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Re: Skill Trees - New and Improved! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17109.msg218277#msg218277
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2010, 09:45:40 pm »
No theft ability for Darkness? I am disappoint.

Water could use freezing either as a defensive ability, or as a disabling one.
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Offline Kuroaitou

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Re: Skill Trees - New and Improved! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17109.msg218742#msg218742
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2010, 09:48:07 am »
So we need two paths for each element...:

 :aether - Phase Shifter/Plane Walker
 :air - Eagle Rider/?
 :darkness - Dark Prince(ss)/Shadow Walker
 :death - Necromancer/Lich
 :earth - Golem/Miner
 :entropy - Trickster/Randomizer
 :fire - Firestarter/Pyro
 :gravity - Cyborg/Engineer
 :life - Shaman/Elder
 :light - Lightbringer/Chosen One
 :time - Clockmaker/Scholar
 :water - ?
 :underworld - Smuggler/Assassin

Since you need water paths, I would suggest something along the lines of Fisherman/Harpooner/Tide Hunter (somewhat who hunts/has control over ocean life), and a Wizard/Mage (someone who uses all forms of water via ice, steam, you name it, and has good alchemy skills in addition). Another path for Air could be Storm Bringer (in opposition of Eagle Rider, who I'm guessing is more of a bird person). The Storm Bringer could be more of a person who focuses on the power of wind, lightning, and all the forces of nature, while the Eagle Rider is more about controlling the elements of flight and animals.

I'm kind of not feeling the 'Randomizer' Path, because that seems a bit odd for a path name. ^^;;; My suggestion (compared to Trickster, which would be about manipulation of others for better or worse), would be Shapeshifter (which would be about manipulation of self). Trickster = Discord and Mutation, Shapeshifter = Werewolf and Chaos Power.

I have a few more ideas, but... meh. ^^;


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Re: Skill Trees - New and Improved! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17109.msg218766#msg218766
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2010, 10:56:14 am »
Since you need water paths, I would suggest something along the lines of Fisherman/Harpooner/Tide Hunter (somewhat who hunts/has control over ocean life), and a Wizard/Mage (someone who uses all forms of water via ice, steam, you name it, and has good alchemy skills in addition). Another path for Air could be Storm Bringer (in opposition of Eagle Rider, who I'm guessing is more of a bird person). The Storm Bringer could be more of a person who focuses on the power of wind, lightning, and all the forces of nature, while the Eagle Rider is more about controlling the elements of flight and animals.

I'm kind of not feeling the 'Randomizer' Path, because that seems a bit odd for a path name. ^^;;; My suggestion (compared to Trickster, which would be about manipulation of others for better or worse), would be Shapeshifter (which would be about manipulation of self). Trickster = Discord and Mutation, Shapeshifter = Werewolf and Chaos Power.

I have a few more ideas, but... meh. ^^;
Good ideas. Thanks. I'll look into it once I get some coffee and my brain starts to work again.

Oh and that Randomizer was a joke. At some point I just started adding names by random. Eagle Rider is also a very lame name which will be changed, among with a couple of others I'm sure :)

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Re: Skill Trees - New and Improved! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17109.msg218806#msg218806
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2010, 01:23:56 pm »
I just noticed that there's an Underworld ability called 'Mark of Death'. As there's already an in-game card with that name, if only technically, maybe a change of name is in order. Also, Underworld's 'Smuggler' is misspelled.

In terms of new skills, maybe...

 :air Levitation->Flight, maybe?
 :darkness Steal/Theft, Hide
 :death Collect Soul
 :earth Stone Body/Armor, Burrow, Fortify
 :entropy Confuse,
 :fire Flame Body, Rage,
 :gravity Momentum, Resistance, Constitution,
 :life Animal Companion?
 :light Harm Undead?
 :time Fate/Destiny, Hasten,
 :water Purify/Purification, Freeze,
 :underworld Maybe something like Bluff/Smooth Talk/Persuasion for the Smuggler
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Re: Skill Trees - New and Improved! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17109.msg219092#msg219092
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2010, 09:44:45 pm »
 :death-Bone Magician

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Re: Skill Trees - New and Improved! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17109.msg219138#msg219138
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2010, 10:54:18 pm »
Simple- a defensive and an offensive path.

