I've been doing a lot better in this new update (partial of these last 500 games is 57%), having reached also 55,5% for a little while, then dropped to the definitive 55,07%. Chaos Lord took the scepter of the most frequent FG from Seism and I added a trend ( I increased my win ratio the most with Hecate, and decreased it the most with Jezebel).
Some adjustments from 1000 test:
EASY (>75%)
Lionheart -> RAWR! My favorite puppy!
Gemini -> Gemini is a bit slower version of Ferox in term of rashness
Serket -> It keeps getting easier and easier for me
Fire Queen
Incarnate -> New entry!
Ferox -> New entry!
MEDIUM (75%-50%)
Seism -> I play it by playing a time tower at turn, making it use a quicksand on it, then playing another one. Use at most one Hourglasses unless it dropped many creatures fast.
Akebono -> I had some interesting matches vs him. In one it made a Chimera at the middle of the game, I didn't have sundials anymore nor enough SoR but still played the combo without playing my Blitz and Chimera. Result: its chimera destroyed. Even if it can overdrive your mitosed Dragon in the next turn you can still probably win in 2 turns (it can't probably make a comeback without creatures unless it's very lucky with the draws). So my tip is: start to play sundials by turn 2, try to rush your hand and keep your health at max.
HARD (50%-25%)
Divine Glory -> imho it's better to play fast with Sundials from turn 2 here.
Chaos Lord -> it would be A LOT easier without that damn Discord.
Jezebel -> I'm trying an experiment on it (not really going well), still working in progress.
Decay -> If you start the game, and you have at least 2 towers, 1 SN and 1 hourglass (yeah I know it's not very often), play Hourglasses on round 2. It will steal your Hourglasses instead of playing a Pest, which means your quanta won't be drained and you can play your SN.
Osiris -> Stop playing stuff when it plays a SoFo and hope for it to be catapulted. Still not a good FG to face.
Hermes -> I wonder how I got it so high, my face everytime I see it as an opponent is

Hecate -> Oh this got a lot better (almost +10%). But I really don't know why, didn't really changed strategy, probably just luck.
Eternal Phoenix
Dark Matter
Dream Catcher -> It' still my #1 enemy.