explanation: this card is one of the most situational cards in the game. the unupped especially only protects from direct damage spells cast on the owner. i believe it needs a berf to make it less situational, and also to not completely hard counter bolt decks.
this is my first buff this card topic so bear with me.
i will add a poll once some other poeple give ideas, so its not just a vote between my idea and no buff.
my idea is actually a berf, however its a buffy berf
unupped: increase cost by 1 and give it one damage resistance.
both: remove untargetable.
plus one of the following for both:
1. add a bonewall style PC resist where unupped takes 2 PCs to remove and upped takes 3.
2. add a bonewall style effect with about 8 counters(upped would have more than unupped) where a PC or it resisting spell damage remove a counter. consider some sort of way of restoring these counters though i havent thought of one.
this needs more balancing but i think if someone helped me balance it like that it would make reflective shield a better card that isn't as situational or hating.
edit: picture and explanation added.
ok fine ill add a pole, i just wanted input first.