Pick your favorite deck from the past trial finals of your element. Explain why it is your favorite, its strengths and weaknesses and make a counter deck consisting of 50% of cards from your trial element, with same number of upgrades as the favorite deck.So as someone who basically won my Time mastership on the back of fucking Sundial, I'll have to nominate the classic Immortal as my favourite deck:
Every light stall has its own little quirks... As for Earth, they are by far the one that can soak up the most damage due to Stone Skin. The Stone Skin/Miracle combo makes it very difficult for any rush-type deck to claw back at it once they're at like, 200, 300, 400 max hp. Sancs are optional but as the game goes longer their ability to mop up the incoming damage makes it more and more valuable.
Weaknesses would obviously be that since the deck is fat, it is inconsistent and can be vulnerable early game with the wrong draws. Earth has decent rush mitigation (B.Blood, Titantium, less appropriately Wardens and Auburns) but you need to pack that in a deck that is really,
really mana hungry for earth quanta. Top that with the threat of EQ (which DANIELLA banned, but still, consideration) and your Immortal deck may just become Immorushed...
In addition with new Trial element restrictions, playing Immortal also locks you out of
unless you don't play Dials, which is a choice for consideration if you want to have some RT pepper in your Grabby rushes...
Right, now, counters:
1) Stallbreaker - generally something that can pump out massive amounts of damage. For earth this probably entails NT water duos, and SoPa-anything, preferably creature heavy to maximize the SoPa.
2) A fatter Immortal - Pity Earth has no Pharaoh to stallbreak... since you already run Sundial you could put in the Eternity and deckout win, good luck not getting desync though
3) All-in and rush. The method I'll show here, immortal feud has ups advantage (19-9) so playing as him would be much easier, but I'm gonna use DANIEELA's 9 up count but use immortal's bans, since it's his up count.
Classic immorush, deflags for dials and/or sancs, if you had to use more than 3 it's likely you were already
Eitherway, immortal, all-in deck which you have to go all-in to tech against, anything in between gets rekt. It's iconic, the counters are pretty clear, but people have to play around (or ban) it every game...
A legendary card is a card you may only have one copy of in your deck. Design a legendary card for your element.Termite Nest: 5 (4
), Permament
Gain 1 HP at the end of turn per burrowed creature. 2
: Replace target friendly creature's ability with 1
: Burrow