As suggested by some people, and because I wanted to help the less "techies" of us, who still have card ideas, I started working on a new project to fully generate custom cards.
I just post an early shot of what I've done so far, so you can give me suggestions, or maybe help me. The "card" below is a hardcoded one, generated with some words and some pictures.

I'm progressing slowly, and I'll make a small pause to finish something else. I almost don't know how to program in or AS3 (the language used in Flash), but want to learn. This project seems perfect for this. I'll first finish this prototype, then add inputs to customize the card text and art. To finish, I'm planning a crop and resize function for the custom art.
For the moment, everything is working but elements icons in the card description (and the "Graphic Art By ..." part too). I'm open the suggestions if someone know this language well. I have an idea to test, but it'll be still hard.
If you have other suggestions, feel free !
EDIT : OOPS ! I think I posted in Card Art instead of Card Idea