 :aether - psychomancer / sparkmage
 :air - cloud rider / stormlord
 :darkness - shadow / vampire
 :death - zombie master  / necromancer
 :earth - terraformer / granite warrior
 :entropy - runemage / chaosmaster
 :fire - fireguard / efreet
 :gravity - engineer / cyborg
 :life - druid / summoner
 :light - priest / paladin
 :time - apprentice / chronomaster
 :water - icemage / waterlord
[17:04:00] Dragon6: ‹@Acsabi44› You are Rage Potion, Phase Dragon and Momentum all in one
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Re: Skill Trees - New and Improved! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17109.msg219363#msg219363
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2010, 05:25:12 am »
Thanks for all the great ideas. I used a bunch of them plus added some of my own to the mix. I also added some descriptions.

When posting ideas, remember that we cannot use skill names that already exist as cards in Elements.

Keep those ideas coming. Also post ideas on what these skills actually do.


I had a pretty good idea (at least I think so). Each element has a form of fast travel, right? Well, I put that fast travel as a skill. So if you want to move around using the Ship, you need to first get the "Ship Captain" skill from :water.

Kael Hate

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Re: Skill Trees - New and Improved! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17109.msg219404#msg219404
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2010, 08:17:39 am »
As asked by Kuro

List of Suggested Superior forms of travel

Shadowwalking - All shadows are connected. The elemental simply walks into one and out the other like a window or portal. The awareness of the Elemental limits how far it can move in a single step. If the shadow is under sharp light then it must be large enough fo the body of the elemental to pass through.

Mistriding - The elemental difuses into a mist and rides the air currents. Depending on speed and direction the elemental can travel very fast. An elemental with higher awareness and/or levitation can choose a larger variety of currents to travel on.

Time Slipping - The elemental removes instances of the same point of travel like cutting scenes from a movie reel. This allows the elemental to cover terrain of the same type within an instant. This might have been seen by others when one morning the elemental walks into the desert and in the afternoon he has arrived at the other side when for everyone else it could be several days travel. This power is related to the Golden Hourglass and Sundials Hasten.

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Re: Skill Trees - New and Improved! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17109.msg219411#msg219411
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2010, 09:35:07 am »
Passive skills are skills that happen automatically.
Active skills are skills that require you to use an action point.

Evasion: Sacrifice a turn to not be attacked for 2 turns. Cannot attack other players (active)
Evasion II: Sacrifice a turn to not be attacked for 3 turns. Cannot attack other players. (active)
Phase Shifter: Able to attack other players while using Evasion. (Passive)

Teleport: Move to any space up to 2 spaces away. Takes 2 turns to recharge. (active)
Teleport II: Move to any space up to 4 spaces away. Takes 2 turns to recharge. (active)
Plane Walker: Move to any space up to 5 spaces away. Takes 1 turn to recharge. (active)

Ambush: Attack a player up to one space away. (Passive)
Ambush II: Attack a player up to 2 spaces away. (Passive)
Storm Bringer: Players in the surrounding spaces lose 1 card. (Active)

Mobility: Perform an extra movement action. (Active)
Mobility II: Perform 2 extra movement actions. (Active)
Cloud Rider: Perform 3 extra movement actions. (Active)

Summon Creature: Add up to 3 creature to your deck for a duel. (Active)
Summon Creature II: Add up to 6 creatures to your deck for a duel. (Active)
Sacrifice: Sacrifice a card you own to gain electrum equal to the casting cost of the card. (Active)
Dark Prince: ???

