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4th Trials - Phase 3 - Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29689.msg377637#msg377637
« on: August 09, 2011, 02:08:04 am »
Phase 3 - Community Vote

Phase 3 has ended


It's time to vote for your favorite Master candidate.


Every community member has one vote. You can change your vote at any time as long as there is still time on the clock.


Vote based on who you think would make the best Master of that element. Do not vote based on who is the best player or who you know personally. Try to pick someone who you think would help the community the most.


Feel free to ask the candidates difficult questions to help you make your decision.

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Re: 4th Trials - Phase 3 - Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29689.msg377644#msg377644
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2011, 02:12:59 am »
The time has come for the waves to settle, as our battles conclude, and our tears are shed.
Phase 1, I cannot say I completed. My work was far from satisfactory, however, I hope that everyone can tell that, in each and every one of my posts, that I strive to help, guide, and learn.
Phase 2, a folly of head-to-head comparisons, was where I rose above my opponents. But can I truly say that I was supported through my ingenuity? No, I cannot, for the tide was clearly turned to my favor, and the current that brought me there was the very same as the whirlpools that cruelly kept my companions stranded.
The time has come for the waves to settle, as we trudge along this muddy road, knocking from door to door outside where the rain pours and soaks and drenches ... but we pay no heed to the rain, for we are one with the rain.
The time has come for you to vote. Welcome to the Water Trials. Welcome to Phase 3.

It is not strange for you to be curious of my identity. I am patchx94, also known as aznkid66, and I had my first experience handling Water during the 3rd War, where General RavingRabbid himself, along with Lieutenant nilsieboy, TikoTribe, Bootzsa, vinvick3714, Jappert, The dictator... Where we all demonstrated the power of Water. From my very first step into our secret Team Chat, I felt at home. Whenever I look back to what I was before War #3, I feel the true magnitude of how much I've grown ... how much knowledge I've received. Until then, water cards seemed like an element to splash, with its needlessly repeatable-ability weapon, its low damage-to-cost dragon, its inability to rush with only one creature that had a damage-to-cost ratio greater than one, and its creatures' heavy reliance on second elements. Only now, after falling in love with Water, do I realize its true potential.
But enough about me. After all, this Phase isn't about me. Phase 1 was about my faith in myself. Phase 2 was about my faith in my decks.

Phase 3 is about my faith in you.

As the charismatic Kamina says to Simon, "Just believe in yourself! Not in the Simon that I believe in, not in the Kamina that you believe in, have faith in the Simon... that believes in you!" That's right, I'm not asking you to just vote for me just because I want you to, and I'm not just asking you to vote for me because of what I think. I'm asking you to vote for who you know is the best. May the best candidate win.
Q: “True or False: Water is CURRENTLY the weakest element because most of its creatures/spells rely on other elements in order to have a true effect in battles. Explain your reasoning if you agree or disagree with the statement.”
