My Critique on Rarity:
2 points for good reasons for it being rare
1 point for meeting each of my criteria for rare cards
Sylph | Sylph (,21608.0.html)
Rating: 5/5
Air is not known for being an element whose creatures have a solid amount of HP. They do however have strong skills and good attack power. The inability for an enemy to target Air creatures compliments the element appropriately and works with Fog Shield's theme. This would make it a good Rare card for Air because although the element does not --need-- this card to make good decks, this card compliments various of its decks.
A card is not a good rare if it is a needed staple.
A card is a good elemental rare if it has many uses within that element.
These are both good criteria and Sylph fulfills both.
Furthermore Sylph can be used without needing to first collect 4+ copies, it is balanced against common cards and does something unique [cause invisibility]
Law of Series | Law of Series (,21707.0.html)
Rating: 2/5
Why you believe this card is worth being rare?
With this spell you can choose which cards you or your opponent are going to draw for a few turns. I think it's powerful enough to be rare.
Why you think this card would be good as a rare?
It is versatile and can be used in various ways. Also It fit very well its element, Time.
Rare cards are powerful
Rare cards are versatile
Rare cards fit the element well
Rarity is no reason for a card to be powerful. Rarity affects the acquisition not the cost to play a card and thus should not affect the power of a card.
No card should be too situational, all cards should be versatile
All elemental cards should fit their element
Why should this be a rare card?
It is not a needed staple for time it does not require 4+ copies to make reasonable use of its effect in bolt decks and was meant to be balanced as if rarity deserved power.
Sea Spectre | Ocean Spectre (,21743.0.html)
1) With the development of Vanadium Wardens, I do not feel Artic Squid is really worth being a rare, and many other players also seem to support that Arctic Squid should not be rare.
2) As shown by the Bio, this creature isn't easy to find.
Does the card's overall value fit as a rare?
Yes, it's a weak card when initially played but when played correctly it's immunity to Poison and Fire make it slightly stronger than it's Forest Counterpart. This also makes a good counter to the Malignant Cell/Flooding Lockdown if you can get a few copies out.
Water needs a better card for its rare slot.
Balanced and versatile
Water may need a new rare (or warden could be kept rare)
Furthermore it is balanced against common cards, can be used without 4+ copies and does something unique (damage reduction on a creature)
Evil Eye|Evil Eye (,21840.msg299035#msg299035)
Rating: 4/5
1) It's more than a mass effect card like RoF or Plague, it puts almost a whole stop on CC and PC.
It stops CC and PC
If everyone wants a card then the card is too powerful. Rarity is not a balancing tool.
Futhermore this card can be used without 4+ copies and does something unique and will now be balanced against common cards.
PS: 4/5 is a barely passing grade in my book. I would only vote for 5/5s.