Now in technicolor (obviously Dark Green -> Light Green -> Yellow -> Orange -> Red). Not a great session (partial 53,2%), I even got 4 losses vs Lionheart and some really screwed hands in general. Still I kind of managed a new interesting tactic (vs difficult FG that don't need Chimera and you have it, you can start chaining Sundials soon and play all the SN to exploit Singularities by making them in a Chimera in the case you don't draw a Sundial. The Chimera can kind of protect you for 1 turn. It kind of saved me sometimes, but it's not a safe tactic, so don't use it unless you know your changes to win are slim anyway or the enemy FG can easily destroy your stalling anytime).
An example of this tactic successfully deployed vs Dark Matter (even if it wasn't necessary in this situation):
Some adjustments from 1500 test:
VERY EASY (>80%)
Lionheart -> Bad puppy! Bad!
Gemini -> Gemini is a bit slower version of Ferox in term of rashness
Fire Queen
FAIRLY EASY (80%-60%)
MEDIUM (60%-40%)
Seism -> I play it by playing a time tower at turn, making it use a quicksand on it, then playing another one. Use at most one Hourglasses unless it dropped many creatures fast.
Akebono -> I had some interesting matches vs him. In one it made a Chimera at the middle of the game, I didn't have sundials anymore nor enough SoR but still played the combo without playing my Blitz and Chimera. Result: its chimera destroyed. Even if it can overdrive your mitosed Dragon in the next turn you can still probably win in 2 turns (it can't probably make a comeback without creatures unless it's very lucky with the draws). So my tip is: start to play sundials by turn 2, try to rush your hand and keep your health at max.
Chaos Lord -> play fast, Sundials from turn 2.
Divine Glory -> imho it's better to play fast with Sundials from turn 2 also vs this one. Try to play the dragon+mitosis asap if you have them.
HARD (40%-20%)
Jezebel -> I'm trying an experiment on it (not really going well), still working in progress. But start chaining Sundials before playing Hourglasses (try not to let Hourglasses be stolen).
Osiris -> Start to chain at round 2 and stop playing stuff when it plays a SoFo and hope for it to be catapulted. Still not a good FG to face.
Octane -> play fast and pray. A good idea the singularity->Chimera trick here.
Decay -> If you start the game play a Sundials on round 2. It will steal your Hourglasses instead of playing a Pest if it has an Improved Steal, which means your quanta won't be drained and you can play your SN.
Btw, I always get the most amazing games vs Decay:
Hecate -> This is all about luck, I even lost in 4 turns here.
Hermes -> I wonder how I got it so high, my face everytime I see it as an opponent is

Eternal Phoenix
Dream Catcher
Dark Matter