False. Now, I could tell you about a poor element that has basically no defense against reverse time, or I can point out a flaw in your reasoning.
If we added 20 weak duo-reliant Fire creatures, it wouldn't make Fire the weakest element. The thing is that Water has plenty of good cards. In a duo-less environment, Congeal is great for 4 turns of respite against any high-hp creature, and it barely puts a dent in your quanta. Mindflayer, Blue Crawler, and most definitely Toadfish are good, low-cost cards. Ice Dragon, with 9 damage and a hefty 6 hp, is a beautiful and reliable beat-stick. Ice Bolt, although weaker than Fire Bolt, can be combined with the cheaper cards in Water as shown (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,12691) Permafrost is one of the most devastating shield against non-momentum'd PC-less decks. Although you can't use many of the creatures' "true effects" (although I'd rather call them "supplementary effects"), the fact of the matter is that they still have plenty of good effects in a mono environment, plenty of good decks, and plenty of surprises to catch people unprepared.
And why is a mono environment so important, anyways? There are many non-mono decks where water is a strong contributor, you can't say that the water does nothing. In an air mark Toadfish deck, is Toadfish not the star player? Doesn't this prove the capability of Water? This supposed weakness can also be a strength. As Water's meta-game is balanced towards integration with other elements, to mono-focused players Water will seem week. However, the game allows all kinds of decks, and elements balanced in the other direction, where mixing with others usually causes a loss of efficiency, are more predictable since they technically have a smaller card pool.
In conclusion, since Water decks can be made without the use of supplementary, duo-reliant effects, Water is still strong in the mono environment. In addition, the mono environment isn't a true representation of the actual meta-game, so nothing can be concluded from saying one element can't make mono decks.Sorry, I'm not an expert at War, since I was new last War. I'm not entirely sure on how the vault works, and I have little to no experience in the War meta-game. As for the previous War, I didn't participate nor follow it, so I don't know exactly how the two previous Wars are different from each other, and I am even less qualified to give judgment on the individual Team Water members. I'll try to get back to this if I have enough time to snoop around the old War threads.
Do you see the element water best in liquid form, gas or ice?
Optimally, I always see water in all forms, so I can't discern between them. Water droplets are everywhere, clumping above us in the form of clouds, surrounding us in rain and snow, and pelting us with hail.
If I had to choose one, I'd pick ice, because being solid means that you are immovable, ice takes up more volume, and my favorite effect in the game is the ability to freeze things, which is perfectly supplied by Arctic Squid, Freeze, Ice Shield, and Ice Bolt.
It is generally accepted that Water is one of the weaker PvP elements.  What balancing measures do you think would help make water more competitive?  Is there a buff to an existing card you think would help with balance?  Perhaps a new card? (You don't need to design a new card to answer obviously but a suggestion of what it might look like would be great) Something else?

