tenacity: creatures burn your opponent dealing ~1 damage after each successful attack, ~2 damage if fire creatures
If this stacks, could be OP with Fractal... Adding damage seems to be something that really fits fire.
- OP with fractal isnt as much a concern in card creation after the addition of mitosis and the nerf to fractal.
humor: function as a random shard each turn ?
Dislike this one... even why some shards are spells.
-it being random means it may not be the right time to use such spells, so its a detriment as much as a bonus. like if it randomly selects SoR to have it work that turn, and you have no creatures in play with abilities to use it on, its wasted.
intuition: spells cast have a 30% chance to be added to your hand, 40% if
Looks interesting, but looks something aether related. Hope it doesnt stack, or you could accumulate quanta, and them with 6 of these, you play a Siphon Life and receive 2-3 in hand.
-the % would stack- with a diminishing effect probably, but not the number of cards would max at 1 per spell cast.
creativity: a random spell is placed in your hand each turn *added 7/23
This looks like the one I posted in 1st post.
-aye, looks kinda similar, different mechanism for the action, and i promise i didnt rip the idea from you
unity: your creatures gain +1|+0 for every 20 hp of the sum of all of your creatures *added 7/23 (wouldnt include flying weapons)
Hmmmm, fractal armagios. Could also use them to defense. Interesting, but not much use beyond that.
- also a boost to chimera, massive dragons and when smaller creatures are in play to benefit from the +atk when the larger creatures are in play
encouragement: target creature gains growth ability costing
if it is an earthen creature *added 7/23
Doesnt make sense a shard that is usable just in earth decks. 2 earth quanta for each growth? It could be 2 quanta of the creature element, 1 if earth.
-just decks that have earth quanta involved, yeah, but you put a nice twist on it. could be the opposing element to prevent it from being too powerful in monos and help spring up some interesting decks
understanding: target creature gains +1|+1 for each immaterial creature in play *added 7/23
Interesting, but looks not really powerful. Immaterial creatures are expensive, and quint would require 2 cards. Could make it +2/+2 (very good with anubis)
- having anubis, quint and the nymph in mind is why i didnt boost it any higher initially, but its not set in stone, just a concept to put out at this point
potential: target creature generates a spark after each successful attack, ball lightning if it is an aether creature *added 7/23
I dislike it, its the same of giving +3/0 and +5/0, unless you are using some Death cards like BW. Other than that, the creature generation is pretty pointless.
-not the same, 1) it only works after successful attacks 2) damage is reduced twice and not one, its a balance mechanism, an offshoot atk buff along the lines of blessing, or chaos power, etc, but with an
service: target creature gains -1|+1 each time they use their ability
Seems a bit pointless. Maybe it will increase Otyugh effectiveness, but other than that, looks very weak.
-it can boost oty, sure enough, but it can also be a debuff for opposing creatures to dissuade your opponent from using that creatures ability, or it will eventually start to heal you
restraint: decrease your opponents maximum health by 10 *added 7/23
Also looks weak. If hes not at max health, means almost nothing.
- just a concept for the anti-SoD, and it could be useful in an anti-miracle role as well, and hinder the usefulness of healing in a stall deck.
restraint: target creature's attacks the opponent's quanta pool instead of their health ?
bonus?* added 7/26
I see it could be destructive in the right creature. Very very destructive, in fact. Play this on a dragon, and your opponent will have almost no quanta for the rest of the game, unless it plays rainbows. Dunno if I like it, coming to an element that already has Pestal.
-well, considering it doesnt yet have a darkness effect, the elemental association isnt much of a concern. perhaps it could cut the attack in half, like burrow
flexibility: target creature gains chaos power each turn ?
bonus? *added 7/26
Also OP. Free +1-5/+1-5 every turn without paying?
-well, put it this way, chaos power is only 1
to play, if you put this on a creature, and it costs 5, you payed 5 turns ahead for the effect five times. it just needs to be tinkered with a tiny bit, like making it cost 3 but only last 5 or 6 turns.