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Offline Reid4891

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #492 on: July 22, 2012, 01:38:44 am »
I've been able to assemble only a semi upped Instosis with my cash, but I got my first win vs an hard one at the first try (probably been lucky at the start, only 1 tower but its pests just drained time quanta and I've been able to play a SN at round 3) : ^_^

Too bad I didn't win any card as usual...

Btw, I think this deck is great, even a semi-upped version can win more than 50% vs FGs. I can only complain that I can almost never win in Arena though since there is too PC imho, or maybe I'm just unlucky about the decks that I play against, but it's ok as long as I can keep working splendid vs FGs I'm definitely not gonna complain (but I've to agree with the guy who said that Osiris and Akebono are almost impossible with SoFo now, I think my ratio win vs them is less than 5-10%). :)

2/2... is Decay really so hard (I just played out everything as fast as I could again)? O.o

Obviously no card again... :P

Now with EM! :)

« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 11:44:59 am by Reid4891 »

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #493 on: July 25, 2012, 02:54:08 pm »
So Instosis has been around a while now, but it is still viable and still in use.  So I thought it might be helpful to update the spoiler for God by God breakdown, to reflect the New World.

I have updated the easy/medium/hard to reflect my experience vs Sevs.  I have also upgraded the difficulty of Akebono and Osiris, who now pack the game-winning SoFo.  I have incorporated a key to show permanent/creature control at-a-glance.

NC – Chimera needed
CC/NCC – creature control / no creature control.  Against no creature control, you can play your dragon early if you wish.  Freeze etc counts as removal for this purpose.
PC/NPC – permanent control / no permanent control.  Played against your dials/towers/glasses.
Easy/Medium/Hard/Impossible – Easy means 90%+ win chance assuming you don’t have a terrible draw.  Medium means 50%+.  Hard means 20%+. Impossible means…ragequit turn one, and try again – faster in the long term.

False God Spoilers (updated)
Spoiler for Hidden:

Akebono – PC/NC - Hard – Akebono now packs Shard of Focus.  One of those early on and you probably won’t come back from it.  If he gets two out and makes them into black holes, you can’t win.  Even without the BH, with SoFo destroying too many towers/dials/glasses and you will be unable to churn your deck while still blocking his attack.
Chaos Lord – NC/PC/CC - Hard – no change to CL, no change to it’s difficulty.
Dark Matter – Impossible – BH kills Instosis
Decay – NCC (Electrocutor)/NPC - Hard – Basically you can’t win this unless Decay draws badly.
Destiny – NCC (rewind)/NPC Easy –  Eternity has low damage, so you can chain from ~30 health
Divine Glory – PC/CC – Medium – If he plays a fire tower in the first 3 turns, it’s generally faster to quit.
Dream Catcher – PC/CC – Hard/impossible – too much PC.
Elidnis – NPC/CC – Easy
Eternal Phoenix – PC/CC – Hard/impossible– 25% of Phoenix’s deck is PC (explosion).  This is only really winnable if you draw an excess of glasses and a s*** load of towers to get them out early to draw PC fire.
Ferox – NPC/NCC – Easy
Fire Queen – NPC/CC – Easy, but Eagle’s Eye hits hard (7 points) and she has fire lance too, so chain early.
Gemini – NPC/NCC(Electrocutor) –  Easy.  You don’t need Chimera unless you play a dragon early.  You can actually play a dragon early (and safely) – just don’t mitosis it (Electrocutor) and if you do play it, Gemini will shield and you’ll need Chimera.
Graviton – PC/CC – Easy/Medium – Ease depends on how many explosions he finds – 4 in 70 are explosions.
Hecate – NPC/CC – Easy/Medium/Hard – I have found Hecate to be entirely variable based on how much poison how early, and how many rage elixirs she draws.  Least consistent of the FGs in my opinion.
Hermes – CC/PC – Impossible – too many explosions by far to make this realistic.
Incarnate – NC/CC/NPC – Easy
Jezebel – CC/PC – Hard – Jezebel may be defeatable once in a rare while, but I tend to skip this one.  Too many steals mean that you run out of draw and can’t find a sundial when you need one.  I think I’ve had one victory in over 10 games.
Lionheart – CC (rewind)/NPC – Easy – cuddly Lion.
Miracle – NCC/NPC – Easy
Morte – NC/CC – Easy/Medium – Easy if the poison is slow in coming, Medium if it isn’t.
Neptune – CC/NPC – Easy – any 30 cards beats Neptune, after all.
Obliterator – CC/PC – Easy/Impossible – Easy if Pulvy doesn’t turn up til late.  Impossible if Pulvy arrives in turns 1-5.
Octane – CC/PC – Hard – I disagree with Sev; I don’t think you can reliably out-draw Octane before the UGs kill you unless you have a blistering opening hand (tower, tower, tower, tower, glass, glass, SN would be nice)
Osiris – NCC/PC – Hard/Impossible – Sofo raises it’s ugly head again.
Paradox – NCC/NPC – Easy.  Morning Glory hits like a tank, though, so chain early.
Rainbow – Impossible – you can guarantee he has an answer for everything.  Skip.
Scorpio – CC/NPC – Medium – Poison race.
Seism – CC(rewind – but with so little quanta that’s enough)/NPC – Hard – Quanta denial against a deck with only 6 towers.  Winnable, but ugly.
Serket – NPC/NCC – Easy – So long as you chain dials early, and have the draw to keep that up, this one isn’t too bad.  Don’t forget that you can skip a 3rd or 4th dial (whether or not you have it) and take less damage then you would from chaining too late and picking up early poison.