I am not looking to make Water over-powered but rather to address a perceived imbalance with this element.  If you don't think the imbalance exists then perhaps you could say why you think so?
Taken from my answer to Kuroaitou's first question, not because I'm too lazy to generate new ideas, but because I believe that it fully addresses your question and I don't want to be redundant:
The thing is that Water has plenty of good cards. In a duo-less environment, Congeal is great for 4 turns of respite against any high-hp creature, and it barely puts a dent in your quanta. Mindflayer, Blue Crawler, and most definitely Toadfish are good, low-cost cards. Ice Dragon, with 9 damage and a hefty 6 hp, is a beautiful and reliable beat-stick. Ice Bolt, although weaker than Fire Bolt, can be combined with the cheaper cards in Water as shown (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,12691) Permafrost is one of the most devastating shield against non-momentum'd PC-less decks. Although you can't use many of the creatures' "true effects" (although I'd rather call them "supplementary effects"), the fact of the matter is that they still have plenty of good effects in a mono environment, plenty of good decks, and plenty of surprises to catch people unprepared.
And why is a mono environment so important, anyways? There are many non-mono decks where water is a strong contributor, you can't say that the water does nothing. In an air mark Toadfish deck, is Toadfish not the star player? Doesn't this prove the capability of Water? This supposed weakness can also be a strength. As Water's meta-game is balanced towards integration with other elements, to mono-focused players Water will seem week. However, the game allows all kinds of decks, and elements balanced in the other direction, where mixing with others usually causes a loss of efficiency, are more predictable since they technically have a smaller card pool.
In conclusion, since Water decks can be made without the use of supplementary, duo-reliant effects, Water is still strong in the mono environment. In addition, the mono environment isn't a true representation of the actual meta-game, so nothing can be concluded from saying one element can't make mono decks.
So Water is just as balanced as all the other elements, I see no reason to focus on improving its ability. There are obviously some cards that don't fit perfectly in the current meta-game (Trident, Flooding, Purify), but those cards would not be fixed by forcing them into a niche of the current meta-game but by creating not-necessarily-water cards to promote a broader addition to the meta-game where they would naturally find their niche.
What is your favourite deck, and why?
As with everyone else, I don't have a favorite deck. However, the deck that I always have the most fun playing with is my Frozen Toad Shutdown (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,14529), which I do not promote as a good deck or as an original deck.
Code: [Select]
5ie 5ie 5ie 5ie 5ie 5ie 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gn 7gn 7gn 7gn 7gn 7gn 7gr 7gr 7gr 7gr 7gr 7grThe reason I love this deck is because of its thorough and efficient control capabilities. Since you need to deduce which frozen (we're assuming all the opponents' creatures are frozen at this point) creature to infect each turn in order to efficiently kill and maintain the lowest number of creatures using the least amount of freezes/infection... Using this deck truly requires more thinking/strategics than playing creature after creature in a rush or doing a calculation for whether or not you can kill an opponent with bolts. This deck must be played at a level AI cannot reach, for AI will never be able to understand how inefficient putting 5 poison counters on a 3 HP creature frozen for 3 more turns is, and that is why this is my favorite deck.
This is from all sources. If Genbu is Gravity Pulled, the damage is reduced for each creature. Multiple hitting spells (Fire Bolt, Ice Bolt, Drain Life) only have the damage reduction 1 time. So a Fire Bolt at 10 :fire would do 5 damage.
If this card was introduced into the game: What impact would it have? How would you utilize it? What decks would you build? How would it change :water? (You don't have to answer each question individually)
It would have the same impact that GotP had when that was introduced; it would be a new, viable creature for decks that can use 6 :water or 7 :water creatures with higher damage-to-cost than dragons of that element. For me, I would replace the ice dragons in any of my water rushes with it because it is cheaper and more durable, and in any deck that uses fractal dragons. That's basically how it would change mono-water, it'd be a new creature. It'd affect the meta-game, but its effect on the meta-game surely won't be specific to just water.
The decks that can be built around it? Its ability is more of a resilience factor against opposing cc than a combo factor. The only combos I can think of is unupgraded pandemonium, rage potion, and gravity-pull+basilisk-blood. Maybe in a nymph's tears deck utilizing auburn nymphs and tridents? Each use of petrify would be a 20-hp heal and the Genbu would be a nice titanium shield. I'm assuming that poison counters such as those from liquid shadow would ignore Genbu's ability, like how poison ignores your shields. If not, then a nymphomania deck with adrenaline'd 8-attack genbus, LS'd/raged Genbus, etc? All of the ability-utilizing combos I can think of would work better with voodoo doll...
Link a piece of music that best represents water.

