoever, so why should we slow down our process by not even using our first kill?
Since no one is more likely to be a FG than anyone else, we just vote for someone that wouldn't be a decent teammate to have if they happen to be a civ.
You can't possibly think TStar and SS are more likely FGs than not; this is clearly out of revenge.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: jippy99 on May 27, 2011, 10:55:03 am
Seriously, how long did you expect to last after last mafia?  This round was purely a revenge kill.  Also, saying that the two people who started voting on you are FGs is ridiculous.  It could be possible, but it is unlikely that the FGs picked you out this round.  Another thing, witness will not waste their ability now on a civvy/flayer.  There are many other important times to use it and this is not one.  Now in the next round, the real mafia starts...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on May 27, 2011, 12:20:40 pm
Quote from: 1world24 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg365079#msg365079 date=1306459819
can witness save me?
if not, tstar and ss are probably mafia
LOL at this. I even tried to defend you(although no ingame argument was going to do the trick on the bloodthirsty crowd).
Quote from: jippy99 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg365197#msg365197 date=1306493703
Seriously, how long did you expect to last after last mafia?  This round was purely a revenge kill.  Also, saying that the two people who started voting on you are FGs is ridiculous.  It could be possible, but it is unlikely that the FGs picked you out this round.  Another thing, witness will not waste their ability now on a civvy/flayer.  There are many other important times to use it and this is not one.  Now in the next round, the real mafia starts...
And, FG's get 2 kills of advantage.
Thats why hate this kind of things.
I just hope we dont need a flayer later on(because civy flayers are very useful when FG's come out loaded on vote manipulation).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 27, 2011, 01:19:29 pm
Ok, I just found out writing stories in a language that's not my own is way harder than I thought.

So, stories are gonna be somehow lame.

Lynch: 1world24 - Civilian - Mind Flayer // DEAD!

FG kill:
Legit, Majofa and Korugar were walking by the docks. At least one of them was drunk, and the other two were not enough lucid to comprehend what was happening. The first to fall on the ground was Korugar. The other two uncautiously let him sleep there.

But he wasn't the target. The target was Legit. One of the FGs was ready to snipe him, but hitting a drunk target was quite hard. Mainly because another drunk friend was shaking the other one.

"Damn that, I'll never get him with the Sniper". So, he summoned a Steel Golem right under Legit. The Golem grabbed Legit, and jumped in the water. Majofa, not understanding went home. The following day, when they found Legit's drowned body, Majofa knew what happened.

No, this doesn't mean that either Korugar or Majofa are confirmed civs, and this line does not mean they're both FGs. They were just picked because in my list they were next to Legit.

Legit - Civilian, Wyrm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Pineapple on May 27, 2011, 01:22:52 pm
and the other two were not enough lucid to comprehend what was happening
I believe the term you are looking for is "not sober enough"
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on May 27, 2011, 01:39:18 pm
LOL at the weapons. A sniper as first choice, and a lava golem as second(that means we are looking for a rainbow-ish guy, but the lava must have been borrowed from hermes).
I hope the ''Sniper'' was an Owls eye, or the elements relation just got a little torn apart.

Legit pretty much teased them(saying you have information is a good way of teasing a not too smart FG) last round, i bet he knew that he wasnt going to last a lot.

No, this doesn't mean that either Korugar or Majofa are confirmed civs, and this line does not mean they're both FGs. They were just picked because in my list they were next to Legit.
The first line means that one of them is an FG, i speculate(otherwise he wouldnt put anything like this, i think, considering most people know that this kind of story involvement doesnt mean anything).
Now, who wants to guess which one?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: gavsword on May 27, 2011, 01:51:17 pm
OK, I'll guess one.

Shiningsword - 1 (Gavsword)

You've played enough mafia's to know the story means nothing.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on May 27, 2011, 02:45:54 pm
Quote from: gavsword link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg365258#msg365258 date=1306504277
You've played enough mafia's to know the story means nothing.
The story means nothing by itself, the fact that he clarifies that means that he doesnt want us to guess something because there is something to guess(like an FG).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 27, 2011, 02:53:52 pm
More like: my stories are written

[player1], [player2] and [player3] are drunk, and each of them kills the one to his next. So, the people in the story mean actually nothing.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on May 27, 2011, 02:58:50 pm
Shiningsword - 2 (Gavsword, RootRanger)

Makes more sense than any other lead we have.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on May 27, 2011, 03:00:26 pm
Stop trying to metagame >.<

Shiningsword - 3 (Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on May 27, 2011, 03:18:01 pm
Shiningsword - 4 (Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu)

Not sure if you've noticed, but every mafia host clarifies it when they include the names of persons unrelated to the kills.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Vinvick3714 on May 27, 2011, 03:25:02 pm
Shiningsword - 5 (Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu, vinvick3714)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Pineapple on May 27, 2011, 03:27:50 pm
Shiningsword - 5 (Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu, vinvick3714)
patchx94 - 2 (patchx94)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RagingAlien on May 27, 2011, 05:03:45 pm
Shiningsword - 6 (Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu, vinvick3714, an alien)
patchx94 - 2 (patchx94)

I'll go with the crowd. :D
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Nepycros on May 27, 2011, 05:04:25 pm
Shiningsword - 7 (Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu, vinvick3714, Nepycros, an alien)
patchx94 - 2 (patchx94)

Random bandwagons stop being cool in Round 4, so until then, we can only hope to get lucky.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Pineapple on May 27, 2011, 05:08:38 pm
Wait, did RR remove all of the "suicidal" roles?

Shiningsword - 8 (Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu, vinvick3714, Nepycros, an alien, patchx94)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RagingAlien on May 27, 2011, 05:10:25 pm
RR also has to update the not-quite-OP post to put the roels there.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 27, 2011, 07:17:31 pm
Also, I forgot that this round is 48 hours.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: EvaRia on May 27, 2011, 08:38:22 pm

Shiningsword - 9 (Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu, vinvick3714, Nepycros, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Onizuka on May 27, 2011, 08:45:07 pm
Shiningsword - 10 (Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu, vinvick3714, Nepycros, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, Onizuka)

Yay mindless voting.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TheForbiddenOracle on May 27, 2011, 08:47:10 pm
Shiningsword - 11 (Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu, vinvick3714, Nepycros, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Jaymanfu on May 27, 2011, 08:47:51 pm
Shiningsword - 12 (Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu, vinvick3714, Nepycros, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, Onizuka, Jaymanfu, TheForbiddenOracle)

Nuuu metagaming!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on May 27, 2011, 08:55:58 pm
I guess everybody hates metagaming but nobody cares about random lynching(considering all this jumping i wont be surprised if i guessed somebody).
I also guess it is too late to say i wasnt really serious(we dont have so many leads, forgive me for trying to give an idea besides RNGing).
Bye bye, mafia 20(at least now i wont be so much behind in my homework).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TStar on May 27, 2011, 09:37:01 pm
I don't understand what metagaming is.....
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Onizuka on May 27, 2011, 09:47:43 pm
Quote from: TStar link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg365510#msg365510 date=1306532221
I don't understand what metagaming is.....
Its using information that wouldn't be provided inside the current ruleset to play the game.
Using posting times and active times to determine roles and such would be an example. Or scoping out an opponent for a match in a game, learning what he/she likes to use would be another.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RagingAlien on May 27, 2011, 10:54:42 pm
Shining, tell us the one other thing we could currently do OTHER than random lynching, please. Other than listening to your arguments (which you had said that also had no proof of).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on May 28, 2011, 12:37:15 am
Shiningsword - 13 (Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu, vinvick3714, Nepycros, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, Onizuka, Jaymanfu, TheForbiddenOracle, Korugar)

Random bandwagoning, how fun....I hope you get something soon, Seer!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on May 28, 2011, 12:38:47 am
Quote from: an alien link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg365561#msg365561 date=1306536882
Shining, tell us the one other thing we could currently do OTHER than random lynching, please. Other than listening to your arguments (which you had said that also had no proof of).
Wait for gamblers to find somebody, make an organised disposal starting from less useful roles, try to think about something(whats the difference between rolling a dice between all players and trying to guess out of a pool of player that was limited my chance anyway?).
I tried to give an idea, start up the round, and now im getting killed because of that.
If anybody else would have tried to do anything besides rolling a dice, would you kill him?
Maybe yes, maybe not.
But, if FG's saw one of their own is 50/50 to get killed, they would all jump on the guy that almost blew their cover before anybody agrees with him, dont you think so?
If im wrong kill me, im just a chimera anyway, i wont be a major loss to the civys.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Demagog on May 28, 2011, 03:43:42 am
Decent chance an FG is a shrieker. I am also one and no one else has burrowed. Find a shrieker and we probably find an FG.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on May 28, 2011, 04:55:11 am
Or they could have a power role. I can imagine a Seer wouldn't want to burrow because of the possibility of a shrieker FG.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TStar on May 28, 2011, 09:54:48 am
Shiningsword - 11 (Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu, vinvick3714, Nepycros, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle)
an alien - 1 (TStar)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: jippy99 on May 28, 2011, 09:59:36 am
T, was that a random vote or do you have reasoning behind it?  Oh, and:
Shiningsword - 14 (Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu, vinvick3714, Nepycros, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle, jippy99)
an alien - 1 (TStar)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TStar on May 28, 2011, 04:52:48 pm
Quote from: jippy99 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg365884#msg365884 date=1306576776
T, was that a random vote or do you have reasoning behind it?  Oh, and:
Shiningsword - 14 (Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu, vinvick3714, Nepycros, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle, jippy99)
an alien - 1 (TStar)
No reason in particular really.  I have no proof of anything or solid evidence.  He's just too inconsistent for me, and whether that makes him a Civilian or FG I'd rather not have someone I don't feel can be dependable around any longer than possible.  My reasons for feeling this way:

Post 1 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,26590.msg364254#msg364254)
* Joins the 1world bandwagon.  Nothing wrong with that really and so far bandwagoning seems the norm.
Post 2 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,26590.msg364416#msg364416)
* Switches his vote to 918273645 for no reason I can see other than Legit posting that 1world is innocent.  While that was indeed true, it concerns me that he would so quickly trust someone elses unconfirmed statement.  It's doubly odd that he not only switched his vote, but switched it to the player with the 2nd highest vote total at the time almost like he was trying to save 1world. (I'm sorry if that's considered metagaming and I'll stop if it is still not 100% clear on what is or isn't).
Post 3 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,26590.msg365339#msg365339)
* Round 2 he hops on the bandwagon again.  Again nothing really wrong with that.
Post 4 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,26590.msg365561#msg365561)
* Basically tells SS that early on lynching random people is fine and that SS has no proof of his claims so why would anyone listen to him.

So in Round 1, Legit's unconfirmed claim that 1world was innocent was proof enough for him to change his vote but now in Round 2 when SS makes unconfirmed claims he comes out and says that's not enough for people to listen to?  I don't know, it just seems way too inconsistent to me and I think anyone who is that easily swayed in one round and then inconsistent in the next is just too dangerous to have as an ally.

Again, I have NO proof at all that he is either a Civilian or False God.  I'm just voting for someone who I think would be a weak link as an ally.  I'm probably reading way too much into this and I don't really expect anyone else to believe me or trust me or vote for anyone based on my observations, nor am I asking anyone to.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on May 28, 2011, 05:21:38 pm

Shiningsword - 14 (Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu, vinvick3714, Nepycros, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle, jippy99)
an alien - 2 (TStar, Genuinous)

That reasoning makes sense. The chances are (with no proof for either an alien of SS) the same. And while SS is a random bandwagon, TStar's argument has clear points.
weak ally > random bandwagon
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: nilsieboy on May 28, 2011, 05:27:06 pm
Shiningsword - 14 (Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu, vinvick3714, Nepycros, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle, jippy99)
an alien - 3 (TStar, Genuinous, nilsieboy)
i think tstar had a good point there, same as genuinous.
this makes more sense then the random ss vote.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on May 28, 2011, 05:29:37 pm
Shiningsword - 11 (Gavsword, RootRanger, Shantu, vinvick3714, Nepycros, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle, jippy99)
an alien - 4 (TStar, Genuinous, nilsieboy, ddevans96)

Makes sense to me as well. Good observation by TStar, and there really isn't a better option, unless we want to lynch more random people.