Stealth: Move about the map while not being the target of skills or duels. Lasts 2 turns. (Active)
Stealth II: Move about the map while not being the target of skills or duels. Lasts 3 turns. (Active)
Backstabbing: Item given to opponent, after a loss, turns into a pile of dust. Must be used before a duel. 2 turns to recharge. (Active)
Shadow Walker: Steal 1 card from target player while using Stealth. 2 turns to recharge. (Active)

Cause Fear: Cannot be dueled. Lasts 2 turns. (Active)
Cause Fear II: Cannot be dueled. Lasts 3 turns. (Active)
Undead: Half of the creatures you lose from a loss turn into skeletons. (Passive)
Animate Dead: All of the creatures you lose from a loss turn into skeletons. (Passive)
Necromancer: Target player has 2 cards replaced with skeletons. (Active)

Poisonous Cloud: Target 3 hexagon area is now poisonous. (Active)
Death Touch: Target Player (within a given range) is poisoned for 2 turns. (Active)
Death Touch II: Target player (withing a larger range) is poisoned for 3 turns. (Active)
Lich: Immune to poison for 3 turns. (Active)

Toughness: Cannot be targeted by skills for 2 turns. (Active)
Toughness II: Cannot be targeted by skills for 3 turns. (Active)
Earth Golem: If you are the target of a skill, gain one Antlion. (Passive)

Miner: Lets you dug up to three times per turn. (Active)

Diversion: The first person to duel you gets pushed away one space. Duel canceled. 2 turns to recharge. (Active)
Diversion II: The first person to duel you gets pushed 2 spaces away. Duel canceled. 2 turns to recharge. (Active)
Confusion: Target player cannot choose which direction to move for the next 2 turns. (Active)
Trickster: Able to create a fake clone of yourself on the map. Clone does not gain resources and dissipates in 2 turns. Clone moves randomly each turn. (Active)

Scramble: All players in the adjacent spaces move a in a random direction. (Active)
Shapeshifter: Appear as a player from a different Element. (Active)

Destroy: Destroy a card from target player. (Active)
Destroy II: Destroy 2 cards from target player. (Active)
Bombard: All players sieging a city cannot deal damage to the city defenses for a turn. (Active)
Fireguard: All players in adjacent spaces lose 2 cards. (Active)

Burning: Target 3 hexagon area does not produce resources. Lasts 2 turns. (Active)
Burning II: target 4 hexagon area does not produce resources. Lasts 2 turns. (Active)
Flame Body: Lets you use the Fire Fast Travel without penalty. (Passive)
Pyro: Surrounding unoccupied hexes now produce resources for Fire. (Active)

Advanced Technology: The previous 2 spaces you occupied produce double the resources. (Passive)
Advanced Technology II: Target 3 hexagon area produces double the resources. (Active)
Cyborg: Target hex permanently gives double the resources. (Active)

Repair: Repair up to 5hp to city defenses. (Active)
Engineer: All players sieging only deal half damage to city defenses on the turn this is used. (Active)

Nature Rituals: Gain resources from a 3 hexagons right now. (Active)
Nature Rituals II: Gain resources from adjacent hexagons right now. (Active)
One With Nature: A random adjacent hex is converted to Life. (Passive)
Shaman: Gain an alchemy card for your next duel. The alchemy card disappears after the duel is over. (Passive)

Scouting: Reveals anything hidden up to 3 spaces away. (passive)
Scouting II: Reveals anything hidden up to 5 spaces away. (passive)
Hunter: If you win the coin toss, gain 5 extra cards from your opponent. (active)
Elder: Any fallen Life player may resurrect in a space adjacent to yours. (Passive)

Lightbringer: All friendly players in the same or adjacent spaces are allowed to use up to 6 extra upgraded Light cards during a duel. (Passive)

Cure: Gain 1 copy of a card that was salvaged from you during a duel. (Active)
Chosen One: Lose 5 less cards when you lose a duel. (Passive)

Manipulate Water: Target hex becomes flooded, reducing movement. (Active)
Manipulate Water II: Target 3 hexagon area becomes flooded, reducing movement. (Active)
Submerge: Able to move through flooded hexes without a movement penalty. (passive)
Tide Hunter: Target hex becomes an impassable water hex for 3 turns. (Active)

Waterbreathing: Able to move through impassable water hex. (Passive)
Arctic Mage: Target player cannot move for 2 turns. (Active)

Critical Strike: If you win a duel, your opponent must discard 2 extra cards. (Passive)
Critical Strike II: If you win a duel, your opponent must discard 3 extra cards. (Passive)
Disarm: If you lose a duel, the winner must discard 4 cards. (Active)
Cloaking: Target player cannot be dueled for 2 turns. (Active)
Assassin: Target player dies without penalty. Takes 5 turns to recharge. (Active)