....I'm serious.
Kiss the Rain (Yiruma) (
It has the word "rain" in it, and the melody flows nicely. It's kind of sad, but there's that beautiful key change where you can just imagine the rain letting up and the sky clearing up to reveal the rain's true purpose: to create a beautiful rainbow.
Water has not received a new card an a few patches.  What do you think water needs and propose an idea for a new card for water.
I think that Water, being a fluid element, should have some more cards with flexible uses, like Ice Bolt after its buff and Nymph's Tears. Compared to Fire, which has the spells Deflagration, Cremation, Fire Bolt, Rage Potion, and Rain of Fire, Water has very little spells. It also has a low amount of permanents, with only pillars/pends, the rare weapon, and one shield. Water is a fragile element, with its greatest control cards being in the form of low-resilience creatures . Therefore, it needs more cards that react against the opponent in an efficient way. An example of such a card would be:
It can be used defensively with Flooding and offensively with Fractal, it's not too much stalling and can be a double-edged sword.
How important is community (both keeping existing players and attracting new ones) to you?  How much influence do you think Masters have in effecting community and how do you think you could contribute if you were to be Master?
The community is very important to me because it's what keeps me playing elements. Masters have a large effect on the community because they are the ultimate embodiment of their element. As of now, I contribute to the community by being an awesome guy, or someone that anyone can ask questions to both in the Official Chat and Kongregate's Elements - Room #1 and someone who tries to introduce newbies to this official community present in the forums. If I was a master, I would only have to maintain my awesomeness by being an awesome master, being not only the guy who knows all about his element, not only the guy who tries to show new players the attractiveness of water, but by being one of the 12 who know anyone can ask for anything about the game.
Quote from: DesertKnight
Some of us has more than one "favorite" element. That often gets talked about when said in applications for war, trials, and general chat. But consider "play style" and "technique". Can you name your favorite tactics, play style, and/or technique?
As I mentioned in my reply to The dictator's question, the games which I've enjoyed the most are those with Frozen Toad Shutdown, simply because...
...of its thorough and efficient control capabilities. Since you need to deduce which frozen (we're assuming all the opponents' creatures are frozen at this point) creature to infect each turn in order to efficiently kill and maintain the lowest number of creatures using the least amount of freezes/infection... Using this deck truly requires more thinking/strategics than playing creature after creature in a rush or doing a calculation for whether or not you can kill an opponent with bolts. This deck must be played at a level AI cannot reach, for AI will never be able to understand how inefficient putting 5 poison counters on a 3 HP creature frozen for 3 more turns is, and that is why this is my favorite deck.
My second favorite playstyle is complete and utter denial where I completely undermine the opponent's attempts to win. Whether it's with Nightmare and RT for draw denial, devourers, earthquake, and black hole for quanta denial, or Frozen Toad for uber creature control, forcing the opponent to be unable to do what his deck was built for always gives me a warm fuzzy feeling, just like how everyone gets a shot of dopamine when he thinks someone believes a lie he told.
And games wouldn't be fun if I just used the same tried-and-tested decks over and over again, so most of the decks I use are those that the opponents don't expect, where I sacrifice win-rate for surprise. Examples include Voodoo Sudden Killer (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=15743.0) and the Nymphomania deck I used in Phase 2 of Trials.
Quote from: DesertKnight
Discuss your most "heated" and/or "exhausting" moment in war. What made this scenario so difficult? What would you do differently?
Hm...heated or exhausting? Well, the most devastating battle would have to be my Round 3 match (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,25266.0.html). Basically I used the same exact deck I used the round before, a 31-card trident-squid deck with 6 dragons as the only form of damage. Zblader used a 32-card firestall with sanctuaries and plenty of CC in the form of bolts and rage potions, so it was a deck match-up that I just couldn't win. Obviously, if I had to redo that round, I would actually test decks and try not to run a predictable deck that can easily be hard-countered.
Quote from: DesertKnight
We've seen many wonderful and exciting changes to the game since the last war. One key feature that was added was the arena. But before that, Traditionally players would grind Top 50 to boost their rankings, grab those cards, etc etc... In your opinion do you feel the arena can help team mates as much as Top 50 did for previous wars?
No it cannot help teammates as much because you can't specifically fill out your teammates rares by putting up a rare farm for those rares. However, this isn't necessarily a bad thing, as rares should be kept rare and shouldn't be passed around to level a playing field, that would be terrible for the people who spent the intended effort collecting those rares. As a whole, however, Arena is better than T50 because of how easy it is to make money, so new players have a chance to compete since the money needed to buy the decks are much easier to obtain.
Rather than using a method of "Open Synergy" like Aether (PU, Fractal, etc.) Water focuses on forced duos.

