
Offline the dictatorTopic starter

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Round 4 - Main Topic https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=33102.msg417571#msg417571
« on: October 29, 2011, 09:31:09 pm »
Main Topic Round 4
And another one. To make this one even better I would like Jappert to make the strategy post, so he can modify hit all the way he wants too.

So, please keep all the discussion in here, to keep everything in one place. I will update the posts as fast as possible.

On the links, the Current Vault link links to the Current Vault tab of the vault spreadsheet, so, it might take a while to load.

Starting Vault (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg446932#msg446932)Duels (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg446934#msg446934)Strategy (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg446957#msg446957)Decks (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg447017#msg447017)Salvages (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg447018#msg447018)Discards (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg447020#msg447020)Current Vault (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqCh8-BfWOzYdGF0R0E2OE1URVk1QjBUT3lJNnZDNFE&authkey=CIrtqZEM#gid=35)Notes (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg447021#msg447021)Chat Logs (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg447022#msg447022)

[18:28:55] Acsabi44: grinding is about pwning the AI as fast as possible
Back from a long break.
:water War Veteran - 4 times
Because inverted art is awesome - Looking for a tool for gather stats for arena, look no further

Offline the dictatorTopic starter

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  • the dictator is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.the dictator is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.the dictator is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.
  • There are no dumb questions, only dumb answers
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament Winner
Round 4 - Main Topic - Current Vault https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=33102.msg417572#msg417572
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2011, 09:31:45 pm »
Starting Vault (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg446932#msg446932)Duels (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg446934#msg446934)Strategy (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg446957#msg446957)Decks (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg447017#msg447017)Salvages (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg447018#msg447018)Discards (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg447020#msg447020)Current Vault (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqCh8-BfWOzYdGF0R0E2OE1URVk1QjBUT3lJNnZDNFE&authkey=CIrtqZEM#gid=35)Notes (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg447021#msg447021)Chat Logs (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg447022#msg447022)
Current Vault

Code: [Select]
5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm
Code: [Select]
5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i6 5i6 5i6 5i6 5i6 5i6 5i7 5i7 5i7 5i7 5i7 5i7 5i7 5i7 5i7 5i7 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm
Starting Vault (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg446932#msg446932)Duels (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg446934#msg446934)Strategy (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg446957#msg446957)Decks (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg447017#msg447017)Salvages (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg447018#msg447018)Discards (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg447020#msg447020)Current Vault (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqCh8-BfWOzYdGF0R0E2OE1URVk1QjBUT3lJNnZDNFE&authkey=CIrtqZEM#gid=35)Notes (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg447021#msg447021)Chat Logs (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33102.msg447022#msg447022)
[18:28:55] Acsabi44: grinding is about pwning the AI as fast as possible
Back from a long break.
:water War Veteran - 4 times
Because inverted art is awesome - Looking for a tool for gather stats for arena, look no further

Offline the dictatorTopic starter

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  • the dictator is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.the dictator is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.the dictator is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.
  • There are no dumb questions, only dumb answers
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament Winner
Round 4 - Main Topic - Duels https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=33102.msg417574#msg417574
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2011, 09:32:15 pm »
Starting Vault (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443529#msg443529)Duels (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443531#msg443531)Strategy (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444032#msg444032)Decks (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444045#msg444045)Salvages (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444046#msg444046)Discards (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444047#msg444047)Current Vault (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqCh8-BfWOzYdGF0R0E2OE1URVk1QjBUT3lJNnZDNFE&authkey=CIrtqZEM#gid=35)Notes (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444048#msg444048)Chat Logs (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444049#msg444049)

:water Gen. RavingRabbid - :death ralouf1
:water Lt. Jappert - :darkness YawnChainHow
:water The dictator - :time ffun
:water Acsabi44 - :aether EvaRia
:water Gillero - :fire Lt. Antagon
:water Daguerreo - :earth Sevs
Starting Vault (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443529#msg443529)Duels (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443531#msg443531)Strategy (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444032#msg444032)Decks (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444045#msg444045)Salvages (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444046#msg444046)Discards (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444047#msg444047)Current Vault (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqCh8-BfWOzYdGF0R0E2OE1URVk1QjBUT3lJNnZDNFE&authkey=CIrtqZEM#gid=35)Notes (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444048#msg444048)Chat Logs (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444049#msg444049)
[18:28:55] Acsabi44: grinding is about pwning the AI as fast as possible
Back from a long break.
:water War Veteran - 4 times
Because inverted art is awesome - Looking for a tool for gather stats for arena, look no further

Offline Jappert

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Re: Round 4 - Main Topic https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=33102.msg417597#msg417597
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2011, 09:51:17 pm »
Starting Vault (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443529#msg443529)Duels (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443531#msg443531)Strategy (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444032#msg444032)Decks (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444045#msg444045)Salvages (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444046#msg444046)Discards (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444047#msg444047)Current Vault (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqCh8-BfWOzYdGF0R0E2OE1URVk1QjBUT3lJNnZDNFE&authkey=CIrtqZEM#gid=35)Notes (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444048#msg444048)Chat Logs (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444049#msg444049)
This post will gather all the info we can squeeze out of our opponents.

:aetherbig Team Aether

4 - Fractix: Deflag, Dimensional Shield, Phoenixes and Fractals. You know how it works, prepare yourself! Also won in R2 + R3
3 - PU dragons: Works with alot of dragons. Air, with wings, or darkness with steals and LS.
4 - Aether/Earth duo: EQ, Graboids, PU, Lightnings, maybe Dim Shields. (Won vs us in R2!!) Test this!
2 - Bonebolt - Poison, Bonewall and Lightnings. Could work with Dim Shields also. Unlikely vs water, also lost in R1, R2 and R3. Won in R3.
2 - Death/Aether duo: Fractal mummies + Bonewall and Poison. Variation used in R2.
2 - Aether/Light Stall: Sancs, Miracle, Dim. Shield + Lightnings. Good deck but fails vs Trident and Steams/Deflags. Won in round 2.
4 - Devtal: No need to explain, this deck is dangerous! Test it! Won in R2 and R3!
2 - Novabow: Graboids, Deflags, Arsenic and a bunch of lightnings. Always Dangerous. Lost in R2 and R3.
0 - Mono Aether: This just failed hard for them in round 1. Get's countered by Steams, Trident and alot more.
2 - Immophoenix: Immolation, Phoenixes and Lightning.
2 - Fracharge: Lost in R3 but they can rebuild. They are unlikely to try it again after last time's failure.

- Fractix isn't that awesome vs us, esp not when they can use only 3 MP's. It's still a great deck and fire has alot of flexibility.
- I predict Devtal, prepare for that!
- They fear our CC, wich makes novabows less likely? They also likely lost a fair ammount of their novadeck.
- We have to make sure we beat that PU Shrieker deck... Man do I hate that deck.
- I don't think we have to pack a purify.

:airbig Team Air



:darknessbig Team Darkness

2 - Mono Darkness: Steals, Drain Life, Vamps, Devourers, Eclipse, Drains. We know what to expect, lost in R2.
2 - Vader Sader: They have seen how we handle weapon decks, and our CC is great.
2 - Adrenavamps: Combined with cloak, failed them last round. Haven't seen it around this war...
3 - Accelled Voodoo: Heal back the damage or find a way from keeping those Voodoo's from hitting through our shield, test it! Lost in R3.
4 - GotP Nightmare: Strong deck wich has won before. Prepare for Rewinds, Steals and Nightmare. Won in R2 + R3
3 - Denialbow: It's a basic novabow with devourers and EQ's.
4 - Aether/Darkness duo: dark creatures + fractal/PU or dark creatures + dim shield. This includes devtal and dragontal. Won in R2 + R3.
3 - Denial: EQ + Devourers can obviously lock us down. This deck is always a threat. Test it imo.
2 - Novabow: Novabows are always fast and quite versatile. The darkness version with gargs and LS isn't that problematic though. Lost in R1! Won in R3.
0 - Poisonstall: Bonewalls, Poison and Parasites. Lost in R1 + R2 + R3 and they won't use it vs us.
2 - Vader Sader: Fine deck but it lost in round 2. Dunno if they have more light cards to fill up the gaps.

- I'm sick and tired of dusk shield and they will use it in pretty much every match. Can I please, please poisonrush em? :D
- TorB builds fancy decks, but looking at last war there were several decks he used every round! We might be able to assume they don't rotate much and use what's worked before? PU Dragons, Devtal or Ghostmare.
- We should prepare for :aether decks. A PU Dragon + LS deck beat us last round and we all know TorB loves Devtal. Both of these won in R2.
- GotP/Nightmare proved it's worth in R2. Test vs this please! We should be able to counter this easily with enough CC. They know this so I don't expect them to use it against us (lost last war vs us aswell and TorB knows this).

:deathbig Team Death

2 - Big ass stalls: As seen in R1. I have no idea where they were going with those stalls, just make sure you can beat em!
4 - Bonebolt: This deck is strong. Strong. Horribly strong.
1 - Speed Poison: Uuuuh. This gets destroyed by purify, easily.
4 - Fractal Recluses: Blonde is a fan of this.
3 - Pandebonium: This works good. Won in R2. Unlikely vs Purify unless they make it 40+ cards again.
2 - DBH Trio: It could be a fun one. The deck is quite clumsy and risky. Haven't seen it yet this war.
3 - Novabow: Death Novabow killed us before in R2.

- They build alot of basic :death decks in R2 (combined with either Eclipse, Vamp Dagger, Wings, Rewinds, Titan, Gravity Pull or EQ's) Test our deck vs these a few times to be safe from the basic death decks.
- How about we pull a fractal crawler deck to break through the bonewalls? We need either lightnings or other CC to kill them mummies/graboids. Crawlers also survive lightning!
- I don't expect Pandebonium as much since they fear our Stalls and Purifies.
- Maybe add a dim shield to survive Fractal Recluses? We're facing a Lieutenant wich makes Fractal Recluses more likely imo.

