Phase 1 - Proving Your Worthiness
This phase is different in each Trial. It usually has something to do with helping out the community, but it can also be something where you show your skills as an Elements player. For Trials 9, the decisions you make in this phase affect your deck building rules in Phase 2 battles
Phase 1 will end in:
Phase 1 has ended!
In preparation to be Master and lead your Element into War, there are 6 tasks. Each challenger MUST choose 3 tasks (the same task cannot be chosen multiple times). If you choose more than 3 tasks, we will randomly pick 3 tasks which earned the most points (so a task with a bonus point will always be picked), however you might end up with Phase 2 unlocks which you dislike. Challengers may not select the "Returning Master" task. Each Master who wishes to defend will automatically be assigned the "Returning Master" task.
Developing War TacticsPhase 1 Task- Design an Event Card for War
- The event card should involve some decision or tradeoff for each team
- Example of bad card: "All decks get 1 additional upgrade" (there is no choice to make here)
- Explain concisely how you would respond to the event card if your team was in first place.
- Explain concisely how you would respond to the event card if your team was in danger of elimination that round.
Event Card idea submission details:- For your Trials submission simply post the Event Card idea in your Challenger's Entrance post.
Phase 2 Component- Unlocks Elements
for deckbuilding - Allows the use of up to 4 upgraded creature cards in each of your Round 2 decks.
Starting Your Own Little WarPhase 1 Task- Develop an idea for a weekly tournament. The idea does not have to be entirely original, but should include some original aspects
- Provide (in spoiler tags of course!) one deck that is primarily of the element you are challenging you could use in that tournament
Tournament Idea submission details: - For your Trials submission simply post the name and rules of your tournament along with your "hidden" deck in your Challenger's Entrance post.
- You may post it to Weekly Tournament Ideas Thread as well, but this is not required
Phase 2 Component- Unlocks Elements
for deckbuilding - Allows the use of up to 4 upgraded non-pillar/pendulum permanent cards in each of your Round 2 decks.
Being a War Reporter Phase 1 Task- Write an article for the Elements Community Newsletter
- Your article may be either:
- An interview with a war veteran. Interview a veteran from the Element you are challenging, if possible
- You may not interview yourself.
- A deck spotlight on a deck used in prior wars
- The deck spotlight should be of a deck used by the element you are challenging
- The deck spotlight should be of a deck used multiple times in a war, or multiple times across two or more wars. (please try to provide links to multiple uses of the deck)
- Please do not let your skill at English deter you from this task
Article submission details: - For your Trials submission simply post the title and content of your article in your Challenger's Entrance post
- You may submit it via PM to the Newsletter Editor Krzysiekxd or theelkspeaks as well, but this is not required
Phase 2 Component- Unlocks Elements
for deckbuilding - Allows the use of up to 5 upgraded pillar/pendulum cards in each of your Round 2 decks.
Waging War (Against the False Gods)Phase 1 Task- Design an unupgraded deck that uses cards from the Element you are challenging to counter a specific False God.
- The deck does not have to be a mono-your element or even mostly your element
- This deck must not already be found in Oracle : [False God] thread for that FG in the FG/Strategy subforum
- Explain how to effectively use the deck against the False God it is designed to counter
FG Counter Deck Submission Details: - For your Trials submission simply post the deck and strategy, in your Challenger's Entrance post
- You may also submit your deck and strategy in the appropriate Oracle : [False God] thread, but this is not required
Phase 2 Component- Unlocks Elements
for deckbuilding - Allows the use of up to 4 upgraded spell cards in each of your Round 2 decks.
Beginning War Training Phase 1 Task- Complete a series of challenges to the best of your ability.
- You can use the Trainer for this, but you may NOT use the additional quanta/Chaos mode buttons.
- Speed Training:
- Godlike Speed - Defeat a False God in as few seconds as possible.
