Shard of Patience
Shard of Patience is a card that allows a player's creatures to gain up to +5/+5 per turn in exchange for sacrificing one turn's worth of attack.
General Use
Quick Facts:
- Immaterial creatures are affected
creatures on flooded tiles get +5/+5
- Shards do not stack effects
The main usage of Shard of Patience is either as a stallbreaker, or stall card. As a stallbreaker, it allows one's creatures to rise up and penetrate even the most powerful Hope shield, while used as a stall card, it can be used defensively to gain enough power for an OTK while the user plays a defensive game.
Iridium Warden is not a card known for its attacking power, instead famous for its ability to slowly stall as well as damage creatures if buffed. In this way, Shard of Patience is a perfect card for Iridium Warden, slowly increasing its attack allowing it to deal damage and act as hard CC as well as not detracting from its main purpose of stalling and guarding. When the time comes, the buffed wardens can easily pull off an OTK.
Arctic Squid is one of the water creatures that benefits the most from Shard of Patience. Arctic Squid, like warden, is mainly a defensive creature that focuses on stalling. While not prized for their attack, a gain of +2 per turn is nothing to overlook when all the opponent's creatures can be frozen by squid. Additionally, Squid synergizes extremely well with Flooding. Not only does Flooding restrict the opponent's creature slots to 5, making them extremely vulnerable to squid lock down, but squid also gains an astounding +5/+5 each turn while being on a flooded tile, able to reach extremely powerful stats quickly.
Other Cards With Synergy
There are many, many other choices and cards that have great synergy with Shard of Patience. Devourers can be burrowed to slowly drain the opponent's quanta while gaining the boost in attack, and then unburrowing to double their attack for one final blow. Chrysaora like squid and warden, isn't prized for its attack, but combined with Shard of Patience, it can build up attack while also stacking on poison counters on the opponent. Due to flooded tiles only being after the first 5 tiles, Mitosis or Fractal can also be used for a player wanting to make the most out of this card's usefulness. Acceleration and it's upped counterpart, Overdrive, cast on a water creature on a flooded tile with this shard gets an amazing +7/+4 (+8/+4 if upped) each turn. A riskier tactic is to use Aflatoxin to generate Malignant Cells. With a full field of cells, each turn that passes nets an increase of +46 damage. Finally, as Shard of Patience stops one's creatures from attacking, players who want to use Shard of Patience to great effect can also use Sundial to stop the opponent's creatures from attacking as well, while still getting the benefit of the stat boost.
Shard of Patience is a card that has many uses and fits both into stall decks and anti-stall decks. Shard of Patience can take a while to set up, but the combos that can be pulled off with it are generally very powerful.
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