Lionheart (Old)6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 77f 7k5 7k5 7k5 7k5 7la 7la 7la 7la 7la 7la 7n2 7n2 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q3 7q3 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q7 7q7 7q8 7q8 7qc 7qc 7tb 80h 80h 81q 81q 81q
This deck orginally had a total of 80 cards when doubled. I intended for some cards in the deck to have an odd number of cards, but seeing that this is impossible after the FG mode came out in the trainer, I stuck with an even number of cards and the deck went from 80 to 88 cards.
-8 Quantum Tower
-12 Light Pendulum
-16 Time Tower
-6 Aether Pendulum
-8 Crusader
-4 Anubis
-4 Pharaoh
-4 Turtle Shield
-10 Electrum Hourglass
-4 Quintessence
-4 Eternity
-2 Pulverizer
-2 Vampire Dagger
-4 Animate Weapon
Lionheart6qq 6qq 6qq 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7k5 7k5 7k5 7k5 7k5 7n2 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q3 7q3 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q7 7q7 7q7 7q8 7q8 7qc 80h 80h 81q 81q 81q
This deck has a total of 80 cards.
-6 Quantum Tower
-10 Light Tower
-16 Time Tower
-6 Aether Pendulum
-10 Crusaders
-6 Anubis
-2 Pharaoh
-4 Turtle Shield
-10 Electrum Hourglass
-4 Quintessence
-4 Eternity
-2 Animate Weapon
December 31, 1199.
The Council Members sat quietly without a peep on their seats, awaiting King Zanzarino and the Pope's decision. After what seemed like hours, the Pope entered the room with King Zanzarino and announced, "My dear brothers, it is time. It is time that we reclaim what was righteously ours. It is time that we reclaim the Holy Land and to glorify God! The Crusades will commence!" The Pope took his seat, and King Zanzarino stood forth, "My champion, the immortal gift that God has blessed us with, will lead the Holy Army! Noobiecakes, I bestow you with the Seal of Plenary Indulgence. With it, you will not fail to reclaim the Holy Land. Now go, and make us proud. "I will spend the rest of Eternity to fight for the cause. I shall not quit until the battle is won!'' With that, Noobiecakes stormed into the armory and grabbed some
magical staves (Eternities), several
ancient shields (Turtle Shields) plundered from the Pyramids of Eygpt when the Israelites left for the Promised Land. The shield was rumored that it has the power to bring
kings of the past (Pharaohs) back to life. Noobiecakes then request some of the most powerful
spellcasters (Anubises) from the King that can enchant the
warriors (Crusaders) with
spells of protection (Quintessence). Fully prepared, Noobiecakes set out on his journey with a league of warriors to reclaim the Holy Land. He will stop at nothing to complete his mission...even if it takes the rest of Eternity.
Explaination: This deck is built to Adapt to the opponent. The most important aspect of this deck, also most related to the theme Adaptation, lies in the Crusaders. The Crusaders are meant for two funtions: 1) To copy the abilities of the Eternities in this deck and Rewind your creatures like crazy!. 2) To steal the abilities of weapons the opponent summoned, and use it against against them. (the Quantum Towers are there to fuel quanta for weapons that needs them to use skills, such as Earthquake, Snipe, and Destroy, and Lobotomize).
Time is the vital element here for stalling (Turple Shields), drawing accelleration (Hourglasses), a CC skill for the Crusaders to copy (Eternities), constant damage and more CC (Pharaohs and Scarabs), and creature protection (Anubises and Quintessences). The average attack and survivabilty of the Anubis makes it great for Quinting themselves, the Crusaders, the Pharaohs, and flying weapons. All in all, this deck is considered a
charger because it takes time to fully start up the deck and ultilize the effectiveness of it, therefore allowing some time to set your things up. However, that graceful period of peace won't last long...
Counter cards/ Counter decks:
-Gravity Shield: Most creatures in this deck has high hp, making creature controls not very effective. But because of this high hp, most of the creatures that the FG summons won't be able to attack.
-Quicksand: Several quick Quicksands can really harm the deck's ability to send out Crusaders or the use of Quintessence.
-Congeal, early Lobotomizer: The best two cards to stop the Anubises from Quinting the Crusaders and themselves. Damage spells aren't really effective against them because of their good health.
-Steal, Explosion, Pulverizer: Even if you do manage to get a creature out, Quinted or not, what's the point if you get constantly frozen by Turple Shields? That's why you these three cards to take the benefit of the shield for yourself, or just eliminate the threat. Watch out when you play the Pulverizer though, because from my experiences AIs prefer to copy the Pulvy more than the Eternity.