- Blazing Ahead - Defeat any AI opponent with 100 or more HP with as much difference as possible between cards remaining
- The goal is to have very few cards left in your deck while they still have as many cards possible left in theirs
- Legal Opponents are AI4, FG, or Arena decks with 100 or more maximum HP in your submitted screen capture
- For Arena, also include a screenshot of the 'Your Opponent is:' screen shown before the duel starts.
- Strength Training:
- Kratos' Disciple - Kill a False God with the attack from a single creature. (Chimera is banned)
- There should only be 1 creature on your field in the screenshot.
- Crushing Victory - Defeat an AI4 while it has no creatures on the field, and no permanents other than pillars/pendulums.
- Endurance Training:
- Holding Them Back - Defeat an AI4 with an enemy creature delayed for as many turns as possible.
- Last Minute Heroics - Kill a False God by damage while both you and the False God have no cards remaining in your decks.
Challenge submission details: - For your Trials submission post a screenshot of the challenge being fulfilled in your Challenger's Entrance post
- You may complete all the challenges, but will only receive rewards for the challenge in each category at which you perform BEST
- You may update your submissions as many times as you improve your result up to the end of Phase 1
Phase 2 Component- Unlocks Elements
for deckbuilding - For each category in which you completed at least 1 challenge, it allows the use of 1 upgraded card of any type in each of your Round 2 decks (up to a maximum of 3)
Taking Up ArmsPhase 1 Task- Design an unupgraded deck based on your element's Starter Deck, which can be used as an effective deck for PVP or fighting Elders.
- The deck does not have to be a mono-your element, but at least half of the cards in the deck must be in-element
- The deck MUST be built using your element's Starter Deck as a foundation
- You may buy and sell cards from your Starter Deck using the Bazaar, but only 100 extra electrum can be spent
- Upgraded cards, and all rare cards are banned. Only cards that can be obtained from the Bazaar are allowed
- This deck must be an original submission, and must not be found in the Deckbuilding 101 thread or any of its predecessors or successors
- Explain how to effectively use the deck, and why it is a viable deck for PVP or for fighting Elders
Starter Deck Submission Details: - For your Trials submission, simply post the deck and a brief description of its general strategy, in your Challenger's Entrance post
Phase 2 Component- Unlocks Elements
for deckbuilding - Allows the use of up to 1 upgraded spell card, 1 creature card, 1 non-pillar/pendulum permanent card and 1 upgraded card of any type in each of your Round 2 decks.
Returning MasterPhase 1 Task- Be the current Master of the Element for which you are participating
Challenge submission details: - Post in the Phase 1 submission thread as evidence that you are the current Master and that you intend to defend your title.
Phase 2 Component- Unlocks Elements
for deckbuilding - Allows the use of up to 14 upgrades of your choice in all Phase 2 decks when playing against a challenger
- Allows the use of an additional 6 upgrades of your choice in all Phase 2 decks when playing against another defending Master
SCORING- You may complete your tasks awfully, but that will be considered. You will be granted 1 or 2 points for each task, depending on how well the submission fulfills the requirements.
- Blatantly disregarding the requirements will result in receiving 0 for that task.
- Each Trials Overseer can award 2 bonus point to their favorite submission for a task by a Challenger. A Challenger can receive a maximum of 2 bonus point; subsequent bonus points will be rewarded to the second best in the task and so on. In order to be eligible to receive a bonus point, the submission must have received 2 points during grading. The "Returning Master" task awards 6 points, and is not eligible to receive any bonus points.
IMPORTANT NOTES- Put all of your completed tasks in your post in the "Challenger's Entrance" thread for the Element you are competing in (per the General Rules).
- There is no limit for the text for any of the tasks, but try to be neither too short or too long.
- The Trials Overseers will try to review submissions as they're added, note where and why credit was not given, and update the Trials Standings thread with completed tasks. Players can expedite this by submitting well before the deadline notifying a Trials Overseer in chat if one is present. But ultimately it's up to each player to make certain they've followed the directions.
