o_O So many questions...
@Bhlewos: I can't even spell your username right without reading it, and don't know anything about you. What's your experience, and why Gravity?
Like I (uh, my character) said before my arrest, most of my experience outside of the game consists of providing feedback in card and deck topics. Something I forgot to mention is I've also helped test deck stats, such as the ttw study (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,17173.0.html) and (before it sadly fell through) the stall study (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,21568.0.html). As mentioned I also recently joined the mentor program, though I haven't had the chance to do much related to that yet.
As for why Gravity, it was my first element and has always been my favorite thematically.
@all : Ignoring what I've said above, how would you evaluate me as the Master of Gravity during my reign?
@Bhlewos : You're a new player competing against relatively experienced players with decent respect from the community. How are you going to stand against them?
I remember when I was still a newbie and visiting the old wiki (co.cc) for tips -- I saw several decks that IIRC were your ideas (unless someone had a similar name), which helped me out a lot with starting out. So while most of what I know about your reign is secondhand, what I do know about you is what you've done to help us newbies out, and I respect you for that. It's something I hope to aspire to.
As for the second question...well a large part of it is what I'm doing right now. I'm hoping to use this phase to get my message out to people and let them know who I am, and hopefully if I succeed I can make up for my relative anonymity.
Is Gravity in it's purest form in outer space or at the Earth?
Yay, a fun question! Hmm...I'd say in outer space. On Earth gravity is more of a constant, something we take for granted. It's only when you get out into the void that you see all these amazing things that owe their existence to gravity. Apart from stuff like black holes (the obvious), you also have things like binary stars which are IMO the coolest types of star systems. And even when you get down to the "mundane", gravity is ubiquitous. Our own Earth and moon, our Solar System, even the galaxies, are all bound by gravitational forces. Gravity is the most prominent in outer space, and IMO that's where it's in its purest form.
Most people says gravity is sh- unupped because it is slow and haves 2 enemies:RT and lobo.Can you show me an unupped gravity(50%) deck that can't be countered by RT and lobo?
Well like Sevs said posting deck ideas might not be such a good idea so I'll refrain from showing the actual decks, I'll just discuss them.
RT: It might seem like a tricky one at first, but one solution I found was Catatitans. By only animating the Titans right before you're about to Catapult them, you can avoid being countered by RT and effectively losing an AW. With the new catapult buff, you only need three Titans for an OTK (base 100 HP at least), so that helps out a lot. The only problem is surviving long enough to get out the catapults and three Titans necessary to win.
Lobo: Again, instant kill methods like Catatitans can circumvent this by not even giving the enemy a chance to Lobo. Besides that, Adrenalined Mercs would be a decent option, since Lobotomizing doesn't remove the Adrenalined status. Still, since most of the Lobotomizer decks will also have Dimensional Shield, Catatitans would be my preferred option.
Gravity is apparently regarded as having problems when it tries to Mono, and is also known for have self-conflicting cards (Momentum and Sapphire Charger countering Gravity Shield).
What are your thoughts on these statements?
I agree. It's not the only element with self-conflicting cards (Firestorm vs. Lava Destroyer/Ruby Dragon etc.), but unlike Fire Gravity doesn't have the advantage of other cards that can power through those (like Phoenix). Until it does though, the self-conflict isn't an impossible problem -- it's just a matter of careful deckbuilding to work around these disadvantages.
War is a big part of being a Master. This is sort of covered by some of the other questions but I feel that people should not be asking for deck ideas because that completely ruins those ideas for the next war. So my question is this: What do you think past gravity teams have focused on and why that was non-optimal?
I don't know enough about the first two Wars to form a valid opinion, but from what I've heard and seen the Gravity team of War #3 attempted to focus in part on rushing with Gravity, which is a tough goal to achieve with all unupped cards. Gravity is a slow element by nature, so in terms of early damage output it currently loses to most of the other elements.
Gravity has had its good run of Masters. But without a current Master, that role will belong to one of you. Since none of you have been Master before it is prudent that we know what a Master should be like. What kind of a person do you think a Master should be? What responsibilities should a Master acknowledge as theirs?
What percentage of upgraded cards of their element should a Master of an element have? How many do you have?
Please try to complete each component of a question and make your answers as detailed as possible.
A1: I'll quote part of a previous post of mine in response.
Yes, I think so. From what I've learned by observing War #3 and listening to what veterans have said, there's more to being a Master than being good at PvP games. They also have to be good at PR, at being an active member of the community, and being a good leader overall. The latter has played a large role in the last War -- with the different roles that each member in the Team plays, the Master has become less of a strongman of sorts, and more of a manager able to delegate roles and liaise between them, as well as see the big picture. Although my biggest weakness (IMO) is PvP, I believe that's more than compensated by my strengths in other areas -- and during War, deckbuilding and researching is a team effort as much as anything, so my team members and I would be able to work together to do better than I could ever do by myself -- which is what a good team is: a whole greater than the sum of its parts.
To add to the personality portion: A Master should be a leader/manager type -- someone who can balance different personalities and make them work together as a team. A Master should have the devotion and commitment to pour in time and effort for events like War, but at the same time delegate -- pass roles on to other members of his/her team who may be more suited or able to do the job. A Master is only human, and when other commitments come up, they should be able to adapt -- instead of disappearing from Elements or focusing solely on Elements to the detriment of their other commitments, they should find a way to balance their schedule. Giving their job to someone else on the team who has the time is preferred to just abandoning the job entirely.
Bonus A1: Barring Pillars, Pendulums, and Nymphs, I'd say at least 50% -- not necessarily 3 of each card, but different proportions of each. For example, Otyugh and Charger should be mostly upgraded, whereas Titan or Armagio (who have less of a difference between their unupped and upped forms) can be a lower priority. That said, I'm far from meeting the 50% requirement -- I only have 24/84, or about 29%.
Hope that was enough to answer all your questions.