"Seeing as this is the Card Ideas and Art section, we can't shoot down the idea because of what we predict zanzarino will feel about it. Players are free to submit ideas that would exist in an EtG world of their imagination. The most we can say is that, while it's true that deck exploration is not a theme of

, permanent control is not a theme of

Air, quanta denial is not a theme of

Aether, and Max HP reduction is not a theme of

Water and yet Thunderbird, Mana Worm and Sea Crab all exist in the Armory, a place for well-liked card ideas. I know this card would have my vote."
permanent control is not limited to a single element, quanta denial is not limited to a single element, max hp reduction exists so far only as an 'other' card. drawing cards is limited to a single element- taken from the elemental LOYALTY section of OldTrees' comprehensive card design guide
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,16655.0.html-"Time is like a river. Time has dominion over time travel and ancient creatures (mostly from ancient Egypt). I think of time as the element of time compression and stretching. Time uses this core to focus on
acceleration (Fate Egg, Evolve,
Golden Hourglass, Precognition, Sundial and Golden nymph), deceleration (Procrastination and Sundial) and rewind (Reverse Time and Eternity).
Speed and stalling. Fast drawing to run through decks, getting the cards you need. Cards to delay damage, returning creatures to their deck and making them unable to attack for a set time. New additions have begun to move this Element towards strength and creature control."
oh, look, draw acceleration. draw acceleration is taking a card which is still in your deck, and putting it into your hand before it's scheduled turn, it has nothing to do with cost. and then when you try to thematically detach "foreseeing the future" from the element of time, the theme falls apart, without time there is no future and there is no past. using light to see the present, fine, that doesn't take time to do, if you want to make an illumination card and have both players see each others hands, that would be reasonable. or you could in some way incorporate the element of time. as is, this is a time card, if zanz wants to place this card or precognition in light, he has more than enough power to change the background of the card himself, leave it to him to decide.
ive said my piece, wont be returning to this thread again, to either read or post. do as you will.