With that said, do you consider this fact an advantage or a disadvantage?
I don't really see how balanced cards in an element can make the element (defined as the set of cards) "better" or "worse" than another element (a different set of cards). A deck isn't composed of exactly one copy of every card in one element. Since none of the cards in the game are devastatingly imbalanced, underpowered, or overpowered. Therefore, if there is at least one mono-water deck that can do as well as the other mono decks in a competitive environment, then I guess you could say that water is as balanced, advantageous, etc. as the other elements. The only thing against my "at least one" theory about decks that use exactly one quanta type is the amount of competitive decks that can be made from those cards. The only benefit that comes from being able to make more than one is when, in the beginning of the match when your opponent only sees your pillars, you may be able to force the opponent to make bad judgments because the opponent thinks you have a different deck.

When you stray from one quanta type, then you lose consistency in your quanta generation, I will admit that. However, that's a difference between monos and duos, not a difference between "open synergy" and "forced duos." As long as there is at least one water duo that does just as well as all the other duos, then we could say that "forced duos" are just as advantageous/disadvantageous as "open synergy." Now, the original problem in my "at least one" theory doesn't pertain to Water duos vs. Aether duos, since there are only so many cards that you can play with the now smaller quanta pools you have. In the area of being less predictable, at least when comparing Water and Aether, Water's creature abilities can be SoR'd and many can be played off of rainbow quanta generation, while, if you're focusing on fractal in an Aether duo, you most likely aren't doing a trio and the opponent can narrow down the possibilities based on the size of your quanta pool to figure out your deck. Again, predictability is only a factor when you can play two drastically different decks (like in It's A Trap!) and the opponent doesn't know your deck beforehand.

So basically, this was just my round-about way of repeating my answer to Kuroaitou and Bootza's questions: you can't really use those adjectives to describe two elements.
Question to challengers:

This is the element I love [most]. Give me your reason, why did you choose Water?
Its blue-ness is astounding. I love blue.
Plus, I just love Arctic Squid | Arctic Octopus, and the freezing mechanic in general. Most CC usage is limited to what the damage can kill, however, freeze will always freeze the target for 3/4 turns. Delay is cool too, but Warden isn't as amazing as Squid, and there's no delay shield in Earth.
Did I mention how blue it is?
:air :water :water :air :air :water :air :air :air :water :air :water :air :water :water :water :air
:air :water :air :water :air :water :air :air :air :water :air :water :air :water :air :air :air
:air :water :water :air :air :water :air :air :air :water :air :water :air :water :water :water :air
:air :water :air :water :air :water :air :air :air :water :air :water :air :water :air :air :air
:air :water :water :air :air :water :water :water :air :air :water :air :air :water :water :water :air

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Re: 4th Trials - Phase 3 - Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29689.msg377756#msg377756
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2011, 05:17:12 am »
Q: “True or False: Water is CURRENTLY the weakest element because most of its creatures/spells rely on other elements in order to have a true effect in battles. Explain your reasoning if you agree or disagree with the statement.”

I would do another philosophical question, but I think a lot of people got tired of those. ^^;

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Re: 4th Trials - Phase 3 - Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29689.msg377776#msg377776
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2011, 05:53:51 am »
Q: What do you think about Water 1 and/or 2 last performance in war? Was it something to be proud of, ashamed of or else? Explain please.

Edit for clarification: Last war water did a good performance in the early war but collapsed right after. The reason for this collapse are diverse. I'd like you, guys, to give your opinion on (a) the performance in itself - is it something to be proud of, ashamed of or else? (b) team water behaviour - in front of success first - then defeat - give your analysis from where you stand at the time (c) what do you think are the reason for such a collapse?
On the previous war, team water did a mediocre performance from the early rounds on? same questions. You can probably analyse the two wars at the same time ...
I don't really know if I am clearer ...

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Re: 4th Trials - Phase 3 - Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29689.msg377779#msg377779
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2011, 06:01:39 am »
Both questions so far need much more clarification before I could give an acceptable response.
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Re: 4th Trials - Phase 3 - Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29689.msg377831#msg377831
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2011, 08:22:10 am »
So.. Greetings to all who haven't made up their minds yet, Tiko here.

As I have never found enough real reasons in highlighting one's personal traits, and I also never felt comfortable doing so; so I'll try to make this as straightforward as it can get.
Some of you may know me well, but most of you probably don't or just seen my name here and there, but I've been here for a reasonable time now. Still, I'm not that 'talkative' type of person (my postcount probably represents this too), so I can't really judge the so-called 'popularity ratings' of my name. I'm not much of a grinder and not much of a PvP player either, but I really like to experiment with different card combinations, or to explore further possibilities in obvious synergies, and so far I've gathered a fair amount of cards, score, electrum and game experience.

The sole reason I'm here is not to 'overthrow' the current Master, Rav, or to prove to anyone - including me - that I'm capable of it; but to prove Water's underration incorrect and to show it's capabilities to everyone, in which I was somewhat successful last War, until a certain point. I'd also like to show my dedication to my element by getting judged worthy through Trials.
Feel free to ask, I'm available to any questions.