:earthbig Team Earth

2 - Earth/Time Combo: RT, Graboids, Ghosts, EQ. Won and lost in R3. Still a strong deck imo.
2 - Earth/Air Combo: They got Wings, Shockwaves, EE. Won in R1, lost in R2. This owns Valkyrie.
3 - Immophoenix: combined with wardens/graboids/BB. Won in R3 and seems pretty strong. Test it!
4 - Novabows: Graboids, Fog, Lightning, Forest Spirit, Momentum. Won in R1+R2+R3, lost in R2.
2 - Earth/Fire Duo: Rage Pots, Steel Golems, Phoenixes and Deflags. They got quite a few fire cards. Won in R2
4 - The Immortal. They can stall us... alot! Test vs this. Won in R2 and R3.
4 - Earth/Aether Duo: Dim Shield, Lightning and PU/Fractal + Dragons, Steel golems or Graboids. Won in R2, lost in R3. Important to test!
1 - Poisonstall: Unlikely vs us. Won in R2.
3 - Firestall: Yep, they have a firestall! SS + Firebolt + Rage Pots. Won in R3. Very weak vs Trident unless they pack Deflags.

- EQ/Trident owns two of their decks but fails completely vs Novabows?

:entropybig Team Entropy



:firebig Team Fire

3 - Immobow: Lost in R3. Won in R2. Weak vs RT and CC in general.
3 - Mono Fire: Phoenixes, CC, PC. Can be pretty fast and versatile.
3 - Firestall: Lost in R2 and R3, but they can rebuild. We lost vs a Light based Firestall previous round, so test properly!
2 - Novabow: lost in R2, twice.
1 - Poison/bolt Stall: They lost with a death duo in R2 (twice) and R3. Unlikely vs us.
0 - Water/Fire duo: Lost in R2. Based on Steam Machines and Squids, I don't think they will rebuild this.

- Let's just pull out the old firebeater and slap them around a bit. Firebeater is easy on the vault and can break theyr rushes. It also has a good chance of winning.
- They know we have CC. We know their vault isn't that great. I expect to see Phoenixes vs us because of their durability. How do we counter those?
- I expect 3 decks: Mono Fire (cause it's easy to build with their vault), Firestall (cause it won vs us before) or Immorush.
- Fire only has to play 5 matches so I guess they can afford to play a stall (vaultwise).

:gravitybig Team Gravity

3 - Fracharge: Strong deck as always. Can break through our stalls. Test vs this.
3 - Dischole: You know how it works. Won in R1. Lost in R2, twice. Always test vs this deck when facing Gravity.
3 - CataTitans: Strong Deck, capable of breaking stalls and hurting us alot. Test vs this! Lost in R1 and R2.
3 - Acceleration decks: can be played with eitehr Voodoo's, Mercs, Titans or Armagio's. Test it.
1 - Poisonrush: Death Stalker, Momentum. No way they will use this vs Water right...?
1 - Poisonstall: Poison..... Stall....
3 - Novabow: Graboids, Gravity Pull and 3 Chargers. Might aswell test vs this since it won in R2, twice.
1 - Gravity/Earth duo: Deckout with oty's, wardens, pulvy, EQ's and gravy shield.

- Gravity is still slow, can't we just rush em? But rush them properly this time!
- I be expecting Pulverizers.... Let's not make a permanent heavy deck.
- Vag and his team are to smart to be beaten by a same decktype again, we need to think of something different.
- Both Dischole as CataTitans suffered severe losses in previous rounds. I'm sure they will be able to build something out of scraps though. So test properly!

:lifebig Team Life



:lightbig Team Light

2 - Novahope: weird deck, based on luciferin and Light Dragons.
1 - RoL/Hope: Lost in R2.
2 - Blessed Dunes: with sundials and eternity, might aswell test vs it.
3 - Fire Stall: sancs, rage pots, bolts and fahrenheit. We know how this works! Test it! Lost in R2
2 - Immobow: Very fast and scary deck. Haven't seen it yet this war.
3 - Discosaders: Antimatter, Discord, Crusaders. We should test it.
4 - Immortal: Another killer stall from light. We need to make sure we can beat this!
2 - Death/Light duo: Poison, Arsenic and Crusaders or Miracles. Dangerous deck, but unlikely vs water.
3 - Air/Light duo: Eagles Eye, Blessed Crusaders, Wings and Miracles. Thats is one mean deck right there.
3 - Novabow: based on Pegasi and Blessings.
3 - Vader Saders: Lost in R1, won in R2. I don;t think they will use this vs CC heavy elements like us.
3 - Magnolia: Titansaders + Chargers. Both lost and won in R2. Around 9-10 creatures max? Our CC shoudl take care of this.
4 - Aether/Light duo: PU Angels/Dragons with a surprise fractal? Can break our stalls while holding us off with dim shields. Won in R2.

- We need to pack CC... and kill thos goddamn Crusaders.
- Remember it's a general we're fighting. He is aided by GG, Kakerlake and Zeru aswell....
- We need to find a way to break both stalls and defeat Magnolia/Discosader/Aether/Light Duo. Any idea's?

:timebig Team Time

2 - Mono Time Rush: Actually not THAT slow with GotP, Dragons and a Golden Nymph.
4 - Novabows: Graboids, Arsenic, Fog, EQ, Explosions, Lightning. TEST! Won in R2+R3
3 - IGT: Or any Fractal/Dim Shiel/Lightnign deck for that matter. Make sure you can handle these. Has beaten us in R2 and R3.
4 - GotP/Nightmare: We all know how it works. Make sure you test vs this, it should be quite beatable. Lost in R2
2 - Time/Earth duo: Graboids + EQ's/BB's combiend with rewinds/GotP. Tough deck, won in R3.
3 - Dune Scorpion: With momentum/blessing and possibly CP (They got discords too!). Just pack a Purify or two imo. Test this!
3 - Light/Time Stall: Stalling with Miracles, Sundials etc. Won in R3.
2 - Time/Earth duo: Graboids, RT's, EQ's, GotP's.

- Bring 2-3 purifies vs dune scorps (wouldn't be the first time in war they try this on :water, esp not if 10 Men tests and finds it can win)
- Bring CC vs their Novabow and GotP decks.
- Suicide?....
- Poisonrush them?

:underworldbig Team UW



Starting Vault (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443529#msg443529)Duels (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443531#msg443531)Strategy (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444032#msg444032)Decks (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444045#msg444045)Salvages (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444046#msg444046)Discards (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444047#msg444047)Current Vault (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqCh8-BfWOzYdGF0R0E2OE1URVk1QjBUT3lJNnZDNFE&authkey=CIrtqZEM#gid=35)Notes (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444048#msg444048)Chat Logs (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444049#msg444049)

Offline the dictatorTopic starter

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  • the dictator is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.the dictator is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.the dictator is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.
  • There are no dumb questions, only dumb answers
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament Winner
Round 4 - Main Topic - Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=33102.msg417652#msg417652
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2011, 11:22:55 pm »
Starting Vault (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443529#msg443529)Duels (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443531#msg443531)Strategy (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444032#msg444032)Decks (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444045#msg444045)Salvages (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444046#msg444046)Discards (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444047#msg444047)Current Vault (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqCh8-BfWOzYdGF0R0E2OE1URVk1QjBUT3lJNnZDNFE&authkey=CIrtqZEM#gid=35)Notes (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444048#msg444048)Chat Logs (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444049#msg444049)
This post list everything about the decks for this round.

:water Gen. RavingRabbid - :death ralouf1
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5ia 5ia 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 61t 61t 61t 622 622 622 7gk 7gk 7gm 7gm 7gm 7gm 7gm 7gm 7i6 8pu

Code: [Select]

:water Lt. Jappert - :darkness YawnChainHow
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5id 5id 5ie 5ie 5ie 5ie 5ie 5ie 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5on 5on 7gk 7gk 7n0 7n0 7n5 7n5 8pr

Code: [Select]

:water The dictator - :time ffun
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
52g 52g 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52q 52q 542 542 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i7 5i7 5i8 5i8 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 71b 71b 71b 8pk

Code: [Select]

:water Acsabi44 - :aether EvaRia
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5ib 5ib 5ie 5ie 5ie 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5uo 5uo 5up 5up 5uv 5uv 5v1 5v1 7gm 7gm 7tb 8pt

Code: [Select]

:water Gillero - :fire Lt. Antagon
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
592 592 593 593 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5ib 5ib 5ic 5ic 5ic 5id 5id 5id 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 77a 77a 77a 8pu

Code: [Select]

:water Daguerreo - :earth Sevs
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
55k 55k 55l 55l 55p 55p 55s 55s 55s 561 561 576 576 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i9 5i9 5ib 5ib 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 745 7n2 7n2 8pl

Code: [Select]

Starting Vault (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443529#msg443529)Duels (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443531#msg443531)Strategy (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444032#msg444032)Decks (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444045#msg444045)Salvages (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444046#msg444046)Discards (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444047#msg444047)Current Vault (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqCh8-BfWOzYdGF0R0E2OE1URVk1QjBUT3lJNnZDNFE&authkey=CIrtqZEM#gid=35)Notes (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444048#msg444048)Chat Logs (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444049#msg444049)
[18:28:55] Acsabi44: grinding is about pwning the AI as fast as possible
Back from a long break.
:water War Veteran - 4 times
Because inverted art is awesome - Looking for a tool for gather stats for arena, look no further

Offline the dictatorTopic starter

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  • the dictator is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.the dictator is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.the dictator is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.
  • There are no dumb questions, only dumb answers
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament Winner
Round 4 - Main Topic - Salvages https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=33102.msg417653#msg417653
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2011, 11:23:23 pm »
Starting Vault (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443529#msg443529)Duels (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443531#msg443531)Strategy (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444032#msg444032)Decks (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444045#msg444045)Salvages (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444046#msg444046)Discards (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444047#msg444047)Current Vault (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqCh8-BfWOzYdGF0R0E2OE1URVk1QjBUT3lJNnZDNFE&authkey=CIrtqZEM#gid=35)Notes (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444048#msg444048)Chat Logs (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444049#msg444049)
We can salvage 9 cards from the following decks (listed in green is the option when nothing changes)

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52q 542 542 542 542 61o 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 622 622 622 63a 63a 711 711 713 713 713 713 8pu

Aether support
4x Dim Shield
2x Fractal
1x Aether Pillar
2x Aether Pendulum
Death Support
2x Bone Pillar
1x Arsenic
2x Death Pendulum
2x Flesh Recluse
2x Ivory Dragon
Death and Aether Support
2x Bone Pillar
2x Bone Pendulum
2x Flesh Recluse
1x Dimensional Shield
2x Fractal
Aether and Death Support
4x Dim Shield
3x Fractal
2x Bone Pillar
1x Bone Pendulum

