I just spent a whole bunch of time working on the below deck. It's certainly not the best for the price (cover and cry is way better) but it's a pretty decent stab at a cheap fg killer. I'd say the win rate is somewhere from 20 to 25 percent
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52u 52u 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 622 622 7ta 7ta 8pt
General strategy:
Shield until you can fractal some scorpions and poison the opponent to death.
Paradox: Can’t do anything about your shields. Unless you get really unlucky this should be a pretty easy fight
Incarnate: Very easy (even plays an eclipse for you). Follow the general strategy for this god; however, beware of fractaling his creatures and using them against him because he has retroviruses that will infect your entire field.
Destiny: Just use the regular strategy and you should be fine
Miracle: Same as the above
Fire Queen: the poison will eventually get past her bonds. Beware of eagles eye though
Morte: Poison’s you which is very dangerous, however if you get a relatively early fractal you can also fractal his creatures to damage him.
Chaos Lord: Feel like trying your luck? An early discord and you’re done. This battle also largely on what mutations occur during the battle. Can’t help you here
Decay: Depends on your draws really. If you get an early fractal you can try using his own tactic against him by fractaling his pests
Ferox: Definitely beatable. He has a shield that reduces by two but if you can get your creatures out before he does then you have a chance
Neptune: His shield reduces your damage by 2. Just like ferox you need your scorpions out quick
Gemini: He has momentum which is problematic for you, however it will take him a while to kill you with these so you have a fair chance to get your creatures out
Osiris: actually a pretty mixed bag. His scarabs eat your scorpions but its easy to get enough poison to kill him before you’re phase shields run out. He does have momentum but normally this takes awhile to kill you
Elidnis: He has jade shield. Gotta be speedy
Octane: Unstable gas can’t be stopped. You’re done for.
Graviton: Explosions, ‘nuff said
Divine Glory: He’ll destroy your shields. Skip
Eternal Phoenix: Same problem. He can destroy your shields.
Seism: Diamond shield and a pulveriser. You’re toast
Hermes: Explosions are bad, very bad
Scorpio: Maybe if you get a good hand that allows you to get your scorpions and nightfall out super quick you stand a chance. Otherwise just skip it due to his high amount of poisoning
Obliterator: Do I even have to explain?
Dream Catcher: With the butterfly effect and discord, you’re probably dead
Dark Matter: slow start along with elite chargers leaves you dead
Rainbow: steals and destroys your shields
I would really appreciate feedback