I wanted it to work based off of your mark, since Nymph's Tears already uses Pillars/Towers.
I figured with it not having to sacrifice anything, then putting it in your hand instead of using it would be a better option.
Well, basing it on your mark will always give you the shard at its full potential, but limits the player choice.
On the other hand, this version could work alone, even on a pillarless deck, but only produces a single shard.
The current version has the only use of reaching 12 shards of a type. If i need up to 6, i will pack normal shards instead of this card (given that i own those shards, which i suppose are rares).
The sacrifice version can be used to have versatility, and produce the shard that i need at the moment. I don't know what is best, i'm trying to examine pros and cons.