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
55s 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 622 622 622 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 745 745 745 8pl

Aether Support
4x Dim Shield
3x Fractal
2x Aether Pendulum
Aether Support (quanta)
1x Dim Shield
2x Fractal
5x Aether Pendulum
Gravity/Aether Support
1x Titan
3x Elite Charger
2x Dim Shield
3x Fractal
Gravity/Aether Support (quanta)
1x Titan
3x Elite Charger
1x Dim Shield
2x Fractal
2x Aether Pendulum

Starting Vault (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443529#msg443529)Duels (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443531#msg443531)Strategy (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444032#msg444032)Decks (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444045#msg444045)Salvages (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444046#msg444046)Discards (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444047#msg444047)Current Vault (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqCh8-BfWOzYdGF0R0E2OE1URVk1QjBUT3lJNnZDNFE&authkey=CIrtqZEM#gid=35)Notes (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444048#msg444048)Chat Logs (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444049#msg444049)
[18:28:55] Acsabi44: grinding is about pwning the AI as fast as possible
Back from a long break.
:water War Veteran - 4 times
Because inverted art is awesome - Looking for a tool for gather stats for arena, look no further

Offline the dictatorTopic starter

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  • the dictator is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.the dictator is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.the dictator is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.
  • There are no dumb questions, only dumb answers
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament Winner
Round 4 - Main Topic - Discards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=33102.msg417655#msg417655
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2011, 11:23:44 pm »
Starting Vault (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443529#msg443529)Duels (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443531#msg443531)Strategy (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444032#msg444032)Decks (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444045#msg444045)Salvages (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444046#msg444046)Discards (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444047#msg444047)Current Vault (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqCh8-BfWOzYdGF0R0E2OE1URVk1QjBUT3lJNnZDNFE&authkey=CIrtqZEM#gid=35)Notes (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444048#msg444048)Chat Logs (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444049#msg444049)
We have to discard 24 cards of the following decks (Colored option is favored and will be done if nothing changes). I will do the discarding when I know what decks we will take.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i8 5i8 5i8 5if 5if 5if 5if 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 622 7gk 7gk 7gr 7gr 7gt 7gt 7i6 7i6 7i6 8pu

OptionSaving Key CardsDropping Deck TypeSomething else
Discarded Cards
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
Saved Cards
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5ie 5ie 5ie 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 7gm 7gm 7gm 7gm 7gr 7gr 8pp

OptionSaving Key CardsDropping Deck TypeSomething else
Discarded Cards
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
Saved Cards

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i6 5i6 5i7 5i8 5i8 5i9 5ie 5ie 5ie 5ie 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 61q 61q 61q 61q 61q 6rk 7gt 7gt 8pu

OptionSaving Key CardsDropping Deck TypeSomething else
Discarded Cards
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
Saved Cards

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5f6 5f6 5f6 5fc 5fc 5fc 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i8 5i8 5i8 5id 5id 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 7h2 7h2 7h2 8po

OptionSaving Key CardsDropping Deck TypeSomething else
Discarded Cards
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
Saved Cards

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f7 5f7 5i7 5i7 5i7 5i7 5i7 5i7 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 7gq 7gq 7gq 8po

OptionSaving Key CardsDropping Deck TypeSomething else
Discarded Cards
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
Saved Cards

Starting Vault (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443529#msg443529)Duels (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443531#msg443531)Strategy (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444032#msg444032)Decks (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444045#msg444045)Salvages (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444046#msg444046)Discards (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444047#msg444047)Current Vault (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqCh8-BfWOzYdGF0R0E2OE1URVk1QjBUT3lJNnZDNFE&authkey=CIrtqZEM#gid=35)Notes (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444048#msg444048)Chat Logs (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444049#msg444049)
[18:28:55] Acsabi44: grinding is about pwning the AI as fast as possible
Back from a long break.
:water War Veteran - 4 times
Because inverted art is awesome - Looking for a tool for gather stats for arena, look no further

Offline the dictatorTopic starter

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  • the dictator is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.the dictator is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.the dictator is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.
  • There are no dumb questions, only dumb answers
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament Winner
Round 4 - Main Topic - Notes https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=33102.msg417656#msg417656
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2011, 11:24:21 pm »
Starting Vault (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443529#msg443529)Duels (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443531#msg443531)Strategy (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444032#msg444032)Decks (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444045#msg444045)Salvages (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444046#msg444046)Discards (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444047#msg444047)Current Vault (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqCh8-BfWOzYdGF0R0E2OE1URVk1QjBUT3lJNnZDNFE&authkey=CIrtqZEM#gid=35)Notes (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444048#msg444048)Chat Logs (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444049#msg444049)

Acsabi44 will hardly be online until tuesday evening.

Starting Vault (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443529#msg443529)Duels (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443531#msg443531)Strategy (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444032#msg444032)Decks (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444045#msg444045)Salvages (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444046#msg444046)Discards (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444047#msg444047)Current Vault (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqCh8-BfWOzYdGF0R0E2OE1URVk1QjBUT3lJNnZDNFE&authkey=CIrtqZEM#gid=35)Notes (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444048#msg444048)Chat Logs (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444049#msg444049)
[18:28:55] Acsabi44: grinding is about pwning the AI as fast as possible
Back from a long break.
:water War Veteran - 4 times
Because inverted art is awesome - Looking for a tool for gather stats for arena, look no further

Offline the dictatorTopic starter

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  • the dictator is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.the dictator is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.the dictator is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.
  • There are no dumb questions, only dumb answers
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament Winner
Round 4 - Main Topic - Chat Logs https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=33102.msg417657#msg417657
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2011, 11:27:30 pm »
Starting Vault (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443529#msg443529)Duels (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443531#msg443531)Strategy (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444032#msg444032)Decks (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444045#msg444045)Salvages (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444046#msg444046)Discards (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444047#msg444047)Current Vault (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqCh8-BfWOzYdGF0R0E2OE1URVk1QjBUT3lJNnZDNFE&authkey=CIrtqZEM#gid=35)Notes (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444048#msg444048)Chat Logs (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444049#msg444049)
Chat Logs

