AI setting on high speed.
Phoenixplosion! Quite Literally! (,13526.0.html)
Games: 200 | Avg ttw: 7.355 | Avg. Sec/Game: 78.420
| Wins: 186 | Losses: 14 | Ems: 8 |
posted by - willng3
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
7dm 7dm 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 7f2 7f2 7f2 7f2 7f2 7f2 7f2 7f2 808 808 808 809 809 80i 80i 80i 80i 80i 8pu
Games: 200
avg. Sec/Game: 78.420
Sec/Turn: 10.456
Clicks/Game: 26.780
Clicks/Turn: 3.570666667
Score/Min: 11.56847743
Electrum/Min: 11.72149962
Time overall (min.): 261.400
Wins: 186
Ems: 8
Losses: 14
Score: 3024
Electrum: 3064
Avg ttw: 7.355
ttw 3: 0
ttw 4: 0
ttw 5: 17
ttw 6: 47
ttw 7: 46
ttw 8: 34
ttw 9: 23
ttw 10: 15
ttw 11: 1
ttw 12: 0
ttw 13: 3
ttw 14: 0
ttw 15: 0
ttw 16: 0
ttw 17: 0
ttw 18: 0
ttw 19: 0
ttw 20: 0
ttw 21: 0
ttw 22: 0
ttw 23: 0
Okay, I've tested a lot of decks over the past year or so, but what happened during the testing of this one just goes beyond words. The first 50 games of testing resulted in 0 losses. The next 50 resulted in 5 losses. The following resulted in 6 losses. The final 50 games resulted in 3 losses. So that's a bit odd, but here's what really threw me off: Before the final set of 50 games, the deck had gotten a total of 7 5TTW games for a 150 game duration. Which means that my luck factor increased significantly during those last 50 games. Even more amazing, during the previous set of 50 games, my luck was absolutely deplorable. I was continuously receiving draws with either no Minor Phoenix or no Fractal and would not draw either of them for several turns.
I'm now convinced that ~Napalm is the true Master of Fire. I had been testing the deck with very little interaction with her in chat, but the instant that we started conversing for lengthy periods, the entire deck suddenly began to cooperate in my favor tremendously. If you had asked me before those final 50 games, I would have told you the deck would be lucky to break 7.5TTW; I've never seen anything like this. The deck's speed decreased a bit since 1.25, but only because the AI is so hell-bent on stalling decks like this into the ground.
But enough about that. Things to watch out for:
-The Pandemonium/Voodoo Elder is ANNOYING. I typically bait the AI into using Pande on 3-4 of my Minor Phoenix and then spam the rest I've received from Fractal. If the AI is low on Pends and
, then blow those Pends up ASAP.
-Dune Scorp Elder is likewise annoying, but to a lesser degree. Sundial chaining slows down your games significantly, but a well timed Explosion can save you some time there. Otherwise you'll need to use it on Procrastination which is a real headache for the deck's speed.
-Death/Entropy Elder...can get lucky occasionally. I had one game where I was 1 turn from winning when it suddenly played Bone Wall then Pandemonium and then Plague in that order. Getting massacred while the opponent has 25 Bone Shields in play is humiliating to say the least.
-Mono Aether. Not much to say about this one since it's straightforward. Save Explosions for Dim Shields (or Pillars if it's REALLY low on them at the start). The AI will Lobo Ash over Minor Phoenix if given the choice, so don't Cremate one if you plan on Rebirthing it next turn.
-The rest are fairly straightforward; I found the Light/Air elder to be the easiest; I probably acquired at least 50% of my 5TTW games from it alone.
Next to be tested is
Fast-Draw Pillarless AI3 Grinder (,6298.0.html)