- Remember that how well you do during Phase 1 and the nature of your submissions will most likely affect your score during Phase 3 (the vote). And also that the tasks you choose in Phase 1 affect your deck building options in Phase 2.
If you have any questions, please post them here.
Addendum 1: Extra TimeAfter the Phase 1 timer has ended, there will be a 24hr period of "Extra Time" where players may join any Element with less than 2 competitors (that is either 1 challenger and no defending master or no challengers and a defending master). Players who join during this extra time will be considered to have declared for tasks Waging War on FGs, Starting Your Own Little War, and Beginning War Training. Because they completed no challenges before Phase 1 ended, they WILL NOT have access to the upgrades from Beginning War Training.
Addendum 2: Empty or Incomplete ApplicationsIncomplete: Players who enter the Trials before the initial deadline and declare tasks but do not complete them will be given 0 points for each incomplete task, but will have access to the unlocks those tasks provide for Phase 2. This player must confirm they want to continue with the Trial during the Extra Time by PMing the Trials Overseers or posting in the respective Phase 1 thread. Any incomplete challenge as a part of Beginning War Training awards 0 upgrades.
Empty: Players who enter the Trials before the initial deadline but do not declare any tasks will have the Extra Time period to confirm they want to continue competing in Trials. If they confirm they want to continue by PMing the Trials Overseers or posting the the respective Phase 1 thread, they will be considered to have declared for tasks Waging War on FGs, Starting Your Own Little War, and Beginning War Training. Because they completed no challenges before Phase 1 ended, they WILL NOT have access to the upgrades from Beginning War Training.
Addendum 3: Edits after the deadlineAny play who updates their Phase 1 post after the Phase 1 deadline but within 24 hours of that deadline will be treated as though their post is INCOMPLETE per Addendum 2 and all their tasks were left undone. We will honor their task choices for unlocks, and they will be allowed to use upgrades per the tasks they chose (again noting that Beginning War Training reward 0 upgrades when the challeneges are empty). They will receive 0 points for Phase 1. Any edits after Phase 2 starts will result in disqualification from the Trials or other significantly harsh punishment.
In case you want to know the Phase 2 rules to help you with your decision, here's an excerpt:
Spoiler for Round 2 rules excerpt:
Game Structure: - Each player will play 24 games:
- A player will not play more than nine games vs. a single opponent.
- 12 in-element games will be distributed evenly across in-element opponents (Challengers in an element with a defending master will play against that Master in addition to the other challengers in that element).
- 12 off-element games will be distributed evenly across off-element opponents.
- Off-element matches will be vs the same off-element(s) for each element.
In-Element Match Ban Rules: - Per the specifications below, everyone sends a list via a forum PM to both Trials Overseers. Any card that gets two or more votes gets banned for all players in that Element (this rule applies the same to shards as it does to normal cards). If you do not send in a list a list will be randomized by the Trials Overseers. Any missing or illegal bans will be randomized by a TrO using EtG chat dice.
- Pillars/Pends may not be banned. Putting down a pillar/pend will result in a random ban. (note: mark-cards are considered pillars and thus cannot be banned).
- Your list should contain 3 or 6 shards you wish to ban, and 1 or 2 NON-SHARD card(s) per element, including your in-element, but excluding other. (the number depends on the number of participants in their Trial)
- If there are 4 participants, everyone sends in a list with 3 shards and one card per element.
- If there are 3 participants, everyone sends in a list with 3 shards and one card per element. The Trials Overseers will provide a list to supplement the player provided lists
- If there are 2 participants, each person sends in a list with 6 shards and two cards per element. These cards may not be the same (IE: You cannot send in discord/discord for entropy). If you do, both are randomized.