[14:50] == dic [webchat@82-171-186-254.ip.telfort.nl] has joined #teamwaderp
[14:57] <@gillero> Hey dic :)
[14:57] == mode/#teamwaderp [+o dic] by gillero
[14:57] <@dic> Hey gillero
[15:17] <@gillero> So, in round 3. Would you prefer stall or rush?
[15:17] <@dic> Rush
[15:17] <@gillero> I'd say rush is a better option for us since we practically cant build stalls
[15:18] <@dic> simply because we have more rushes than stall left in our vault
[15:18] <@dic> we only have a weak mono light, and our wings left to stall with
[15:19] <@gillero> I'm glad we're not facing fire and entropy this round
[15:19] <@dic> I'm sad we are not facing fire
[15:19] <@dic> they got beaten up really well last round
[15:19] <@gillero> Sure they have lost a lot
[15:19] <@dic> which should help in beating them
[15:19] <@gillero> But they are still dangerous
[15:20] <@dic> I guess entropy is going to win this war again
[15:20] <@gillero> By the way, why did we get -6 modifier?
[15:23] <@gillero> afk~
[15:41] <@gillero> back~
[15:44] <@dic> We got that -6 modifier because the penalty for subtituting is no salvage when you win
[15:44] <@dic> and I subbed for Dag and won
[16:30] == RR_ [webchat@adsl-ull-132-182.51-151.net24.it] has joined #teamwaderp
[16:31] <RR_> Hey.
[16:48] <@dic> Hey RR
[16:50] == gillero [webchat@1-1-12-8a.han.sth.bostream.se] has quit [Ping timeout]
[17:21] == Acsabi44 [webchat@apn-89-223-162-56.vodafone.hu] has joined #teamwaderp
[17:21] <Acsabi44> hey folks
[17:21] <Acsabi44> stall or rush?
[17:24] <RR_> Hey, Acs.
[17:26] <RR_> Didn't think about it yet. Too busy with homeworls.
[17:26] <Acsabi44> pros of rush: IMO our vault is more situated to rushing
[17:27] <Acsabi44> pros of stall: If we have no idea at all, we can always throw 60 cards together and hope the opponent play a 59 card deckouter :D:D
[17:27] <Acsabi44> (joking)
[17:31] <Acsabi44> btw even if we decide rush, we don't need to build only rushes... we can build a few stalls as well, only we won't get the bonus
[17:36] <@dic> Yeah, I was thinking of going tush too, just because we only have 1 potential stall and one semi-potential stall left
[17:36] <@dic> sad thing is
[17:36] <@dic> we are down to 7 matches
[17:36] <@dic> which will make winning by deckout even harder
[17:37] <@dic> But, I think we should first try to estimate what our opponents will choose, and what decks they will bring
[17:37] <@dic> and then build counters to that
[17:37] <@dic> and decide our event card based on the number of counters we build
[17:39] <@dic> Hmm, just got a funny idea
[17:39] <@dic> we could just take 31 card decks for this round
[17:39] <@dic> you never know how draws happen
[17:40] <@dic> maybe you can deck your opponent ;)
[17:40] <Acsabi44> take 31 cards and pick stall?
[17:40] <@dic> and you only have to deck your opponent once to claim the bonus (provided you took that even card) or win within 13 turns only once to claim that bonus (if you choose to rush)
[17:40] <@dic> Yes, everyone seems so affraid of our CC, why not use it ;)
[17:41] <@dic> Hmm, just realized, we can also create a sir lance a lot, which can work as both stall and stall breaker (salvage 6 bolts out of perv's deck)
[17:41] <@dic> and we can salvage BB's from gravities deck, allowing for another potential stall
[17:42] <@dic> I expect Light to take a lot of stall, which is sad, or we could have powned them by salvaging a few gravity shields and a few bb's/plate armors
[17:42] <RR_> We can't salvage from Gravy.
[17:42] <@dic> Oh, damn
[17:42] <@dic> you are right
[17:42] <@dic> shit
[17:43] <@dic> Hmm, I like that idea
[17:43] <RR_> Or ze fuckin dimshields.
[17:43] <@dic> Hmm, salvaging dim shields would help towards stalling
[17:43] <@dic> Damn, anyone know when Jappert will be back?
[17:44] <@dic> I need him to make a strategy post (or at least a placeholder) so I can continue posting the other posts in the main thread
[17:45] <@dic> My notes on event cards, decks and possible salvages are starting to become confusing
[17:45] <RR_> Jappert has already made a post.
[17:46] <@dic> Lulz, just saw that too
[17:46] <@dic> Rav, you don't have mod powers do you?
[17:46] <@dic> Now I only need to get rid of Dag's stupid post
[17:47] <RR_> Nope
[17:57] <Acsabi44> damn fire's losing streak messed up my war betting
[17:57] <Acsabi44> it would be funny if they'd get eliminated first
[17:57] <Acsabi44> I wonder if it is due to the nerf
[17:57] <Acsabi44> or naps
[17:58] <Acsabi44> or bad luck
[18:00] <RR_> It's just fire that sucks and this is divine justice.
[18:03] <Acsabi44> amen
[18:03] <RR_> dic. You're almost at 1000 posts.
[18:03] <@dic> Yeah, I noticed that too
[18:04] <@dic> 3 to go ;)
[18:04] <@dic> I hate our luck last round
[18:04] <@dic> 3 duels that could have gone either way
[18:04] <@dic> and we lost them all
[18:04] <Acsabi44> even better, 1000 meaningful posts. You're not the kinda guy who just spams into the  'introduce yoourself' to get plus 300
[18:05] <RR_> Exactly :\
[18:05] <RR_> I have over 2550 posts. I post too muc.
[18:05] <Acsabi44> I have around 900 but I'm not the guy who spams either
[18:07] <Acsabi44> RR, you were a council member and such. I imagine there is a lot of discussion going on there
[18:07] <Acsabi44> (or weren't you)
[18:09] <RR_> I was.
[18:09] <RR_> But it was kind of dead.
[18:09] <RR_> There was a poll for something where 7 councilmen voted. There I got angry and the council started to get active once more. Then it slowly died.
[18:09] <Acsabi44> ORLY?  I always wanted to know what's going on behind the scenes
[18:09] <Acsabi44> apparently not much.
[18:11] <RR_> Exactly.
[18:12] <Acsabi44> time to do some housework. GTg, see ya
[18:13] == Acsabi44 [webchat@apn-89-223-162-56.vodafone.hu] has quit [Quit]
[18:21] == Jappert [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has joined #teamwaderp
[18:21] <RR_> Hi, Japp.
[18:21] <Jappert> back in action
[18:22] <Jappert> hey
[18:23] <Jappert> ye I saw Tiko's match
[18:23] <Jappert> and gravy/fire?
[18:23] <Jappert> life got destroyed?
[18:23] <RR_> Gravy 2-6. Fire 1-7.
[18:24] <RR_> Life 3-5.
[18:26] == Japp [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has joined #teamwaderp
[18:26] <Japp> hmm
[18:28] <Japp> so to summarize
[18:29] <Japp> we need to step it up
[18:29] == Jappert [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has quit [Ping timeout]
[18:29] <RR_> We need to build 7 decks, and that worries me.
[18:30] <@dic> Hey Jappert
[18:30] <RR_> I think we have a match to suicide.
[18:30] <@dic> Hmm, you might be right about that Rav
[18:30] <@dic> Hmm, instead of a real suicide we could try to create the most epic win ever: take a 42 pillar deck ;)
[18:31] <Japp> hey
[18:31] <@dic> or at least, take a huge but legal deck, stuffed with all useless stuff we can find ;)
[18:31] <Japp> I agree with dic
[18:31] <@dic> Hmm, just noticed it is almost 7 o'clock, which is shop closure ;)
[18:31] <Japp> ppl might try to stall us
[18:31] <@dic> gtg, get some dinner
[18:31] <@dic> see you
[18:32] <Japp> we just go mass pillars/pends + tridents and miracles
[18:32] <Japp> ciao
[18:32] <@dic> yeah, something like that
[18:33] <@dic> we can simply add everything we aren't using in our other decks
[18:33] <@dic> we can always save it again, as we have to discard 24 cards
[18:33] <@dic> and keep the rest ;)_
[18:33] <Japp> ay
[18:33] <Japp> e
[18:33] <@dic> we just need to add enough water cards ;)
[18:33] <@dic> now
[18:34] == dic has changed nick to dic_afk
[18:36] <Japp> hmm tough matchups rly
[18:36] <Japp> I don't like facing Majo and 10men
[18:36] <RR_> I don't like being vs a general again. :\
[18:40] <Japp> ye
[18:41] <Japp> well
[18:41] <Japp> we can think of something to kill em
[18:41] <Japp> earth
[18:41] <Japp> aether and erth will be hard also
[18:41] <Japp> I need soem time to finish strategy though
[18:43] <RR_> ss
[18:43] <RR_> s
[18:43] <RR_> sss
[18:43] <RR_> s
[18:43] <RR_> s
[18:43] <RR_> s
[18:43] <RR_> s
[18:43] <RR_> s
[18:43] <RR_> ss
[18:43] <RR_> s
[18:43] <RR_> s
[18:43] <RR_> s
[18:43] <RR_> s
[18:46] <Japp> ?
[18:47] == dic_afk has changed nick to dic
[18:49] == RR_ [webchat@adsl-ull-132-182.51-151.net24.it] has quit [Ping timeout]
[18:56] <Japp> afk
[18:58] <@dic> Damn
[18:58] <@dic> Why can't we have 2 immolations
[18:58] <@dic> or I could build the girlpowah again
[19:01] <Japp> :(
[19:02] <@dic> Hmm, we could get quite some nymph fun
[19:03] <@dic> the most usefull nymphs are all possible next round (sadly we only have 6 tears): gravity, fire, life and air are all possible options
[19:17] <Japp> ben zo terug, ff voetbal kijken :D
[19:19] <@dic> DAMN!!!!
[19:19] <@dic> Why can't I have phase shields??
[19:20] <@dic> Eh, gravity shield I mean
[19:20] <@dic> stupid dead battery causing us to lose the most juicy salvage ever
[19:20] * dic rages
[19:21] <@dic> Hmm, how about this: we try to come up with as much decks that both counter a rush and break a deckout stall
[19:22] <@dic> and we simply ignore the event card, and just try to get as many wins as possible, instead of building weak decks that might work as deckout stall, or watery rushes that will never be fast enough to out rush the faster elements
[19:23] <@dic> Thinking of stuff like steamies + control, dimshields with fractal dragons, wings + air nymphs, that kind of stuff
[19:24] <@dic> sadly we can't build both steamies with rage, air nymphs with workable gasses and lance a lot
[19:24] <@dic> dimshield deck could have a few lightnings too
[19:25] <@dic> then, make it 32 cards, so you can deck your opponent, or use the dragons to break a stall
[19:56] <Japp> hmm soundscool
[20:11] <Japp> hmm
[20:11] <Japp> ga zo aan de strategy post werken
[20:12] <Japp> snap jou lay out nog niet zo maar goed
[20:13] <@dic> Ik stuur je wel de code voor de hele post
[20:20] <@dic> Ok, Kijk naar je pm's
[20:20] <@dic> kopiëer die code
[20:21] <@dic> plak het in je post, en vul alles in (oh, en maak de titel "Round 3 - Main Topic - Strategy")
[20:21] <Japp> ok cool
[20:21] <Japp> sec
[20:24] <Japp> hmm
[20:24] <Japp> dit staat me niet echt aan dic
[20:24] <Japp> ik weet niet wat je met die lay out wilt
[20:25] <Japp> maar ik raak nogal in de war van al die tables
[20:25] <Japp> wat doen die wtee tables erin?...
[20:25] <@dic> wtee?
[20:28] <Japp> twee
[20:30] <@dic> de inhoudsopgave maken
[20:31] <Japp> eh
[20:31] <@dic> Om te zorgen dat je gemakkelijk van het ene onderdeel naar het andere komt heb ik overal een inhoudstabel met linkjes staan
[20:31] <@dic> zodat je niet alle posts in spoilers hoeft te zetten
[20:31] <@dic> Kijk dit doet die tabel: http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/6991/tablesl.png
[20:33] <@dic> Simpel gezegd, voor de inhoud van de strategy kun je ze negeren, maar laat ze alsjeblieft wel netjes boven en onderaan de post staan, zodat je gemakkelijk heen en weer kun linken tussen de verschillende onderdelen van de main thread
[20:33] <Japp> ah ok
[20:33] <Japp> dank je
[20:33] <Japp> ja ik snap m
[20:33] * dic likes pretty pictures, they help explaining ;)
[20:35] <Japp> ja ik ben niet van die fancy stuff :D
[20:37] <Japp> ok ik begin bij aether
[20:43] <@dic> De inhoud laat ik helemaal aan jouw over
[20:47] <Japp> ja heb de decks van aether net gedaan
[20:48] <@dic> Ik ben bezig met de discarding
[20:48] <@dic> maar ik wordt er een beetje depressief van
[20:49] <@dic> dus ben ik ondertussen een grappig maar best wel effectief deck aan het testen
[20:49] <@dic> Deck is: 3 frogs, 1 forest spirit, 3 crawlers, 3 puffers, 3 nymph tears, 2 squids
[20:50] <@dic> and voor de quanta 3 life pendulum, 9 water pillar, 3 water pendulum
[20:50] <@dic> it works really funny
[20:51] <Japp> kijk dat soort dingen hebben we nodig
[20:52] <Japp> of die toten deck die we nog hebben
[20:52] <Japp> andere teams werken net zoals ik
[20:52] <Japp> en iedereen test vs standaard decks
[20:52] <Japp> reken maar dat teams vs Valkyrie, lance alot, etc testen
[20:52] <Japp> kunnen wij een PU dragon maken?
[20:54] <@dic> Ja
[20:54] <@dic> Eh, nee
[20:54] <Japp> damn
[20:54] <Japp> geen PU's?
[20:55] <@dic> Nee, we hadden ze vorige ronde kunnen krijgen, maar toen hebben we voor de drunkyard gekozen
[20:55] <@dic> Maar we kunnen wel fractals krijgen
[20:55] <Japp> hmm ok
[20:55] <@dic> dus fractal dragon is wel mogelijk
[20:55] <Japp> fractal crawler
[20:55] <Japp> prima optie imo
[20:55] <Japp> + defense
[20:57] == RR [webchat@adsl-ull-132-182.51-151.net24.it] has joined #teamwaderp
[20:57] <RR> Back
[20:58] <Japp> hey
[20:58] <Japp> can we still build a novabow?
[20:59] <@dic> Hmm, no, not a viable one I'm affraid
[20:59] <@dic> we can save the nova's but that means dropping the bow-cards
[20:59] <@dic> or save the bow cards, but than we don't have nova's
[21:00] <Japp> very
[21:00] <Japp> that's..... bad
[21:00] <Japp> dump the nova's and see if we can salvage 6 later on?
[21:02] <@dic> Yeah, that was my idea
[21:02] <@dic> Typical win with my deck: http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/5696/schermafdruk23101121015.png
[21:03] <@dic> Sadly I was one life quantum short
[21:03] <@dic> or I would have created an adrenasquid, just for the sake of having one ;) (adrenaoctopus actually, but squid sounds better)
[21:04] <Japp> hehe ye
[21:05] <@dic> That deck is great as stall breaker
[21:05] <@dic> at least, a stall centered on healing
[21:06] <@dic> because typically you are just starting to get going when you have already finished your opponents hp's
[21:07] <@dic> Hmm, Jappert, could you do a strategy on light (yes, of course), preferably soon
[21:07] <@dic> This adrenasquid deck could be great against light
[21:07] <@dic> they have no CC, but hatefull stalls
[21:07] <@dic> but with this deck you can easily get a lot of damage out
[21:08] <@dic> it might even beat the immortal, if I wasn't fearing the earthquakes
[21:08] <Japp> sure dic
[21:08] <Japp> will do that next
[21:09] <@dic> Thanks
[21:09] <Japp> light is hard...
[21:09] <Japp> they play so differently now Zeru and GG are there
[21:10] <@dic> Hmm, and I just realized, the immortal can pack diamond shields now, for my loss ;)
[21:13] <Japp> ouch
[21:13] <Japp> we should go with at least 1 water/life deck this round
[21:13] <Japp> we need the surprise effect
[21:14] <Japp> I am confident enough to say my darkness prediction is spot on
[21:15] <Japp> Aether/Darkness vs us
[21:15] <Japp> dunno in what form yet
[21:17] <@dic> hmm, why aether/darkness?
[21:18] <Japp> Devtal
[21:18] <Japp> hmm
[21:18] <Japp> PU Dragons
[21:18] <Japp> Fractal vamps/gargs
[21:19] <Japp> fractal wordt een keycard tegen stalls
[21:19] <Japp> Torb knows I like to stall and water is an element that can do it
[21:19] <Japp> devtal can lock us down quick
[21:19] <Japp> btw about light
[21:19] <Japp> test vs 2 stalls
[21:19] <Japp> firestall + immortal
[21:20] <Japp> test vs novabow with pegasi, Immobow and discosaders?
[21:20] <@dic> well, adrena squids is never going to beat the immortal
[21:20] <@dic> not with 9 upgraded cards
[21:21] <@dic> and thus potentially diamond shields
[21:21] <@dic> And, I beating the immortal with a single forest spirit and early poison from the puffers is not going to work
[21:21] <@dic> it might be doable with steamies though
[21:22] <@dic> because, just like fractal, steamie is a really nice stall beater
[21:22] <@dic> the longer you give it to beat you up, the more certain you can be it will
[21:24] <Japp> hmm well
[21:24] <Japp> steams are very nice ye
[21:24] <Japp> and if they use immortal you can bet your sweet ass on them using diamond shields
[21:24] <@dic> Yes, which would fail with the life rush
[21:25] <Japp> ye no life rush vs light :)
[21:26] == RR__ [webchat@adsl-ull-132-182.51-151.net24.it] has joined #teamwaderp
[21:27] <Japp> ciao Rav
[21:27] <RR__> BACK
[21:27] <@dic> wb
[21:27] == RR [webchat@adsl-ull-132-182.51-151.net24.it] has quit [Ping timeout]
[21:27] <@dic> Hmm, speaking of steamies
[21:27] == RR__ has changed nick to RR
[21:27] <@dic> maybe we should save them out of tiko's deck
[21:28] <@dic> they could prove really usefull this round
[21:28] <Japp> aye
[21:28] <Japp> Tiko's loss might have hurt the most
[21:29] <Japp> even though gillero's loss sucked harder
[21:29] <@dic> tiko's loss hurst us the most vaultwise
[21:29] <@dic> but RNG was real hatefull last round
[21:29] <@dic> 3 matches that could have ended both ways (shantu, rav and tiko) and all were lost
[21:30] <RR> RNG was very awful with Shantu.
[21:30] <@dic> RNG was awefull against Gillero when he was subbing too
[21:31] <@dic> a single bolt could have won the third game (there was a non burrowed lonely shrieker just sitting over there for a few turns, with gil having more than 10 quanta) but he never ever saw a bolt
[21:31] <Japp> hmm goddamn light
[21:32] <Japp> afk for strategy
[21:32] <RR> http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32713.0.html I feel like this.
[21:32] <Japp> I mean Shantu's loss btw, that one sucked hard
[21:32] <@dic> huh, what do you mean rav
[21:33] <@dic> My opinion: 3 rightfully won matches (Japp, Dag and Me), 2 right fully lost matches (Acs, Gil), 3 matches that could have gone either way, but were all lost <- RNG hate
[21:34] <RR> I have the feeling they're going to use that deck.
[21:34] <Japp> havent seen discosaders yet this war?
[21:35] <RR> Nope.
[21:35] <RR> But they have "Magnolia"
[21:35] <RR> Titan+Sader
[21:35] <@dic> no, but I have seen a few vader saders
[21:35] <@dic> Whut, who named that deck Magnolia and why
[21:36] <RR> I did, because when I posted one on the forums I named it Magnolia.
[21:37] <Japp> hmm guys
[21:37] <@dic> That is not an answer to the why question, it answers the who and how question however
[21:37] <@dic> Yes?
[21:37] <Japp> stop talking bs
[21:37] <Japp> we need to make sure we pack cc vs light
[21:37] <Japp> again...
[21:37] <RR> Why? Because it is white and it has something "Magno".
[21:37] <Japp> They are heavily packing Saders
[21:37] <@dic> Hmm, I like it
[21:37] <Japp> haven;t seen discosaders and they won;t use vader sader imo
[21:37] <@dic> Yes, Japp, I noticed that too
[21:38] <Japp> but Magnolia is a possibility
[21:38] <@dic> but some squids could take care of that ;)
[21:38] <@dic> squids could be really usefull versus light
[21:38] <RR> I did not even think about vadersader.
[21:38] <@dic> what CC have they shown, Japp?
[21:38] <RR> Because they're going to use it against "more dangerous" teams.
[21:39] <Japp> Team Light is possibly teh strongest team tactically speaking though
[21:39] <Japp> Majo and GG will test it vs every deck we used
[21:40] <Japp> how about this
[21:40] <Japp> dim shield + lobotomise vs light
[21:40] <@dic> which means: we need to come up with something new ;)
[21:40] <Japp> worked for aether in R1
[21:40] <Japp> http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32761.0.html
[21:40] <@dic> it is new, but predictable, but it could work
[21:41] <RR> If they only hadn't had Magnolia, my deck choice would be sure.
[21:42] <@dic> what would you take without considering magnolia Rav?
[21:43] <Japp> they haven't showed a novabow yet this war
[21:43] <Japp> no immorush either
[21:43] <@dic> Hmm, sad they are using so much crusaders
[21:43] <RR> DIMSHIELD!
[21:43] <@dic> or we could easily take the Nymphcord
[21:43] <RR> If we had trident...
[21:43] <@dic> hmm, nevermind, they have sancs of course
[21:44] <@dic> on the tridents, we have 6, but we might discard some
[21:45] <@dic> but we can save them if you can build a working deck with them
[21:47] <RR> The problem is we're going to discard too much :\
[21:47] <@dic> how much would you need?
[21:47] <RR> Enough to stop them.
[21:48] <Japp> hello?
[21:48] <@dic> Hmm, shouldn't that be 'many' ?
[21:48] <RR> All their tactics are generally heavy on quanta.
[21:48] <@dic> What Japp?
[21:49] <@dic> Hmm, hard discarding from your deck for sure Rav
[21:49] <@dic> We are short on shields and crawlers, but earthquakes and tridents might be really usefull
[21:49] <@dic> same for the bolts
[21:50] <@dic> finally: http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/6867/adrenasquid.png
[21:52] <Japp> .....
[21:54] <@dic> Hmm, Rav, how about squids + dim shield
[21:54] <RR> K.
[21:54] <RR> I'm not building any deck.
[21:54] <RR> I have cursed touch.
[21:55] <@dic> With a few bolts and a fractal dragon that might only suffer from the immortal
[21:58] <@dic> damn: pandemonium -> lobo on my nymph :(
[21:58] == Japp [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has quit [Ping timeout]
[21:58] <@dic> and lightning on my adrenacrawler and RT on my adrena frog
[21:59] <@dic> thus my damage output it divided by 7, with a single card
[22:09] <RR> ..
[22:17] == RR [webchat@adsl-ull-132-182.51-151.net24.it] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[15:13] == dic [webchat@82-171-186-254.ip.telfort.nl] has joined #teamwaderp
[16:01] == RR [webchat@adsl-ull-132-182.51-151.net24.it] has joined #teamwaderp
[17:02] == Japp [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has joined #teamwaderp
[17:02] <Japp> hey
[17:03] <RR> Hi, Japp.
[17:06] <@dic> Hey RR en Japp
[17:20] <@dic> Lulz
[17:20] <Japp> sup
[17:20] <@dic> I was checking War and WoE sections
[17:20] <@dic> for new posts
[17:21] <@dic> and the first thing I ran into was a "thanks for the fun"-post by Jappert
[17:21] <@dic> which got me totally confused and worried: Why would Japp leave or awesome war team, he never said he would, etc.
[17:22] <@dic> But than it turned out to be in the WoE section ;)
[17:22] <Japp> haha :D
[17:24] <@dic> *or -> our ;)
[17:25] <@dic> afk-ing
[17:25] <@dic> tentamens over een week <- ik ga maar eens wat huiswerk doen ;)
[17:26] <Japp> ouch ye, good luck
[17:32] <RR> What?
[17:41] == Japp [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has quit [Ping timeout]
[17:46] <@dic> @ RR I was saying I'm having exams in a week, so I started to do some homework
[17:46] <@dic> therefore, afk-ing
[17:46] <RR> K.
[18:19] == Jappert [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has joined #teamwaderp
[18:19] <Jappert> I disc alot...
[18:55] <@dic> Hmmm, shall I apply for WoE main organizer?
[19:46] <Jappert> if you're up for the job
[19:46] <Jappert> I'd fail at that prob and make alot of mistakes
[19:52] == Jappert [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has quit [Ping timeout]
[20:16] == Japp [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has joined #teamwaderp
[21:41] == Japp [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[21:52] == Japp [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has joined #teamwaderp
[21:53] <RR> Hi, Japp.
[21:53] <Japp> hey
[21:53] <Japp> gonna finish some strategy
[21:53] <Japp> starting with death
[22:01] == Japp_ [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has joined #teamwaderp
[22:02] == Japp [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has quit [Ping timeout]
[22:07] == Japp_ [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has quit [Ping timeout]
[22:12] == Japp [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has joined #teamwaderp
[22:12] <Japp> internet is fucked
[22:12] <Japp> make sure we dont screw this up guys:
[22:12] <Japp> "    * Please post a screenshot of your ttw in the battle results thread."
[22:14] <RR> GNIGHT
[22:14] <Japp> but...
[22:14] <Japp> Valkyrie + Purifies vs death?
[22:15] <Japp> wings are nice
[22:15] <Japp> CC is nice
[22:15] <Japp> just that goddamn bonebolt...
[22:16] <Japp> death ses pretty retarded decks this war
[22:16] <Japp> uses
[22:17] <Japp> or fractal crawlers + CC?
[22:17] <Japp> + dims maybe
[22:17] <Japp> breaks through bonewall and they wont expect it
[22:19] <Japp> Dic, RR
[22:20] == RR [webchat@adsl-ull-132-182.51-151.net24.it] has quit [Ping timeout]
[22:27] == Japp [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[23:11] == Japp [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has joined #teamwaderp
[23:11] <Japp> Dic?
[23:13] == Japp [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[23:42] == Japp [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has joined #teamwaderp
[23:42] <Japp> heb de strategy ff snel afgemaakt
[23:42] <Japp> wat meer werk omdat dit de eerste round is dat ik hem zo maak
[23:42] <Japp> ga nu tukken :s
[23:43] == Japp [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[15:59] == dic [webchat@82-171-186-254.ip.telfort.nl] has joined #teamwaderp
[17:31] == Japp [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has joined #teamwaderp
[17:33] <Japp> oy
[17:35] <@dic> Hey
[18:11] == Acsabi44 [webchat@apn-94-44-113-198.vodafone.hu] has joined #teamwaderp
[18:12] <Acsabi44> woot woot I haz access
[18:12] <Acsabi44> hi chat
[18:12] == RR [webchat@adsl-ull-208-178.51-151.net24.it] has joined #teamwaderp
[18:12] <RR> BOO
[18:12] <Acsabi44> any ideas so far?
[18:13] <Acsabi44> I have a few
[18:13] <RR> A suicide deck.
[18:14] <RR> We can't take everything.
[18:14] <Acsabi44> if we suicide we might as well suicide 60 card decks
[18:15] <RR> We don't even have the chance to build a 60 card deck
[18:15] <Acsabi44> with pillars
[18:15] <Acsabi44> :(
[18:16] <Acsabi44> okay, then wehre to sicide?
[18:17] <RR> I don't have a single idea.
[18:18] <RR> I say we fight against Gravity.
[18:19] <Acsabi44> and time
[18:19] <Acsabi44> I'd like us to try the phoenix-deflag deck vs. time
[18:20] <RR> Rewind might hit Steams/High Costing creatures haaarrd.
[18:20] <Acsabi44> then play low costing creatures.
[18:21] <Acsabi44> 3 upped crawlers
[18:21] <RR> I have this thing purify is a game winner against Time.
[18:21] <Acsabi44> I wnna run that deck vs. them bc of deflag
[18:22] <RR> Mh...
[18:22] <RR> So, you're thinking of them using the same deck again?
[18:22] <Acsabi44> or we can salvage 5 dimshields and run that
[18:23] <Acsabi44> same deck? no I ran a discord deck vs. them last round
[18:23] <RR> Btw, I'm willing to take a crap deck to help the team.
[18:24] <Acsabi44> me too, if needed
[18:24] <RR> Them using the same deck. Not us.
[18:24] <Acsabi44> yeah I am afraid of dimshield and eternity.
[18:26] <Acsabi44> eternity mostly.
[18:26] <RR> I guessed so.
[18:27] <@dic> woah
[18:27] <@dic> busy in here
[18:27] <@dic> anyway, I finished the discarding post
[18:29] <RR> I have an idea, to know where we can start to brainstorm about decks.
[18:30] <@dic> btw, if we are to take a suicide deck
[18:30] <@dic> I would prefer it to be legal
[18:30] <@dic> and like 47 cards
[18:30] <@dic> ;)
[18:30] <@dic> good change some teams will try to deck us
[18:30] <@dic> on the other hand, good change they might expect us to deck them thus adding some kind of stallbreaker
[18:31] <RR> For now, ignore my post.
[18:31] <@dic> but well, an illegal deck will lose for sure
[18:31] <@dic> what post?
[18:32] <RR> The one in main topic.
[18:32] == Acsabi44 [webchat@apn-94-44-113-198.vodafone.hu] has quit [Ping timeout]
[18:34] <RR> We'd have 5 pillars left (with absolute discard).
[18:34] <RR> And 23 pends.
[18:34] <RR> For the other 4 decks.
[18:35] <@dic> absolute discard = discarding all of them?
[18:35] <@dic> oh, and we can convert some cards if we want
[18:35] <RR> Discarding all the cards, salvaging none.
[18:36] <@dic> oh, and we can salvage some pilllars/pendulums
[18:36] <RR> We'd have Rewind, Miracle, another Valkirie and some Poison cards left.
[18:36] <RR> 4 decks, yay. We just have to manage to build them well.
[18:37] <RR> Plus we have random shit.
[18:38] <RR> (ex: 1 abom, gravity quanta sources, a forest spirit, 2 enchant artifacts).
[18:38] <RR> This means we don't have to suicide.
[18:38] <RR> But it might help.
[18:39] <@dic> And we could try to save some of the decks we lost
[18:39] <@dic> like the discords
[18:39] <@dic> to build a nymphcord this round
[18:40] <RR> Plus we have dimensional salvages and we can build a lance-a-lot.
[18:41] <Japp> if we suicide, at least bring purifies
[18:41] <Japp> in case of poisonstall
[18:41] <RR> Hi, Japp.
[18:41] <Japp> oy
[18:43] <RR> I fear building any deck. My touch is cursed.
[18:43] <Japp> lightning deck vs darkness?
[18:43] <Japp> or vs gravy
[18:44] <RR> I'm studying darkness, then.
[18:44] <Japp> mye
[18:44] <RR> What darkness has for sure: Pestal, Gotpmare, PUDragons
[18:45] <Japp> aye
