Shard of Serendipity
Shard of Serendipity is an interesting card that for a cost of 3 , allows the user to add up to 3 random cards, one being an
card, into their hands.
General Use
Quick Facts:
- Cannot produce shards, nymphs, or marks
- At least one of the cards will be
- Upgraded, Shard of Serendipity gives upgraded cards
Shard of Serendipity is an other card that embodies entropy's main theme of randomness and luck. With an initial investment of 3 , the user is able to get 3 random cards added to their hands. Those cards can be useful dragons, a Steal needed to remove an annoying shield, or even useless Photons. One of the cards will always be an
card though, so players who use this should often be prepared and have some spare
on hand to use what cards they might be getting.
Rainbows are all about using cards of every element, and that is where Shard of Serendipity shines. Nova, and its upgraded counterpart, Supernova, generate a massive influx of quanta of every element. Not only does this help to alleviate the
cost of Shard of Serendipity, but the quanta gains from every element mean the user can now easily cast whatever cards they just received, from cards like Shockwave to Deflagration. The gain in quanta also helps because the guaranteed entropy card received might be a Dissipation Field, which allows a rainbow user to turn all of their quanta into protection.
Bonewall is a very powerful defense, and in a rainbow, its usefulness is extraordinary. Shard of Serendipity grants random cards, so this allows a player to get extra creature control and build up their bonewall. Additionally, the guaranteed
card means that Schrödinger's Cat, Pandemonium, Mutation, or Maxwell's Demon are very likely to show up, increasing the amount of creature control that one can pack into a deck.
Other Cards With Synergy
Parallel Universe is another fun card that fits into rainbows and combos nicely with Shard of Serendipity. Whether it's that antimatter'd opponent's creature, that dragon you got, or the hulking mutant you created, it can instantly be doubled with Parallel Universe. For those who love the random, Fate Egg can be another card used alongside Shard of Serendipity for twice the randomness, virtually guaranteeing no two games are the same. Boneyard can be seen as an offensive counterpart to Bone Wall, and finally, Quantum Pillars are probably needed to be used alongside Nova and Supernova for steady quanta generation.
In conclusion, if a player does not know what to put into their rainbow deck, or perhaps just want some extra firepower or random fun, Shard of Serendipity is the card to go to. Players will often find that the usefulness of this shard is most useful mid-game, as the early game doesn't have enough quanta or hand space to comfortably generate 3 random cards. Finally, Shard of Serendipity is still filled with the random luck that entropy is known for. Who knows whether it might generate a dragon or a mere skeleton?
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