* DoubleCapitals stands on soapbox
Howdy people, it's DC, formerly known as qwerter. I've been here since 2011, I've become the 12th Master of Time in 2017 and now I'm here to try to become that for Earth. What heresy.
Q: Why are you asking questions for yourself?
A: I dunno, I felt like it. Consider it an extension of this introduction.
Q: Why is your entrance not grander?
A: Blame college.
Q: As General of Time you got 10th, why did you suck so bad, and what are you gonna do different next time for War?
A: First off I don't know if War is gonna happen, second off I'm not sure if I wanna general even if I do (see above). Again if you think that's enough to vote Non I'll understand. War meta felt more 'broad' to me than Trials meta, I mainly look at past experience so I got the decks mostly right, but I fucked up at mindgating, and at the actual vault-building. Which is more secretive and I never got to see for reals for myself iirc. Or I did in the past wars but never scrutinized. If I ever general again tbh I'll ask for advice (obviously before War begins!)
Q: You traitor.
A: Not a question also see Link's question below. *hiss*
1) Who is this 'None' and why do you think he/she is worthy? 
2) What does your Element's Mark looks like to you, what impressions does it give to you?
3) What sort of card does your Element miss? (Designing that card is a bonus.)
4) Who would be your ideal / most feared STANDIN? (For contestants who will surely face a STANDIN.)
5) Make a nice scribble of your favorite card!
6) Who do you respect the best from your Element's previous masters?
1) Naysayers always said I won't amount to anything. Ergo, I'm a nobody. Thus, a vote for None Worthy is a vote for me :^)
2) It looks like a plate and it makes me hungry. Plates are typically made of ceramic which is (oversimplifying a lot) hardened clay.
3) We has the PC (EQ, Pulvy). We has the PC protection (Protect Artifact, the only element that has it). We has the CC (BB, Auburn Nymph, Warden). We has the damage (Steel Golem, Grabby). We has the buffs (Plate Armour). We has the stall (Diamond Shield). We has the healing (Stone Skin, technically). We does not have card advantage. It's mostly a

thing, but some other elements have something similar (

has SoBr,

has Mindgate ).

/ 4

Whenever a creature burrows, put a copy of the top card in your deck into Vault. 2

: Draw a card from your Vault.
4) There is no greater honour than to be able to fight the previous Master, immortal_feud as STANDIN. Probably would have fought him if he didn't move to Water xD Elemental affinity aside, and for someone older, I'd pick 10 men, pity I didn't PvP much in his era.

Don't look at me! I'm no graphic designer...
6) Damn, that's a hard question because by and large I don't know the past Earth masters well ><. Or I know they're around, but never really interacted a lot with them due to different circles. I did admire immortal_feud's intentional random picks in Phase 2, forcing him to improvise there. While researching how to wield the element I did enjoy Blacksmith's writeups in his finals. Feels like it resonates with me, the way he talked, and I hope to be able to mirror his insights.
Why is the element you are trialing for your favorite? If it's a different element than the one you last trialed for, why the switch?
I like

, but it isn't my #1. If that's a deal-breaker you may vote as such though, I know I've been hard up on people for Trialing anything but their top elements before.
However, I do like it, I always imagined like I'm the Antlion just hiding in the shadows waiting to be something great (it's one of the things in the hover-text for forum reputation, iirc), which is why my pre-200 post profile picture was one. That was like years ago and I doubt people remember though. I thought I was a diamond in the rough, and today, the 'diamond' part is probably disputed though, rough around the edges, I still am :^)
Earth is real fun though, Golems and Graboids make for way smoother rushes due to their efficient costs, and EQ while not my favourite deck to choose to fight people in tourneys, is really effective and often forces people to play around or build around it. Muahahaha.
Why did I trial

instead of

then? I'll be honest, I was sittin' on the fence for Trials. By the time I decided to sign up I already saw Oa and Naii sign up, and my participation would make it the only 3 cornered fight. Plus during the Trials I won I already denied Naii of the finals opportunity. Probably disputable if I would beat him if I participated but it was feelsbad all around. I ain't that sorta person, I wanna see people have fun~
Which card from your element has the most sex appeal? Feel free to support your claim with as much or little evidence as you like.
Stone Skin makes me hard

Who is the community member that best represents your element that hasn't been associated with your element already?
I'll have to give this one to our FGO Linkcat, during his time in that position I really felt a shift in the section to be more down-to-earth, more balance-oriented.
How would you imagine your perfect Avatar-esque element fighting style?
Hurling rocks like projectiles as if they're coming out of a gun... okay maybe not that fast. But you get the idea.