Graviton Mercenary
A true mercenary, Graviton Mercenary is a creature that is willing to lend its power to users who are willing to pay the cost to summon it. Like any other mercenary, this small investment can greatly improve one's conditions on the battlefield. While it has no special abilities, it does come packing decent stats for its cost.
General Use
Quick Facts:
- Unupped cost used to be 4
prior to patch 1.32
- Upped stats used to be 3/5 prior to patch 1.32
It seems that every element has a vanilla creature, one that is just used for stats, and Gravity is no exception. Behold: the Graviton Mercenary. While previously pushed aside for better creatures or the shining star of Gravity's offense, the Sapphire Charger, Graviton Mercenary has finally risen up from the lowly ranks of hardly used cards and established its place as a solid backup to Gravity's decks after it received a buff in the 1.32 patch. Its cheap cost allows it to be summoned early and easily, and its high HP puts it out of range of most CC. While not the spearhead or main focus of a deck, these creatures can be used as fillers or secondary attack options.
While Graviton Mercenary's own stats aren't too horrible, the meager 3 attack sometimes leaves a bit to be desired, especially when up against heavy shields. Sapphire Charger, Gravity's other powerful creature, helps patch up the bits that Graviton Mercenary doesn't cover. Sapphire Charger's Momentum ability lets it pierce through shields, and the combined attacks of these two creatures result in quite a pounding to the opponent. Both creatures are in the Gravity element, so mono Gravity can pair them up for a brutal assault.
Upgraded, Graviton Guard is a fantastic target for Fractal. With a miniscule 2
cost, these can be summoned en masse after having a hand filled with them. A good comparison of this tactic would be to look at Giant Frog. Graviton Guard has one less attack, but also four more HP. This combo can be very appealing to those who enjoy the burst damage that frogtal provides but find that it is too weak or fragile. With an astounding 7HP, these guards may as well be invincible with the amount of punishment they can take-and dish out.
Acceleration is best paired with creatures that have high HP, but using it on a Colossal Dragon or an Armagio can be slow given their high costs and sub-par offense. Graviton Mercenary and its upgraded counterpart provide for the balance that Gravity needs. It's cheap cost and average attack, coupled with its decent health make it a prime choice for accelerating. Graviton Guard's 7HP makes it enough to take a Fire Bolt even after three turns of picking up speed.
Other Cards With Synergy
Rage Potion can be considered for Graviton Guard since it has enough HP to take on the attack buff. Momentum can turn it into a sturdier Sapphire Charger, although that requires more cards to set up. Another choice for spawning many of these efficient attackers is Mitosis, allowing for many to be spawned, though not as fast of a burst as Fractal. A Graviton Mercenary only bonus, Adrenaline is a great card that lets Graviton Mercenary deal four times the damage it normally does, and the quanta it has means that it can be combined with Mitosis in one fluid deck.
Patch 1.32 really did lift Graviton Mercenary from the voids of oblivion. Once almost universally cited as one of the worst cards ever, the cost decrease and stat boost given to it now make it a viable choice for picking a creature out of Gravity's assets. Its cheap cost and decent stats simply cannot be overstated. A very powerful creature for its cost that should be considered. Gravity is no longer the large slow lump that does nothing.
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