Hope the above helps.
Good Instosing!

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #494 on: July 25, 2012, 04:14:05 pm »
Osiris, medium.
If he plays a SoFo and Trebuchet is in play, he will pult it after a single use unless he has 2 or less :gravity at the end of that turn.
Yesterday, suddenly I felt like going to grind FGs a bit ;P I have encountered Osiris 5~ times using instosis and only lost once when he drew 2 SoFos but no Trebuchet.
(Temporarily?) retired from the game.

Offline Reid4891

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #495 on: July 25, 2012, 04:34:14 pm »
I agree with most Altissimus posted (and also with what Wizy noted, but very often to me a SoFo appears in the worse moment so I still think Osiris is hard), still I think Decay is the less hard of the hard ones if you play all the sundials as soon as you had played a SN and can use  :light quanta to draw (draw the fastest you can and hope to get the cards in a decent order). Of course there is a chance you can't play anything at all or get a bad hand, but still I don't despair too much when I see Decay than when I see other FGs.

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #496 on: July 27, 2012, 03:02:44 pm »
Here is a crazy win against Akebono when he got an early SoFo. Only used 4 dials.

Spoiler for Hidden:

Edit: He only started with 1 tower. Probably led to me winning :D
« Last Edit: July 27, 2012, 03:04:15 pm by Bloom »
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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #497 on: July 27, 2012, 03:35:43 pm »
Here is a crazy win against Akebono when he got an early SoFo. Only used 4 dials.

Spoiler for Hidden:

Edit: He only started with 1 tower. Probably led to me winning :D
yep, he was slow
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Offline Reid4891

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #498 on: July 29, 2012, 06:37:57 am »
Want to see a crazy win?  :P Here:

Spoiler for Hidden:

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #499 on: July 29, 2012, 09:48:39 pm »
Want to see a crazy win?  :P Here:

Spoiler for Hidden:

?_? Who- what- how??!!

Did he play any black holes or use the nymph?
« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 09:50:33 pm by kimham8a »
Hey there

Offline Reid4891

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #500 on: July 30, 2012, 03:47:50 am »
Want to see a crazy win?  :P Here:

Spoiler for Hidden:

?_? Who- what- how??!!

Did he play any black holes or use the nymph?

I plan to post my stats and my opinions very soon (I'm at 265 matches recorded right now), but well yes obviously. My "tactic" (it's not really a tactic since it's gonna work 1 time every 100 matches, but it's not like I had some other options) was to avoid playing supernovas so that its black holes don't kill air quanta (I discarded a hourglasses when I had too many cards). Obviously you both need a good hand loaded with towers and that it can't put out many damage heavy creatures on the ground at the beginning. When it stopped playing black holes and I was pretty sure it was out of it (after 4-5 black holes/turn I think, maybe more maybe less I don't remember clearly) I calculated that I needed 5 turns to win and I'd have a chance only if it played just one black hole (luckily it played the nymph on its 3rd turn, so I had 9 air quanta in my 5th turn because it played a black hole from the nymph at its 4th turn). So I started my first SN plus 2 sundials to increase drawing. In 5th turn I made a singularity, played sky blitz before the last SoR, so that's 201 damage for my chimera. It goes pretty much without saying that I could have been screwed anytime by pretty much anything, like getting the 8 cards combo too soon, not getting the hourglasses soon enough to draw all my deck in 5 turns, it playing a Nymph before turn 3, it drawing another black hole or something else.

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #501 on: August 04, 2012, 01:45:19 am »
I just had something epic happen. I was facing Lionheart, and on the last turn, I had 0 cards, played the combo, felt confident, then pressed space. I forgot to sky blitz. The funny thing is, lionheart rewinded two of my dragons, so I didn't die next turn, and I was able to win.

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #502 on: August 04, 2012, 02:17:45 am »
I just had something epic happen. I was facing Lionheart, and on the last turn, I had 0 cards, played the combo, felt confident, then pressed space. I forgot to sky blitz. The funny thing is, lionheart rewinded two of my dragons, so I didn't die next turn, and I was able to win.

Yeah, we need to fix that.

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #503 on: August 06, 2012, 07:28:51 am »
So Instosis has been around a while now, but it is still viable and still in use.

I haven't gotten a single win from this deck vs FG's, and even dropped a few in Arena play. I'm usually dead before I get all the cards needed for the combo. Not a big fan of this deck, although the idea is cool, and it's a rush when it works, but there are other OTK ideas out there that I like more. Of course they suffer from the same problem, hanging on while you wait to build up a 6(ish) card combo.

