When I was adding more stats today, the following dialog appeared

I'm still not able to use the TESTING menu.
This seems to be a common error in google docs:
Got 101 games (counting skips)
This is my evaluation of how the deck fares against all FGs:
Akebono (autoskip): The deck is not designed to deal with overdriven Dilgos or Dragons Sofo + GP is not enough and you'll be dead before your Otys are big enough to eat them.
Chaos Lord (medium): It depends on how lucky he gets with his mutations (immaterial mutants can be a problem). If you play an Oty and a Sofo early in the game you should be fine.
Dark Matter (autoskip): The deck is too quanta tight to stand a chance
Decay (hard): Drop an Oty or two as soon as you can. Drop SoP as soon as you can. This is the only chance you get to kill his Pests. If you get locked, quit.
Destiny (autoskip): RT. RT, everywhere.
Divine Glory (autoskip): There is pretty much nothing you can do to stop its strategy.
Dream Catcher (medium): It plays a lot like Chaos Lord. Drop an Oty early so that you can stop the Abomination + BE combo and the rest is straightforward.
Elidnis (easy): This god is only easy because the AI is insanely stupid. Its an easy win unless it manages to quint a Forest Spirit. If it does, your only chance is starving its

quanta. If you win it will probably be an EM.
Eternal Phoenix (hard): I didn't manage to win, but I think it is possible with a good draw.
Ferox (easy): A piece of cake, unless you get a really bad draw.
Fire Queen (medium): The OE is a pain, but shouldn't be too hard. RNG was against me in all the 3 games I tested against it though.
Gemini (medium): This guy is tricky. Don't grow your creatures too much, or it will roflstomp your Sofo + GP using only Parallel Universe. Keep always a SoP in hand to get rid of the huge Otys you'll have to face. Try to keep him starved of

quanta, so that it can't copy your Otys and eat your creatures. Wins are usually EMs.
Graviton (easy): Drop a SoP as soon as you can to get rid of his Fire-eaters. The rest is pretty easy.
Hecate (hard): Wait until it plays one steal and a rage pot, before playing your stuff. When you are bad in HP release your SoP and enjoy your now vampiric creatures. With the right timing you can kill it.
Hermes (medium): I strongly recommend that you Purify one of your Otys to keep it alive. Keep in mind that it won't leave your SoP untouched for more than 2 turns, so use them wisely.
Incarnate (easy): Just mind the Bonewalls. Use its Boneyards for extra Oty chow and try to keep him starved of

quanta and you should have an easy EM.
Jezebel (autoskip): Out-rushes you pretty badly
Lionheart (auto-EM): Just play an early Oty and an early Sofo and you are safe. An early SoP helps in case it draws an early Anubis. Every time I won I got an EM. The only time I loose I didn't draw any creature for the first 7 turns.
Miracle (easy): You only loose with a really bad draw. Play an early SoP so your Otys can eat its Dragons. To finish it wait until you are close to the 3TK range, wait for it to play Miracle and then keep it starved of

quanta, so it can't play a second one. EMs often
Morte (medium): Bonewall and Plague can be a pain. Those are normally close games. Trying to keep it quanta starved is the best option.
Neptune (easy): I thought the freeze + shockwave combo would be more of a problem. Gladly, the AI chooses its targets very poorly.
Obliterator (autoskip): Sofo, meet PA. SoP, meet Pulvy. Oty, meet GP.
Octane (?): I only faced it once with a really bad draw. I think that if you can control its OE with Sofo + Otys and keep your creatures alive with SoP. I don't know if you have enough PC for the Unstable Gases though (you could try to leave one OE alive to recharge your Sofo + GP, but your Otys wouldn't like that)
Osiris (autoskip): RT, nuff said.
Paradox (easy): If you get a bad draw you'll likely be out-rushed, but if you don't its easy to get an EM. (RNG seems to hate me though) Finish it like you do against Miracle.
Rainbow (autoskip): LOL
Scorpio (medium): Keep a purify handy. Try not to poison your Otys too much, so that SoP can keep them alive. Go for a 2TK and keep a Sofo with its HP below 30 to blow its Permafrost right before the attack.
Seism (autoskip): Quanta control and RT. YAY!
Serket (easy): The most important thing is to keep it starved of

quanta. This seriously reduces its firepower. If possible destroy its eclipses (unless you want to recharge your Sofo+GP to destroy a cloak). Keep a purify to use in yourself if the poison gets too high. Once you take control its easy to turn tables and get an EM.
So this is 9 (probably 10) autoskips, 3 hard FGs, 7 medium and 10 easy.