Also fixed numbers.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Onizuka on May 28, 2011, 05:31:04 pm
Shiningsword - 10 (Gavsword, RootRanger, Shantu, vinvick3714, Nepycros, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, TheForbiddenOracle, jippy99)
an alien - 5 (TStar, Genuinous, nilsieboy, ddevans96, Onizuka)

Decent reasoning>Mindless voting

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on May 28, 2011, 05:36:25 pm
I don't think the reasoning against SS is such a bad one. He is a good mafia player, he should know what hosts do.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TheForbiddenOracle on May 28, 2011, 05:48:01 pm
Shiningsword - 10 (Gavsword, RootRanger, Shantu, vinvick3714, Nepycros, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, Onizuka, jippy99)
an alien - 5 (TStar, Genuinous, nilsieboy, ddevans96, TheForbiddenOracle)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on May 28, 2011, 05:53:39 pm
Quote from: TheForbiddenOracle link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg366119#msg366119 date=1306604881
Shiningsword - 9 (Gavsword, RootRanger, Shantu, vinvick3714, Nepycros, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, jippy99)
an alien - 6 (TStar, Genuinous, nilsieboy, ddevans96, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: gavsword on May 28, 2011, 06:05:26 pm
Shiningsword - 8 (RootRanger, Shantu, vinvick3714, Nepycros, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, jippy99)
an alien - 7 (TStar, Genuinous, nilsieboy, ddevans96, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword)

Again, my vote for shining was just because he should know better. TStar presents better evidence then mine against alien. Also it feels like one new player is ALWAYS mafia.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Nepycros on May 28, 2011, 06:10:54 pm
Shiningsword - 9 (Gavsword, RootRanger, Shantu, vinvick3714, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, TheForbiddenOracle, jippy99)
an alien - 6 (TStar, Genuinous, nilsieboy, ddevans96, Onizuka, Nepycros)

TStar's making enough sense for me. Besides, 1world probably made those claims out of spite, so going after SS might not be good.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on May 28, 2011, 06:12:34 pm
Quote from: Nepycros link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg366131#msg366131 date=1306606254
Shiningsword - 7 (RootRanger, Shantu, vinvick3714, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, jippy99)
an alien - 8 (TStar, Genuinous, nilsieboy, ddevans96, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, Nepycros)

TStar's making enough sense for me. Besides, 1world probably made those claims out of spite, so going after SS might not be good.
Fixed  >:D
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Nepycros on May 28, 2011, 06:17:19 pm
Quote from: Genuinous link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg366136#msg366136 date=1306606354
Quote from: Nepycros link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg366131#msg366131 date=1306606254
Shiningsword - 8 (RootRanger, Shantu, vinvick3714, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, TheForbiddenOracle, jippy99)
an alien - 8 (TStar, Genuinous, nilsieboy, ddevans96, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, Nepycros)

TStar's making enough sense for me. Besides, 1world probably made those claims out of spite, so going after SS might not be good.
Fixed  >:D
How is it fixed if TheForbiddenOracle is currently voting for BOTH SS and an alien?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on May 28, 2011, 06:19:28 pm
Quote from: Nepycros link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg366139#msg366139 date=1306606639
Quote from: Genuinous link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg366136#msg366136 date=1306606354
Quote from: Nepycros link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg366131#msg366131 date=1306606254
Shiningsword - 7 (RootRanger, Shantu, vinvick3714, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, jippy99)
an alien - 8 (TStar, Genuinous, nilsieboy, ddevans96, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, Nepycros)

TStar's making enough sense for me. Besides, 1world probably made those claims out of spite, so going after SS might not be good.
Fixed  >:D
How is it fixed if TheForbiddenOracle is currently voting for BOTH SS and an alien?
Voting for an alien
didnt erase... meh....
but you should pay attention to that, not me....
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on May 28, 2011, 06:25:31 pm
Shiningsword - 7 (RootRanger, Shantu, vinvick3714, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, jippy99)
an alien - 9 (TStar, Genuinous, nilsieboy, ddevans96, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, Nepycros, Korugar)

Well, since you eliminated my vote anyway....
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on May 28, 2011, 06:28:56 pm
Quote from: Korugar link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg366150#msg366150 date=1306607131
Shiningsword - 8 (RootRanger, Shantu, vinvick3714, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, jippy99, Jaymanfu)
an alien - 9 (TStar, Genuinous, nilsieboy, ddevans96, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, Nepycros, Korugar)

Well, since you eliminated my vote anyway....
TStar made a mistake but nobody picked it up...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on May 28, 2011, 06:30:03 pm
Shiningsword - 8 (RootRanger, Shantu, vinvick3714, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, jippy99, Jaymanfu)
an alien - 10 (TStar, Genuinous, nilsieboy, ddevans96, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, Nepycros, Korugar, shiningsword)

Having a chance of not dieing, i might as well use it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Wardead on May 28, 2011, 06:35:54 pm
Shiningsword - 8 (RootRanger, Shantu, vinvick3714, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, jippy99, Jaymanfu)
an alien - 11 (TStar, Genuinous, nilsieboy, ddevans96, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, Nepycros, Korugar, shiningsword, Wardead)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Demagog on May 28, 2011, 06:53:01 pm
So can anyone say why these two are the candidates? Or where they both picked out of a hat?

Also, I'm probably the FG target tonight, so they can let their shrieker burrow.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: gavsword on May 28, 2011, 07:06:39 pm
Quote from: ShiningSword link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg365251#msg365251 date=1306503558
LOL at the weapons. A sniper as first choice, and a lava golem as second(that means we are looking for a rainbow-ish guy, but the lava must have been borrowed from hermes).
I hope the ''Sniper'' was an Owls eye, or the elements relation just got a little torn apart.

Legit pretty much teased them(saying you have information is a good way of teasing a not too smart FG) last round, i bet he knew that he wasnt going to last a lot.

No, this doesn't mean that either Korugar or Majofa are confirmed civs, and this line does not mean they're both FGs. They were just picked because in my list they were next to Legit.
The first line means that one of them is an FG, i speculate(otherwise he wouldnt put anything like this, i think, considering most people know that this kind of story involvement doesnt mean anything).
Now, who wants to guess which one?
Quote from: gavsword link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg365258#msg365258 date=1306504277
OK, I'll guess one.

Shiningsword - 1 (Gavsword)

You've played enough mafia's to know the story means nothing.

Quote from: TStar link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg366073#msg366073 date=1306601568
Quote from: jippy99 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg365884#msg365884 date=1306576776
T, was that a random vote or do you have reasoning behind it?  Oh, and:
Shiningsword - 14 (Gavsword, RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu, vinvick3714, Nepycros, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle, jippy99)
an alien - 1 (TStar)
No reason in particular really.  I have no proof of anything or solid evidence.  He's just too inconsistent for me, and whether that makes him a Civilian or FG I'd rather not have someone I don't feel can be dependable around any longer than possible.  My reasons for feeling this way:

Post 1 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,26590.msg364254#msg364254)
* Joins the 1world bandwagon.  Nothing wrong with that really and so far bandwagoning seems the norm.
Post 2 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,26590.msg364416#msg364416)
* Switches his vote to 918273645 for no reason I can see other than Legit posting that 1world is innocent.  While that was indeed true, it concerns me that he would so quickly trust someone elses unconfirmed statement.  It's doubly odd that he not only switched his vote, but switched it to the player with the 2nd highest vote total at the time almost like he was trying to save 1world. (I'm sorry if that's considered metagaming and I'll stop if it is still not 100% clear on what is or isn't).
Post 3 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,26590.msg365339#msg365339)
* Round 2 he hops on the bandwagon again.  Again nothing really wrong with that.
Post 4 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,26590.msg365561#msg365561)
* Basically tells SS that early on lynching random people is fine and that SS has no proof of his claims so why would anyone listen to him.

So in Round 1, Legit's unconfirmed claim that 1world was innocent was proof enough for him to change his vote but now in Round 2 when SS makes unconfirmed claims he comes out and says that's not enough for people to listen to?  I don't know, it just seems way too inconsistent to me and I think anyone who is that easily swayed in one round and then inconsistent in the next is just too dangerous to have as an ally.

Again, I have NO proof at all that he is either a Civilian or False God.  I'm just voting for someone who I think would be a weak link as an ally.  I'm probably reading way too much into this and I don't really expect anyone else to believe me or trust me or vote for anyone based on my observations, nor am I asking anyone to.
Quote from: gavsword link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg366128#msg366128 date=1306605926
Shiningsword - 8 (RootRanger, Shantu, vinvick3714, Nepycros, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, jippy99)
an alien - 7 (TStar, Genuinous, nilsieboy, ddevans96, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword)

Again, my vote for shining was just because he should know better. TStar presents better evidence then mine against alien. Also it feels like one new player is ALWAYS mafia.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: majofa on May 28, 2011, 07:23:29 pm
Shiningsword - 8 (RootRanger, Shantu, vinvick3714, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, jippy99, Jaymanfu)
an alien - 11 (TStar, Genuinous, nilsieboy, ddevans96, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, Nepycros, Korugar, shiningsword, Wardead)
gavsword - 1 (majofa)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on May 28, 2011, 07:42:47 pm
Even if the other shrieker did burrow, I doubt you would be told each other's primary roles. So it really doesn't matter if the other shrieker burrows or not.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on May 28, 2011, 07:46:39 pm
Shrieker - Can burrow, halving his vote power. When burrowed, it can't be targeted by secondary abilities. This ability is used by PMing the host. Can see the identity of other burrowed players.
Identity pretty much means the primary role too.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on May 28, 2011, 07:49:04 pm
Yes, it says identity - in other words, probably usernames. It says nothing about the primary role, and it seems really strange that burrowing would reveal your primary role.

I suggest, if Dema really is the shrieker, that he asks Raving to clarify this, if he hasn't asked already.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on May 28, 2011, 07:50:40 pm
Oracle: The "seer." This player may discover the identity of a player every other round.
Comparing the two, I believe burrow works like the Seer too.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on May 28, 2011, 07:53:46 pm
But that makes no sense. All it does is discourage people from burrowing.

Now that Dema has called out the other shrieker, I doubt that person would burrow now without being 100% sure, at the risk of falling under suspicion.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on May 28, 2011, 07:55:42 pm
If I weren't a Seer or a Doctor (or a FG), I would gladly burrow in hope of gaining an ally.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on May 28, 2011, 07:56:53 pm
Quote from: ddevans96 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg366212#msg366212 date=1306612426
But that makes no sense. All it does is discourage people from burrowing.

Now that Dema has called out the other shrieker, I doubt that person would burrow now without being 100% sure, at the risk of falling under suspicion.
It's only bad if you're a FG. If you're a civy it's great. And clearly we don't want FGs to be protected :D
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on May 28, 2011, 08:03:17 pm
So we could say that the last shrieker is either a FG or a power role(so, he either is an FG, which would mean we should lynch him, or he is a civy, which means that he will be FG killed soon if he shared his role, as FG's might believe he is powerful).

The time for burrowing for a civy would be about right now, if somebody knows the shriekers identity(so he can prove his innocence and avoid getting lynched while also keeping his identity hidden. Once a person decides to say the shrieker's identity, if they know it, he will be in serious danger).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Demagog on May 28, 2011, 09:08:19 pm
Either way, I'm painting a target on my back for the FG's to waste a lynch on. Simply by revealing myself as a shrieker, I nearly clear my name. The only scenarios for doing so are if I am either a civilian looking to find an ally, or I'm an FG, in which case I wouldn't be a shrieker unless another FG were one. Still, the chance of a mutation giving a civilian the shrieker ability is too great for FG's to use the ability. So, while not entirely clear, I am at the very least an unlikely suspect.

I wouldn't send me roles or anything just yet, but keep me in mind.

Again, just doing this to protect more important roles.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: jippy99 on May 28, 2011, 09:08:50 pm
Shiningsword - 7 (RootRanger, Shantu, vinvick3714, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, Jaymanfu)
an alien - 12 (TStar, Genuinous, nilsieboy, ddevans96, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, Nepycros, Korugar, shiningsword, Wardead, jippy99)
gavsword - 1 (majofa)
As most others said, reasons>random bandwagons
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Demagog on May 28, 2011, 10:12:18 pm
Shiningsword - 7 (RootRanger, Shantu, vinvick3714, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, Jaymanfu)
an alien - 12 (TStar, Genuinous, nilsieboy, ddevans96, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, Nepycros, Korugar, shiningsword, Wardead, jippy99)
gavsword - 1 (majofa)
QuantumT - 1 (Demagog)

Take that, you evil doer!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: QuantumT on May 29, 2011, 12:21:39 am
Shiningsword - 7 (RootRanger, Shantu, vinvick3714, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, Jaymanfu)
an alien - 13 (TStar, Genuinous, nilsieboy, ddevans96, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, Nepycros, Korugar, shiningsword, Wardead, jippy99, QuantumT)
gavsword - 1 (majofa)
QuantumT - 1 (Demagog)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: DrunkDestroyer on May 29, 2011, 03:12:49 am
Shiningsword - 7 (RootRanger, Shantu, vinvick3714, an alien, patchx94, EvaRia, Jaymanfu)
an alien - 14 (TStar, Genuinous, nilsieboy, ddevans96, Onizuka, TheForbiddenOracle, Gavsword, Nepycros, Korugar, shiningsword, Wardead, jippy99, QuantumT, DrunkDestroyer)
gavsword - 1 (majofa)
QuantumT - 1 (Demagog)

Because all the cool kids are doing it.

I'm still thinking that since its so early game, the best thing we can do until we get information is remove all the confusing people that cloud and cover it up, or just vote weirdly - whether Civilian or FG. Better than RNGing it anyway.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 29, 2011, 01:01:03 pm


An Alien - Fallen Elf/Civ


tdog0001 - Crusader/Civ

FG kill:

None, it appears. No story today.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on May 29, 2011, 01:20:48 pm
Quote from: RavingRabbid link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg366575#msg366575 date=1306674063
FG kill:

None, it appears. No story today.
lolz :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on May 29, 2011, 01:26:26 pm
Haha, it seems that FG's arent active.
As long as we dont get mod killed, we should be safe(i hope they get mod killed).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 29, 2011, 01:28:08 pm
Quote from: ShiningSword link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg366580#msg366580 date=1306675586
Haha, it seems that FG's arent active.
As long as we dont get mod killed, we should be safe(i hope they get mod killed).
Technically, at 26 people alive, 23 voted. So FGs were just stupid.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RagingAlien on May 29, 2011, 01:33:35 pm
oh, look, i died again! hoorah! *fallen elfs self*

GG, everybody, and i'll admit, I WAS being unconsistent. Good luck everybody on getting the FGs. :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on May 29, 2011, 02:46:02 pm
TStar - 1 (Shantu)

For leading us into killing an elf. I suppose he can't have known, but changing the bandwagon onto someone else leaves a bad taste in my mouth.. I feel like he tried to save SS.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on May 29, 2011, 03:18:12 pm
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
ShiningSword - 1 (RootRanger)

So, if TStar was a FG, he would only kill another FG if it meant he would save a FG. So if ShiningSword is a civ, we can be almost absolutely sure that TStar is a civ. If SS is a FG, then we have another kill. Killing SS helps us either way. :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 29, 2011, 03:25:23 pm
When two shriekers are burrown, they see each other's primary and secondary roles.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Pineapple on May 29, 2011, 03:33:25 pm
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
ShiningSword - 2 (RootRanger, patchx94)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TStar on May 29, 2011, 03:39:07 pm
Quote from: Shantu link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg366599#msg366599 date=1306680362
TStar - 1 (Shantu)

For leading us into killing an elf. I suppose he can't have known, but changing the bandwagon onto someone else leaves a bad taste in my mouth.. I feel like he tried to save SS.
It was not my intention to start any type of bandwagon and I believe I made it very clear I was not asking anyone to vote as I did or agree with my reasons.  Had I not been asked to explain my reasoning I never would have posted them in the first place.  Had he offered some type of defense on his behalf maybe he would still be alive.  I have no allegiance with ShiningSword neither was I attempting to save him nor target an alien for any reason aside from the ones I listed.  If you wish to punish me because I was asked asked for my reasons and then many others decided to agree with them, and the elf decided to offer no defense on his own behalf then I will accept my fate.  I have no allies and no proof that I am indeed one of you and not one of the dreaded False Gods which have been terrorizing us.  Unfortunately the only person who could confirm my identity via being gambled was brutally murdered on the first day.  If it will help the town sleep better at night and bring us closer to finding these evil monsters then I will gladly sacrifice myself to help save the town.  If you are simply trying to kill me out of spite or revenge then I ask that you reconsider.