- If there is 1 participant, They will send in a list with 6 shards and two cards per element. These cards may not be the same (IE: You cannot send in discord/discord for entropy). The Trials Overseers will provide a list to supplement the player provided list
Off-Element Game Specific Rules:- Masters will only play against other Masters in off-element games, and challengers will only play against other challengers in off-element games.
- Opponent specific bans will be determined as follows:
- Before playing each off element opponent, you and your opponent select a ban-arbitrator who is in neither yours nor your opponent's element. You then pm him 3 shards and 3 non-shard cards. These cards are banned for both you and your opponent for all games you play against each other.
- The ban-arbitrator should be a Trials Overseer if one is available.
- If not a TrO, please have the ban arbitrator PM the Challengers' names and the banned cards for their games to the TrOs
- You may only ban 1 non-shard card from your opponent's element, and it may not be a creature.
- You may ban both your opponent's in-element shard and another (non-creature) card from their element
- Because Alchemy Cards and Nymphs are interchangeable per Deck Building Rules above, Alchemy Cards of your opponent's in-element cannot be banned in off-element duels because that would constitute banning an in-element creature for your opponent
Deckbuilding Rules: - Decks may be of any size.
- You may use any mark.
- Deck must be at least 40% in element rounded up (including pillars/pends).
- Your deck may NOT contain more cards of any off-element than it does of your in-element.
- Your deck must contain at least 25% off element cards (rounded down) unless it is your once per match all in-element deck (This is a total of all off-element cards, not a 25% requirement for each individual off element).
- "Other" Cards are considered off-Element for all elements
- Mark cards are treated as pillars of the element whose quanta they produce for all deckbuilding rules
- Using a Pillar/Pendulum/Mark-card counts as using the Element that Pillar/Pendulum/Mark-card belongs to. Using a Quantum Pillar counts as using the "Other" Element.
- Any Banned cards are banned in both their upgraded and unupgraded forms.
- Any Banned Nymphs/Alchemy cards means the corresponding Alchemy Card/Nymph is also banned (and bans submitted for either will be totaled together).
- You may only use upgraded cards per your Tasks in Phase 1.
- You may only use off-elements per your Tasks in Phase 1.
- You may use your in-element cards regardless of whether or not your element was included in your Tasks in Phase 1.
Spoiler for 40% rule:
Deck Size | Minimum Cards From In-Element |
30 | 12 |
31-32 | 13 |
33-35 | 14 |
36-37 | 15 |
38-40 | 16 |
41-42 | 17 |
43-45 | 18 |
46-47 | 19 |
48-50 | 20 |
51-52 | 21 |
53-55 | 22 |
56-57 | 23 |
58-60 | 24 |
Spoiler for 25% rule:
Deck Size | Minimum Cards From Off-Element |
30-31 | 7 |
32-35 | 8 |
36-39 | 9 |
40-43 | 10 |
44-47 | 11 |
48-51 | 12 |
52-55 | 13 |
56-59 | 14 |
60 | 15 |
Elements Choice Rules: - Your element pool will include
and your unlocks from Phase 1 tasks. - All appearances of your in-element in you element pool is replaced by
. If you use the
off-element in a game, you MUST use 6+ elements in your deck (excluding Other). However, these elements are not consumed from your element pool. All other Phase 2 rules stand (so you must have at least 40% in-element, minimum 25% off-element etc.)
- You may use each off-element in Phase 2 once per appearance of that Element in your Element pool. This same element pool goes for both in-element and off-element matches.
- "Other" is considered an off element, but may be used an unlimited number of times in Phase 2
- You may only use one all in-element 'mono' deck per opponent. This deck may NOT use off-element cards
- After every game, you must tell your opponent what elements you used in the previous game, but you should not share decklists or specific cards.
- If you run out of elements to use against a single opponent, the rest of your games against that opponent count are forfeit, and your opponent receives wins for those games.
- If both players run out of elements at the same time, the rest of the games are voided.
Click on the respective icon to be taken to the 'Challenger's Entrance' Thread: