The final standings further illustrate my point concerning how points are dispersed to Masters and Challengers. Only i personally have a considerable advantage over my opponent and all i had to do was win War AND the Masters Tourney. Every other Master who has an advantage has a very marginal one. But perhaps i am thinking about this the wrong way as maybe the goal is for Masters and Challengers to be as even as possible. I just think it's harder for Masters to actually receive a card advantage with how our current system is setup.
Nilse, TorB, Willng,and Napalm all had point disadvantages going into phase 3 despite scoring the same amount of points in Phase 2 as all their challengers (Higs was tied). Only myself and 10men could have actually gone into phase 3 with an advantage. I personally don't think that current Masters should have to win the popularity vote to catch up to our challengers or have a very modest advantage. I think modding the points for an even dispersment to Masters would be better. One master does not need to hog all the points as i did this trial.
I think giving Masters additional points for phase 1 would even things out. Perhaps give us a total of 15 points to earn and perhaps more work to do. I loathe to even suggest that but it would give the Masters who truly want to keep their title a point boost we need (or just give us some free points, that would be nice too
Anyhow i am speaking from purely a Masters viewpoint and i have never had a card disadvantage in any trial but i don't think it makes any of my points invalid.
More devil's advocate to stir up discussion: Why make it easier for Masters to keep their position by handing them free points? If a Master boycotts Phase 1, doesn't have time to play during Phase 2, and puts no effort into Phase 3 but shows up for the Final Battle, why
should s/he be given any points against an up and coming player who is more active and busting his ass? Is that really better for the community? One might argue Masters who feel they are owed a free pass from Phase 1 are proving they deserve the title less. I really can't see why a Master would deserve more points from Phase 1 than a Challenger.
Phase 3 is skewed towards Masters only because the community tends to vote for reelection. Masters averaged 4.25 points in Phase 3; the Challengers they're ultimately facing averaged only 3.5. During Phase 2 Masters averaged 4.75 points and the Challengers they're ultimately facing averaged 6 points.
Lesson learned from the above: Challengers earned half an up more than their Masters during Phases 2 and 3. Let's not everyone go crazy complaining about injustice.
The real question, I guess, is whether it makes sense to give free points to Masters to make them harder to oust. I shared my thoughts above but there seem to be many within the community who feel differently and it's not just limited to current Masters. I'd love more feedback on this issue.
Please note my tone above probably comes off harsher than the way I really feel. I recognize those who have commented on the issue,
especially MrBlonde, aren't really looking for free handouts as much as they are trying to improve a system.