I've tried ones with miracles, luciferins, and quantum towers, but nothing really gives as good a consistency as the basics. I've gotten the best win rate (calculated over 20-30 games, at least, with various versions) with this, which is the version I'm using right now. I've won 11 cards from FGs playing this deck for ~4 hours yesterday and today, which is quite a profit O.o
This deck depends on getting a situationally good draw. I've found that the unfortunate role of shards taking up space in your hand is outweighed but the number of times that you simply need to draw a LOT of shards to stay alive through momentumed creatures (gemini momentums his spider and then immediately PU spams it, often killing you, scorpio stacks the poison up high enough that without 3-5 shards early on, you'll steadily lose health overall until you're dead). Here's the deck:
5lk 5lk 5lk 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 622 622 622 622 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jq 7jq 80e 80e 80e
Some tips: If you draw a lot of RoL/pillars, it may be wise to not play the shard or two you draw and go for a fractal ASAP. it depends on who you're facing. Against dark matter I hold onto the RoL (the quanta just gets blackholed anyway) and try to stack up aether quanta as much as possible, sometimes discarding shards if it looks like I'll be able to get my shield up. The vast majority of gods are about getting your shield up, which means getting Rays of light, a fractal, being able to clear your hand up, and a hope. This happens a lot more often than you'd think. many other gods require an early fractal, and this deck manages to draw 2 aether pillars and an electrocuter at least if not more than half the time when it counts
Divine glory: count your quanta, play shards if he's being slow with the glories, try to get 8 RoL or at least 7 in one fractal (you'll draw another soon). Refrain from playing more than 2 shards without an electrocuter. Wait until you have 2 electrocuters (after having 8 RoL+shield) and then play all your shards (save up at least 3) and play them. Your electrocuter will most certaintly be exploded, play the other, and heal up, then wait until you can fractal+dragon rush and kill him in one turn. If you don't, you'll lose. He has plenty of miracles to heal up. You
have to surprise him. I lose something like 10% of the time to divine glory, and get EMs every time I win.
If you have poison counters or damage spilling over your shield, then do the math and try to make a scenario where you can get your opponent to very low health such that you can heal and then kill with your weapon. I do this a lot, and it takes maybe a minute total of calculating (several times usually. Check if you can play a couple dragons then another or something, to get him tot he right health).
VERY IMPORTANT: don't forget to factor in damage from your weapon. It counts until the final heal+killing blow, too!
Autoskip the following gods (not worth the trouble): rainbow [killable, but I don't like to bother. if you get a good hand, and it looks like he's starting slow, by all means, try it!], hermes (fire bucklers+rain of fires=DEATH), octane (don't try it, literally impossible to win). That's it! I've beaten everybody else. Dark matter and obliterator can be really easy sometimes, depending on their draw. Google "elements the game _____ deck" with the false god you're facing, and look at what cards they have (a lot of them are in the wiki). Against most of the gods you'll have to risk pulling out your electrocuter, knowing it might get stolen. Gemini has 2 of them himself, so keep in mind that any turn he may start lobotomizing your rays. Eternal phoenix is very beatable, just lure the RoF with 3 RoL at a time, the same as for a god with plagues. Keep at least 1 on hand to fractal.
The rest is up to you! Get to know the way your deck works and the gods' strategies. Destiny will buff up one creature to go through your shield, then eventually mutate your dragons and reverse time them, along with as many other creatures as it can in short bursts. Watch out for this. Try to stall until you can get your shield up AND have a fractal AND dragon in your hand. It's a harder combo than usual, but it's pretty important, so you can rush with dragons and prevent him from stopping your offense clean in its tracks. Against fire queen and osiris, an early electrocuter is a MUST. If they start generating creatures and yours is nowhere in site, you can hunt for it for a few turns with fire queen, but just quit against osiris. Ferox is almost impossible because of the bonds. Your best bet is to play around 10 RoL and spam dragons as fast as possible,t rying to outrush his damage. You can't stay alive and accumulate enough damage to kill him since he can heal it all in one turn, and your shield will be at a measly 3.
Upgrading the shields: You can try it, but I preferred getting the shields out that tiny bit earlier. It's often a matter of who ended up going first, so that 1 quanta can be a game-breaker.
WOOH! sorry for that wall of text, hope it was helpful! let me know if you have any questions. ^_^