Works a little bit too well with a couple of non-upgraded Novas (especially the upgraded version), in a Duo-
deck. Graviton Firemasters would heavily benefit from this to a point that it would be a little absurd, but I see the logic of the card itself.
By "targeted by offensive spell", does this include Steal? I'm assuming that it's supposed to have this mechanic built in place to prevent permanent destruction/control, but I think since it hurts you, it's going to be more detrimental to have these in a deck considering
's lack of healing (forgiving Black Hole).
If you steal this card, nothing will happen to it, you just steal it , its not really an offensive spell. What i mean by offensive spells, is
spells that do direct damage to creatures, like say firebolt, or lightning. plus its also part of the concept of the card, a firebolt damaging it would completely unstabilize the planet, causing a reaction and creating a mass explosion.

G firemasters would benefit from this card, however it wouldn't be recommended to base a strategy soley on these, since each quantum converted has a 50% chance only of turning into either a


, also it wouldn't be wise to put multiple of these on your field, especially if you have lower hp than your opponent, since the opponent could have many offensive spells on hand, it could simply cause you too much damage, possibly costing you the game. So its also quite the risk once u think about it, in other words, it creates suspense!!!