My vote will go towards a townsperson who was inactive during the last day.  We are under siege from an evil scourge that is intent on wiping us out one by one, and I find it worrisome that neither our comrade Seraph nor 918273645 chose to cast a ballot during such a troubled time on such an important issue.  I will be casting my vote for one of these players this round as they are both in danger of being exiled from the town anyways and I would rather hang someone who could be exiled than chose somebody I do not have an evidence against or reason to be suspicious of.  I deeply regret not thinking about this yesterday when I could have voted for tdog0001, who was exiled and rumor says tracked down and killed not far outside of town.  This is a mistake I will not repeat today.

918273645 - 1 (TStar)
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
ShiningSword - 2 (RootRanger, patchx94)

I decided to select 918273645 since he volunteered to be lynched on the first day and is in danger of being exiled already.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: jippy99 on May 29, 2011, 04:14:16 pm
I know for a fact that numbers is away now.  Because we have no other strong leads, I am choosing to save my vote for now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on May 29, 2011, 04:29:14 pm
Quote from: TStar link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg366614#msg366614 date=1306683547
*long speech*
Now thats a lot of Role Playing(usually posts dont have this much role playing).

Quote from: jippy99 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg366621#msg366621 date=1306685656
I know for a fact that numbers is away now.  Because we have no other strong leads, I am choosing to save my vote for now.
This sounds like a nice idea for me. It shouldnt be so hard to get a lead right now, with the seer/gamblers working and this shrieker thing going on, but i cant do anything about it(my chimera rolls arent giving me anything good), so might as well wait for the people who can.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Onizuka on May 30, 2011, 04:20:52 am
If someone targets a burrowed shrieker, what response does the targeter get?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: majofa on May 30, 2011, 06:02:20 am
918273645 - 2 (TStar, majofa)
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
ShiningSword - 2 (RootRanger, patchx94)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: DrunkDestroyer on May 30, 2011, 06:07:57 am
TStar seems innocent enough, although he seems to be trying pretty hard to be staying in the game.
Worth noting, although I think this is his first mafia.

Anyway, I personally think people like TStar are great assets, considering he voices logical opinions and explains exactly why he's voting for someone. I personally tend to trust people who do this a whole lot more than people who shroud their votes in mystery - always seems much more suspicious to me.

Meaning that I personally wouldnt be voting for him, since he is doing exactly what everyone else is doing, just with reasoning.
Of course, if he is a False God, that makes him much more dangerous than a silent voter.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TheForbiddenOracle on May 30, 2011, 11:48:46 am
918273645 - 3 (TStar, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle)
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
ShiningSword - 2 (RootRanger, patchx94)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on May 30, 2011, 12:53:53 pm
918273645 - 4 (TStar, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, Korugar)
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
ShiningSword - 2 (RootRanger, patchx94)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 30, 2011, 02:28:13 pm
(Also, I forgot to say that in reality modkills happen before lynching.)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Seraph on May 30, 2011, 02:37:23 pm
918273645 - 4 (TStar, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, Korugar)
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
ShiningSword - 3 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph)

Band Wagon for inactivity? waste of a vote
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TStar on May 30, 2011, 03:10:00 pm
Quote from: RavingRabbid link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg367156#msg367156 date=1306765693
(Also, I forgot to say that in reality modkills happen before lynching.)
918273645 - 3 (majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, Korugar)
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
ShiningSword - 3 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph)

In that case I retract my vote since we exile non-contributors to the community before we choose a target to lynch, and if 918273645 is not exiled today I have no good reason to suspect him of being the enemy.  My vote for him was simply a "safety" vote to buy more time.  I will withhold my vote then until I have a stronger reason to suspect someone.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Nepycros on May 30, 2011, 03:13:31 pm
918273645 - 3 (Tmajofa, TheForbiddenOracle, Korugar)
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
ShiningSword - 3 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph)
Wardead - 1 (Nepycros)

Considering the Mafia kill didn't happen, I'm just going after players that are relatively inactive, to see if I can't get lucky.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on May 30, 2011, 03:18:59 pm
Hmm...I guess Demagog is a good player, I'll take his strategy :P

918273645 - 2 (majofa, TheForbiddenOracle)
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
ShiningSword - 3 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph)
Wardead - 1 (Nepycros)
QuantumT - 1 (Korugar
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Demagog on May 30, 2011, 03:43:20 pm
Quote from: Korugar link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg367191#msg367191 date=1306768739
Hmm...I guess Demagog is a good player.
You have no idea! Best playa ever.

Oh wait...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on May 30, 2011, 03:48:43 pm
918273645 - 2 (majofa, TheForbiddenOracle)
ShiningSword - 4 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph, Shantu)
Wardead - 1 (Nepycros)
QuantumT - 1 (Korugar)

No TStar now then - let's see whether SS is a FG or not. If he is, I believe there is a high chance of TStar being a FG too.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Onizuka on May 30, 2011, 04:09:54 pm
918273645 - 2 (majofa, TheForbiddenOracle)
ShiningSword - 5 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph, Shantu, Onizuka)
Wardead - 1 (Nepycros)
QuantumT - 1 (Korugar)

For now, this seems like the best option.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on May 30, 2011, 06:16:27 pm
why im always such a good option?

If Fg's would have sent that damm kill at least maybe there would be some other leads to use.
If somebody feels like pointing fingers at anybody other than me, do it!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on May 30, 2011, 07:19:30 pm
918273645 - 2 (majofa, TheForbiddenOracle)
ShiningSword - 6 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph, Shantu, Onizuka, ddevans96)
Wardead - 1 (Nepycros)
QuantumT - 1 (Korugar)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: gavsword on May 30, 2011, 07:20:13 pm
918273645 - 2 (majofa, TheForbiddenOracle)
ShiningSword - 7 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph, Shantu, Onizuka, ddevans96, gavsword)
Wardead - 1 (Nepycros)
QuantumT - 1 (Korugar)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: EvaRia on May 30, 2011, 07:35:26 pm
Meh, we can lynch him now, and if he's not an FG, we know something, and if he is an FG, we know something.

918273645 - 2 (majofa, TheForbiddenOracle)
ShiningSword - 8 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph, Shantu, Onizuka, ddevans96, gavsword, EvaRia)
Wardead - 1 (Nepycros)
QuantumT - 1 (Korugar)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Demagog on May 30, 2011, 07:49:29 pm
Soooooo ddevans burrowed, he's a civ. He will confirm that I am one as well.

What this means is that the FG's will not target either of us for a good while. By doing so, they will reveal that one of us is a civilian, and a civilian wouldn't lie about another shrieker being a civilian, which means that the person that lived would be fully cleared. So, the FG's will only target us later in the game when the threat of an alliance isn't as great.

Yall don't have to send us your info if you don't want to, as there is still the possibility that we are both FG's, but if you feel our story is true, please send both of us your info and any knowledge you have.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on May 30, 2011, 07:51:26 pm
Yes, Dema is the other shrieker, and he's a civilian too. As he said, feel free to PM both of us any info you have.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: nilsieboy on May 30, 2011, 08:08:51 pm
918273645 - 3 (majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, nilsieboy)
ShiningSword - 8 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph, Shantu, Onizuka, ddevans96, gavsword, EvaRia)
Wardead - 1 (Nepycros)
QuantumT - 1 (Korugar)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 30, 2011, 08:36:30 pm
Maybe I made Shrieker a bit too powerful.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on May 30, 2011, 08:47:48 pm
Nah, the mafia has won every game I've played (and the one before my first one as well) so I think it's fine that we get a boost this time.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on May 30, 2011, 08:49:30 pm
Quote from: RootRanger link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg367441#msg367441 date=1306788468
Nah, the mafia has won every game I've played (and the one before my first one as well) so I think it's fine that we get a boost this time.
Every game before then that I played in, except for one, the civilians won. So I don't think either side needs a boost, really.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Demagog on May 30, 2011, 09:04:39 pm
Quote from: RavingRabbid link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg367427#msg367427 date=1306787790
Maybe I made Shrieker a bit too powerful.
Think before you speak... you just confirmed us as civilians.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on May 30, 2011, 09:09:59 pm
Nah...we already know that the shrieker role is powerful, and that's all he said. You and ddevans are either both civs, both FGs, or both very confused. But since the last two are unlikely, the shrieker role is powerful because it means you are most likely civs.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 918273645 on May 30, 2011, 10:32:35 pm
On my phone, and I am outta town. I can't copy paste on this blasted thing, so someone throw my vote at SS.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Onizuka on May 30, 2011, 10:34:15 pm
918273645 - 3 (majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, nilsieboy)
ShiningSword - 9 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph, Shantu, Onizuka, ddevans96, gavsword, EvaRia, 918273645)
Wardead - 1 (Nepycros)
QuantumT - 1 (Korugar)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Wardead on May 30, 2011, 10:52:07 pm
Relatively inactive? I'm active 7 hours a day (or more) on teh forums :D

918273645 - 3 (majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, nilsieboy)
ShiningSword - 10 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph, Shantu, Onizuka, ddevans96, gavsword, EvaRia, 918273645, Wardead)
Wardead - 1 (Nepycros)
QuantumT - 1 (Korugar)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Jaymanfu on May 30, 2011, 11:03:11 pm
918273645 - 3 (majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, nilsieboy)
ShiningSword - 11 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph, Shantu, Onizuka, ddevans96, gavsword, EvaRia, 918273645, Wardead, Jaymanfu)
Wardead - 1 (Nepycros)
QuantumT - 1 (Korugar)

Lets try this again.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: QuantumT on May 31, 2011, 12:03:49 am
918273645 - 3 (majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, nilsieboy)
ShiningSword - 12 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph, Shantu, Onizuka, ddevans96, gavsword, EvaRia, 918273645, Wardead, Jaymanfu, QuantumT)
Wardead - 1 (Nepycros)
QuantumT - 1 (Korugar)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: jippy99 on May 31, 2011, 12:06:07 am
918273645 - 3 (majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, nilsieboy)
ShiningSword - 12 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph, Shantu, Onizuka, ddevans96, gavsword, EvaRia, 918273645, Wardead, Jaymanfu, QuantumT)
Wardead - 1 (Nepycros)
QuantumT - 2 (Korugar, jippy99)
Demagog might be on to something.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Demagog on May 31, 2011, 02:23:09 am
Numbers said it himself, he is out of town. Moves him pretty high on the list. My vote doesn't matter by the look of things, but I'd like to be able to say I was suspicious of him this round.

918273645 - 4 (majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, nilsieboy, Demagog)
ShiningSword - 12 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph, Shantu, Onizuka, ddevans96, gavsword, EvaRia, 918273645, Wardead, Jaymanfu, QuantumT)
Wardead - 1 (Nepycros)
QuantumT - 2 (Korugar, jippy99)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on May 31, 2011, 03:43:08 am

918273645 - 5 (majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, nilsieboy, Demagog, Genuinous)
ShiningSword - 12 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph, Shantu, Onizuka, ddevans96, gavsword, EvaRia, 918273645, Wardead, Jaymanfu, QuantumT)
Wardead - 1 (Nepycros)
QuantumT - 2 (Korugar, jippy99)

could work...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TStar on May 31, 2011, 04:37:34 am
Since I have yet to obtain any solid evidence against anyone as of yet, I will place my vote back where it was originally cast.  A comrade who is contributing minimally so far I fear will not be a strong ally in our quest to rid ourselves of the murderous swine who plague our community.

918273645 - 6 (TStar, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, nilsieboy, Demagog, Genuinous)
ShiningSword - 12 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph, Shantu, Onizuka, ddevans96, gavsword, EvaRia, 918273645, Wardead, Jaymanfu, QuantumT)
Wardead - 1 (Nepycros)
QuantumT - 2 (Korugar, jippy99)

EDIT: Fixed the vote total
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: DrunkDestroyer on May 31, 2011, 05:25:22 am
918273645 - 7 (TStar, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, nilsieboy, Demagog, Genuinous, DrunkDestroyer)
ShiningSword - 12 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph, Shantu, Onizuka, ddevans96, gavsword, EvaRia, 918273645, Wardead, Jaymanfu, QuantumT)
Wardead - 1 (Nepycros)
QuantumT - 2 (Korugar, jippy99)

Inactive FGs, and inactive Numbers.
Now that he won't be modkilled, it doesn't look like a wasted lynch anymore. Losing an inactive might save us from losing someone potentially useful.

