Stone Skin
The only non-rare card capable of raising one's max HP, Stone Skin also boasts the capability of healing the most hp behind Miracle with up to an astounding 74 hp gain.
General Use
Quick Facts:
- X is counted after the cost of Stone Skin is paid
- Max HP is 500
A way for Earth to heal, Stone Skin is a card that heals the user for as much as they own, meaning slower, larger decks benefit the most from it. Stone Skin's healing ability is also better than that of Heal because the HP gain is added to the max HP instead of just healing, meaning a Stone Skin used at 90HP is still useful as opposed to using a Heal at 90HP, in which case the effectiveness of the card would have been cut in half. Because of its huge dependence on
, a casual deck would find that Heal is the better choice in shorter games; Stone Skin is a card reserved for bulky stalls that can survive long enough to have enough quanta to play this at its maximum efficiency. Winning with more than 100HP gives more electrum rewards, so players might find themselves using Stone Skin and healing cards to get elemental mastery with HP greater than 100 for lots of money.
Earth is very much known for its defensive and stalling capabilities. Titanium Shield and Diamond Shield are the strongest shields in terms of pure damage so they can potentially hold off large swarms of creatures while the user is able to generate the
needed for healing. Titanium Shield also has the benefit of falling into the element of Earth as well, creating a very potent mono stall.
Miracle's ability to heal the user to all of the user's max HP-1 is very useful indeed, but the utility of Miracle is greatly increased when paired up with a card that increases max HP like Stone Skin. Miracle can go from healing a user from 1 to 99 HP (98 healing), to healing a user from 1 to 499 HP (498 healing), nearly quintupling it's effectiveness. Both cards are also stall cards to the highest degree, so combining very two defensive cards together creates a very sturdy deck archetype.
Another one of Earth's cards that synergizes extremely well with Stone Skin is Gnome Rider. Not only do they act as quanta producers to fuel Stone Skin's healing capacity, but their 1 attack means that without a shield, the opponent will slowly, but surely get chipped to death. The advantage of using creatures to produce quanta also has the benefit of being resistant to permanent control such as Earthquake or Deflagration. One can also couple Gnome Rider with cards like Fractal or Mitosis to gain much more small creatures that allow for vast amounts of
to be produced.
Other Cards With Synergy
Because it raises maximum HP, passive healing cards benefit as well. Shard of Gratitude, Empathic Bond, and Sanctuary all synergize greatly with Stone Skin. Shard of Divinity can be used alongside Stone Skin for even more increases to maximum HP although max HP is capped at 500. Since most stall decks have no way of winning besides deck out, one might find an Eternity handy for indefinite stalling.
A non rare version of Shard of Divinity, Stone Skin instead boasts the ability to have nearly three times the effectiveness of the shard for only a fraction of the price. However, to actually build up that much to make it better might impede on its usefulness. Regardless, Stone Skin is a healing card that fits best in stalls, but can also be used in any deck with earth that could use some healing in a pinch.
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