Since both Trials Overseers will probably be participating in Trials this time, we have set down some rules concerning Trials Overseers:
- TrOs participating may NOT receive any bonus points during phase 1
- TrOs hand over entire management of their element to the other TrO
- In case of a ruling covering both TrOs, the ruling is settled by Admin Higurashi
If you have any issues regarding fairness, please contact the TrOs or the Admins.
We would also like to state that
glennfoo is banned from participating in Trials until he posts his decks in the
8th Trials of Fire Final Battle thread. In the future, failure to post decks will be dealt with more strictly by the TrOs.
We understand that there might be time concerns, but we believe that posting decks is essential to the event's proper management, and the enjoyment of spectators. It is expected from Trialists to publicly post their decks in all phases so that others may learn from them. We hope you all will comply.