-Quick/ constant damage: This deck has no methods of healing, unless a Crusader manages to steal the ability from a Vampire Dagger. I suggest a Quinted Air Nymth with their Unstable Gases, or a Quinted Golem, etc.
-Spine Carapace/ Fire Buckler/ Permafrost Shield: Although most creatures the FG plays will be Quinted, these three shields are the most effective methods to kill off or hold the Quinted creatures at bay.
Good decks:
-Fire Lance Sudden Killer (,6758.0.html): Best deck for this FG. One of the decks I used to use in the FG Archieves. Because it does not require any creatures to do its job, and the fact that it has stalls (Phase Shields and Sundials) that the FG has no way to destroying, it is the best deck to face Eternal Crusader and get an EM.
-RoL/ Hope (,6546.0.html), Perpetual Light (,14312.0.html): Probably one of the most promising decks against this guy. Get a hope and a field of Ray of Lights out, you can pretty much beat him, slowly. Don't bother with the Light Dragons/ Archangels; they'll get Rewinded soon anyways. Early Lobos helps very much here against this FG. Lobo priority: Anubis > Flying Eternity > Crusader > Pharaoh.
-Eternal Chaos (,20173.0.html), Dune Scorp Killing FG (,11131.0.html): The FG has a crazy draw rate, and it does not have a way of healing. As a result, it is very susceptable to Neurotoxin.
-Rainbow Stall/ CC Bows (,1748.0.html): Great choice for stalling Eternal Crusader, as he cannot get creatures out fast enough so kill you. Although this FG cannot be decked out, he does lack a method of healing, which the player can take advantage of by destroying the Turtle Shields then summoning a Quinted FFQ for damage, as most Rainbow Stall decks tend to have this card.
-Maxwell's Buckler (,10966.0.html): Good deck. Not only it has Bucklers to control the Crusaders, it also has Pulvys and Quints on the Spectres. I forsee a decent win rate with this FG using this deck.
-Pesty decks (,6020.0.html): Pretty good I think. Stealing the Turtle Shields helps quite a bit. You might not be able to lock down thought because he has a lot of towers and pendulums.
-Lone Stalker (,19395): Now that is very interesting, because Eternal Crusader is like a sister deck to this one. If you manage to pull off a Crusader, Pulvy, Endow, replace with Eternity IMMEDIATELY, Quint Crusader. You might be able to win (very slowly, like this deck orginally is intended for). I am very interested to see how this deck fares against itself.
-'Skittles' (,12134.0.html): Really depends if a Turtle Shield is played fast and if Crusaders come out quickly. Turtle Shield really slows down your FFQ/ FFL/ Hope, Crusaders will start copying Destroy and...destroy. Really depends on your draw and his.
-Mirage (,11135.0.html): Hmm I am not sure because I am not familiar with this deck. But one thing for sure: you need to be able to keep up with the FG's drawing speed because he can pull out lots more cards before you have to chance to copy it. He has the Mark of Time, so he probably has the advantage on you in terms of drawing speed.
-Heavy Quintet (,7008.0.html): One Pulverizer is not enough, and plus it needs to be comboed by PA in order to use, or Crusaders will just steal the ability. Earth Nymths and Golem will just get stopped by Turtle Shield.
-The Condor (,5678.0.html): Permafrost is always good, but the Otyughs are useless when Pharaoh come and produce lots of Scarabs. Eagle Eye will just end up getting copied because it does not have PA (I assume PA is used on Permafrost and not Eagle Eye). Not bad overall though.
-Mindtheft (,11834.0.html): Like Mirage, it really depends if you can keep up with the FG.
-CCYB (,9545.0.html): Pretty much rendered useless if the FG gets ahold of a Turtle Shield. That Pulvy can be of some use to destroy the FG's Hourglasses and shields, but won't be of any use once a Crusader comes out, copies it, and destroys it. You can try to bring it out, destroy as many things as you could, then self-destruct it to prevent getting destroyed by the Crusaders.
Weak decks:
-Fractal Retrovirus (,17967.0.html): Very unlikely. No creature protection, Retrovirus' Plagues are useless because of the FG's Quinted creatures. Your only chance is to Fractal the dragons and try to rush.[/spoiler]
-Shak'kar's Revenge (,14435.0.html) & Voodoo Panic (,12308.0.html): Does not stand a chance. The AI has been changed recently and the FG WILL bounce back any dolls you throw out that are Gravity Pulled, so there's no way keep them on the field.