Here are the keys to my custom UnGod deck.
I went with only a few of everything. If it can be helped, summon nothing until you have the allmighty Elite Anubis out. Then Slow play your creatures one at a time. DO NOT play eternity until you can immediately ENCHANT it. Use eternity on one of your skeletons to keep you from drawing dead. Might want to start when you have two cards left, in case you forget to do it. It will leave you with one "oops!" I thought I wouldn't forget, have lost a few games I was winning by forgeting to, though. Bonewalls are great for attracting nasty steal's and explosions.
So far, this deck has netted me more victories than I got with the original scaredgirl (all upped) I've been running for two weeks. Also did better than Alaska's, though I've only used that one a day or so, might not have been using it correctly.
Best thing about this deck is I actually got a few wins against god's I hardly ever beat.
Worst thing is that it sometimes takes a long time, waiting for that anubis while holding cards.
Best advise would be to use EVERY card WISELY! You won't get second chances. Might want to watch their fire (firelance) quantum or air (eagle eye) quantum to time the Elite Anubis. He pretty much CANNOT be alllowed to be killed, unless you are playing miracle.
Try it out guys, its something different. Advise some tweeks if you got any. But please, actually play it before you advise it. It works, if you pay attention to whats going on, that is.