Shard of Sacrifice
The nefarious Shard of Sacrifice. Sacrificing 48 (or 40 if upped) hp and all of their quanta besides death, a player can invert ALL damage done to them for the next two turns, allowing one to live much longer than they could otherwise.
General Use
Quick Facts:
- One still loses 40hp even when chaining Shard of Sacrifice
- Any healing that occurs while Shard of Sacrifice is up acts like damage
- Using Purify can negate the effects of Shard of Sacrifice
Shard of Sacrifice is both complex and simple at the same time. The simple premise of reversing all damage for 2 turns, and the planning needed to make the most use of it. Assuming a player has more than 48 (40 if upped) hp, they can cast this to remove all of their quanta except , and be under the Sacrifice status. Under Sacrifice, all healing becomes damage, and all damage becomes healing, with the exception being chained Shard of Sacrifice. Shard of Sacrifice always deals damage. While under Sacrifice, it is important for a player to remember that healing is damage, and not to kill themselves with cards like Minor Vampire or Vampire Stiletto. One also needs to watch out for passive healing cards like Sanctuary and Shard of Gratitude, they may be fatal under the effects of Sacrifice. While normal attacks will heal a Sacrificed player, antimattered negative ATK creatures still deal damage. Finally, casting Purify on a player with the Sacrifice status removes it. This can be especially devastating if someone has chained Shard of Sacrifice and sacrificed a lot of HP and quanta, only to find that all the sacrificed quanta and health were for naught as the Sacrifice status disappears immediately.
Shard of Sacrifice requires a sacrifice of at least 40hp to use. This alone can deter many players from using it. However, with Shard of Divinity's quick healing, a sudden gain in hp can allow a player to quickly cast Shard of Sacrifice, saving themselves just before the death blow arrives. Additionally, the gain in max HP can be very helpful because of the free healing gained by Shard of Sacrifice's effect.. Be warned though, casting Shard of Divinity while under the effects of Shard of Sacrifice will cause the maximum hp to increase, but the current hp to DECREASE due to Shard of Sacrifice reversing all damage and healing taken.
Shard of Sacrifice is ironically, a card that allows the user to live longer than they are supposed to. Having such a stallish tactic as a few extra turns means that poison damage can hit the opponent for many more times. Regardless of what really caused the poison, whether it was a Forest Scorpion or a Chrysaora, or Arsenic, the quick build up of poison combined with the longevity that Shard of Sacrifice provides brings about a very powerful combo that can quickly cripple and debilitate opposing decks. Additionally, Poison and Deadly Poison are death cards by themselves, so even a mono death deck can pull this very handy combo off.
The main weaknesses that Shard of Sacrifice has are its vulnerabilities to Purify, Holy Light, and sudden burst spell damage, such as from Fire Bolt. Reflective Shield pairs up with Shard of Sacrifice to produce an almost impregnable defense, protecting from healing spells as well as sudden spell damage. In addition, the resourcefulness of Reflective Shield is great. Reflective Shield is immaterial, so can't be destroyed or stolen, and it's cheap price of 1
means that it can be powered by a
mark (in addition to using Shard of Divinity), or even a Nova.
Other Cards With Synergy
There are many other cards that have a powerful synergy with Shard of Sacrifice. Stone Skin, like Shard of Divinity, can be used in heavy stalls to increase maximum hp and make dying harder. Dune Scorpion is a fantastic card to make use of Shard of Sacrifice, because as long as a tiny buff is given, one can rest easily with Shard of Sacrifice while neurotoxin takes its toll on the opponent. Bone Wall can also be chained alongside Shard of Sacrifice giving the element of death a very powerful defense.
As long as the user watches out for Holy Light and Purify, and can afford to sacrifice quanta and some health, Shard of Sacrifice is a very powerful card that allows a player to live longer, literally turning death into life, defeat into victory.
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