Down, deep down in the swamps, down where no one should go, a few brave pioneers decided to make better lives for themselves.
The food wouldn't grow. They were being poisoned, dying slowly. They were regularly attacked by beasts no one had ever seen before.

But to top it off, what made their stay so miserable, so horrifying, so disgustingly terrible, every night they came.
The dead rose.
Warriors fought with tears in their eyes as they killed their loved ones, again and again, over and over. They couldn't stand it, they were heart broken. They were throwing up from the food poisoning. They were breaking out into cells no one knew how to control. And they ran, and never spoke of that place again. But a few stayed.
The necromancers.

They were fascinated by this evil magic. They were curious as to how such magic worked. And they tinkered with the dead, learning their ways. They were unsanitary, unhealthy, but they didn't care. A good few died. But finally, FINALLY, they learned what they were looking for.

And with this new power, they began to join the swamp. Become part of it's evil life force, joining ranks with the dead and redead. Their power grew in leaps and bounds. It knew no limit. No limit, until, they went to far. And they summoned... the grim.

At first it seemed harmless, and they fed it, kept it alive. The first disappearances didn't concern them, such things were common down in those Hellish Swamps. But one day it overtook them. It became too strong.
Lashing out at it's masters, thrashing against the bindings they kept it in, it broke free and destroyed what little encampment they had. It ate everything in sight. And when it had destroyed and devoured so much in those swamps it got bored, it headed over to a small village, not too far away.
That village was a small nameless town. It's chieftain ruled it with dignity. Everyone knew their place. And in hardship, everyone knew who's fault it was. The mutants.
The cold winter three years ago was because a mutant could control the weather. The beasts that stole their food were mutant thieves. And the day the grim came, it destroyed children, leaving the mothers to mourn as it laughed. Everyone knew who's fault it was. This was the mutant's doing. And it was the last straw.

The mutants were starved to death. Given no food, no shelter, and no where to go. Many weren't intelligent enough to know there was anywhere else, they weren't allowed schooling. But there were a select few. They were quiet, slick, stealthy. They learned the ways of alchemy in the few moments the escaped the watchful eyes of the mayor. And they prepared their revenge...

The Chieftain realized it was time for drastic measures. So he decided it was time to fight the mutants at the source. So he went to the risen elves. They told him of strange shaman from the jungle, who like to 'fix' things. The Chieftain, not caring about side effects and not worried about escalation, immediately told the healers of his problem. They enjoyed the challenge.

The mutants, forced to retreat, rallied around their great leader. He planned his final strike.

No one knew how to fight him.
The shaman corrected him as much as they could, but the incoming flood of mutants overran them, and their armies just grew. The townsfolk ran screaming, the town hall burned, and the chieftain was lashed to a brick wall. The screaming and fighting and rioting reached a climax, and as the great mutant bent over the mayor to devour him, when all went silent.
The grim had returned.
It looked upon the masses, smiling and hungry, until it saw the mutant king. And he looked upon the king as an equal, and left that village alone from then on. Although nobody knew it, the second great was born.
But high up North, in a castle hidden on the bottom of a cliff, the winds of change were blowing.
Wind cards: (plot pending)



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