However, I still find SS's modkill story-thing pretty weird, as well as TStars speeches.
But this is probably the best place I can drop my vote.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TStar on May 31, 2011, 05:36:07 am
I enjoy my speeches.  It's a fun little RPG flair.  I suppose I can put them in spoilers though since they do tend create a lovely wall of text effect lol
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 31, 2011, 11:26:24 am
I'm delaying by two hours the end of the round due to personal issues falling exactly on the usual round deadline.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on May 31, 2011, 02:12:48 pm
can we change votes or you will only take the standings at the usual ending time?
If we can:
918273645 - 8 (TStar, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, nilsieboy, Demagog, Genuinous, DrunkDestroyer, shiningsword)
ShiningSword - 12 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph, Shantu, Onizuka, ddevans96, gavsword, EvaRia, 918273645, Wardead, Jaymanfu, QuantumT)
Wardead - 1 (Nepycros)
QuantumT - 2 (Korugar, jippy99)
If we can't:
Meh, im screwed anyway.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on May 31, 2011, 02:14:58 pm
918273645 - 9 (TStar, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, nilsieboy, Demagog, Genuinous, DrunkDestroyer, shiningsword, Korugar)
ShiningSword - 12 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph, Shantu, Onizuka, ddevans96, gavsword, EvaRia, 918273645, Wardead, Jaymanfu, QuantumT)
Wardead - 1 (Nepycros)
QuantumT - 1 (jippy99)

Well, I voted for him originally, I'll vote for him again.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on May 31, 2011, 03:28:17 pm
Lynch Death:

918# Civ/Chimera

FG Kill:

Vinvick3714, Gavsword and Drunkdestroyer were playing Texas Hold'Em, when Onizuka ran in, screaming: "There's a drowned Steel Golem in the water, majofa was not drunk-seeing!"
"We've promised to go not to the dock since the Legit accident" said DrunkDestroyer "and the first who makes a Legit joke is dead."

"We could say..." started Gavsword "...it was a not so Legit death. We obviously have a murderer here."

Vinvick3714 rung the emergency bell, and called the extraordinary meeting of top importance at the main square. While they were going, Gavsword was struck by a Fire Lance.

gavsword: Civ/Witness

Such a lame way of making people die.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on May 31, 2011, 03:33:45 pm
From now on, we should avoid legit jokes.

Now seriously, i think i found somebody with lots of vote power, if my purple nymph was able to do that(it is unlikely anyway, so i guess somebody helped me, or maybe more than one).

On the other hand, i'm SO dead now(seriously, i wont be able to dodge this third lynch even if i convinced half the town to help me).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: gavsword on May 31, 2011, 03:33:54 pm
W/e probably figured I was gonna be lynched by the mob soon anyway. I kinda looked like mafia if anyone actually reads my posts....

Oh wait I mean NOOOOOOOOOO I'M DEAD!!!!!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on May 31, 2011, 04:00:42 pm
So, let's look at the info we have.
TStar saved SS from being lynched, which killed an important civ.
TStar saved SS from being lynched again, which killed another civ.
In my post I said that we would think TStar is a FG if SS died as a FG, yet the FGs didn't night kill me.
My theory is that TStar is a FG trying to make us lynch SS, who is a civ. He wants us to finally lynch SS and find he is a civ, and then assume TStar was simply unlucky by having us lynch two civs and ignore him. But by then the FGs will have a huge advantage. We need to stop this threat while we can.

TStar - 1 (RootRanger)

I have a feeling someone might get confirmed this round. With new information I will change my vote.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TStar on May 31, 2011, 04:41:20 pm
That is certainly a plausible scenario you lay for us RootRanger.  I am flattered that you believe I have the sway in town to manipulate so many for such a complex plan to take shape.  If the town believes that I am capable of somehow rigging our past election to save our comrade ShiningSword from the noose despite all appearances that he would be the next to hang from the gallows, then I truly am a very dangerous person to leave alive.  I can't help but wonder if this is related to the fact that I would neither confirm nor deny the information your sources gave you regarding me yesterday since I have chosen to trust no one until the Seer can confirm me, and I would not agree carry out a plan you hatched up when you assumed that your sources were correct.  Just because I am being cautious doesn't mean that I am guilty.  In any case, if it is the will of the town that my life be ended then I will submit myself to our judgement.  Anything that brings us closer to exterminating the vile menace besieging our community, even my own death if necessary, I will support fully.  My only regret will be that I won't be alive to see these monsters eliminated forever and our community safe once more.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on May 31, 2011, 04:49:42 pm
TStar - 2 (RootRanger, Shantu)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: nilsieboy on May 31, 2011, 04:54:06 pm
TStar - 2 (RootRanger, Shantu)
majofa - 1 (nilsieboy)
i'll change my vote if someone has good evidence or really good suspicions, for now i think tstar is innocent and i like his stories so keep him alive please xD.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Nepycros on May 31, 2011, 04:55:48 pm
For the time being, I'm going to have to wait and watch. After all, without any word from our Gamblers, the Oracle, and without any FG confirmations coming from our Shrieker Depot, I have no way to point my powers at anyone.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on May 31, 2011, 05:07:15 pm
TStar - 2 (RootRanger, Shantu)
majofa - 1 (nilsieboy)
ShiningSword - 1 (ddevans96)

TStar is innocent, of that I'm absolutely certain. Third time is the charm.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on May 31, 2011, 05:22:04 pm
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
majofa - 1 (nilsieboy)
ShiningSword - 2 (ddevans96, RootRanger)

In that case, I'll vote SS until I have more info.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Nepycros on May 31, 2011, 06:06:10 pm
Likely scenario: A gambler contacted ddevans and told him that TStar is innocent. If this is the case, I see no reason why we can't take that statement to heart.

TStar - 1 (Shantu)
majofa - 1 (nilsieboy)
ShiningSword - 3 (ddevans96, RootRanger, Nepycros)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Seraph on May 31, 2011, 08:03:24 pm
Do you think it is safe to trust Demagog+ddevans?
They have confirmed each other, but they could both be mafia
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on May 31, 2011, 08:09:56 pm
There's a small chance that ddevans, Dema, and TStar are all mafia and control every shrieker. It's worth the risk to give them complete trust.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: EvaRia on May 31, 2011, 08:22:21 pm
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
majofa - 1 (nilsieboy)
ShiningSword - 4 (ddevans96, RootRanger, Nepycros, EvaRia)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TStar on May 31, 2011, 08:41:44 pm
Quote from: RootRanger link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg368020#msg368020 date=1306872596
There's a small chance that ddevans, Dema, and TStar are all mafia and control every shrieker. It's worth the risk to give them complete trust.
I would hope by now our Seer would have had the wisdom to use his powers on one of the Shriekers to confirm their identity since they are basically a 2-for-1 package in finding a Civ/Civ or FG/FG.  I am assuming the since nothing has been mentioned of either of them being vile thugs that they must both be innocent.  I will personally give them the benefit of the doubt for now but will not trust them or reveal any information to them until a Seer confirms they are civilians to us.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Vinvick3714 on May 31, 2011, 11:20:02 pm
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
majofa - 1 (nilsieboy)
ShiningSword - 5 (ddevans96, RootRanger, Nepycros, EvaRia, vinvick3714)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: majofa on May 31, 2011, 11:21:17 pm
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
majofa - 1 (nilsieboy)
ShiningSword - 6 (ddevans96, RootRanger, Nepycros, EvaRia, vinvick3714, majofa)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TheForbiddenOracle on May 31, 2011, 11:54:38 pm
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
majofa - 1 (nilsieboy)
ShiningSword - 7 (ddevans96, RootRanger, Nepycros, EvaRia, vinvick3714, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on June 01, 2011, 12:06:37 am
I guess the third time is really the last one for me(i felt a little hope there, but it didnt last long).

I also think it is for the best, as i have the suspicion that the FGs were keeping me alive(too much vote manipulation was going around in the second lynch)to delay the civys lynching schedule, while simultaneously framing me to make sure im still the lynch target(gavsword, seriously, one of the first to accuse me of something?).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Onizuka on June 01, 2011, 12:15:33 am
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
majofa - 1 (nilsieboy)
ShiningSword - 8 (ddevans96, RootRanger, Nepycros, EvaRia, vinvick3714, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on June 01, 2011, 01:39:39 am
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
majofa - 2 (nilsieboy, Korugar)
ShiningSword - 8 (ddevans96, RootRanger, Nepycros, EvaRia, vinvick3714, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka)

SS makes a compelling argument, and my vote won't make a difference by itself.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Jaymanfu on June 01, 2011, 03:59:13 am
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
majofa - 2 (nilsieboy, Korugar)
ShiningSword - 9 (ddevans96, RootRanger, Nepycros, EvaRia, vinvick3714, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Jaymanfu)

Third times the charm? Hopefully

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on June 01, 2011, 04:31:54 am
majofa - 2 (nilsieboy, Korugar)
ShiningSword - 10 (ddevans96, RootRanger, Nepycros, EvaRia, vinvick3714, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Jaymanfu, Shantu)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: DrunkDestroyer on June 01, 2011, 04:35:34 am
majofa - 2 (nilsieboy, Korugar)
ShiningSword - 11 (ddevans96, RootRanger, Nepycros, EvaRia, vinvick3714, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Jaymanfu, Shantu,  DrunkDestroyer)

It's a toss up between SS and TStar here.
In the end, I think TStar's logic is better, although his stories still confuse me.  :)
Its just off putting to be lead on by someone... (Anyone else reminded of BatCountry's first and only mafia?)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TStar on June 01, 2011, 07:36:13 am
Quote from: DrunkDestroyer link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg368310#msg368310 date=1306902934
It's a toss up between SS and TStar here.
In the end, I think TStar's logic is better, although his stories still confuse me.  :)
Its just off putting to be lead on by someone... (Anyone else reminded of BatCountry's first and only mafia?)
I just spent a couple hours pouring over tomes revealing the history of towns previously beset my this dark cloud and I understand now what youe comparison means.  Unfortunately, I think it's fairly clear there is a difference between a citizen in BatCountry who so forcefully demanded that the town follow her in lynching whomever she desired, and myself whos only crime has been to give reasons for my votes that some of our fellow citizens have decided were strong and valid.  I still have no reason to suspect ShiningSword is a murder, but I'm starting to suspect indeed you may yourself be one with how you are subtly trying to bait the town to vote to string me up tomorrow.  Very clever indeed, especially since your reasoning for suspecting me seems to be nothing more than the style of my speech.  Have I become a target for the evil amongst us?  Has my lone voice started to inspire fear within their ranks?  I shall cast my vote with you, comrade DD, as you are the most likely person to be a murderer in my eyes.  If I survive the night we can revisit this on a new day and see if your arguments can quench my suspicions.  There are many questions I will have for you to answer when the new dawn breaks
majofa - 2 (nilsieboy, Korugar)
ShiningSword - 11 (ddevans96, RootRanger, Nepycros, EvaRia, vinvick3714, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Jaymanfu, Shantu,  DrunkDestroyer)
DrunkDestroyer - 1 (TStar)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on June 01, 2011, 02:53:44 pm
Lol it would be terrible if TStar pulled a BatCountry on me.
But I think he is smart enough not to do that.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: QuantumT on June 01, 2011, 05:55:32 pm
majofa - 2 (nilsieboy, Korugar)
ShiningSword - 12 (ddevans96, RootRanger, Nepycros, EvaRia, vinvick3714, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Jaymanfu, Shantu,  DrunkDestroyer, QuantumT)
DrunkDestroyer - 1 (TStar)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Seraph on June 01, 2011, 07:50:48 pm
Would you mind revealing what BatCountry did?
From what I have heard in this thread, she duped you guys badly
so she must have been a mafia, who was let into the group, and killed everybody?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on June 01, 2011, 08:28:58 pm
No...she had a power role, and a lucky guess, and proceeded to get us slaughtered by the mafia because of arrogance....
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on June 01, 2011, 08:40:20 pm
She was a very lucky doctor/virus who started a random bandwagon on someone who turned out to be mafia, and proceeded to boss everyone else around, and then screw them all over. Really brilliant player.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on June 01, 2011, 09:43:29 pm
She virused root(i wanted to keep you alive root, i was mafia back then, but i wanted to do it), who was a civy, thats why he doesnt want anybody to pull a batcountry on him.
I can tell you that wont happen ever again(if somebody tries to pull that off he will get lynched faster than you can type ''BC'').
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on June 02, 2011, 12:24:01 am

majofa - 2 (nilsieboy, Korugar)
ShiningSword - 13 (ddevans96, RootRanger, Nepycros, EvaRia, vinvick3714, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Jaymanfu, Shantu,  DrunkDestroyer, QuantumT, Genuinous)
DrunkDestroyer - 1 (TStar)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: gavsword on June 02, 2011, 12:28:20 am
I know the dead don't talk, but BC's called shot was still beyond pro. Everyone throughout the entire game thought she'd been gambled and had solid connections, but she got her info off a simple read from chat. After she virused root she claimed to have had like 7 candidates who she thought were mafia then and called 5/6 remaining (the only one she didn't figure was me). She ended up running the civvys into a wall because she didn't really trust anyone, but the entire thing was simply pro.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on June 02, 2011, 12:52:00 am
Quote from: gavsword link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg368758#msg368758 date=1306974500
I know the dead don't talk, but BC's called shot was still beyond pro. Everyone throughout the entire game thought she'd been gambled and had solid connections, but she got her info off a simple read from chat. After she virused root she claimed to have had like 7 candidates who she thought were mafia then and called 5/6 remaining (the only one she didn't figure was me). She ended up running the civvys into a wall because she didn't really trust anyone, but the entire thing was simply pro.
The thing about her called shot is that it was risky, and doctors arent exactly expendable, so that was just reckless(i mean, losing a doctor in first rounds isnt any good, and less if it was lynched).
She also was unable to gain the civys trust(we had lots of civys against here during the game).

