Spice of LifeOriginal idea by:
kevkev60614 | Developed by:
kevkev60614 | Organized by:
??Paired players build 22 different decks
ELIGIBLE CHEFSAnyone with a forum account, a chat account, and a partner with a forum and chat account is eligible to participate in this event. Sign up by posting your name, your partner's name, and the team you're selecting on the separate sign up topic. Please include chat names if different from forum names. If you cannot find a sign up topic or if it is locked, this event is not currently active and you will have to wait for it to restart.
Team names:Team Wormwood (Aether)
Team Hops (Air)
Team Pepper (Darkness)
Team Garlic (Death)
Team Cinnamon (Earth)
Team Catnip (Entropy)
Team Chili (Fire)
Team Mustard (Gravity)
Team Sage (Life)
Team Vanilla (Light)
Team Thyme (Time)
Team Watercress (Water)
Teams will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis.
SETTING THE TABLEEach team will have one week to create 22 decks according to the following restrictions:
- No upgraded cards may be used.
- Only on-element pillars and pendulums may be used.
- Any mark may be used.
- On-element cards may only be used in three decks (other than pillars/pends).
- Off-element cards may only be used in one deck (includes "other cards" but not quantum pillars).
Accordingly Team Wormwood may use up to six photons in only one of its 22 decks, up to six Sparks each (18 total) in only three of its 22 decks, and may never use any pillars/pends other than Aether pillars/pends.
The above decks should be PM'd to the Organizer before the deadline. If a card appears in three decks where it should only appear in one, all three decks are forfeit.
READY TO EATEach team must face every other team exactly two times. Matches are best-of-three and players may not switch decks between games. Teams may not use the same deck in more than one match; once a deck has been used it is destroyed (win or lose). It doesn't matter whether one player on a team completes more matches than his teammate.
Two weeks will be given to complete all matches. Players are strongly urged not to wait until the last few days. If a fight doesn't happen both teams lose by default unless one team is clearly more active in trying to find a suitable time. Event organizer will determine who the most active team was and his or her word is final. It's a good idea to either record the matches or take screenshots in case something weird like a desync error happens. A player who gets caught cheating will be permanently banned from all Elements community PvP events. See the
PvP Parasite Warning System topic for further details on infractions.
Immediately after each match winners and losers must post the decks used in the results thread.
COFFEE AND DESSERTThe winning team is the team with the greatest number of games (not matches) won. A 2-1 win is two wins for the match victor and one win for the loser.
If two teams are tied at the end of the two week battle phase, it is broken first by head-to-head matchup (ie did one team beat the other 2-0 during their matches), and second by a playoff. Time will be given for playoff decks to be built; playoff decks follow the same deckbuilding rules.
We're unable to get icons to both players on the winning team, so the pair will enter one final match. The final battle will be a best-of-7 match where each player selects decks from the 22 options they'd made together. No deck may be used by a player more than once. To the victor goes the following forum award icon:
Feedback is appreciated.
4/30/12 - Edited to preserve formatting from old forum.