"Sir Chaos Lord, can I make a submission called DIAC?"
"I don't get it, what's the poi-oh, nevermind."Create a card idea that captures the Gho- er, spirit of a Deck posted on this forum.RULES1. Select a deck posted on this forum. The deck should be created for actual play (E.g. no 30-pillar joke decks) and should at minimum be relatively viable ingame. You may not use decks designed for False Gods or Halfbloods, since they break normal ETG rules. (AI3 decks are allowed though.)
2a. Create a card that summarizes the purpose of a deck. When designing this card, keep in mind key factors such as elements used, key cards to the deck, what the deck's objective is, the deck's impact on forum PvP (if applicable.) (
ETG Elements Card Image Builder here.)
2b. Art is not required, but if you use art make sure it is fitting for the deck/card idea and follows normal CI&A rules.
2c. The card must be a
normal card - in other words, it must have one unupgraded and one upgraded form and be playable ingame. (PseudoElements are banned.)
3. The card should be relatively balanced.
4. Write a minimum 50-word description describing how the card summarizes the deck. (Use
http://www.wordcounttool.com/ to check wordcount.)
5. Submit your entry on this thread in the following format:
[/img][/center][/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td][right][b][size=8pt][color=#C9C299]NAME: [/color][/size][/b][/right][/td][td]
***Insert name***
[/td][/tr][tr][td][right][b][size=8pt][color=#C9C299] ELEMENT: [/color][/size][/b][/right][/td][td]
***Insert element***
[/td][/tr][tr][td][right][b][size=8pt][color=#C9C299] COST: [/color][/size][/b][/right][/td][td]
***Insert cost***
[/td][/tr][tr][td][right][b][size=8pt][color=#C9C299] TYPE: [/color][/size][/b][/right][/td][td]
***Insert type***
[/td][/tr][tr][td][right][b][size=8pt][color=#C9C299] ATK|HP: [/color][/size][/b][/right][/td][td]
***Insert att|hp***
[/td][/tr][tr][td][right][b][size=8pt][color=#C9C299] TEXT: [/color][/size][/b][/right][/td][td]
***Insert card text***
[td][table][tr][td][right][b][size=8pt][color=#C9C299] NAME: [/color][/size][/b][/right][/td][td]
***Insert name (upgraded)***
[/td][/tr][tr][td][right][b][size=8pt][color=#C9C299] ELEMENT: [/color][/size][/b][/right][/td][td]
***Insert element (upgraded)***
[/td][/tr][tr][td][right][b][size=8pt][color=#C9C299] COST: [/color][/size][/b][/right][/td][td]
***Insert cost (upgraded)***
[/td][/tr][tr][td][right][b][size=8pt][color=#C9C299] TYPE: [/color][/size][/b][/right][/td][td]
***Insert type (upgraded)***
[/td][/tr][tr][td][right][b][size=8pt][color=#C9C299] ATK|HP: [/color][/size][/b][/right][/td][td]
***Insert att|hp (upgraded)***
[/td][/tr][tr][td][right][b][size=8pt][color=#C9C299] TEXT: [/color][/size][/b][/right][/td][td]
***Insert card text (upgraded)***
[table][tr][td][table][tr][td][right][b][size=8pt][color=#C9C299] ART: [/color][/size][/b][/right][/td][td]
***Insert artist name***
[tr][td][right][b][size=8pt][color=#C9C299] IDEA: [/color][/size][/b][/right][/td][td]
***Insert card maker name***
[tr][td][right][b][size=8pt][color=#C9C299] NOTES: [/color][/size][/b][/right][/td][td]
[tr][td][right][b][size=8pt][color=#C9C299] SERIES: [/color][/size][/b][/right][/td][td]
***Insert series name and link to series page (if any)***
(Note : For those who don't wish to scroll through the code, the required submission is essentially the normal card idea table with the following blurb of code added to the NOTES section: )
Spoiler for Example Card:
| |
NAME: | Parafrog
| ELEMENT: | Aether
| COST: | 3 
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 1 | 3
| TEXT: | Attacks twice per turn.
: Discard a card and cast Parallel Universe on Parafrog.
| NAME: | Parafrog
| ELEMENT: | Aether
| COST: | 2 
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 1 | 3
| TEXT: | Attacks twice per turn.
: Discard a card and cast Parallel Universe on Parafrog.
ART: | ETG, Edited by Zblader
| IDEA: | Zblader
| NOTES: | An example of card that could summarize Parallel Froggyverse well. *insertformathere*
Multiple attacks represents Adrenaline, while the 'discard to duplicate' effect is essentially replicating how you're going to be relying on using multiple cards to power 1 Adrenafrog + PU. To compensate for its abilities, Parafrog loses 2 ATK to weaken its rushpower and is in a slightly less-rush viable element than its counterpart, Giant Frog.
The winner will receive an award icon!
Design Phase: Polls will be up soon!. Best of Luck!