However, there was one person who gave us a better balance back then, even with a short participation, as the advantage was complete and with no drawbacks(you know who you are). And someone else who miss virused.
So you cant say it was all of BC's fault after that.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: gavsword on June 02, 2011, 01:10:12 am

Wait that means I'm dead....
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 02, 2011, 12:18:05 pm
Round ends in 5 hours.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Wardead on June 02, 2011, 12:57:52 pm
majofa - 2 (nilsieboy, Korugar)
ShiningSword - 14 (ddevans96, RootRanger, Nepycros, EvaRia, vinvick3714, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Jaymanfu, Shantu,  DrunkDestroyer, QuantumT, Genuinous, Wardead)
DrunkDestroyer - 1 (TStar)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TStar on June 02, 2011, 01:23:41 pm
I have just received information that I am being targeted this very night.  I do not know if they plan to make me the next victim in their bloodthirtsy rampage, but I fear my time on this earth will be limited.  If the Doctor is out there among us, I beseech you to aid me before it's too late.  I am the only townsperson that has been vouched for, and these monsters fear what that means now.  To everyone, send me all your information as quickly as possible.  I am confirmed and I am a threat and if the Doctor or Armagio save me this night I can bring the community together and bring us even closer to ridding ourselves of these evil monsters.  We cannot afford to delay any further!  Every day that passes they only grow stronger and we are weakened.  I implore the Seer and the Doctor especially to reveal themselves to me so that I can pair you both up before my death and give us the greatest chances of ending the this madness.

If I am to die this very night, I can die knowing that my death will have unified the entire community, for once I am proven to be one of the innocent you will know that our comrade ddevans96 is indeed trustworthy and everyone should send all their information to him.  I hope it will not take my death to open your eyes to the truth of my innocence, but I am prepared to die if that is what it will take to unite our community.  I will also die knowing that my death will prove that indeed my suspicions about DrunkDestroyer will be verified as true and that my murder will be avenged.  Please make his death slow and very painful for me, that would be my dying wish.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Demagog on June 02, 2011, 02:11:38 pm
majofa - 2 (nilsieboy, Korugar)
ShiningSword - 14 (ddevans96, RootRanger, Nepycros, EvaRia, vinvick3714, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Jaymanfu, Shantu,  DrunkDestroyer, QuantumT, Genuinous, Wardead)
DrunkDestroyer - 2 (TStar, Demagog)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on June 02, 2011, 02:54:16 pm
majofa - 2 (nilsieboy, Korugar)
ShiningSword - 13 (ddevans96, Nepycros, EvaRia, vinvick3714, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Jaymanfu, Shantu,  DrunkDestroyer, QuantumT, Genuinous, Wardead)
DrunkDestroyer - 3 (TStar, Demagog, RootRanger)

Two confirmed civs vote for DD. We have time to kill him and save SS!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on June 02, 2011, 03:10:40 pm
majofa - 2 (nilsieboy, Korugar)
ShiningSword - 13 (ddevans96, Nepycros, EvaRia, vinvick3714, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Jaymanfu, Shantu,  DrunkDestroyer, QuantumT, Genuinous, Wardead)
DrunkDestroyer - 4 (TStar, Demagog, RootRanger, shiningsword)
Guide us to victory upon the real(not me) murderous scumbags, TStar!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TStar on June 02, 2011, 03:24:24 pm
Just to avoid any confusion fellow citizens, I am confirming that ddevans96 is in fact a civilian and not a murderer.  I believe this also exonerates Demagog of any suspicion as well.  If I am in fact killed this night you will all have definite proof that I am indeed trustworthy so send all your roles to them as quickly as possible, especially the Seer and Doctor.  I do not want there to be any confusion as to their innocence that might delay us in creating a large alliance.  Make sure if your roles have changed from your original ones that you include the entire history of your roles to them as well.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: nilsieboy on June 02, 2011, 03:28:45 pm
majofa - 1 (Korugar)
ShiningSword - 13 (ddevans96, Nepycros, EvaRia, vinvick3714, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Jaymanfu, Shantu,  DrunkDestroyer, QuantumT, Genuinous, Wardead)
DrunkDestroyer - 5 (TStar, Demagog, RootRanger, shiningsword, nilsieboy)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: majofa on June 02, 2011, 03:33:43 pm
majofa - 1 (Korugar)
ShiningSword - 12 (ddevans96, Nepycros, EvaRia, vinvick3714, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Jaymanfu, Shantu,  DrunkDestroyer, QuantumT, Genuinous, Wardead)
DrunkDestroyer - 6 (TStar, Demagog, RootRanger, shiningsword, nilsieboy, majofa)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on June 02, 2011, 03:38:13 pm
majofa - 1 (Korugar)
ShiningSword - 11 (Nepycros, EvaRia, vinvick3714, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Jaymanfu, Shantu,  DrunkDestroyer, QuantumT, Genuinous, Wardead)
DrunkDestroyer - 7 (TStar, Demagog, RootRanger, shiningsword, nilsieboy, majofa, ddevans96)

If TStar is right...I can't trust you anymore DD.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: QuantumT on June 02, 2011, 03:45:35 pm
majofa - 1 (Korugar)
ShiningSword - 10 (Nepycros, EvaRia, vinvick3714, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Jaymanfu, Shantu,  DrunkDestroyer, Genuinous, Wardead)
DrunkDestroyer - 8 (TStar, Demagog, RootRanger, shiningsword, nilsieboy, majofa, ddevans96, QuantumT)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on June 02, 2011, 03:54:21 pm
ShiningSword - 10 (Nepycros, EvaRia, vinvick3714, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Jaymanfu, Shantu,  DrunkDestroyer, Genuinous, Wardead)
DrunkDestroyer - 9 (TStar, Demagog, RootRanger, shiningsword, nilsieboy, majofa, ddevans96, QuantumT, Korugar)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: EvaRia on June 02, 2011, 04:17:52 pm
ShiningSword - 9 (Nepycros, vinvick3714, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Jaymanfu, Shantu,  DrunkDestroyer, Genuinous, Wardead)
DrunkDestroyer - 10 (TStar, Demagog, RootRanger, shiningsword, nilsieboy, majofa, ddevans96, QuantumT, Korugar, EvaRia)

If DD is a civ, then I'm not gonna hold TStar to his word anymore.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Nepycros on June 02, 2011, 04:42:00 pm
ShiningSword - 8 (vinvick3714, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Jaymanfu, Shantu,  DrunkDestroyer, Genuinous, Wardead)
DrunkDestroyer - 11 (TStar, Demagog, RootRanger, shiningsword, nilsieboy, majofa, ddevans96, QuantumT, Korugar, EvaRia, Nepycros)

This had better work, you know.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on June 02, 2011, 04:42:26 pm
ShiningSword - 7 (vinvick3714, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Jaymanfu, Shantu,  DrunkDestroyer, Genuinous, Wardead)
DrunkDestroyer - 12 (TStar, Demagog, RootRanger, shiningsword, nilsieboy, majofa, ddevans96, QuantumT, Korugar, EvaRia, Nepycros, Shantu)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Nepycros on June 02, 2011, 04:43:30 pm
ShiningSword - 7 (vinvick3714, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Jaymanfu, DrunkDestroyer, Genuinous, Wardead)
DrunkDestroyer - 12 (TStar, Demagog, RootRanger, shiningsword, nilsieboy, majofa, ddevans96, QuantumT, Korugar, EvaRia, Nepycros, Shantu)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 02, 2011, 05:12:56 pm
Ok. Stop the clocks.
Sorry for the delay, but my connection seems to like it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 02, 2011, 05:22:25 pm
Lynch: DrunkDestroyer, FG/Con Artist

FG Kill: TStar Civ/Shrieker

I made shrieker too powerful, definitely.
I am a terrible mafia host.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on June 02, 2011, 05:46:07 pm
Quote from: RavingRabbid link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg368994#msg368994 date=1307035345
I am a terrible mafia host.
:( You've done a good job so far. It's one little balance issue that can easily be avoided next time.

TStar's brave sacrifice will be remembered for all eternity.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on June 02, 2011, 05:54:48 pm
Jaymanfu - 1 (Shantu)

Random guess from the persons that didn't change their votes.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Nepycros on June 02, 2011, 05:56:40 pm
TStar's death is actually very helpful. The Mafia has confirmed 2 civies at once. Demagog and ddevans96 are now 100% confirmed. This gives us a good advantage.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on June 02, 2011, 06:19:20 pm
Since you can trust us, feel free to send myself and Dema your current role and role history so we can see what has changed.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Jaymanfu on June 02, 2011, 07:09:12 pm
Jaymanfu - 1 (Shantu)
shiningsword - 1 (Jaymanfu)

Ill stick with consistancy! Oh and ya I didn't swap my vote because I was asleep at the time.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on June 02, 2011, 10:33:13 pm
Rabbid Raving, when you have time i would like to know my role from this rounds chimera roll(and if it can be a gambler, better).
On voting topics, for now i prefer to see how this round unfolds.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 918273645 on June 03, 2011, 04:11:21 am
(delayed bah post)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: DrunkDestroyer on June 03, 2011, 10:11:43 am
Well this sucks.

The one time I get to be mafia, I get killed off early game.

I still get the "I told you so" moment, but it was no way worth it.
Good luck to both teams.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on June 03, 2011, 05:23:57 pm
Jaymanfu - 2 (Shantu, ddevans96)
shiningsword - 1 (Jaymanfu)

Just a hunch.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Nepycros on June 03, 2011, 05:25:36 pm
Jaymanfu - 3 (Shantu, ddevans96, Nepycros)
shiningsword - 1 (Jaymanfu)

One man's hunch is another man's random bandwagon.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Pineapple on June 03, 2011, 06:09:07 pm
Jaymanfu - 4 (Shantu, ddevans96, Nepycros, patchx94)
shiningsword - 1 (Jaymanfu)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on June 03, 2011, 06:14:56 pm
Jaymanfu - 4 (Shantu, ddevans96, Nepycros, patchx94)
shiningsword - 1 (Jaymanfu)
Wardead - 1 (RootRanger)

He posted shortly before TStar made his comment about DD being a FG.
I wouldn't be surprised if he had been on the forum and read TStar's post, but did not switch his vote.

It's a crappy lead, but I believe it's the best we have.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Jaymanfu on June 03, 2011, 06:18:37 pm
Jaymanfu - 4 (Shantu, ddevans96, Nepycros, patchx94)
Wardead - 2 (RootRanger, Jaymanfu)

I hope I dont die because I was asleep when we were switching votes :(

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: EvaRia on June 03, 2011, 06:34:15 pm
The next person to deny that they're mafia gets my vote.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on June 03, 2011, 10:17:24 pm
Jaymanfu - 4 (Shantu, ddevans96, Nepycros, patchx94)
Wardead - 3 (RootRanger, Jaymanfu, Korugar)

Woo for missing almost everything because of work...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Wardead on June 03, 2011, 10:41:25 pm
I went offline right after my post. I don't follow the forums much anymore  :(

Jaymanfu - 4 (Shantu, ddevans96, Nepycros, patchx94)
Wardead - 3 (RootRanger, Jaymanfu, Korugar)

But I still got a hunch.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Onizuka on June 04, 2011, 01:15:50 am
How long until the round is over?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: jippy99 on June 04, 2011, 01:35:14 am
Jaymanfu - 4 (Shantu, ddevans96, Nepycros, patchx94)
Wardead - 4 (RootRanger, Jaymanfu, Korugar, jippy99)
I think that reasoning is quite iffy.  If someone isn't online for the last six hours of the round, how are they supposed to change there vote? (they could also be like me and just be too lazy, but thats besides the point)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on June 04, 2011, 03:41:31 am
I'm not voting for Jay because he wasn't online, I'm voting for him because he didn't give me any hints whatsoever as to his role, and has posted on this thread since I asked for roles.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: QuantumT on June 04, 2011, 06:12:56 am
Quote from: ddevans96 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg369812#msg369812 date=1307158891
I'm not voting for Jay because he wasn't online, I'm voting for him because he didn't give me any hints whatsoever as to his role, and has posted on this thread since I asked for roles.
Good enough for me.

Jaymanfu - 5 (Shantu, ddevans96, Nepycros, patchx94, QuantumT)
Wardead - 4 (RootRanger, Jaymanfu, Korugar, jippy99)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on June 04, 2011, 12:03:18 pm
What about Wardead? Has he given hints about his role?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 04, 2011, 12:04:20 pm
1 hour left. Be happy with my modkill spree.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on June 04, 2011, 12:08:42 pm
Jaymanfu - 6 (Shantu, ddevans96, Nepycros, patchx94, QuantumT, RootRanger)
Wardead - 3 (Jaymanfu, Korugar, jippy99)

Well, since I won't be here in an hour, here I go...
Bye Jaymanfu.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TheForbiddenOracle on June 04, 2011, 12:51:47 pm
Jaymanfu - 7 (Shantu, ddevans96, Nepycros, patchx94, QuantumT, RootRanger, TheForbiddenOracle)
Wardead - 3 (Jaymanfu, Korugar, jippy99)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 04, 2011, 01:03:44 pm
Clop the stocks.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 04, 2011, 01:12:18 pm
Modkill: Seraph Civ/Gambler

Lynch: Wardead loses a life

FG Kill:

A warm mid summer day.
A Physalia swarm attacking the town.
People running, and using their Owl Eyes to shut down the troubles.
Demagog shot in the back, by a brutal mind.

"DrunkDestroyer will be avenged."

Oh, what a lovely day it had to be.

Demagog: Civ/Purple Nymph

Remember: Not Voting TWICE IN A ROW will get you modkilled, no matter what.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: jippy99 on June 04, 2011, 01:18:23 pm
Lets get this lynching started.
Jaymanfu - 1 (jippy99)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on June 04, 2011, 01:46:33 pm
Jaymanfu - 2 (jippy99, shiningsword)

This guy has been saved by vote manipulation, which means he is possibly an FG.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Demagog on June 04, 2011, 01:53:24 pm
*Points and laughs at FG's for wasting a kill*

I'm more inactive than yall. Worst possible choice.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 04, 2011, 02:10:45 pm
Quote from: Demagog link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg369957#msg369957 date=1307195604
*Points and laughs at FG's for wasting a kill*

I'm more inactive than yall. Worst possible choice.
They didn't actually kill you. You just were shot while defending the town.

