If I may clarify - if I hit one with a strong spell like thunderbolt or a drain life/ice lance that kills it, it'll still split into two with +1/+2 HP, correct?
This will be so brutal if used correctly in a flooding deck. Upgraded worms would really ruin every rainbow deck (unless this guy is mutated or somehow transformed to lose its passive ability [lobotomized]). Do blessings or effects that increase its attack/HP allow it to stay up longer? Or would it only split into two of it's original form with half its original, unbuffed HP and no changes to its attack?
You got my 100% backing on this one, either way. 
Thanks for the encouragement. Yes, it'll split no matter how you damage it. And, it can't be lobotomized because it doesn't have a brain. Even mutated, it will still split into 2 with half (just like a mutated mummy will still become a mutated Pharaoh when rewound). When blessed, or mutated with growth, it will split into half the buffed HP (just like burrowed creatures half their attack even when blessed). And, yes, no changes to its attack.
Unionruler brought up the point of buffing, like bioluminescence. The split halves will still retain the buff. 8)
No problem.

I'm a bit shocked at the 'can't be lobotomized' part, because even passives like the creature this one has (see Minor vampires and Puffer Fish) can still have their abilities removed completely. That in itself could cause potential balance problems, but the idea itself is too great that I wouldn't care either way.

(Unupgraded ones would still be fodder for Otyugh's and Bonewalls/Graveyards).
I didn't know I could reverse my mutated mummies into mutated Pharaohs. >.<
Finally, the buff being retained even on split halves will given Maxwell Demons the ability to destroy it (even though it'll still split itself again). But wait, another question comes to mind then: what if I
super buff this guy with like, 4 blessings? Giving it 16 HP and thus, on its third turn of being damaged, goes down to only 4? Will the 'Butterfly Effect' card remove the passive?
Sorry for tossing questions like mad at you, but these ideas are all running through my head now.