World of Elements |
NewsAdvisors have arrived! Advisors are special NPC characters that give
Elemental Quests to teams. Elemental Quests are larger-scale quest that everyone helps to complete as a team. There are many types of Advisors, each giving a different types of quests.
Some teams might have noticed a new topic appear in their section. Go check it out, but remember to keep it a secret from other teams.
Elemental revenue is postponed to start during next Day.
About previous DayAs you can see, some hexes are now controlled by different elements. This was because of the the
Capture action we used last time. If you have the 'Expand Borders' quest and the hex you tried to capture, was in fact captured, do the following:
1. Go to your character sheet
2. Find the quest
3. Click the 'Complete' button on the right
4. Insert correct number (most likely 1) and press ok
5. Gratz, you have just completed a quest. Now add that 2 XP to your character sheet.
NOTE: this quest did not require you to use the action 'Complete Quest'.
When using
Move, or any other action that has hex number as target, only insert
hex number as target! Do
not insert any additional words before or after the number because otherwise the spreadsheet doesn't recognize the action and nothing happens. So here's how you should do it:
Action: Move
Target: 123
That's it.
People are still failing when entering hex numbers. Please make sure you are entering the
correct number. For example if you want to move to a neigboring hex, do not insert the number of your current hex or some hex that is 2 hexes away.
TUTORIAL MODERecommended actions for this Day:Bind Stone of Return *your current hex number*
Move *hex number*NOTE: Stone of Return is destroyed after use, so you might want to skip that part and use it later.
Bind Stone of ReturnIf you look into your inventory, you will see that you have a Stone of Return. This is a special item that lets you instantly transport from anywhere on the map, to the hex the Stone was bound to. This is a good way to travel fast to important places like your home City.
For example if I use Bind Stone of Return in hex 32, I can later teleport to that same hex using the action Use Stone of Return. The bad news is that Stone of Return is destroyed after use. Good news is that you can buy a new one.
If you use Stone of Return, please manually add the number of the hex after the name in your inventory. This way you will remember where it is bound to..
If you have any questions about this Day, please post them here. If you have general questions about WoE, please post them on this topic (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30942.0.html). Thanks.