( Questions & Answers )

Quote from: Kuroaitou
Q: True or False: Water is CURRENTLY the weakest element because most of its creatures/spells rely on other elements in order to have a true effect in battles. Explain your reasoning if you agree or disagree with the statement.
A: I disagree with both the statement and the reasoning. The element Water has been clearly designed to have the most possible synergies from all the elements and I'm suprised to see this as a reasoning for it's weakness. All of these creatures and even spells listed can work very well in (the forum definition of) a mono setting, especially since the introduction of pendulums, and also they have their uses outside their respective synergies: Ice bolt as a form of weapon control, Toadfishes as plain hitters, Chrysaoras as possible immolation fodder, and a lone Steam Machine can do wonders with a nicely timed Butterfly Effect. Even Trident is better than any unupgraded (other) weapon available in terms of damage regardless of you can use it's ability or not. Still, Nova (Entropy) makes the weirdest and one of the best elemental synergy with Water, and lets the player to use most of these devastating abilities at once - and this particularly applies for upgraded settings.
Also, you missed Nymph's Tear (my personal favorite), which is the most beneficial when used on anything other than Water Pillars, though, but it further strengthens by itself Water's ability to synergize with any other element.

Quote from: SnoWeb
Q: What do you think about Water 1 and/or 2 last performance in war? Was it something to be proud of, ashamed of or else? Explain please.
A: I've only participated in War#3, and while I hadn't had the opportunity to join War#2, I followed it from the front seat since its beginning. Still, I don't want to judge any of the decisions made there, as I feel it's not my right to do so, but if I really have to point out reasons of failure, then it would definitely be the sudden lack of leadership at one point, and a poorly planned vault, which resulted in the lack of versatile options in deckbuilding later on.
I already wrote my opinions/feelings in the Voices of the Fallen (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,26881.msg367824#msg367824) topic on War#3. Though the somewhat poorly planned vault also applied here, the main reason for failure here was the (almost) complete lack of teamwork sometimes, and all the last minute panics before the deadline of each deckbuilding phase (which is the reason we have been penalized to the ground) I think. And maybe the lack of faith in the potential of the element itself also, but I cannot state that for sure. Still, I'm somewhat proud of our performance this War, though it's sad how it ended, but I'm sure noone expected to see Water in the 2nd place for that few rounds. And as I already said in that topic before, I'll be more prepared next time.

Quote from: PlayerOa
Do you see the element water best in liquid form, gas or ice?
A: I take it as you meant the classical element Water.
The difference is only relevant to us, living beings, and yet all forms can provide either pleasure or pain. But if I had to choose, I'm most comfortable with the liquid form.

Quote from: Bootsza
It is generally accepted that Water is one of the weaker PvP elements.  What balancing measures do you think would help make water more competitive?  Is there a buff to an existing card you think would help with balance?  Perhaps a new card? (You don't need to design a new card to answer obviously but a suggestion of what it might look like would be great) Something else?

I am not looking to make Water over-powered but rather to address a perceived imbalance with this element.  If you don't think the imbalance exists then perhaps you could say why you think so?
A: No need to buff Water, just nerf Fire :]
Jokes aside, the card that really needs some attention is Flooding, of course. The card by itself is amazing, no other element holds such a power, but sadly, the current metagame makes it completely useless outside of the 'fun deck' category. But the remedy lies not in a remake, but in an additional card that synergizes well with it, in my opinion at least. Another thing that would make Water truly competetive (and I guess evolving it into one of the fearful elements) is the long-awaited Permanent control. Either it will be a shard or Water's own card (corrosion?) it'll raise the element's effectiveness multiple times.
On another route, alternative quanta generation (tide effects, maybe) or a form of quanta denial (extinguish) to make it a real counterpart for Fire.
:water   "..It is in this domain that the living suffer great extremes, it is here that the water-failures, driven to desperation, make start in a new element.
It is here that strange compromises are made and new senses are born."

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Re: 4th Trials - Phase 3 - Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29689.msg377832#msg377832
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2011, 08:25:04 am »
I have some difficulties making another speech, duh.