[18:45] <RR> What darkness might've lost: VaderSader, DENIAL!, Wings, Mono-darkness (They just haven't lost this).
[18:46] <RR> And Parasitic poison..
[18:46] <Japp> right... lol
[18:46] <RR> What would you say we're facing, Japp?
[18:46] <Japp> darkness/aether
[18:46] <Japp> pretty sure
[18:46] <RR> I'd have said Gotpmare.
[18:46] <Japp> btw
[18:46] <Japp> I talked a bit with Kirch
[18:47] <Japp> and asked him why he never used TU Graboids
[18:47] <Japp> and he said: omg that's the exact deck we were about to use vs Gillero
[18:47] <Japp> dunno if he's kidding me or...
[18:48] <RR> Or.
[18:48] <Japp> EQ might be good vs them
[18:48] <RR> http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32661.0.html
[18:48] <Japp> unless they go novabow...
[18:49] <Japp> ye I'm thinking aether also
[18:49] <Japp> that is why I say bring EQ!
[18:49] <Japp> but it would be very bad if they go with a novabow
[18:50] <Japp> afk for food and Italian class
[18:50] <RR> Gemfinder+Mark.
[18:55] <@dic> Hmm, something to consider
[18:55] <RR> Valkirie vs Earth=
[18:55] <RR> ?
[18:55] <@dic> we took a huge beating last round, which means other teams might not see us as their biggest thread
[18:55] <@dic> thus not take their best decks
[18:56] <@dic> Valk vs Earth could go very well or very wrong
[18:56] <RR> Or, we can just pretend we're an airplane.
[18:56] <@dic> a lot of teams tried wings against earth last round
[18:56] <@dic> most if not all of them failed
[18:58] <@dic> and they know we have wings
[19:11] <RR> SoSe is awesome.
[19:18] <@dic> I have only one SoV so far
[19:20] <RR> I got two Sose from normal spins, and a SoP and a SoSa from specials.
[19:22] <Japp> I got all SoSe and SoSa, 4 SoV and 3 SoP
[19:22] <Japp> :)
[19:22] <Japp> brb food
[19:44] == RR [webchat@adsl-ull-208-178.51-151.net24.it] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[20:10] == Japp [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has quit [Ping timeout]
[12:52] == dic [webchat@82-171-186-254.ip.telfort.nl] has joined #teamwaderp
[13:57] == RR- [webchat@adsl-ull-22-177.51-151.net24.it] has joined #teamwaderp
[14:20] == Tiko [~chatzilla@BC9C5E36.mobile.pool.telekom.hu] has joined #teamwaderp
[14:42] == RR- [webchat@adsl-ull-22-177.51-151.net24.it] has quit [Ping timeout]
[14:55] == Tiko [~chatzilla@BC9C5E36.mobile.pool.telekom.hu] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 3.6.23/20110920075126]]
[15:35] == Daguerreo [webchat@dynamic-adsl-78-12-77-137.clienti.tiscali.it] has joined #teamwaderp
[15:35] <Daguerreo> hello
[15:42] <@dic> Hey Dag
[15:44] <Daguerreo> I should duel now
[15:45] <Daguerreo> but, why do i have eq in my deck?
[15:47] <@dic> Eh, to use them ;)
[15:48] <@dic> what the heck
[15:48] <@dic> all the marks in the main thread are wrong
[15:48] <@dic> but I'm glad they are right in the spreadsheet
[15:49] <@dic> Daguerreo, your deck: http://helltgivre.free.fr/elements/?deck=5i45i45i45i45i45i45i45i45i45jm5i75i75i75i75id5id5id5ie5ie5ie5ic5ic5ic59359359355k55k55k57657657656156155s7n27n274c8pm
[15:50] <Daguerreo> ...
[15:50] <Daguerreo> *facestomp*
[15:51] <@dic> *repeated headdesks
[15:51] <Daguerreo> ok, now is a little bit better
[15:51] <@dic> Yeah, that should help
[15:51] <Daguerreo> lol
[15:51] <Daguerreo> i thought there was wrong mark
[15:53] <Daguerreo> I checked their decsk on round 2
[15:53] <Daguerreo> and these used in this round
[15:53] <@dic> for some reason all the marks were fucked up
[15:53] <Daguerreo> http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32740.0.html
[15:53] <Daguerreo> http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32761.0.html
[15:54] <Daguerreo> could be something similar of one of these 2
[15:58] <@dic> Dag, for the devtal, hope for some early quaking
[15:58] <@dic> for the huge stall, the quakes should help, and you can use the titans for damage, and to fling in his face
[16:00] <Daguerreo> i hope will not be devtal :o
[16:05] <Daguerreo> ok, quitting from here
[16:05] <Daguerreo> i'm in main chat
[16:05] <Daguerreo> see you later
[16:05] == Daguerreo [webchat@dynamic-adsl-78-12-77-137.clienti.tiscali.it] has quit [Quit]
[16:16] == Daguerreo [webchat@dynamic-adsl-78-12-77-137.clienti.tiscali.it] has joined #teamwaderp
[16:16] <Daguerreo> here I am
[16:16] <Daguerreo> tell me
[16:18] <@dic> start playing
[16:18] <@dic> I will gives tips during the game
[16:19] <@dic> Daguerreo ?
[16:19] <Daguerreo> I'm hearing you :D
[16:22] <Daguerreo> meanwhile
[16:23] <Daguerreo> can you link to me catapult damage table?
[16:23] <@dic> http://elementscommunity.org/wiki/cards-gravity/catapult-trebuchet/
[16:23] <@dic> frozen creatures deal 50% extra damage
[16:24] <Daguerreo> are you suggesting me to freeze titan? :p
[16:25] <Daguerreo> - Freezes the opponent’s weapon when a frozen creature is thrown; an extra 30% more damage is dealt.
[16:26] <Daguerreo> ok, we're starting
[16:27] <@dic> Yes, exactly
[16:27] <@dic> and that was updated, it is now 50% extra
[16:27] <Daguerreo> gravity mark
[16:28] <@dic> fractal chargers maybe
[16:28] <Daguerreo> both titan
[16:28] <Daguerreo> trident
[16:28] <@dic> trident should take care of that
[16:28] <Daguerreo> eq and no creature
[16:30] == RR_ [webchat@adsl-ull-70-180.51-151.net24.it] has joined #teamwaderp
[16:30] <RR_> Hello.
[16:30] <RR_> Izzat Fracharge?
[16:30] <RR_> Or PUTans?
[16:30] <@dic> We are not sure
[16:30] <RR_> Just bring their pends down.
[16:30] <@dic> btw Dag, frozen creatures deal 50% extra damage
[16:30] <@dic> just checked
[16:31] <@dic> and yeah, what rav said
[16:32] <RR_> It's PUtans.
[16:32] <@dic> how do you know?
[16:32] <@dic> unless I see an animate, I won't be sure
[16:33] <RR_> There's a Titan.
[16:33] <@dic> so
[16:33] <@dic> why can't a fracharger deck pack a titan?
[16:33] <Daguerreo> he started to stall
[16:33] <Daguerreo> I don't have animate
[16:33] <RR_> Btw, Dag.
[16:33] <@dic> just blow his pendulums
[16:33] <RR_> Catapult?
[16:33] <RR_> Titan?
[16:33] <@dic> he will run out of quanta
[16:34] <@dic> and if you can, play your catapults
[16:34] <RR_> Also, if he has a Dim Shield don't throw creatures.
[16:34] <Daguerreo> ii have only 4 grav quanta
[16:34] <@dic> but wait with the titan + animate until it is a certain kill
[16:34] <@dic> wait
[16:34] <@dic> does dim shield protect against catapult?
[16:34] <Daguerreo> not now titan?
[16:35] <@dic> I would say, keep quaking
[16:35] <RR_> Catapult laughs at Dim Shield.
[16:35] <@dic> RR_ ?
[16:35] <@dic> titan or trident?
[16:35] <@dic> nevermind, replaced already
[16:35] <RR_> dic, does Dag's deck have bolts?
[16:36] <@dic> http://helltgivre.free.fr/elements/?deck=5i45i45i45i45i45i45i45i45i45jm5i75i75i75i75id5id5id5ie5ie5ie5ic5ic5ic59359359355k55k55k57657657656156155s7n27n274c8pm
[16:36] <@dic> no, but it has freezes
[16:36] <Daguerreo> no
[16:36] <@dic> what is in your hand, Dag?
[16:36] <Daguerreo> 1-0 for me
[16:36] <RR_> NICE ONE!
[16:36] <@dic> Yeah
[16:36] <@dic> I knew this would somehow work
[16:37] <@dic> Dag, take a screenshot
[16:37] <@dic> (that is, if it was in within 13 turns)
[16:38] == RR__ [webchat@adsl-ull-70-180.51-151.net24.it] has joined #teamwaderp
[16:38] * dic probably should have said that earlier ;)
[16:38] <RR__> Dag, if you win in less than 13 turns, take screenshot.
[16:42] == RR_ [webchat@adsl-ull-70-180.51-151.net24.it] has quit [Ping timeout]
[16:44] <@dic> desync?
[16:44] == RR__ [webchat@adsl-ull-70-180.51-151.net24.it] has quit [Ping timeout]
[16:45] == Daguerreo_ [webchat@dynamic-adsl-78-12-77-137.clienti.tiscali.it] has joined #teamwaderp
[16:45] == Daguerreo [webchat@dynamic-adsl-78-12-77-137.clienti.tiscali.it] has quit [Ping timeout]
[16:46] <@dic> Help, what is going o
[16:46] <@dic> *on
[16:46] <@dic> everyone is just quitting and joining again
[16:46] <Daguerreo_> i was winning
[16:46] <Daguerreo_> and puff
[16:46] <@dic> bad connections much?
[16:46] <Daguerreo_> turned off pc
[16:46] <Daguerreo_> -.-
[16:46] <@dic> lulz
[16:48] <Daguerreo_> no not connection
[16:48] <Daguerreo_> was the pc
[16:49] <@dic> lulz
[16:49] <@dic> well, good luck
[16:49] <@dic> oh, btw, card counts?
[16:49] <Daguerreo_> good hand
[16:49] <Daguerreo_> trident already in
[16:50] <@dic> nice trident thee
[16:50] <@dic> *there
[16:50] <Daguerreo_> with eqq
[16:50] <Daguerreo_> 2 toad, freeze and eq in hand
[16:50] <@dic> save the eq in your hand
[16:50] <@dic> (of course)
[16:50] <@dic> because you might want to use it after playing a titan
[16:51] <Daguerreo_> i know
[16:51] <@dic> Oh, and as I said
[16:52] <Daguerreo_> woo
[16:52] <@dic> (and Rav too), don't forget a screeny when winning in less then 13 turns
[16:52] <Daguerreo_> drawn titan
[16:52] <Daguerreo_> :D
[16:52] <@dic> include some kind of clock
[16:52] <Daguerreo_> i know
[16:52] <@dic> nice
[16:52] <@dic> cata/animate?
[16:53] <Daguerreo_> none
[16:53] <@dic> no titan?
[16:53] <Daguerreo_> yes titan
[16:53] <Daguerreo_> no flyinh
[16:53] <@dic> but did you play it against the shield?
[16:53] <@dic> do play
[16:54] <@dic> and freeze that stupid charger (if you haven't already, spectate doesn't show creatures statusses)
[16:54] <Daguerreo_> no cata
[16:54] <@dic> titan has momentum, remember
[16:55] <@dic> don't forget the screenie
[16:55] <Daguerreo_> 2-0
[16:55] <Daguerreo_> screened of course
[16:55] <@dic> ok then
[16:55] <@dic> grats
[16:55] <Daguerreo_> 12 turns both
[16:56] <Daguerreo_> [16:55:19] hainkarga: trident 3 - hainkarga 0
[16:57] <@dic> yeah, saw that
[16:57] <@dic> nice
[16:57] <Daguerreo_> but
[16:57] <@dic> but what?
[16:57] <Daguerreo_> my second match
[16:57] <Daguerreo_> when i went off
[16:58] == RR [webchat@adsl-ull-70-180.51-151.net24.it] has joined #teamwaderp
[16:58] <Daguerreo_> we didn't complete that match
[16:58] <RR> What's.
[16:58] <@dic> did hara complete it against the AI?
[16:58] <RR> [16:57:45] hainkarga: i give you the win Daguerreo, i lost it against ai
[16:59] <@dic> dag, the ttw doesn't matter
[16:59] <RR> What's the score?
[16:59] <RR> And do we have screenshot?
[16:59] <@dic> if hara grants him the win
[16:59] <@dic> 3-0 with screenies
[16:59] <@dic> OH YEAH
[16:59] <RR> Thank god my parents made me shut up yesterday.
[17:00] <RR> MashedPotatoes won.
[17:00] <@dic> Yeah
[17:00] <Daguerreo_> RR
[17:00] <RR> What?
[17:00] <@dic> semisuicide decks for the win ;)
[17:00] <Daguerreo_> i've got a flawless victory :p
[17:00] <RR> I see.
[17:00] <RR> *highfive*
[17:00] <Daguerreo_> *highfive*
[17:00] <Daguerreo_> i love earth/water decks
[17:01] == dic changed the topic of #teamwaderp to: Mashed Potatoes worked, Party!!!!!!!!!!!!
[17:01] == Japp [webchat@ip3e83e4fa.speed.planet.nl] has joined #teamwaderp
[17:01] <Daguerreo_> just in time!
[17:01] <Daguerreo_> jaaapp
[17:01] <RR> JAAAP!
[17:01] <Japp> hey
[17:01] <Japp> what
[17:01] <@dic> Dag won
[17:01] <@dic> 3 - 0
[17:01] <RR> And let's hope will stops gravity, they're gaining too much momentum for my tastes.
[17:01] <@dic> with event bonus ;)
[17:02] <RR> And yes, Japp. You can try to kill me.
[17:02] <Japp> dag won...
[17:02] <@dic> btw Daguerreo_ just post a placeholder on the forums
[17:03] <@dic> that means hara can replay while you fix it
[17:03] <@dic> And yes Japp
[17:03] <Japp> wth
[17:03] <Daguerreo_> tou can't believe it jap? U___U
[17:03] <Japp> people's vaults are retarded this war
[17:03] <@dic> trident > whatever they had (frachargers I guess)
[17:03] <Daguerreo_> and
[17:03] <Japp> well Dag
[17:03] <@dic> and titan > dim shield ;)
[17:03] <Daguerreo_> titan > dim shield
[17:03] <Japp> I know your deck
[17:04] <Japp> told you Rav
[17:04] <Japp> did the cata's help? or EQ's?
[17:04] <@dic> EQ dis
[17:04] <RR> Hara can replay?
[17:04] <@dic> cata's were never drawn
[17:05] <@dic> but the titan did help
[17:05] <RR> TITAN <3
[17:05] <Japp> got screenshot Dag?
[17:05] <RR> It's because I didn't build that deck, dic.
[17:06] <Daguerreo_> titan-eq-trident was a great combo
[17:06] <@dic> Rav, could you please stop whining?
[17:06] <RR> Nope.
[17:06] <Daguerreo_> destroying pillars with trident
[17:06] <Daguerreo_> when he played dim shield, shifted with titan
[17:06] <Daguerreo_> and continue to destroy pillar with eq
[17:07] <Daguerreo_> http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd233150/1_0.png
[17:07] <Daguerreo_> http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd233149/2_0.png
[17:08] <Japp> 2 things Rav
[17:08] <RR> What, Japp?
[17:08] <Japp> 1. You were wrong, I was right
[17:08] <Japp> 2. Stop whining :p
[17:08] <RR> Dag, hide the #teamwaderp tab.
[17:08] <Japp> also +rep for Dic for building that deck
[17:08] <Daguerreo_> oh shit
[17:08] <RR> Remember to save a copy.
[17:08] <@dic> thanks
[17:09] <RR> Before putting some shitty paint bucket on it.
[17:09] <Japp> oh shit?
[17:09] <Japp> stop scaring us
[17:11] <Japp> Dag?
[17:11] <RR> Daaag=
[17:13] <RR> Japp, what's the Gravy/Life match about?
[17:13] <@dic> fire/life stall versus grabies + chargers
[17:13] <Japp> fog vs frogs I think
[17:13] <Japp> fog wins
[17:13] <@dic> will has carapace, but it is useless against the chargers
[17:13] <@dic> only thing will had on the table was a fahrenheit
[17:14] <@dic> and fog was evading like 80% of the attacks
[17:14] <Daguerreo_> http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd233153/1_0yeah.png
[17:14] <Daguerreo_> what, rr
[17:14] <RR> Seems good to me.
[17:14] <@dic> lulz, nice Dag
[17:16] <@dic> Oh dag, next time do as I said
[17:16] <@dic> post something like: topic title: "bla"
[17:16] <@dic> text: "bla"
[17:17] <@dic> give that link to your opponents
[17:17] <@dic> *opponent
[17:17] <@dic> so he can start posting his reply
[17:17] <@dic> whily you fix your post
[17:17] <Daguerreo_> mh
[17:17] <Daguerreo_> you're right
[17:17] <Daguerreo_> http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32951.0.html
[17:17] == Daguerreo_ has changed nick to Daguerreo
[17:18] <@dic> Hara has dissappeared
[17:18] <@dic> but well, he can post whenever he is back
[17:18] <Daguerreo> yeah
[17:20] == RR [webchat@adsl-ull-70-180.51-151.net24.it] has quit [Ping timeout]
[17:20] <Daguerreo> so
[17:21] <Daguerreo> let's party, lol
[17:21] <Daguerreo>

