Thanks guys, And im glad you tested it and saw what i was talking about. Theres not many weaknesses, quanta denial can mess it up or at least stall it... decay you have to start first and not get your 1 death quanata stolen on turn 2 but once it gets going it can stop alot of decks... poison can punch through it but elidinish is a consistent win but scorpio isnt usually. This deck really doesnt have many weaknesses that the gods can bring and since i want my monsters to die and bone wall is priortied over towers which are over soul catches, pc and cc are not a big deal.
Paradox, eternal phoenix, FFQ, incarnate, any god that uses little creatures are just a brutal win usually (im talking bone walls in the 50s)
Ferox, elidinish, hermes, and any god that rushes you, if you can survive turn 3 and have the right cards, you can set up a stall of plagues and bone walls and just slaughter them in a blitz of dragons.
Osirus... is a problem, but i think im not playing against him right, but as long as you get out a bone wall and a few plagues and NO catapults, you should be okay. Divine glory is not a problem usually i just set a bone wall up, kinda taking my time and being careful with my soul catchers, but after the wall is set up its just keeping the wall up or having another in line
Yea 15 dragons is intense, i use this for pvp too its pretty good only lost to one on a really bad draw (5 fractals on the last 8 cards)
Ummm i never kept a stats list but i would say its above 50% since this deck eats up everything, even rainbow providing i dont get 3 soul catchers stolen before the first retro sacrifice.
But this deck also requires alot of skill to play. You have to play soul catchers at the right time or your risking stealing or explosions. same with what to fractal. Condors can easily out damage dragons, i dont know how to take screen shots otherwise i would show you some pretty vicious combos. In pvp i have won just simply cause i went from dealing 0 damage to 100-154 damage in 1 turn and they didnt think to play a dim shield.