I must say I enjoyed my term as Master of Water. I didn't get the high result I hoped.
I must also say that I don't enjoy dealing with cards section, so if anyone becomes master, he must finish that work. I will try to finish it if I get reconfirmed.
But, what can I say?

I also got second in Budokan, using Water as Standard Element.

Quote from: willng3
RavingRabbid, you're a Water god.
Since last trials I won a CL, and stockpiled even more experience. I built an awesome team paying something like 24 cards. I brought Mono Water Stall into CL.
But I have no other real new reason to vote for me. I failed to bring Water where I wanted, but I don't think it's a complete fail after what we showed off.

Now the fun part, questions: I'll take them seriously, possibly.

Q: “True or False: Water is CURRENTLY the weakest element because most of its creatures/spells rely on other elements in order to have a true effect in battles. Explain your reasoning if you agree or disagree with the statement.”
Not true. This might cause some problems at a first glance, but it is just proof that Water needs an expert mind to be handled well. (Even if Blue Crawler could get an ability or two). Also, finely tuned Water decks can bring out of the way deadly decks like FireStall, Discord Black/Hole, SuperNova Creature Bows, without being specifically aimed against either of them.

Q: What do you think about Water 1 and/or 2 last performance in war? Was it something to be proud of, ashamed of or else? Explain please.
Having I been an artisan of this fail/success both the times, I can sure explain.

Water#2's poor performance war was caused by a bunch of War non-expert players being left alone from their general. We also had some other vault problems but... heh.
Water#3's performance was a success, dunderheadly killed by a terrible round. I would never be ashamed of War #3, thought, considering the expectations we had on us.

Do you see the element water best in liquid form, gas or ice?
The element seems to be very Icey.

It is generally accepted that Water is one of the weaker PvP elements.  What balancing measures do you think would help make water more competitive?  Is there a buff to an existing card you think would help with balance?  Perhaps a new card? (You don't need to design a new card to answer obviously but a suggestion of what it might look like would be great) Something else?

I am not looking to make Water over-powered but rather to address a perceived imbalance with this element.  If you don't think the imbalance exists then perhaps you could say why you think so?
Buff hard:
Flooding, Blue Crawler
Permanent Control, this is absolutely needed.

This would already give water a way better balance.

Then there are some more necessary nerfs to other elements, but this is kind of subjective.
There are things worse than eating tuna directly from the tin

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Re: 4th Trials - Phase 3 - Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29689.msg377850#msg377850
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2011, 09:32:08 am »
Do you see the element water best in liquid form, gas or ice?
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Re: 4th Trials - Phase 3 - Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29689.msg377851#msg377851
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2011, 09:34:05 am »
Do you see the element water best in liquid form, gas or ice?
Ice is obviously cooler!  8)

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Re: 4th Trials - Phase 3 - Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29689.msg377893#msg377893
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2011, 11:48:45 am »
It is generally accepted that Water is one of the weaker PvP elements.  What balancing measures do you think would help make water more competitive?  Is there a buff to an existing card you think would help with balance?  Perhaps a new card? (You don't need to design a new card to answer obviously but a suggestion of what it might look like would be great) Something else?

I am not looking to make Water over-powered but rather to address a perceived imbalance with this element.  If you don't think the imbalance exists then perhaps you could say why you think so?
It is too late to apologise.  I have already forgiven you.

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Re: 4th Trials - Phase 3 - Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29689.msg378044#msg378044
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2011, 05:09:29 pm »
What is your favourite deck, and why?
[18:28:55] Acsabi44: grinding is about pwning the AI as fast as possible
Back from a long break.
:water War Veteran - 4 times
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Re: 4th Trials - Phase 3 - Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29689.msg378048#msg378048
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2011, 05:17:57 pm »
This is from all sources. If Genbu is Gravity Pulled, the damage is reduced for each creature. Multiple hitting spells (Fire Bolt, Ice Bolt, Drain Life) only have the damage reduction 1 time. So a Fire Bolt at 10 :fire would do 5 damage.
If this card was introduced into the game: What impact would it have? How would you utilize it? What decks would you build? How would it change :water? (You don't have to answer each question individually)