Also, TStar was killed by Physalias.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: jippy99 on June 04, 2011, 02:12:51 pm
RR, you need more water creatures and stories.  You should say in the next story that someone was stabbed to death by a Trident or something like that.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on June 04, 2011, 02:22:24 pm
Jaymanfu - 3 (jippy99, shiningsword, Shantu)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on June 04, 2011, 02:56:58 pm

Jaymanfu - 4 (jippy99, shiningsword, Shantu, Genuinous)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: EvaRia on June 04, 2011, 03:04:13 pm
Jaymanfu - 5 (jippy99, shiningsword, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on June 04, 2011, 03:19:28 pm
Jaymanfu - 6 (jippy99, shiningsword, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia, RootRanger)

So it's clear that multiple people badly wanted Jaymanfu to be saved, since there were clearly multiple secondary roles used on him. I don't think a civ would use a vote changing-role to save someone whose role they are unsure of. That means there are probably FGs that saved Jaymanfu. We can't take the risk of having anyone vote for someone other than Jaymanfu. Everyone vote for Jaymanfu, or else we will assume you are a FG.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TheForbiddenOracle on June 04, 2011, 03:24:54 pm
Jaymanfu - 7 (jippy99, shiningsword, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia, RootRanger, TheForbiddenOracle)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Onizuka on June 04, 2011, 03:26:00 pm
Jaymanfu - 8 (jippy99, shiningsword, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia, RootRanger, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Nepycros on June 04, 2011, 03:38:28 pm
Jaymanfu - 9 (jippy99, shiningsword, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia, RootRanger, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Nepycros)

FG heads must roll!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Demagog on June 04, 2011, 03:43:38 pm
Quote from: RavingRabbid link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg369961#msg369961 date=1307196645
Quote from: Demagog link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg369957#msg369957 date=1307195604
*Points and laughs at FG's for wasting a kill*

I'm more inactive than yall. Worst possible choice.
They didn't actually kill you. You just were shot while defending the town.

Also, TStar was killed by Physalias.
So the FG's targeted no one? Makes sense.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 04, 2011, 04:11:36 pm
Quote from: Demagog link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg370006#msg370006 date=1307202218
Quote from: RavingRabbid link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg369961#msg369961 date=1307196645
Quote from: Demagog link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg369957#msg369957 date=1307195604
*Points and laughs at FG's for wasting a kill*

I'm more inactive than yall. Worst possible choice.
They didn't actually kill you. You just were shot while defending the town.

Also, TStar was killed by Physalias.
So the FG's targeted no one? Makes sense.
Nah, they just made sure something random happened to you.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on June 04, 2011, 04:12:41 pm
Jaymanfu - 10 (jippy99, shiningsword, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia, RootRanger, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Nepycros, ddevans96)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: majofa on June 04, 2011, 04:24:16 pm
Jaymanfu - 11 (jippy99, shiningsword, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia, RootRanger, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Nepycros, ddevans96, majofa)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: QuantumT on June 04, 2011, 05:43:57 pm
Jaymanfu - 12 (jippy99, shiningsword, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia, RootRanger, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Nepycros, ddevans96, majofa, QuantumT)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 04, 2011, 05:46:28 pm
Quote from: QuantumT link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg370060#msg370060 date=1307209437
Jaymanfu - 12 (jippy99, shiningsword, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia, RootRanger, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Nepycros, ddevans96, majofa, QuantumT)
Overkill much?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Jaymanfu on June 04, 2011, 05:49:33 pm
Quote from: RootRanger link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg369987#msg369987 date=1307200768
So it's clear that multiple people badly wanted Jaymanfu to be saved, since there were clearly multiple secondary roles used on him. I don't think a civ would use a vote changing-role to save someone whose role they are unsure of. That means there are probably FGs that saved Jaymanfu. We can't take the risk of having anyone vote for someone other than Jaymanfu. Everyone vote for Jaymanfu, or else we will assume you are a FG.
Jaymanfu - 12 (jippy99, shiningsword, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia, RootRanger, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Nepycros, ddevans96, majofa, QuantumT)
majofa - 1 (Jaymanfu)

Or im being setup... Im a civvy mindflayer and im being used(telling ddevans what I am serves no purpose as he wouldn't trust me and id get no useful information)
As for voting for majofa, just voting for him because he voted for me and I don't have any info about him.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on June 04, 2011, 05:50:05 pm
Quote from: RavingRabbid link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg370061#msg370061 date=1307209588
Quote from: QuantumT link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg370060#msg370060 date=1307209437
Jaymanfu - 12 (jippy99, shiningsword, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia, RootRanger, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Nepycros, ddevans96, majofa, QuantumT)
Overkill much?
Quote from: RootRanger link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg369987#msg369987 date=1307200768
Everyone vote for Jaymanfu, or else we will assume you are a FG.
Nobody dares to risk being the next target...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on June 04, 2011, 06:25:40 pm
Jaymanfu - 12 (jippy99, shiningsword, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia, RootRanger, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Nepycros, ddevans96, majofa, QuantumT)
majofa - 2 (Jaymanfu, Korugar)

Quote from: RootRanger link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg369987#msg369987 date=1307200768
Everyone vote for Jaymanfu, or else we will assume you are a FG.
Trying to scare everyone into doing what you want sounds familiar...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on June 04, 2011, 06:43:43 pm
Korugar, I think you're a FG/vulture. Clearly a voting ability was used in the most recent lynch. One that was probably used by a FG, since not a single civ knew the role of either of these two players. And if that FG was a vulture, it was either Jay, Korugar, or jippy.
Jaymanfu - 7 (Shantu, ddevans96, Nepycros, patchx94, QuantumT, RootRanger, TheForbiddenOracle)
Wardead - 3 (Jaymanfu, Korugar, jippy99)
And now I find it odd how you are voting for majofa, even though he is almost surely going to receive fewer votes than Jaymanfu. What is the one role that could allow that vote to be successful? A vulture.

Korugar, if Jaymanfu is a FG, you are a FG/Vulture.
And I shall have someone take that ability away from you this round. So you might as well just vote for Jay.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on June 04, 2011, 07:24:52 pm
Adding to what RR said.
If Jaymanfu is a civvy, then jippy99 would be more likely a FG then Korugar.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on June 04, 2011, 07:38:43 pm
Here for you, ''Korugar's backwards''
Quote from: Korugar link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg370090#msg370090 date=1307211940
Quote from: RootRanger link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg369987#msg369987 date=1307200768
Everyone vote for Jaymanfu, or else we will assume you are a FG.
Trying to scare everyone into doing what you want sounds familiar...
Well, now thats a long shot.

Quote from: Korugar link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg368244#msg368244 date=1306892379
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
majofa - 2 (nilsieboy, Korugar)
ShiningSword - 8 (ddevans96, RootRanger, Nepycros, EvaRia, vinvick3714, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka)

SS makes a compelling argument, and my vote won't make a difference by itself.
If you remember my argument:
I guess the third time is really the last one for me(i felt a little hope there, but it didnt last long).

I also think it is for the best, as i have the suspicion that the FGs were keeping me alive(too much vote manipulation was going around in the second lynch)to delay the civys lynching schedule, while simultaneously framing me to make sure im still the lynch target(gavsword, seriously, one of the first to accuse me of something?).
It was compelling indeed, and can be shortened up as: ''Kill me so you can move on''.

Quote from: ShiningSword link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg365251#msg365251 date=1306503558
No, this doesn't mean that either Korugar or Majofa are confirmed civs, and this line does not mean they're both FGs. They were just picked because in my list they were next to Legit.
The first line means that one of them is an FG, i speculate(otherwise he wouldnt put anything like this, i think, considering most people know that this kind of story involvement doesnt mean anything).
If korugar is an FG, an ''I told you'' just wont be enough for what happened(3 rounds of almost lynching because i was THIS CLOSE to find an FG, it just makes ''I told you'' not enough). It will make me laugh for days though.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Wardead on June 04, 2011, 07:42:32 pm
Yay, I just lost a life >.>

Jaymanfu - 13 (jippy99, shiningsword, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia, RootRanger, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Nepycros, ddevans96, majofa, QuantumT, Wardead)
majofa - 2 (Jaymanfu, Korugar)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on June 04, 2011, 10:49:50 pm
I see no reason why any civilian would not want to give me their roles. It is important to have all the information in one place so I can easilty give it to someone if I think I am in danger.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Seraph on June 05, 2011, 03:16:38 am
Sorry Civvies, I was thinking about RL, not about my pastimes, when I packed for Pennsylvania.

Also, note that I had talked in the round :(
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Pineapple on June 05, 2011, 01:32:13 pm
Jaymanfu - 14 (jippy99, shiningsword, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia, RootRanger, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Nepycros, ddevans96, majofa, QuantumT, Wardead, patchx94)
majofa - 2 (Jaymanfu, Korugar)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Vinvick3714 on June 05, 2011, 03:32:00 pm
Jaymanfu - 15 (jippy99, shiningsword, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia, RootRanger, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Nepycros, ddevans96, majofa, QuantumT, Wardead, patchx94, vinvick3714)
majofa - 2 (Jaymanfu, Korugar)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: nilsieboy on June 05, 2011, 07:08:10 pm
Jaymanfu - 16 (jippy99, shiningsword, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia, RootRanger, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Nepycros, ddevans96, majofa, QuantumT, Wardead, patchx94, vinvick3714, nilsieboy)
majofa - 2 (Jaymanfu, Korugar)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 06, 2011, 12:06:08 pm
Looks like... there's a small extension.
It might as well as be 24 hours.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Jaymanfu on June 06, 2011, 09:02:00 pm
Jaymanfu - 16 (jippy99, shiningsword, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia, RootRanger, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Nepycros, ddevans96, majofa, QuantumT, Wardead, patchx94, vinvick3714, nilsieboy)
majofa - 1 (Korugar)
Korugar - 1 (Jaymanfu)

Its pretty obvious that korugar has to be a FG.... im almost 100% sure of this, please change your votes now so we can stop him. Why kill off an innocent first when you can just get a FG?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on June 06, 2011, 09:04:05 pm
There's three people who voted for Wardead and not you. Two of them will be dead tonight (including you), and if neither is a FG we'll kill the last one.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Jaymanfu on June 07, 2011, 03:22:03 am
Jaymanfu - 16 (jippy99, shiningsword, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia, RootRanger, TheForbiddenOracle, Onizuka, Nepycros, ddevans96, majofa, QuantumT, Wardead, patchx94, vinvick3714, nilsieboy)
majofa - 2 (Jaymanfu, Korugar)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 07, 2011, 01:00:10 pm

This is a mess.


Nepycros - Civilian/Virus
Jippy97 - FG/Vulture


Jaymanfu - FG/Crusader

FG Kill:

Ddevans - Armagio Saved
Patchx94 - Civ/Armagio

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: jippy99 on June 07, 2011, 01:07:27 pm
You finally got me! Took you long enough.  I must say that pretending to be a civvy was the most fun I've had on the forums in a long time.  Now, *buries himself in the dirt*
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: EvaRia on June 07, 2011, 02:52:05 pm
Quote from: Jaymanfu link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg371129#msg371129 date=1307394120
Its pretty obvious that korugar has to be a FG.... im almost 100% sure of this, please change your votes now so we can stop him. Why kill off an innocent first when you can just get a FG?
Korugar is probably an FG. I bet Jay was pushing the blame on his ally to try to save himself, because if he sold out an FG it would make him look good.

Korugar 1 (EvaRia)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on June 07, 2011, 02:57:22 pm
Korugar - 2 (EvaRia, Shantu)

I agree.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on June 07, 2011, 03:36:36 pm
Korugar - 3 (EvaRia, Shantu, ShiningSword)

I could have gave you this guy like 5 rounds ago(ok, it was a 50/50, but that is pretty good for round 2), but no, you needed ''evidence''. Now you have plenty of that, so can we finally kill him?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on June 07, 2011, 03:38:43 pm
Korugar - 4 (EvaRia, Shantu, ShiningSword, RootRanger)

Heh, everything went perfectly.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on June 07, 2011, 03:39:42 pm
Korugar - 5 (EvaRia, Shantu, ShiningSword, RootRanger, Genuinous)

They are the dumbest set of FGs if all of them made the same mistake :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on June 07, 2011, 03:51:57 pm
I've stabbed two FGs I pretended to trust in the back this game. Too much fun.

And...why are we voting for Korugar, exactly? Only two of them needed to be FGs, and we got them both. I think Jay was just trying to save himself by pinning the blame on the civilian who voted for Wardead.

As a side note, one person hasn't sent me their role.

Korugar - 5 (EvaRia, Shantu, ShiningSword, RootRanger, Genuinous)
TheForbiddenOracle - 1 (ddevans96)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on June 07, 2011, 03:54:25 pm
He voted with Jaymanfu twice, even when everyone knew something was fishy about him.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on June 07, 2011, 03:56:17 pm
When everyone was bandwagoning Jaymanfu,  he and Jay voted for majofa, hoping that they could make a difference because of the vulture and a couple other votes they might happen to pick up.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on June 07, 2011, 03:58:24 pm
Korugar's a smart player. He wouldn't make the exact same move two other FGs would. It's possible Korugar tried to 'ally' with Jay to twist information out of him.

Until I get more evidence, I won't lynch him.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on June 07, 2011, 05:15:37 pm
Thank you, ddevans. It doesn't look like it'll help, but it's nice to have one person not voting for me...

Korugar - 5 (EvaRia, Shantu, ShiningSword, RootRanger, Genuinous)
TheForbiddenOracle - 2 (ddevans96, Korugar)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: EvaRia on June 07, 2011, 05:23:40 pm
Quote from: ddevans96 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg371587#msg371587 date=1307461917
And...why are we voting for Korugar, exactly? Only two of them needed to be FGs, and we got them both. I think Jay was just trying to save himself by pinning the blame on the civilian who voted for Wardead.
Pinning the blame on a Civ will buy you maybe 1 round, but then you're dead for SURE.
Strategically, there's no real value in it.

