I don't necessarily think destructive event cards are the solution, but I have one that might work. I know this has been said before, but I will say it again. Make the discarding start higher (say 24) and keep it that way for the remainder of the war. It will move much faster that way.
I agree. We originally had a fixed number but started using the current system to prevent teams from losing too early and to increase the intensity as the event goes forward. It might sound good on paper but it's not that great in reality.
Main issue I think is the fact that teams who do well during round 1, don't get a big reward for it. Every win should be equally important I think, so I vote for going back to a fixed number.
The 24 you suggest sounds good to me.
Also, I've suggested this before... Allow the Generals to pick their Lieutenant (obv the Lieu. would have to agree). Whenever I've brought this up, most people have agreed with it.
I don't understand this because as far as I know, Generals pick their Lieutenants. Has there been some change I'm not familiar with, or am I missing something?
I think he means picking the lieutenant outside of the auction, more like players were chosen for teams in war 1. However, I disagree with that idea, because someone that would be picked as a lieutenant would probably have been bid on by multiple teams in the auction, and competition for veteran players, I think, should be encouraged because it adds that extra suspense.
Oh, that.
I've never understood that suggestion. I mean why would we not use the auction to bid on the most valuable players? Makes no sense to me. It's almost like cheating because you can get your pro-gamer buddy for free while less-know/liked Generals need to take someone mediocre.
I'm getting an error with the PvP Event Feedback link posted here.
This one works fine for me. (https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dFUtZ0w0TGtpVWh5bVcwTjJISG42M3c6MQ#gid=0)
Thanks. No idea what happened there.
3) Event Cards are pretty much a fail idea due to Vaults being too strong a limitation to actual deckbuilding. By creating a change in War's pattern with the Event Card system any and every meaningful non-flat idea for Event Cards - meaning every Event Card that provides a meaningful contribution to War results - will be unbalanced towards certain teams, as nobody will be truly able to adapt their Vault to the new situation.
Solution: scrap Event Cards and build another parallel system that influences War's results, enhances strategic thinking and teamwork but does not influence deckbuilding - nor is influenced by it - thus eliminating the Vault conscription problem (i.e. a Movement system or a Favor of the Oracle system); OR scrap Vault and create something new and versatile - such as a set of deckbuilding rules or something.
4) War becomes less and less intresting the more you go ahead. Initially Vaults are created, you scout your opponents and learn of their Vault. Then Vaults are practically open, everybody knows everything about their opponents, you know what decks to expect and... lose interest. You can't adapt, you can't change your Vault, you can't really strategize - particularly so if you, say, have 34 cards and can field only one deck. War loses its interest, it's natural, and it's bad.
Solution: create a system where people can actually do something even later in War, and that something is meaningful. Again, this needs to be a parallel system, possibly an alternative to Event Cards, where strategy is rewarded as well as teamwork. Something totally different from actual fights should be introduced, and it should be something interactive rather than passive - also because Vault limits strongly what you can actually DO after War starts. A Vault built around certain decks will field those decks, no matter what Event Card comes around.
3. I don't see the concept of Event Cards as a fail. The Event Cards that have been successful, have really brought something new and exciting to that round.
The problem is not the concept, it's the actual cards. I mean if we have an Event Cards that makes all battles best-of-one, and takes one HUGE step towards
pure luck deciding the winner, is that a problem with the concept of Event Cards? Of course not. The problem is poorly designed card that is bound to fail no matter what the situation is.
Like I've said before, a simple fix is to have a set of rules and regulations that all Event Cards must follow. We have already started this process in the secret section, and I can personally guarantee that every single Event Card in War #4 will be balanced and fun. It's not rocket science really. All we need to identify is all the pitfalls (like team UW being unique and Vault sizes having an effect) and not fall in those pits. Simple.
4. Yep, this is definitely a problem. There have been some ideas on how to possibly fix this, like alliances, or having more control over who you will attack. I also like the idea of having smaller events of competitions running parallel to War, in which all the non-fighting team members can join so that they are not completely left out. However some people don't like that idea and it has potential to become a bit complex.
I think I kind of already replied to what kev said so that's it for now.