[17:22] <@dic> wtf Dag
[17:22] <@dic> I needed to confirm I'm 18 ;)
[17:22] <Daguerreo> it's a song!
[17:22] <Daguerreo> is youtube lol
[17:22] <Daguerreo> xD
[17:22] <Daguerreo> not youporn
[17:23] <@dic> not that is matters, I'm 18 ;)
[17:23] <@dic> oh, UTAlan posted the deck
[17:23] <@dic> I propose we salvage another titan
[17:23] <Japp> nice
[17:23] <Japp> best win of this war Dag
[17:23] <Japp> well done
[17:23] <@dic> just to use this epic deck again, but with more flinging ;)
[17:23] <Japp> and Dic, respect for that deck m8
[17:23] <Japp> wtf m8
[17:23] <Japp> you beat Fracharge...
[17:24] <@dic> Hmm, I have the feeling team water will win the most genius deck of war again
[17:24] <Japp> Dude!
[17:24] <Daguerreo> yeah
[17:24] <Daguerreo> because I'm a genius. (Slam Dunk quote)
[17:25] <Daguerreo> dic, have you seen that video?
[17:25] <Japp> let's call that deck THE SCRAPYARD
[17:25] <@dic> @Dag, part of it
[17:25] <Japp> aka gimped drunkyard
[17:25] <@dic> Japp, Rav already named it mashed potatoes
[17:25] <Japp> btw Rav, stop hogging up forum icons
[17:26] <Japp> oh lol
[17:26] <Daguerreo> but anyway guys
[17:26] <Daguerreo> i was very luck with draw :O
[17:26] <@dic> bye Dag
[17:26] <@dic> good job
[17:26] <Japp> ciao
[17:26] <Japp> we can salvage alot of dims and fractal from that also
[17:27] <Japp> very, very nice
[17:27] == RR [webchat@adsl-ull-70-180.51-151.net24.it] has joined #teamwaderp
[17:27] <Daguerreo> dic, give me the @
[17:27] <Japp> as we have somestrong aether decks
[17:27] <RR> I lost everything after: [dic: Dag, next time do what I say]
[17:27] <@dic> yeah, I love the salvage
[17:27] * Daguerreo slaps dic around a bit with a large fishbot
[17:27] <Japp> Rav, are all quizes the same for everyone?
[17:27] <Japp> aka do you get teh same questiosn as me?
[17:28] <RR> I don't think.
[17:28] <@dic> ok guys
[17:28] <@dic> of heading for the shop
[17:28] <@dic> need drinks and dinner
[17:28] <RR> What was said after [dic: Dag, next time do what I say]?
[17:28] <Daguerreo> parli di fare il thread vuoto blablabla?
[17:29] <Japp> fai da te Dag!
[17:29] <@dic> Eh, when did I say that?
[17:29] <RR> Something like that.
[17:29] <@dic> Oh, I found it
[17:29] <@dic> quite a lot
[17:29] <Daguerreo> I understood :o
[17:29] <@dic> I will post the chatlog
Starting Vault (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443529#msg443529)Duels (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg443531#msg443531)Strategy (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444032#msg444032)Decks (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444045#msg444045)Salvages (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444046#msg444046)Discards (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444047#msg444047)Current Vault (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqCh8-BfWOzYdGF0R0E2OE1URVk1QjBUT3lJNnZDNFE&authkey=CIrtqZEM#gid=35)Notes (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444048#msg444048)Chat Logs (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32808.msg444049#msg444049)
[18:28:55] Acsabi44: grinding is about pwning the AI as fast as possible
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Re: Round 4 - Main Topic https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=33102.msg417837#msg417837
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2011, 08:29:18 am »
Vs :darkness

