The STATMASTAâ„¢4000 has been downloaded over 90 times for MS-Excel and over 50 times for Open-Office!
But its days are over now ... S T A T M A S T Aâ„¢ r e a l t e cis out!
You can download it from the OP as usual What's new?Well ... on the outside the update really isn't all that wild.
In fact, everything stays exactly the same as it was in the Statmasta4000, except for one thing:
Realistic cardspin-rates!This is a small change on the inside of the tool, which carries very far
and could only be made because of tons of work people put in to derive
the actual cardwin-rate for each god.
Until now, the theoretical cardspin-rate of 35% was assumed for all gods,
meaning when calculating your FGei(c) and FGei(cn), the tool would assume that
each win against
any god yields 0.35 cards in three spins.
As we know now, this is very far from reality even if the overall cardspin-rate used
to be around those 35% a couple years ago.
The FG-efficiency-study (,25609.0.html) and the False-god card drop rate study (,30140.0.html)
have each produced samples over ~100 won games against each FG that produced conclusive
evidence about the actual cardspin-rate each individual false god has.
By merging the two studies data and hence creating sample sizes over ~200 won games/ god,
the theoretical cardwin-probabilities as calculated by DarkWeaver (,20376.msg420980#msg420980) could indeed be verified:
FG | DarkWeaver | Merged studies | Sample size |
Akebono Chaos Lord Dark Matter Decay Destiny Divine Glory Dream Catcher Elidnis Eternal Phoenix Ferox Fire Queen Gemini Graviton Hecate Hermes Incarnate Jezebel Lionheart Miracle Morte Neptune Obliterator Octane Osiris Paradox Rainbow Scorpio Seism Serket
| 58,63% 38,68% 41,26% 61,41% 44,74% 68,00% 37,58% 37,33% 56,25% 44,43% 50,92% 49,76% 46,88% 54,71% 39,26% 48,34% 59,72% 47,36% 37,75% 37,84% 47,07% 48,15% 59,71% 57,22% 48,19% 36,10% 36,54% 41,99% 48,29%
| 56,86% 40,71% 38,40% 59,74% 43,54% 80,80% 34,02% 35,07% 43,42% 50,28% 51,94% 44,39% 45,88% 56,29% 30,99% 45,51% 54,13% 39,29% 37,37% 34,45% 41,14% 44,83% 54,74% 54,75% 52,16% 31,78% 37,21% 41,46% 42,92%
| 204 140 125 154 294 125 97 211 76 177 206 223 85 167 71 334 109 252 281 209 333 203 137 179 324 107 129 164 219
The second column shows the merged results from the two abovementioned studies.
The first column shows Dark Weavers theoretical result as you get it when multiplying
his probabilities to win a card in 1 spin by three (for you have three spins/ win).
Note that none of these values should be expressed as a percentage, since they
are actually expected values -> number of expected cardwins / win,
so for Akebono that would be .586 cards / three spins, for Chaos Lord .386 etc.
It is these numbers in the first column which are now employed by the Statmasta
for each god individually to calculate your FGei(c)s and your FGei(cn) resulting in a
performance estimation that couldn't be any closer to reality, or in short:
FGei(c)s and FGei(cn) now ACTUALLY express
how much electrum you can expect to win per hour!-------------
How to carry over old data to the realtec-edition If you have a work in progress that you want to continue with the updated version of the
STATMASTA or if you want to see how some older deck-stats change with the new, actual
cardspin-rates you can simply transfer your data as such:
- open a copy of the STATMASTA realtec
- clear all input-fields
- open your old data-file
while using OpenOffice-> OpenOffice can also open Excel-files but not vice versa ... dumbass Microsoft morons
- mark input columns 1-5 (wins, losses, skips, EMs/wins, $won) by click n drag, don't miss a single cell
-> "copy"
- mark the exact same "field" in the realtec-file
-> "insert contents" -> uncheck "all" -> check "text", "values", "formulas" only!
-> confirm
- repeat marking and copying like this for input columns 6-8 (times) and input column 9 (cards won) in two seperate steps
- done
MS-Excel support disbanded for the time being!I am sorry to inform you that there will not be an MS-Excel version of the STATMASTA realtec right now.
I may redo the code as I did for Open-Office in a while ... but not right now.
Open-Office is for free though ...