But pinning the blame on someone you know 100% is an FG, and getting them lynched instead could save you, because you gain a bit of trust from the other players.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on June 07, 2011, 08:37:48 pm
Ah, but one round is better than nothing. He was obviously going to die, if he couldn't change the votes. So that one round may have been worth it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Nepycros on June 07, 2011, 08:59:47 pm
Awesome. A bulls-eye shot at an FG. Thanks, ddevans, you really helped out.


Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on June 07, 2011, 09:39:27 pm
I just hope TFO isnt inactive(because it would be a waste to lynch an inactive civy).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Wardead on June 08, 2011, 10:39:58 pm
Korugar - 5 (EvaRia, Shantu, ShiningSword, RootRanger, Genuinous)
TheForbiddenOracle - 3 (ddevans96, Korugar, Wardead)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Onizuka on June 08, 2011, 10:45:02 pm
Korugar - 5 (EvaRia, Shantu, ShiningSword, RootRanger, Genuinous)
TheForbiddenOracle - 4 (ddevans96, Korugar, Wardead, Onizuka)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on June 08, 2011, 10:47:47 pm
Quote from: ShiningSword link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg371759#msg371759 date=1307482767
I just hope TFO isnt inactive(because it would be a waste to lynch an inactive civy).

I'm keeping my vote at Korugar, unless TFO comes on and votes.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: QuantumT on June 09, 2011, 04:55:45 am
Korugar - 6 (EvaRia, Shantu, ShiningSword, RootRanger, Genuinous, QuantumT)
TheForbiddenOracle - 4 (ddevans96, Korugar, Wardead, Onizuka)

As long as TFO is inactive I'm going to vote for Korugar.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: majofa on June 09, 2011, 05:12:52 am
Korugar - 7 (EvaRia, Shantu, ShiningSword, RootRanger, Genuinous, QuantumT, majofa)
TheForbiddenOracle - 4 (ddevans96, Korugar, Wardead, Onizuka)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TheForbiddenOracle on June 09, 2011, 12:13:01 pm
Korugar - 8 (EvaRia, Shantu, ShiningSword, RootRanger, Genuinous, QuantumT, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle)
TheForbiddenOracle - 4 (ddevans96, Korugar, Wardead, Onizuka)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 09, 2011, 02:53:57 pm
I'm giving an extension.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on June 09, 2011, 04:09:57 pm
Korugar - 7 (EvaRia, Shantu, ShiningSword, Genuinous, QuantumT, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle)
TheForbiddenOracle - 5 (ddevans96, Korugar, Wardead, Onizuka, RootRanger)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: QuantumT on June 09, 2011, 06:15:20 pm
Korugar - 6 (EvaRia, Shantu, ShiningSword, Genuinous, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle)
TheForbiddenOracle - 6 (ddevans96, Korugar, Wardead, Onizuka, RootRanger,QuantumT)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: majofa on June 09, 2011, 09:00:30 pm
Korugar - 5 (EvaRia, Shantu, ShiningSword, Genuinous, TheForbiddenOracle)
TheForbiddenOracle - 7 (ddevans96, Korugar, Wardead, Onizuka, RootRanger, QuantumT, majofa)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on June 09, 2011, 09:04:42 pm
Korugar - 4 (EvaRia, Shantu, ShiningSword, TheForbiddenOracle)
TheForbiddenOracle - 8 (ddevans96, Korugar, Wardead, Onizuka, RootRanger, QuantumT, majofa, Genuinous)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on June 09, 2011, 09:10:16 pm
Korugar - 3 (EvaRia, ShiningSword, TheForbiddenOracle)
TheForbiddenOracle - 9 (ddevans96, Korugar, Wardead, Onizuka, RootRanger, QuantumT, majofa, Genuinous, Shantu)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Vinvick3714 on June 09, 2011, 09:49:48 pm
Korugar - 3 (EvaRia, ShiningSword, TheForbiddenOracle)
TheForbiddenOracle - 10 (ddevans96, Korugar, Wardead, Onizuka, RootRanger, QuantumT, majofa, Genuinous, Shantu, vinvick3714)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: EvaRia on June 09, 2011, 10:20:13 pm
Meh, suit you.

Korugar - 2 (ShiningSword, TheForbiddenOracle)
TheForbiddenOracle - 10 (ddevans96, Korugar, Wardead, Onizuka, RootRanger, QuantumT, majofa, Genuinous, Shantu, vinvick3714, EvaRia)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 10, 2011, 01:13:20 pm
Blow the costs!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 10, 2011, 01:14:54 pm

Lynch: TheForbiddenOracle - FG/Purple Nymph

FG kill: Doc saves Majofa.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: majofa on June 10, 2011, 01:48:14 pm
nilsieboy - 1 (majofa)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on June 10, 2011, 03:17:35 pm
nilsieboy - 1 (majofa)
Korugar - 1 (RootRanger)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on June 10, 2011, 08:33:34 pm
Well, obviously I'd rather not die...

nilsieboy - 2 (majofa, Korugar)
Korugar - 1 (RootRanger)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on June 10, 2011, 08:47:20 pm
nilsieboy - 3 (majofa, Korugar, ShiningSword)
Korugar - 1 (RootRanger)

I just hope i dont get another wrong, or i could be next in line.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Onizuka on June 11, 2011, 10:28:37 pm
nilsieboy - 4 (majofa, Korugar, ShiningSword, Onizuka)
Korugar - 1 (RootRanger)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on June 11, 2011, 10:32:14 pm
nilsieboy - 4 (majofa, Korugar, ShiningSword, Onizuka)
Korugar - 2 (RootRanger, ddevans96)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on June 11, 2011, 10:49:24 pm
nilsieboy - 4 (majofa, Korugar, ShiningSword, Onizuka)
Korugar - 3 (RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on June 12, 2011, 12:11:47 am
nilsieboy - 4 (majofa, Korugar, ShiningSword, Onizuka)
Korugar - 4 (RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu, Genuinous)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: EvaRia on June 12, 2011, 02:43:48 am
nilsieboy - 4 (majofa, Korugar, ShiningSword, Onizuka)
Korugar - 5 (RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: QuantumT on June 12, 2011, 06:56:07 am
nilsieboy - 5 (majofa, Korugar, ShiningSword, Onizuka, QuantumT)
Korugar - 5 (RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Vinvick3714 on June 12, 2011, 02:36:10 pm
nilsieboy - 6 (majofa, Korugar, ShiningSword, Onizuka, QuantumT, vinvick3714)
Korugar - 5 (RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 12, 2011, 09:15:36 pm
Oh, sh-. I was to end the round today.

Sorry, this means extension to 13:00 GMT.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on June 12, 2011, 09:18:18 pm
grrr'z at RR  >:D
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 12, 2011, 09:27:51 pm
Meh. I was at a [Battesimo] at the round ending time, and then I just forgot.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on June 13, 2011, 02:39:08 pm
Hmmm...... This is the longest day of my life.....  :-X
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on June 13, 2011, 03:08:18 pm
lol, you think it's bad for you! Just imagine being a part of this vote and wondering if the vote modifiers mean you live or die!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 13, 2011, 03:23:28 pm
Meh. Further 24-hour extension.
Looks like my pm box hid a more than important message.

I am terribly sorry. I am a terrible host.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: nilsieboy on June 14, 2011, 07:46:39 am
nilsieboy - 6 (majofa, Korugar, ShiningSword, Onizuka, QuantumT, vinvick3714)
Korugar - 6 (RootRanger, ddevans96, Shantu, Genuinous, EvaRia, nilsieboy)
shouldn't we follow ddevs, who is a CONFIRMED civy!!!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on June 14, 2011, 08:43:59 am
nilsieboy - 7 (majofa, Korugar, ShiningSword, Onizuka, QuantumT, vinvick3714, Shantu)
Korugar - 5 (RootRanger, ddevans96, Genuinous, EvaRia, nilsieboy)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Onizuka on June 14, 2011, 09:17:39 am
nilsieboy - 6 (majofa, Korugar, ShiningSword, QuantumT, vinvick3714, Shantu)
Korugar - 6 (RootRanger, ddevans96, Genuinous, EvaRia, nilsieboy, Onizuka)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Wardead on June 14, 2011, 01:18:45 pm
nilsieboy - 7 (majofa, Korugar, ShiningSword, QuantumT, vinvick3714, Shantu, Wardead)
Korugar - 6 (RootRanger, ddevans96, Genuinous, EvaRia, nilsieboy, Onizuka)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on June 14, 2011, 01:44:40 pm
Quote from: nilsieboy link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg375343#msg375343 date=1308037599
shouldn't we follow ddevs, who is a CONFIRMED civy!!!
Majofa is also a confirmed civvy...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 14, 2011, 02:07:02 pm
Ok. Time for real.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 14, 2011, 02:09:18 pm

Korugar:  FG/Virus

FG Kill:

Majofa: Civ/Priest

Funnily enough, Majofa was mutated from Priest to Priest.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on June 14, 2011, 02:11:55 pm
Welp, good game. Wish the vote hadn't been so close, I would have just taken someone with me. But oh well...good luck to the last FG :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on June 14, 2011, 04:26:30 pm
One False God left. There's one basic fact that we can take into consideration:

     They are likely disorganized.

Notice the one round where they had no night kill. This could be because of inactivity, but see this: The round the FGs had no night kill, jippy (a FG) was away. He said this directly to me. This, in addition to the fact he was a 'leader' of another 'alliance' earlier in the game (who's true purpose was to gain information from civilians, as well as who's current members will remain a secret), makes me think he was their ringleader.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on June 14, 2011, 04:55:10 pm
This is most likely the worst performance ever by FGs :D
In attempting to save one of their own 3 of them were found....
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on June 14, 2011, 06:01:22 pm
Quote from: ddevans96 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg375499#msg375499 date=1308068790
One False God left. There's one basic fact that we can take into consideration:

     They are likely disorganized.

Notice the one round where they had no night kill. This could be because of inactivity, but see this: The round the FGs had no night kill, jippy (a FG) was away. He said this directly to me. This, in addition to the fact he was a 'leader' of another 'alliance' earlier in the game (who's true purpose was to gain information from civilians, as well as who's current members will remain a secret), makes me think he was their ringleader.
nilsieboy - 1 (Shantu)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on June 14, 2011, 06:28:04 pm
Quote from: Genuinous link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg375515#msg375515 date=1308070510
This is most likely the worst performance ever by FGs :D
In attempting to save one of their own 3 of them were found....
I'll explain what went wrong in various situations after this is over...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: EvaRia on June 14, 2011, 08:35:01 pm
nilsieboy - 2 (Shantu, EvaRia)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: jippy99 on June 14, 2011, 09:04:10 pm
Quote from: Genuinous link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg375515#msg375515 date=1308070510
This is most likely the worst performance ever by FGs :D
In attempting to save one of their own 3 of them were found....
I'll tell you my version of the story when this is over, or maybe I'll talk to you in chat about it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on June 14, 2011, 09:23:28 pm
Quote from: jippy99 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg375678#msg375678 date=1308085450
I'll tell you my version of the story when this is over, or maybe I'll talk to you in chat about it.
Actually, I'd be curious to hear the various views myself.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: nilsieboy on June 15, 2011, 02:06:08 pm
can i hear an actual reason why people are trying to kill me?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Vinvick3714 on June 15, 2011, 03:34:56 pm
nilsieboy - 3 (Shantu, EvaRia, vinvick3714)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on June 15, 2011, 08:08:05 pm
nilsieboy - 4 (Shantu, EvaRia, vinvick3714, ddevans96)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Genuinous on June 15, 2011, 08:32:40 pm

nilsieboy - 5 (Shantu, EvaRia, vinvick3714, ddevans96, Genuinous)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on June 15, 2011, 09:37:23 pm
nilsieboy - 6 (Shantu, EvaRia, vinvick3714, ddevans96, Genuinous, RootRanger)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: QuantumT on June 16, 2011, 12:53:37 am
nilsieboy - 7 (Shantu, EvaRia, vinvick3714, ddevans96, Genuinous, RootRanger,QuantumT)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on June 16, 2011, 01:09:26 am

nilsieboy - 8 (Shantu, EvaRia, vinvick3714, ddevans96, Genuinous, RootRanger,QuantumT, Shiningsword)

Quote from: nilsieboy link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg376019#msg376019 date=1308146768
can i hear an actual reason why people are trying to kill me?
Im just going with the civys. I guess the guys that are confirmed should know more. I might ask them myself, staying without knowledge too long could get me killed.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 16, 2011, 04:45:28 pm
Aaaaand... snip.

Lynch: Nilsieboy - Wyrm/Civ

FG Kill: EvaRia - Crusader/Civ

Note: (Seer, if you didn't get your PM this round, PM me.)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: QuantumT on June 16, 2011, 06:15:03 pm
ShiningSword is the last FG. Game over.

