(Assuming that quarta pool = total quarta you own, as otherwise this card is unspeakably powerful)
Interesting idea, but as it is shown currently, it seems way too destructive against some types of decks.
A rush deck which quickly uses up all its quarta used this card against a stall deck, or in the worst case, a fire bolt OTK deck that needs to save up 100 fire quarta, the win is guaranteed.
Also, some clarification seems to be necessary.
If your opponent has 30 quarta total and you have 10 quarta total when this card is used, would your opponent's 20 additional quarta disappear, or would your opponent not be able to gain more quarta for the next turns unless you get more than 30 quarta total.
If it is the first case (quarta disappearing), how would the quarta loss be divided among the elements?