Some notes about your decks guys, since I'm not sure who managed to do some testing with their decks... Smuglapse told me to do it.
MrBlonde - pretty straight up rush deck. Plagues are the only defense, and you'd probably use them only if they spam vampires/devs. Just count quanta and play to get as much damage per turn as possible.
Smuglapse - Mummies first, hold your dragons if possible until some CC is down and you feel its safe, or its an end game.
Nume - your deck needs loads of quanta generated, and you basically cant make a mistake there. Make sure to figure out what their deck is before spending tons of quanta on Dragons.
If they splash entropy, deflags are for Discords. Save 1 Deflag for Shield when you go for the kill. If they field small creature, its likely for BE. Plagues can help against those and Maxwells, while you'll have to save Rage for your own antimattered Pheonix (2-3 AMs per deck). If you can drop Pheonix and Bonewall early, you should be good. Dragons are for the kill of course.
Corrum - straightforward deck. If they go with dim shields and lobo, you can use momentums on the same dragon repeatedly and save others in hand to drop at once if shield goes down (if you see water mark, drop first dragon as soon as possible). Otherwise, they most likely have Lightnings in the deck, so play Dragon and Momentum on the same turn so they have to waste 2 lightnings per drake. Arsenic is great for early game, but as soon as shields start chaining, switch to Titan. Your deck also dont like mistakes much, so good luck.
home_wreckaz - you dont need to think much. Destroy their pillars/pendulums and rush them. Their stuff are expensive. Play Mummies and Spiders first to draw possible lightnings if you can.
Mastermind - you'll need some luck... If they use rush, as soon as you place first bonewall you should be fine. There's tons of CC in there. Play Arsenic whenever, but try to fly OE. Its much harder for them to destroy it if its flown.
If they use Bolt deck, then you'll definitely need luck. Deflags are there for Fahren. That thing can kill you when you switch to Reflective shield (count their cards and quanta to figure out when to switch). Purify is for possible poison.
Shantu - you built your own deck. Good luck.
Xuru - sacrifice a lamb to element gods.
Sorry if I was pointing the obvious.