ShiningSword 1 - (QuantumT)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on June 16, 2011, 06:15:26 pm
ShiningSword - 2 (QuantumT, Shantu)

FG/Chimera. Start the bandwagon! The 4th time he shall truly die.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Onizuka on June 16, 2011, 06:16:31 pm
ShiningSword - 3 (QuantumT, Shantu, Onizuka)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on June 16, 2011, 06:24:03 pm
ShiningSword - 4 (QuantumT, Shantu, Onizuka, ddevans96)

End of the road.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Vinvick3714 on June 16, 2011, 07:06:04 pm
ShiningSword - 5 (QuantumT, Shantu, Onizuka, ddevans96, vinvick3714)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: nilsieboy on June 16, 2011, 07:49:54 pm
first of all, good job at killing the last fg.
secondly, the thing i hate from mafia on this forum: people vote without a reason and then an entire bandwagon without a reason starts.
confirmed civies knew i was a civy/wyrm so thank you all for helping and the mindless voting ;).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on June 16, 2011, 07:53:06 pm
What I quoted when I started the bandwagon should explain it. The FGs seemed inactive and disorganized: you were not so active (getting close to modkill and such), so you were among the suspected FGs.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on June 16, 2011, 07:55:04 pm
Quote from: nilsieboy link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg376724#msg376724 date=1308253794
first of all, good job at killing the last fg.
secondly, the thing i hate from mafia on this forum: people vote without a reason and then an entire bandwagon without a reason starts.
confirmed civies knew i was a civy/wyrm so thank you all for helping and the mindless voting ;).
Trying not to laugh at this.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Wardead on June 17, 2011, 12:30:06 am
ShiningSword - 6 (QuantumT, Shantu, Onizuka, ddevans96, vinvick3714, Wardead)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RootRanger on June 17, 2011, 02:26:02 am
ShiningSword - 7 (QuantumT, Shantu, Onizuka, ddevans96, vinvick3714, Wardead, RootRanger)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on June 17, 2011, 09:07:09 pm
Well played.
We didnt have much of a chance once our guys started dieing like flies(3 in a row was really bad). Not finding the seer doesnt help either.
The funniest thing was probably surviving 3 times to the lynching(i tricked many guys on that one, it is a shame my partners werent as good with their hiding, or they could be alive).
It might sound stupid, but my only mistake was something i would have done as a civy too(yep, that senceless argument on round 2 would have been the same if i was a civy).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on June 17, 2011, 09:25:14 pm
Once the Seer contacted me and Dema, and TStar contacted us separately, a small alliance was formed. Now we know everyone's role. Once I was all but confirmed, some vital people were willing to follow my lead.

Maybe I'll start out as something important next game - can haz fallen elf or something?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on June 17, 2011, 09:31:33 pm
I believe you had one of the most important roles this mafia. :D

Anyway.. suppose I can say I told you that something was off with ShiningSword. :D
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: jippy99 on June 18, 2011, 01:11:14 am
Well, I guess this is gg.  Shrieker was way too powerful this game, but what can we do.  We made stupid mistakes that cost us the game, such as 3 of us voting on 1 person and trying to change the votes by framing one of our own.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Jaymanfu on June 18, 2011, 01:45:57 am
Might as well wait till its called... that being said...... RR end it >o
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 18, 2011, 02:58:18 pm
It's over.

Lynch: ShiningSword - FG/Chimera


ddevans96      Con Artist - Civ (Started as Shrieker)
Genuinous      Priest - Civ
Onizuka              Wyrm - Civ (Started as Crusader)
QuantumT      Immortal - Seer (Started as Vulture)
RootRanger      Con Artist   - Civ (Started as PNymph)
Shantu              Vulture - Doctor (Started as Con)
vinvick3714      Fallen Elf - Civ
Wardead              Immortal (Consumed) - Civ

Majofa, you're going to need to send a pm to the new FGO or to me for starting your mafia.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: QuantumT on June 19, 2011, 12:02:38 am
Hurray, the civs finally win one!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 918273645 on June 19, 2011, 01:31:13 am
Quote from: RavingRabbid link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg377574#msg377574 date=1308409098
Majofa, you're going to need to send a pm to the new FGO or to me for starting your mafia.
Speaking of which, any word on who the new FGO is?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on June 19, 2011, 01:43:30 am
Quote from: 918273645 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg377841#msg377841 date=1308447073
Quote from: RavingRabbid link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg377574#msg377574 date=1308409098
Majofa, you're going to need to send a pm to the new FGO or to me for starting your mafia.
Speaking of which, any word on who the new FGO is?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TheForbiddenOracle on June 19, 2011, 02:44:05 am
Quote from: ddevans96 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg377845#msg377845 date=1308447810
Quote from: 918273645 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg377841#msg377841 date=1308447073
Quote from: RavingRabbid link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg377574#msg377574 date=1308409098
Majofa, you're going to need to send a pm to the new FGO or to me for starting your mafia.
Speaking of which, any word on who the new FGO is?
Nice and Legit answer
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: DrunkDestroyer on June 19, 2011, 02:57:25 am
Not gonna lie, us mafia played pretty badly.

Once I was out I actually found it pretty funny just how easily we were detected as FGs, not just civilians pretending. (No idea what the nilsieboy vote was for, you guys seemed to have us placed pretty well).

Shame I didn't last for longer. I wanted to try my hand at talking myself out of specific situations, and leading the civilians on a merry goose chase, till they after a while realised, and brutally murdered me, but I'd laugh at the chaos and mess I had caused.

I blame QuantumT for everything.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on June 19, 2011, 03:34:00 am
I was really surprised to didn't target me again - we planned to move Armagio off of patch onto EvaRia before he died the night I was targeted, but the chain never went all the way through.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: DrunkDestroyer on June 19, 2011, 03:36:53 am
Quote from: ddevans96 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg368957#msg368957 date=1307029093
If TStar is right...I can't trust you anymore DD.

Best quote of the game.
I lol'd.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on June 19, 2011, 03:48:45 am
Yep, I never trusted you. All we wanted was to get information out of you. Unfortunately that was the night TStar was going to die (priests ftw) so we switched to plan B :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Jaymanfu on June 19, 2011, 07:07:47 am
I was gonna write more but meh no point really... Every turn seer + shrieker + afk FGs = easy civ win!

Nice job civs :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 1world24 on June 19, 2011, 12:02:19 pm
Quote from: 1world24 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg365079#msg365079 date=1306459819
if not, tstar and ss are probably mafia
my quote was right and nice job with the civilian win.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: jippy99 on June 19, 2011, 12:06:09 pm
I just want to know, what tipped me off as an FG to you guys?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Shantu on June 19, 2011, 10:24:45 pm
Can't remember. I think you were simply suspicous as the maker of the group, while also voting with Jaymanfu and Korugar when I started a bandwagon on Jaymanfu(here (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,26590.msg369944#msg369944)).

If anyone's interested: http://typewith.me/cGqJ1qRGp9
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ddevans96 on June 19, 2011, 10:39:15 pm
Quote from: jippy99 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg377971#msg377971 date=1308485169
I just want to know, what tipped me off as an FG to you guys?
I was already suspicious of you for bringing so many people into the alliance, and after I left I told Onizuka why exactly I left, and he agreed with me. After that Root tipped me off even further.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 918273645 on June 19, 2011, 10:41:03 pm
Quote from: Shantu link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg378177#msg378177 date=1308522285
Can't remember. I think you were simply suspicous as the maker of the group, while also voting with Jaymanfu and Korugar when I started a bandwagon on Jaymanfu(here (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,26590.msg369944#msg369944)).

If anyone's interested: http://typewith.me/cGqJ1qRGp9
Technically, I started the group, just put him in charge because of the suspicions being rested upon my shoulders.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: jippy99 on June 20, 2011, 02:10:31 am
Quote from: 918273645 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg378186#msg378186 date=1308523263
Quote from: Shantu link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg378177#msg378177 date=1308522285
Can't remember. I think you were simply suspicous as the maker of the group, while also voting with Jaymanfu and Korugar when I started a bandwagon on Jaymanfu(here (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,26590.msg369944#msg369944)).

If anyone's interested: http://typewith.me/cGqJ1qRGp9
Technically, I started the group, just put him in charge because of the suspicions being rested upon my shoulders.
I was told to have you do the exact same thing, but once you told me to do it, I wasn't going to refuse.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: TStar on June 20, 2011, 03:01:06 am
Quote from: 1world24 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg377970#msg377970 date=1308484939
Quote from: 1world24 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg365079#msg365079 date=1306459819
if not, tstar and ss are probably mafia
my quote was right and nice job with the civilian win.
Except I wasn't mafia so your quote wasn't right at all.  In fact, I thought up the little Shrieker/Crusader trick (as did others independently as well) and used it to get myself confirmed and into the Seer's group.  I was also able to get the Doctor to identify himself to me before I died so I could pair him up with the Seer.  I may not have lasted all that long but I accomplished what I wanted to so I'm happy with my death and my performance in this Mafia.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: 1world24 on June 20, 2011, 02:23:27 pm
Quote from: TStar link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg378306#msg378306 date=1308538866
Quote from: 1world24 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg377970#msg377970 date=1308484939
Quote from: 1world24 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg365079#msg365079 date=1306459819
if not, tstar and ss are probably mafia
my quote was right and nice job with the civilian win.
Except I wasn't mafia so your quote wasn't right at all.  In fact, I thought up the little Shrieker/Crusader trick (as did others independently as well) and used it to get myself confirmed and into the Seer's group.  I was also able to get the Doctor to identify himself to me before I died so I could pair him up with the Seer.  I may not have lasted all that long but I accomplished what I wanted to so I'm happy with my death and my performance in this Mafia.
Sorry about that part,when i checked the mafia chat after the end of the game,I wasn't sure if you were mafia since you were in there discussions and stuff
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Korugar on June 20, 2011, 03:27:10 pm
Okay, here's where I explain why my voting pattern was seemed so stupid. We had a plan, to frame me as an FG vulture. That turn, SS had Wyrm, so he doubled jay's(then the actual vulture) voting power, so he could deal with whatever he needed. So...we kill majofa, I look like a vulture, and everyone votes for me next round. If we were capable of making the vulture's vote big enough, we'd continue with that strategy, jay and I voting for the same person constantly. If it wouldn't work, I'd suicide on someone(probably ddevans) and the only vote not negated would be jay's, so he would get another kill in.

The only real weakness to this plan, would have been con artists, fallen elves, and crusaders. So, I have a question for jippy, why were you so adamant about not killing them?

Anyway, what went wrong(besides you killing jippy)? Well...jay switched his vote to me(I guess no one had told him the plan yet, that's where our lack of planning killed us). That, in and of it self, could be remedied by him switching his vote back. So...I sent him a couple frantic messages to that effect. Well...the site said he was online, and I still didn't get a response(I learned later that there was a good reason for this, but at the time I thought he was just ignoring me). So...I sent a message to jippy. He was a crusader at the time. I asked him to trade with jay when day was near it's end, if he hadn't switched his vote back by then. Way I figured it, we'd still have our vulture and virus, and could perhaps salvage something. And the crusader would be gone. Anyway...something went wrong, I don't know what. That's my other question for jippy. Did you miss the part where I said "when the day is almost over"?

So anyway, that's what happened. As has been already said, it was mostly negligence by more than one of us, but now you know(some of) the specifics. And that's why I was voting like that, ddevans ;)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: ShiningSword on June 20, 2011, 04:48:02 pm
You guys were just too organized(you got in touch really fast). In previous mafias, the seer always managed to get himself killed fast(talking to an FG while cooling down, finding too many FGs and coming out too soon, and plain old bad luck).

Quote from: 918273645 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg378186#msg378186 date=1308523263
Quote from: Shantu link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg378177#msg378177 date=1308522285
Can't remember. I think you were simply suspicous as the maker of the group, while also voting with Jaymanfu and Korugar when I started a bandwagon on Jaymanfu(here (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,26590.msg369944#msg369944)).

If anyone's interested: http://typewith.me/cGqJ1qRGp9
Technically, I started the group, just put him in charge because of the suspicions being rested upon my shoulders.
I guess when i told jippy that he was supposed to leave someone else in charge of the group, i had it right.

Ironically, it seems like i was the only one with a good cover(considering how bad i started). Tstar made me laugh pretty much(he really seemed convinced, it is a shame DD was in the radars at that same time).
I was pretty much playing alone(you didnt see me moving a finger for my fellow FG's life), and it was the best way to go(once i was out there against so many confirmed civys and the seer it was a matter of time anyway, but i actually made it that far).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: jippy99 on June 20, 2011, 07:04:35 pm
I traded jay literally 5 minutes before the round ended.  Im not sure what difference it would have made though.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid
Post by: Jaymanfu on June 20, 2011, 07:21:03 pm
Quote from: Korugar link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg378466#msg378466 date=1308583630
Okay, here's where I explain why my voting pattern was seemed so stupid. We had a plan, to frame me as an FG vulture. That turn, SS had Wyrm, so he doubled jay's(then the actual vulture) voting power, so he could deal with whatever he needed. So...we kill majofa, I look like a vulture, and everyone votes for me next round. If we were capable of making the vulture's vote big enough, we'd continue with that strategy, jay and I voting for the same person constantly. If it wouldn't work, I'd suicide on someone(probably ddevans) and the only vote not negated would be jay's, so he would get another kill in.

The only real weakness to this plan, would have been con artists, fallen elves, and crusaders. So, I have a question for jippy, why were you so adamant about not killing them?

Anyway, what went wrong(besides you killing jippy)? Well...jay switched his vote to me(I guess no one had told him the plan yet, that's where our lack of planning killed us). That, in and of it self, could be remedied by him switching his vote back. So...I sent him a couple frantic messages to that effect. Well...the site said he was online, and I still didn't get a response(I learned later that there was a good reason for this, but at the time I thought he was just ignoring me). So...I sent a message to jippy. He was a crusader at the time. I asked him to trade with jay when day was near it's end, if he hadn't switched his vote back by then. Way I figured it, we'd still have our vulture and virus, and could perhaps salvage something. And the crusader would be gone. Anyway...something went wrong, I don't know what. That's my other question for jippy. Did you miss the part where I said "when the day is almost over"?

So anyway, that's what happened. As has been already said, it was mostly negligence by more than one of us, but now you know(some of) the specifics. And that's why I was voting like that, ddevans ;)
Well I did this for 2 reasons.... 1. if enough people would have changed there votes to you, then you could have just virus'd someone else and we could have maybe gotten rid of someone else, and 2. I was trying to take some of the heat off you same as I did for SS... in the end didn't really work much. it was obvious they knew you were a virus when they started splitting votes next round to make you think you might live and not virus anyone.
blarg: RavingRabbid