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52l 52l 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52p 52q 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5ib 5ib 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 71a 7gk 7gk 7i6 7i6 7i6 8pk

- Damages through Dusk Mantle.
- They won't expect it so they won't have Purify.
- Upped Quanta for first turn Chrys.
- Plague to wipe out Devtal/Vampires. Also lowers all HP so Skull Shield is more likely to proc.
- Stolen Skull Shield won't hurt me one bit, it's better then facing Dusk Mantle even (poor Squids).

- Fractal Vampires might outheal the damage and kill me. PU'ed LS Dragons might outheal me also.
- Stolen Arsenic hurts!
- No Healing, low on CC. If They rush us we probably lose or have to get some Skull Shield RNG love.
- Is Plague really that usefull?
- Untested

Vs :death

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Deck import code : [Select]
5i8 5i8 5i8 5ia 5ia 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 61t 61t 61t 622 622 622 7gm 7gm 7gm 7gm 7gm 7gm 8pu

- Breaks through Bonewalls.
- Can Handle a rush with 3 Bolts and 3 Shields.
- Can handle poison damage.

- Possibly to slow vs a rush if playing Dim Shields means we can't play an early Fractal (Quanta wise).
- To low on :water to play loads of Crawlers? Test it...
- Might be focussed on breaking their stalls to much as opposed to their mono death decks/rushes/Novabow.

Offline Jappert

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Re: Round 4 - Main Topic https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=33102.msg417885#msg417885
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2011, 11:04:24 am »

Test against these :fire decks please:

Test using these :water decks please:

Dic's Firebeater
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Deck import code : [Select]
5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5id 5id 5id 5id 5id 5id 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 7gn 7gn 7gn 8pp

Dic's Firebasher
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Deck import code : [Select]
5fc 5fc 5fc 5i7 5i7 5i7 5i7 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 7h2 7h2 7h2 8po

Offline Jappert

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  • Jappert is a proud Wyrm taking wing for the first time.Jappert is a proud Wyrm taking wing for the first time.Jappert is a proud Wyrm taking wing for the first time.Jappert is a proud Wyrm taking wing for the first time.Jappert is a proud Wyrm taking wing for the first time.
  • New to Elements
  • Awards: War #4 - Sportsmanship AwardVery Short Story: Who are the Elders? WinnerThe Binder of Elements (Forum Profile Deck Winner)
Re: Round 4 - Main Topic https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=33102.msg417890#msg417890
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2011, 11:26:30 am »

Test vs these :earth decks please:

Test using this deck please, and report back to us to tell us what you think:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5id 5id 5ie 5ie 5ie 5ie 5ie 5ie 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5ol 5on 5on 7n0 7n0 7n5 8pr


blarg: The dictator,Jappert