Revenge: If you lose a duel, the winner must discard 2 cards. (Active)

Trading: Able to trade cards with other people of your element who know the Trading skill. (Active)
Trading II: Able to trade cards with any other person who knows the Trading II skill. (Active)
Persuasion: Persuades one NPC to give you a free card. Takes 4 turns to recharge. (Active)
Smuggler: Target player can enter any city with you. All attacks on that player are diverted towards you. (Active)
╔╦╦═╦══╦╗  ( ̄ー ̄) --Snorlax says:
║═╣╬║║║║║    Eat your shower, brush your toothpaste, take your teeth.

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Re: Skill Trees - New and Improved! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17109.msg219412#msg219412
« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2010, 10:05:34 am »
A few ideas for some elements with just 'Skills':

:entropy - Skills 5 & 9 replaced with: 'Anomaly I & II'. Upon winning a duel with someone, you may convert 3 (6) of the salvaged cards into equivalent Entropy cards. (By equivalent, you can convert a Rewind into Chaos Seed (spell->spell), a Deja Vu into Lycanthrope (creature->creature), etc.)

:earth - Skill 7 renamed/replaced with: 'Safeguarding'. Reduces the action point costs of 'Protect *player* and/or Fortify' by 1. (Protect is free to use, and Fortify costs one action point instead of two, so they have an additional point to do something with while defending their hex...)

:air - Skill 5 & 9 replaced with: 'Cyclone Trail I & II'. Enemy players lose 1 (2) action point(s) after they move into a spot that you were in the previous round (so if a player attempts to move into your hex, they can only use certain actions).

:gravity - Skill 2 renamed/replaced with: 'Hoarder'. If you win a duel against someone with more cards than you in their deck (or vault?), you may salvage an additional X% of their electrum.

More coming up later possibly. ^^;

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Re: Skill Trees - New and Improved! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17109.msg219467#msg219467
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2010, 01:38:33 pm »
I'm hesitant to make crafting element specific.

I'd much rather any player has the ability to take any crafting, but you can only pick one.  It adds another aspect of strategy and balance.

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Re: Skill Trees - New and Improved! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17109.msg219481#msg219481
« Reply #23 on: December 08, 2010, 02:02:54 pm »
Aether is an element of many things, so it's hard to pin it down. Therefore, I feel Phase Shifter and Plane Walker are too similar. Something I've always liked is how it deals with many different energies, from electricity to the divine aetheric energies that are no longer believed in, and to all the undefined energies that stars emit. I think something capitalising on that would be kickass, and a good, more aggressive contrast to either Phase Shifter or Plane Walker.

Energy Wave I: Immobilise target player within 2 spaces for one turn.
Energy Wave II: Immobilise target player within 3 spaces for one turn.
Starforce/Starlord: You radiate with the force of the stars; resource gain is doubled for a turn. Cooldown of three turns.

Alternative names: Electrowave 1 & 2 or Dimensional Sphere 1 & 2
Of course, it's just as viable to just take any of these names and make other skills with them. For instance, for Skill 2, something connected to the resistance of change could be used, such as:
Immutable (passive): You are a resident of unchangeable dimensions; you resist debilitating effects/gain Quints after battles

In trying to balance Electrowave/Dim Sphere, I've run into problems. Immobilising other players within range for a turn seems very powerful, and hurting/removing cards from them is way too annoying. I could be wrong, as it's hard to get a grasp on what would be OP in this setting. It could halt resources as well, disable improvements or change landscape.

Starforce/Starlord could be anything, as long as it's cool.  8)
It could blind players, keeping you concealed, or make you stronger in a specific terrain. Maybe even one you could create; the area around Dim Sphere for instance.
:aether  http://elementscommunity.org/forum/guilds/991-thunderbolts-ho!-991/ :aether
Aether is the prime Element present in all things, providing space, connection and balance for all Elements to exist.
Aether represents the sense of joy and union, and the ultimate potential of all things.

